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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday


    They have a team in place but they may need to do a little work before they hang up the paintings. For my own purposes, I now have a pied-a-terre in California I plan to make the most out of. Hell, I already used it in Ranger. And I didn't screw up the chronology! There will be a full description of a Chipper concert in a future book. I'm trying things out for it. LOL
  2. Carlos Hazday


    Are human beings intrinsically selfish or selfless? More than discussing the pros and cons of any economic ism, that was the question I wanted to raise. Brett seems to think we're more concerned with our own pocket than with the well-being of others. Why do some people sit on Board of Directors. Because of the contacts they make or because of what the organization stands for? I've had to answer that question about my own motives before. Are they mutually exclusive? If not, what's the proper balance?
  3. Carlos Hazday


    I want to hang with them all the time!
  4. Carlos Hazday


    Hope the good read is only the beginning of a great weekend.
  5. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, Theo Take a look at my replies to previous comments. I think you perfectly summarize what I wanted out of this chapter.
  6. Carlos Hazday


    The house and the art end up being at the center of an extended vacation. After successful careers and starting a promising profitable business, the guys are empty-nesters at a young age. Time to adjust their lifestyle once again. Part of the change I wanted to show was a recapture of the eroticism having kids at home may have mellowed. Didn't I write something about using olive oil as lube at one point? 😜
  7. Carlos Hazday


    It's all sorted. LOL Of course, I haven't written out what actually happens so you never know.
  8. Carlos Hazday


    There's no substitution for quality referrals when hiring tradies. Of course, our guys have an advantage in not always looking for the lowest possible price like most of us do.
  9. Carlos Hazday


    LOL Not overkill if you're trying to catch juicy stuff. What Cesar and Brett keep is much more reasonable.
  10. Carlos Hazday


    Thank you! We needed to step down from the previous events and I wanted a relaxed, homey feel to this one. The new characters I wanted to be part of California's diversity riot. I take my locations seriously and try to capture their essence. Hopefully I conveyed, relaxed Southern California vibes.
  11. Everybody has a channel these days! Once GA starts one, I want to be in charge of casting. I'll need a small office with a big couch.
  12. Carlos Hazday


    “What the fuck does he want now?” Brett, laying on one of the cheap, webbed loungers they had picked up earlier, closed the book he was reading and glanced towards the open glass doors. They had returned to Malibu to meet with a couple of contractors unable to make it the previous day. His glacial pace was apparently not fast enough. “Move your butt, Jarhead. Get in here already.” César disappeared back inside the kitchen after the second shout to his husband. The rain and gloom of the
  13. Carlos Hazday


    I did. I really enjoyed writing this one. Although I took a couple of shots at politicians, Malibu was meant to be a fun read showing the dads enjoying themselves. Mostly. LOL It was my chance to flesh out the characters a bit, give us additional background on Brett, and show how well those two work together and complement each other. Thanks for the support, Gary.
  14. Excitement galore while fighting thread. Good job. F'drun is going to make everyone's life miserable, partIcularly our hero's.
  15. Readers bemoaned the end of Summer thinking that was the last of CJ. It happened again at the conclusion of Spring when readers assumed my intent was to chronicle his first year in Washington. Deja vu all over again with Walls' finale since many assumed my intent was to wrap things up at the end of his teens. I decided not to let it happen again. I wrote this one as the actual end of the story and posted it after his graduation from Georgetown. In Hail, I gave thumbnails summaries of every Squad member's life and mentioned the positions and locations that defined CJ's life for the 20 years after college. My intent's to write as many stories as possible chronicling the friends' lives and CJ and Owens adventures. So far, I've published Singer, Ranger, and Malibu. Working on a couple other spinoffs right now, and will start writing the next long, CJ book in November. Who wins the presidential election will influence some of what I plan for CJ. Thanks for reading and the comment. I'm glad you've enjoyed my work.
  16. Carlos Hazday


    You're getting ahead of me LOL In this instance, I don't leave that thread hanging; I actually tie it up without leaving loose ends.
  17. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, Tor
  18. Carlos Hazday


    You're not being crude. The possibility of extra time with his girlfriend could be the reason he stayed away longer. Guess we'll never know. In this chapter, and to be honest most of the story, I tried to portray Cesar as being amused whenever Brett blew his cool. He knew it was Meryl at the door since it was the time he had told her to show up. I have a feeling his actual reply and attempt to dismiss her were all an act. Considering all the restrictions the Academy places on Cadets, they would probably not allow it. I haven't gotten that far in my research to know what is cool and what isn't. When not-for-profit organizations do capital campaigns to improve their facilities, the largest donor usually gets to name the structure.I assume that's what Brett's parents did. The 'naming rights' tend to be sacrosant. I've seen a change once and it was done with the agreement of the original named donor when a new one came up with a few more millions. The art was a loan after the parents died so they're two separate issues.
  19. Carlos Hazday


    Pretty sure. Or it could be a hallucination due to all the drugs I did as a kid. Hey, but who cares as long as we're enjoying ourselves, right?
  20. Carlos Hazday


    Social media celebrities can be as well know as movie stars within the right demographics. When I decided to set the story almost entirely in LA, I figured out I needed to bring in someone in the movie business. I considered using a real one, but borrowing Brock gives me a lot of leeway with what happens in the future. Plus it allowed me to pay homage to one of my favorite GA authors!
  21. Carlos Hazday


    LMAO No pandemic in the CJverse!
  22. Carlos Hazday


    LOL Good catch! I didn't think anyone would catch that, I did it for my own amusement. I think I previously mentioned this story has my most diverse cast ever. It's California, after all. I love playing with names. A bunch in this story are derivations of people I follow on Instagram. Think about Bryce and Zion; maybe you'll figure out how I came up with theirs.
  23. Carlos Hazday


    Still... no matter how well I think something's going, until I get likes/loves/whatever and comments, I'm never sure.
  24. Carlos Hazday


    He was called out by Meryl and probably didn't want to be at the house at all. I can see his resentment interfering with clear thinking.
  25. Carlos Hazday


    Suspicious, much. I think we're safe with Aunt Meryl. She doesn't seem to be hurting for money and her friendship with Lilly Davenport would probably mean she would be protective of the collection.
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