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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. It was one of my favourite places, for sure. I think I was there at least three times. Just so sad they closed. Oh well, that's capitalism for ya.
  2. Oh wow! That's awesome! I'm jealous, lol.
  3. Hey, Mac. Quiet night in, here. We ordered Chinese. Hope you both enjoy the show!
  4. When I was a kid there was a theme park near Oslo called Viking land. They put on historical (but child appropriate) plays, had actors walking around dressed in period appropriate clothing who would look at a gameboy and go, 'What sorcery is this??' Fun place. They also had horses, and you could ride them round this little track. So that's where I got to try tölt. Sadly, they closed it down sometime around 1999 in favour of expanding the next door amusement park's area for new rides. Sad, really. It was very educational. Kids learned a lot of history and mythology both there.
  5. Goodnight, Marty! Good luck with the blood tests.
  6. Haha! Yeah, they're like that here, too. I've ridden a couple of Icelandics... Or, I say ridden... I've sat on them while someone led them, mostly. But that special gait of theirs, tölt, is a very different feeling from the gaits of other horses.
  7. Fjord horses are lovely, too. I've known a couple. When I was in kindergarten one of the teachers ran a riding school. We got to go there a couple of times to ride the Shetland ponies, and they had two Fjord horses there as I recall...
  8. Thorn Wilde


    Today was warm enough that I could wear my coat open. I'm glad you enjoyed my poem. Thank you.
  9. This was wonderful. And hot. And a little melancholy at the same time, for me, because these are the kinds of stories that make me wish I'd been born a little different... Thank you for sharing, I really enjoyed it!
  10. Happens to me all the time, lol! One must always eat in the cafeteria. We had Swedish meatballs. Yum! Isn't he? His name is Juniblest, which translates to June wind. Hi, Albert! Goodnight, Clo! Sweet dreams.
  11. Oh, my goodness... This was so sweet. My heart shattered a little bit toward the end there. In a good way, lol! I teared up and everything. Andrew's mother is awesome. The way she makes Ian feel included and useful is a wonderful quality. Thank you. Can't wait for more!
  12. Hi, Randy! Hope you're well. I normally hate shopping... There are only two kinds of shopping I really like. Books and IKEA, lol! IKEA is alike a furniture museum.
  13. This is my friend's horse on the metro in Oslo, lol!
  14. Bits and bobs? All the stuff that doesn't fit in anywhere else. That's what I'd do. Glad you're having a good day!
  15. They're lovely, though not very big. Most horse breeds native to this part of the world are technically ponies. Like the Icelandic horse or the fjord horse.
  16. I live in Oslo, which has roughly 100k more people in it than Dublin, though over a larger area... I quite like cities, personally, as long as they're not, you know, enormous. I'd never want to live in, say, London, as much as I like to visit.
  17. Hi, Page! You doing all right today?
  18. Homophones are words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings. I think affect and effect counts... Depending on dialect, maybe. Other examples include their and there, your and you're, it's and its, advice and advise, red and read, etc. EDIT: An and and are only homophones some of the time, lol! And still I find those pesky stray 'd's everywhere...
  19. Aww, hope he feels better soon. Ear infections really are terrible...
  20. So far she's ignored it, lol!
  21. A good friend of mine has a, don't know what the breed would be called in English, a Norwegian breed called Nordlandshest. He's over twenty now, too. He's so patient and such a sweetheart. They took him on the metro once to film an ad. He was cool as a cucumber the whole time.
  22. Of course you do. Just saying, it happens to us all from time to time. If it makes you feel any better, I know the difference between 'an' and 'and', but sometimes I read back on something I've written and find a stray 'd' where it doesn't belong. Sometimes my fingers run away from me.
  23. Well done with the painting! Hope the rest of your day goes well.
  24. Hey, Marty! I went to Dublin once. Was visiting Ireland with my friend who's half Irish, to see her dad and grandparents and things. We went to a few different places. I liked Dublin a lot. We went there with her aunt Hi, Bob! Hope the new storm isn't too bad. I'm good, just got back from IKEA with some stuff we needed. Clothes drying rack, bread knife, french press, a few odds and ends that we no longer had because they belonged to my former flatmate. Hi, Gary! Aww... I love horses. Always wanted to learn how to ride. When I was eight my dad took me to a riding school to try it out and look into maybe getting me riding lessons, but somehow I managed to embarrass him by saying something that may or may not have insulted the riding teacher, and my dad did not take kindly to being embarrassed, so he never took me back. So no riding lessons for me. Hi, Clo! We had 7℃ here today. Warmest it's been in a while. Now the sun's gone down, though, so it's getting colder. Had a gorgeous sunset on the way home from IKEA.
  25. Hi, molly. That's an awful lot of e-mails! Good luck! Hi, Reader! How are you today? Back from IKEA. Got a drying rack for clothes, a bread knife, a french press, a few other bits and bobs... Got a sheep skin that Tesla will hopefully like to hang out on. It smells a lot like sheep...
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