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Carlos Hazday

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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday

    Camper Van

    I don't know if it was auto correct or me spacing out. LOL
  2. Carlos Hazday

    Camper Van

    You're entirely correct. But to be honest, I like he trusts people instead of being jaded like many of us become with age..
  3. Carlos Hazday

    Camper Van

    Most people are unable to discern where that line is, but I have faith in Chipper.
  4. Carlos Hazday

    Camper Van

    As I told someone else earlier this morning, Chipper doesn't have political ambitions so he's not as paranoid about people finding out he uses drugs. The entertainment business is ripe with usage, just look at Justin Bieber as an example. As long as Chipper keeps it in rein, it should not become a problem. Then again...
  5. Carlos Hazday

    Camper Van

    I suspect this isn't Chipper's first rodeo. A young, hot kid in the entertainment business attending school in Miami would have encountered drugs before. Coke, ecstasy, Special K, and a few other substances are staples of part boys and I would place Chipper in that category. As long as it doesn't become an addiction...
  6. Carlos Hazday

    Camper Van

    Thanks for noticing the lack of pictures inside the van. As for the risky behavior, I see more men doing the same because PREP makes them feel invisible. That protects them from HIV but there's other bugs running around and some are becoming resistant to antibiotics. According to recent news reports, there's been a syphilis epidemic brewing in large urban centers.
  7. Carlos Hazday

    Camper Van

    I don't write a lot of sex scenes any more, too often they seem to be there only to titillate readers. When I do, they're there because they're important to the story. The way I see Bryce and Zion, I would drop my pants too!
  8. Carlos Hazday

    Camper Van

    Remember there's a big difference between users and abusers.
  9. Carlos Hazday

    Camper Van

    What do you expect from a good-looking 22-year-old in the entertainment business?
  10. Carlos Hazday

    Camper Van

    Once again, no pictures inside the van as far as we know.
  11. Carlos Hazday

    Camper Van

    No pictures as far as I can tell.
  12. Carlos Hazday

    Camper Van

    Chipper thoughts were fuzzy. He struggled to discern fantasy from reality. Had he really jammed with Kendrick Lamar and Adam Levine at Coachella? Adrenaline produced a high like he had never experienced. The stunned look and huge grin reflected his emotions. While Kendrick remained on stage to complete his show, Levine steered Chipper through the throng of fans seeking selfies and autographs. Adding to his exhilaration, it was not only Adam who concertgoers sought. He posed with who knows
  13. Carlos Hazday

    Jam Session

    I did mention somewhere I always thought Chipper and CJ had the most similar personalities out of the entire group of friends. Hang on to that thought...
  14. Carlos Hazday

    Jam Session

    By the time Adam left the show, the story was written. No way was I going back to change it LOL I think by the end of the story you'll agree Adam was the perfect coach for Chipper.
  15. Carlos Hazday

    Jam Session

    I'm sorry; my bad. I was so fixated on what Chipper would perform, I decided not to mention the songs here or in a couple of other chapters where I reference performances by other contestants. In retrospect, that may have been a mistake.
  16. Carlos Hazday

    Jam Session

    Just you wait! Some coaches remain involved in their contestant's lives after the show's over. We'll have to wait and see if that's the case with Chipper and Adam.
  17. Carlos Hazday

    Jam Session

    Thanks, kiddo!
  18. Carlos Hazday

    Jam Session

    Chipper's meeting people in the industry and that will probably benefit him in the end
  19. Carlos Hazday

    Jam Session

    Anyone who's read any of my other stories is most likely aware of my penchant for using real locations and events as settings. Coachela grows every year and is popular with celebrities and wannabes. When I needed a second male member of Adam's team, I decided to introduce him at the festival. Aslan came about as an amalgamation of 3 individuals before I tinkered. The name I stole from @Aslan78, a reader in Adelaide. The Hawaiian heritage and the more subdued personality are based on a real contestant in one of the seasons I watched. The guy was with Adam. Long-haired, good looking, and with a ripped body (they showed clips of him surfing and cliff diving) I don't think he was even 18, his mother accompanied him to California. I aged him and ignored the longer hair. Google French Canadian model Philippe Leblond to see what the Aslan I created might look like.
  20. Carlos Hazday

    Jam Session

    So do I!!!! Think Shawn Mendes with a little Justin Timberlake thrown in. You can add a pinch of Justin Gaston since he's the one I used as my initial model for Chipper's appearance.
  21. Carlos Hazday

    Jam Session

    Often who you know is as important as what you know. Connections, connections, connections. Classic Hazday? I like that! A couple of new readers have been binge reading the series; as usual, I end up revisitinga chapter here and there. A recent one made me realize how often I do the snapshot scenes. I like it, it's definitely my style, and it won't change. However, I acknowledge sometimes there are too many in a chapter. Hopefully, the 1k word experiment will help me moderate the approach in the future. Slightly longer scenes with more detail and fewer per chapter. Even if the chapters end up being slightly shorter.
  22. Carlos Hazday

    Jam Session

    Anyone who's followed Adam Levine will know he's a big Beatles fan. I figured a couple of Fab Four numbers would be something to bring him together with Lamar. Chipper happened to be at the right spot at the right time.
  23. Carlos Hazday

    Jam Session

    Thanks, Rick. See you back here on Friday.
  24. Carlos Hazday

    Jam Session

    A singer lives and dies by their voice; Chipper knows he has to protect his gift. At least while the show's on!
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