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Everything posted by sandrewn

  1. sandrewn

    Chapter 1

    I hope you come back to us at GA. You have a story to finish for us and more importantly, for yourself. sandrewn
  2. Sometimes the best revenge is to smile and move on. sandrewn
  3. To all of you here that make this site a home (you know who you are). You are born into a family, but here we have made our own global family by the choices we have made. You make this place a home. Thank you all. Seasons Greetings & Happy Holidays To You All !!! sandrewn (and as Tiny Tim said, 'God bless us one and all')
  4. This is the first one that I am sending on time, in awhile. I hope your day is an especially good one this year. Wishing you Patrickjason A Very Happy Birthday!!! sandrewn
  5. This one is getting closer to the actual date(for me). It is no excuse for being late and I can only hope that you will accept this belated BW from me. A Belated Happy Birthday Wish to you flamingo136 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbt974GsXBs sandrewn
  6. This wish is coming your way really late, even later than some of my past transgressions. I was not going to send out BWs any more. Then I decided I would not start any but that I would add to any started. You are part of the reason why this site is doing so well. So your birthday needs to be noted for what you do here. So please accept this really late belated wish from me. A Belated Happy Birthday Wish to you Wolfwriter sandrewn
  7. I am sending this very late Birthday Wish your way with a note. I was not going to send any more wishes out to any one. On reflection I decided that I will not start one but will add to one started. In a land of equals, some are more equal than others. In your case you help to make this site the success it is and I for one appreciate all that you do. So please accept my belated Birthday Wish to you. I read your blogs and pray that this year will be a better one for you. A Belated Happy Birthday wish to you TalonRider sandrewn
  8. These I have posted here, because in a perfect world the following 5 heroic attempts to do good should of resulted in acclaim and/or recognition for their efforts. Instead - That Backfired Horribly http://www.cracked.com/article_20815_5-heroic-attempts-to-do-good-that-backfired-horribly.html sandrewn
  9. I believe that things happen in our lives for a reason and that every single decision we make has or will have a ripple effect in our lives, even if we never know what it is. https://www.thepetstech.com/blogs/the-pets-lounge/34852037-a-doberman-pinscher-named-khan-saves-baby-from-deadly-snake-attack sandrewn (life can be stranger than fiction)
  10. OMG! I thought I stopped reading at chapter 26, it was actually chapter 25!!! I too, am happier than a pig in shit for a new chapter coming. With limited time available to me, I just hope I can catch up, in time to read it before the New Year. YaY, it's marathon Granger for me. The best Christmas present I could ever hope to receive this year. Thank you Mark sandrewn
  11. From today's status update, the argument ' Is the Great Wall of China Visible From Space?' The following references will tell you the truth of it all. https://www.nasa.gov/vision/space/workinginspace/great_wall.html https://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/Collections/ https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-chinas-great-wall-visible-from-space/ http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2004-05/14/content_330829.htm sandrewn (no more arguments now)
  12. AC Benus posted in the Recent Status Updates, the question of why the association of Robins with Christmas in the UK? Northie gave a good answer. The following is probably where she found it, but here I can it give more room for a more detailed explanation. The Robin and Christmas (UK) http://hypnogoria.blogspot.ca/2014/12/folklore-on-friday-robin-and-christmas.html sandrewn (I learn something new here every day)
  13. "If you are going through hell keep going." ---Winston Churchill sandrewn
  14. Have you ever wondered what a group of birds is called. Gaggle and flock I know, of others not so much. I wasn't aware of the variety of names out there. What do you call a group of birds? (and no,a group of birds, is not the answer) http://www.lyberty.com/encyc/articles/murder.html sandrewn (well, I thought it was interesting)
  15. I must admit my frustration on seeing that ' You have reached...' any number of times and when exactly the 24hr time out would finish???? I guess I wasn't alone. Playing the devils' advocate, my only concern is that the ability to LIKE at will(so to speak) will decrease the value of a like. As long as we use them as before and not as merely an indicator of having read the chapter, post or seen the picture. A like should still always mean that we really liked something. I enjoy giving a well deserved like. I enjoy receiving likes for something I did(if it was notable). A like, should be a bonus, not something that is felt to be due. Otherwise they will just be numbers without any real value or meaning, EBGOs (everybody/thing gets one). Just my thoughts sandrewn
  16. I think some of my status updates are causing some alarm to some members here. They are meant to be interesting and informative and nothing else. For the one on ' Dust Mites '. Read the following references, to put things into proper perspective. Dust Mites: Everything You Might Not Want To Know! http://ehso.com/ehshome/dustmites.php http://ehso.com/ehshome/dustmites.php#1What sandrewn (sorry to all of you)
  17. This post is because Cia piqued my curiosity with a reply made in my status update. About identical twins in her family. Twins - interesting twin facts Fraternal Twins vs Identical Twins http://www.pregnancyweekbyweek.co.za/2009/09/fraternal-twins-vs-identical-twins/ Thanks Cia sandrewn
  18. Just a bit late(2 days). I still wanted to join the crowd in celebrating your BD. You help to make this site what it is. So I hope that your day was every thing you wanted it to be and that... You Dayne Mora Had A Wonderful and Happy Birthday!!! sandrewn
  19. "I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have." ---Thomas Jefferson sandrewn
  20. no, not a yahoo at all, at all. Hoping this post finds you hale and hearty. One post in the last 12 months, just life catching up to you I hope. Well I just wanted to... Wish You Allan A Very Happy Birthday!!! sandrewn
  21. I am out of practice, here it goes anyways. I am a day late, but I hope you had a great day. I just wanted to say... Wishing you Jade1988 had a Great and Happy Birthday!!! sandrewn
  22. welcome aboard camgib! Now that you have broken your vow of silence, I hope we will hear more from you. Mark is always looking for feed back from us. Thanks for joining in. Be seeing you sandrewn
  23. This one made me cry, so why did I post it here? This thread is also about the good that people can do and in so doing did indeed make all the difference in a young boys' short life. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2016/12/11/cried-all-way-home-santa-claus-grants-final-wish-dying-child/95315536/ RIP Santa's Number One Elf sandrewn (do unto others as you would have them do unto you)
  24. And the hits just keep on coming, with two weeks still to go in the year. Growing Pains was one of my favorite shows. Alan Thicke will always remain an example to me of the positive effects that a television show can have on a generation. His passing reminds me of my own mortality. http://www.edmontonjournal.com/entertainment/celebrity/canadian+actor+alan+thicke+dead+after+suffering+heart/12523133/story.html I think it was in the last year of the show that a sixteen year got a big break, as being a new family member. What a small world it is. http://www.etonline.com/news/153736_watch_a_16_year_old_leonardo_dicaprio_adorably_spoil_the_final_season_of_growing_pains/ RIP Alan Thicke sandrewn
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