Tastes very different in a pate than on its own...
My mum cooks up chicken or duck livers in a frying pan with salt and rose pepper. Serve with pickled gherkins (salty, not sour), honey, and smetana (thick Russian style sour cream, it’s like 40% fat). She serves it as a starter. It’s nom.
Why not both? Lol
I’m all right. Still in bed, actually. Had some anxiety and couldn’t sleep last night. Better today, though. Gonna get up and have some breakfast.
i wonder sometimes
are we
to you?
do we only matter as long as
we do what you want us to?
your word is gospel
when you’ve made up your mind it
stays made
you decided who i was and then
refused to hear who i am
and now i am invisible to you
i am a faceless string of words
behind a screen
computer code transmitted
across the sea
easy to dismiss as nothing at all
still i wonder
Tesla's nuts. She's running around the flat like crazy, chasing ghosts, I imagine. Not sure what she's up to, but if you try to play with her she runs away with a little 'mrr!'
Heh, I get influenced by the people I interact with. In real life my English is very British, and I use British spelling and style conventions in my stories and so on.
Oh, me too. I'm just tired of scenes between two characters of the same sex where, if they were between a man and a woman would be considered sexual tension just... not. It's like you get a sliver of the possibility of queer representation and then it never goes anywhere. It's frustrating. This is why people write fanfic.
That's an awesome premise. Write it.
The Patreon version is sans my edits. I told her she could use them, but she didn't feel comfortable with it since she can't pay me. Which is sweet, but I really wouldn't have minded. English isn't her first language, so I generally fix sentence structure, idioms, stuff like that. She's an excellent story teller, so she doesn't need me for that.
I feel like I should mention that the story I'm currently editing is hilarious. Spark & Stone by Laura S. Fox. I'm really enjoying it, she writes excellent comedy.