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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. Thorn Wilde


    Yeah, Loz is pretty messed up. His is not a happy tale. The fact that his family members are kind of homophobic as well really doesn’t help.
  2. Thorn Wilde


    I may have to check that out. Thanks. As for the rest all I can tell you is that time will tell whether you’re right about any of it. Glad you’re still reading! Thanks for commenting.
  3. How are you all on this fine evening? I skipped the party, made a chicken pasta bake, and forced boyfriend to sit through Donnie Darko, as I have threatened to do since forever, since he hadn’t seen it and it’s been my favourite film since I was, like, 15. Thankfully, he liked it. So I may make him sit through more of Richard Kelly’s weirdness and put on Southland Tales tomorrow or something.
  4. Thorn Wilde


    Well, I don’t know much about Tanka, but I really liked the second one... Perfection is ever only fleeting. Beautiful words.
  5. Holy shit, yeah, that is kind of vital, I’d say...
  6. I can see the appeal of both, tbh. Like, they’re hot in different ways. That said, I don’t like when they look too clean. Like they’re not real people. And there ought to be a little bit of hair. Like, at least give me a happy trail.
  7. Good morning, @BHopper2! Enjoy your coffee. Glad they got the power back on, @Kitt. Back from shrink. We literally spent the whole session talking about how I write queer fiction. We talked a bit about boyfriend too, but she seemed fascinated with this part of my life, lol! Haven’t brought up the trans/enby thing with her yet, but this may be a nice lead-in. I mean, even if she’s treating me for my bipolar disorder that’s the kind of thing she should know about, right?
  8. Thanks, tim. We’ll be just fine, I’m sure. On on my way to my shrink appointment now. Thankfully I don’t have to go far as she’s nearby.
  9. Well, he brought it over from England, so... Boyfriend still feels worse than I do.
  10. Oh wow, that sucks! Hope they got it sorted out and things have gone back to normal. Good morning, DiC! I woke up today with an achy throat and am definitely not going to that party I’d been looking forward to tonight. So sad, too, cause I don’t really get out much these days, and my friend turns 40. And a bunch of my other friends will be there too. But I’m not gonna go there and infect the birthday kid and all their guests with the English Plague.
  11. Coming up on bedtime here, I think. Goodnight, everyone!
  12. Had to google that. Not quite how I see him, but you’re welcome to imagine him however you please.
  13. The overblown description thing is definitely something I skim past. I think the clue here is to not dump it all at once. I don’t mind at all that a writer sets the scene, but it’s not necessary to open with a paragraph that describes everything at once. Have the sun beam down through a canopy of autumn leaves while your character’s smoking a cigarette. He can kick the chainlink fence dividing the park from the construction lot next door. His friend comes walking down the path between tall maple trees. Inserting descriptions between actions is a great way to set the scene without having whole blocks of text telling us exactly what the park looks like. Also so agree with the main character waking up, looking in the mirror and then describing themselves being a turn-off. It’s boring and old hat, and also, who does that? I like adding descriptors as I go. Character runs his fingers through his blond hair. Another leaves red lipstick traces on her wine glass. Someone is embarrassed but relieved their dark skin hides their blush. And again, space it out. Don’t dump it all at once. Goes for descriptions in general. So many who don’t like sex scenes! Up until recently I had, like, two stories on here without sex scenes... I love reading them (provided they’re well written, obvs) and I love writing them. I do write some erotica, but for other stories as well I feel like by skipping them entirely I’m leaving out an essential part of my characters’ lives. I like sex, so my characters do too. I do try to keep it varied (and I fancy myself pretty good at doing so), cause if I get bored my readers certainly will. And a sex scene should further the story. Don’t just shoehorn it in there, make sure it’s relevant. I’ve done a lot of fade to black lately, though. Even written stories that could be rated teen, le gasp! I think it’s interesting to see what people like and don’t like, and which parts they may skip in a story they otherwise enjoy. I’m gonna keep writing the stories I want to tell, though, and then people can take it or leave it. I suggest others do the same. Sure, we learn as long as we live, and we can enhance our craft and become better writers, but in the end we tell the stories we want to tell. That’s the best any of us can do. And we put it out there and maybe people like it and maybe they don’t. The things in this topic aren’t really rights or wrongs (well, most of them, grammar and spelling matter if you want to make yourself understood), they’re preferences different people have, and some of them are contradictory. Does it matter that this particular person won’t read your story? Lots of other people do.
  14. Also thinking it’s tim. Couldn’t think of anyone at first, but it started to click at Fortitude...
  15. If we don’t end up being online at the same time much: I’ll miss you! And good luck with school stuff and whatever else you’ll be up to.
  16. My favourite band at one point, PUSA have such wonderfully inane and nonsensical lyrics.
  17. I always bruise when I take blood tests. I bruise easy in general. I wake up with bruises and have no idea where they come from. Like right now I have bruise on my arm and I don’t know what caused it. Hurts, too, but I can’t remember bumping into anything or anything...
  18. Thanks. Hope you feel better soon, too!
  19. Drinking vitamin C. Also have lemsip. Gonna go out today and get some decent cough syrup and some nose spray. Should make it bearable, at least.
  20. More from my choir (I mean the video isn’t us, but we’re currently singing this). Norwegian contemporary composer Ola Gjeilo (1978 - ) currently resides in the US and writes gorgeous music for both mixed and like voices. This one is called Northern Lights, and the lyrics are from Song of Songs. (Our conductor has decided that we are to compete with this in the Sacred Music category, but I disagree about it being sacred music; it’s a love poem. It’s not sacred just cause the words are from the Bible.) Sharing some more Ola Gjeilo. These are also things my choir has sung. This one I think we do better, at least in the soprano. We sound more homogenous, and I think the overdone operatic vibrato in the top distracted from the song itself. We also do the beginning and end parts a little bit quicker and more lively: This choir on the other hand... Listen to the very top here, so pure!
  21. If he’s feeling better when I potentially start feeling worse we’ll be good. Just too bad about the party...
  22. I envy people with strong immune systems... I knew I was gonna get sick. Though with any luck I won’t get quite as miserable.
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