Than you, Jeff
Yeah, no CJ or Owen until later this year. I'm trying to write about other characters, but I'll admit our two guys and their squad keep pulling at me. You know how hard it's to write a shifter story and CJ keeps popping up in my head? LOL
I think out of fear of a backlash, the NFL would be fine with it. The NBA was.
I've been writing a lot of short stories trying to get better at it. It's tough to provide a complete story with an interesting twist at the end and keep the word count reasonable. My goal for this one was 7500 and it clocked in at 9000. I'll try to make the next one shorter. LOL
I felt the same way about an African-American or a woman being elected president of the US. Not in my lifetime! And yet, the former came to pass and the latter nearly did. Now, if we could elect a gay man before CJ, that would be the icing on the cake.
The surge in hate crimes in the US in the past few years is attributed by many to the way our president speaks. I think there are a lot of bigoted individuals around who have kept quiet in the past and now feel emboldened to show their true colors.
Although the characters could carry a longer story, this was meant as their introduction. I wanted a short story focusing on what college athletes go to when they join a professional league. The NFL's a very American institution and I tried to offer a glimpse for those who don't follow sports or are not familiar with American football.
What have I told you about romance in my stories? No instant boyfriends! LOL
Although Riley coming out to his parents' not part of this story, we get a hint at their reaction in the last chapter.
You actually think Phil gives a shit about what anyone else thinks?
The story was marked as containing no sex. I'll paraphrase what another author said: "I'm a fiction writer, not an erotic fiction one.'
Knowledge of American football's not a requirement. LOL
I tried to show the process of joining a pro team, and with a few modifications, the story could be about athletes in any sport.
I think the Rams drafted Sam because they were talked into it. The NFL most likely wanted to avoid the bad publicity about a gay dude being ignored. The homophobia you mention woukd be at the center of a future story featuring these two. I can imagine them facing some of what Jackie Robinson experienced when he played for the Dodgers. You know some fat slob who never played sports will harass them from the stands.
Using last names is common among atheles and military personnel. I have no proof but suspect it may be slightly different when there's a distinctive first name or nickname. Shaquille O'Neal gos by Shaq, LeBron James by LeBron, and Dwayne Wade by Wade. Sorry about using basketball references but that's the sport I pay the most attention to.
Having played in the same game and both being aware of who the other one is gives them an instant connection. Phil's not stupid, he did get into Duke on his own merits, and might sense/smell Riley's fears. Repeated use of the name is an attempt to reach the guy on a personal level, and letting him in on what his given name is helps create a more personal bond.
As for being horny, typical 20-something, testosterone-laden male.
One of them gets injured, gets hooked on painkillers, and ends up hustling to support his habit. Or worse, one signs with Nike and the other one with adidas. Instant divorce. I can't think of a better training camp for relationships than spending three months together 24/7. If they haven't killed each other by now, I give them decent odds for making it to at least a year together.
I can come up with a few more scenarios if you want me to confuse you further. LOL