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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. Hi, Marty! We've had shenanigans today.
  2. Dude, I know exactly how you feel... I've got like ten projects open in Scrivener at the moment... Keep flitting back and forth and don't get anything done on any of them.
  3. Regardless of gender, sexy times between people who take equal roles can be hot.
  4. Doesn't have to be submission there, either... Jussayin'.
  5. I rarely have lunch on the weekends... Late breakfast, don't get hungry until dinner time, lol!
  6. Hey, long as it's filling, right?
  7. Contrary to what pop culture and erotic literature would have us believe, the world isn't divided into tops and bottoms. Would be fun if it did, though. Personally, I like smaller tops...
  8. Ooh, crepes! Yum! We had pasta carbonara for dinner. It was also yum.
  9. I have a couple of minor trans characters, and two transgender main characters. Working on two more. They're trans dudes and enbys mainly, though. For obvious reasons. Anyway, I post it all here. There's a reason there's a trans tag... We and our stories belong just as much as anyone else.
  10. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 5

    Holy shit! So much just happened! Awesome chapter, dude. Seriously. The plot thickens... I feel like we're finally about to learn something about Corbin's past. Very interesting. Also, they made with the sexy times! Followed by sheer panic, but hey, it's a start, lol!
  11. He's a good guy, that Wayne.
  12. Thorn Wilde

    Thank You

    You are so welcome, Wayne! It's great to have you here.
  13. It's all lies. Pit bulls are sweethearts. As with all dogs, you just have to raise them right. There's no such thing as a bad dog, only bad owners.
  14. Yeah, I've heard about that, too. It's really interesting. I hope it'll be possible one day.
  15. You should post it here, too. Trans stories belong here as well. I've written a couple, working on more.
  16. But even if you can't, you can do wonderful things for the life that is already here.
  17. Hi, Dodger! I wish.. Yup. High on greenhouse gases. Lol! Poor doggy.
  18. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 4

    Paul chuckled. "I like to lower expectations, that way there's less disappointment." Now, where have I heard this particular line before, hm? Rest assured that I am in no way even remotely disappointed. Gah! When Corbin pushed Paul away, I legit almost started to cry. Jeez... Them two boys need to get with the sexy times.
  19. Generalisations keep the world interesting. Anyway, I'm sure we've all been assholes at some point in our lives. I know I have, lol!
  20. Wow, that's really great of you. You're good people.
  21. People are assholes. Hi, Randy! Hope you're well. Hey, Page! How are you?
  22. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 3

    This whole thing is so intriguing! But Corbin is also an idiot. I get that he needs to be careful, but damn! Paul likes him! I sense many a guilty wank in Corbin's future, lol! Clearly something in his past has led to this... 'You're in charge of yourself Corbin. YOU. It's not Paul's fault if you can't control your cock.' Man, I wish all dudes were this self-aware...
  23. Hm, yeah, may give that a go some day...
  24. Yup. I think they're working on this in Sweden, at Karolinska.
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