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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Brett just bought a JEEP hybrid, is that what you're refering to? It's a combination engine so it still uses gasoline. Electric cars are the future! Emissions generated by internal combustion engines exceed those from power plants used to create the electricity to charge them. Even less if that power is a result of solar panels instead of fossil fuels. If we don't get a handle on pollution, I fear Earth will be in a lot of hurt. Anyone with youngsters has to care for the type of world we leave behind, and Cesar and Brett have an infant granddaughter that will help guide them. Hopefully, each generation will be better stewards of our planet because ours and those preceding us have totally fucked things up.
  2. Nah, we've not ruined it, we've helped it evolve and brought it into the 21st Century! I remember comments but not always who made them. Where you also the one who complained about CJ and Owen's twins being named Roosevelt and Jefferson, claiming it was an American thing to use surnames as first names? If so, it must really be a British thing, which I find interesting considering the obnoxious plethora of names given to royal family kids. I think Archie's the most interesting one I've ever seen.
  3. I wonder if spit would work as well. It's what scuba divers have done for ages to keep our masks from fogging up under water. Since the virus can enter our body through our eyes, I've been wearing glasses instead of contacts most of the time. I figure a little extra protection's not a bad thing. BTW - Congratulations!
  4. Nope, in real life I'm a crotchety old man with horrible manners. Thanks, Alex. I'm glad my work brings a little sunshine into my readers' lives.
  5. I may have heard about bender being used for gay in British slang at some point, but it never came to mind when I picked the name. Had to look it up after reading your comment. The differences in our common language are fascinating. A while back, I named the son of a character Gamon, and someone mentioned that wasn't a good name because it meant a part of a pig. I forget which part. But since Gamon's father was from Thailand, the name was chosen because it means 'from the heart' in Thai.
  6. What? I shouldn't plug them into another story? I wouldn't mind plugging a couple of young, professional football players. So what if my faulty heart gives out in the middle. What a way to go! LOL
  7. I'm sorry, the author you've tried to reach is not available. We suspect he's gone into hiding. We'll get your message to him as soon as possible. Let's hope we're in time to stop any deaths.
  8. LOL- Did you peek at my outline for a trip to Joshua Tree National Park?
  9. The words of a true junkie LOL Honestly, not sure what's next. I have a couple of short stories almost ready, but nothing long and involved. Just started working on one of those.
  10. Thank you, Jeff! I'm sure CJ and Owen won't mind. LOL Let's face it, we're all a product of our experiences and who raised us, and CJ's definitely his fathers' son. We can see bits from both in his personality and values.
  11. LMAO Next weekend? Y'all have more faith in my writing than I do!
  12. @frosenblum Thank you! The cremation line I stole from somewhere--can't recall specifics--but the one about the wings was all me. I LOVE infusing my stories with humor. I'll repeat what I've said before, life's too damn painful at times and I like my work to be a distraction from the daily grind. As for the life lesson, it's from my own life. I'm not very good at the forget/forgive stuff, so I keep reminding myself to forget the bad and remember the good. Brett seems to have found a way of doing that by focusing on those he loves. Now, about that addiction... I'm organizing a twelve-step program you might be interested in. LOL
  13. Thank you! It still surprises the heck out of me when people praise my writing and fall in love with my characters. I'll keep updating readers on what's going on with characters throughout future stories. Particularly Chipper since his spinoff ended in 2020. Brad's went on through 2022, so we'll hear more about him next time I write something covering the time after.
  14. There better not be any drug-fueled orgies unless I'm invited! That little scene with Ritch was designed to introduce his roommate and give us a glimpse of what's coming when I get around to his story. I'm thinking I'll rework the POV and use to to cap a description of him and Bender skiing/boarding with the dads. It was fun writing a CJ-Owen style story with the two older men as protagonists. I kept thinking Brett was a troublemaker as a kid and thought we deserved to hear about it. After all, we already knew a lot more about Cesar than the Marine.
  15. You're welcome and thank you. For reading and the reactions. Someone just mentioned a Hazday addiction, do I need to start a 12-step program?
  16. Speaking of voices, I've been tinkering with another spinoff, and I think it may be the first CJverse story I write in first person. Let's see how that works out. So far this year I've posted something every month, I'm gonna try to keep that going but I'm making no promises. October's looking iffy.
  17. There's a master outline of potential stories, but it'll take some time before any of them see the light of day. For now, they'll have to wait until I can write steadily again.
  18. NOTHING! I told someone I always get a little bummed out when I post the final chapter in a story. I've been moping around all week.
  19. LOL They're in high school! But if Ryker shows up again and he's as much of a player as Brock claims, we may see a parade of women in and out of his life.
  20. Yeah, but I started th story with two breakups and haven't had any amongst the younger crowd. I want to be a bit more realistic, but it's tough to do when you fall in love with the characters.
  21. Not sure, Tony. I have a couple of things in the works, but my writing's been spotty over the last few months. And we all know I like to take my time so the stories are decent.
  22. Except for the story that ended with Trump winning and the one with Owen's sister's death, I think all the rest have happy endings. Call me the Asian massage parlor of writing. LOL I know I want to use Bryce and Zion again, but I'm not exactly sure how or when. Most of my crew is monogamous and that's not common in the gay world of pretty twinks.
  23. Some stories go on for so long the authoir starts repeating him/herself. My goal is to always describe new character details, locations, and events in every story. Pretty sure I've done it so far, but it gets harder all the time.
  24. Your training isn't complete. Glad you've figure out endings aren't final for the most part, but we have to work on your addiction to big ones. LOL
  25. So, you might be interested in knowing I've penciled in Phil and Riley for a guest appearance in another book. The two of them, along with Zion and Bryce are turning out to be part of the secondary group of characters around The Squad. We'll have to wait and see where else I can plug them. Ooops, I meant plug them in!
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