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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Please... I was up by 5 am my time as usual. I usually get more done in the mornings than the rest of the day.
  2. Mazeltov on publishing the story! I need to read the first one before I tackle this one. Now that I'm done writing the current book, I'll have time to catch up with my reading list.
  3. I think it applies when we use a world view and in personal behavior as well. How often do people repeat the same mistakes without learning from them?
  4. Nearly two years later... Somehow I missed this. Sorry...
  5. @Will Hawkins Considering the subject matters I deal with, particularly in the next book, I think political comments are acceptable as long as they relate to the story.
  6. Carlos Hazday

    May 2015

    @Will Hawkins You will notice I revisit the gun ownership/control issue several times. The two short stories in the series also address the matter. For someone like CJ, surrounded by military and police, it would be a recurring matter.
  7. Carlos Hazday


    LMAO I wrote this chapter sometime after my trip to New York last spring. I was still in my Newyorker frame of mind. I figure @Defiance19 or one of our other NYC member can translate if necessary.
  8. Carlos Hazday


    Moi? Never... I always try to deliver on my promises.
  9. Carlos Hazday


    LOL Mann hates it when I have too many disparate scenes in a chapter. At least this one they all flowed into each other. As for CJ growing up, that's the intent. The man's about to turn 21!
  10. Carlos Hazday


    I always smile when readers tell me my story resembles something in their lives. If I can spark a happy memory or a pleasant connection, I've done my job.
  11. Carlos Hazday


  12. Carlos Hazday


    I want to know what you thought would happen. Is it about Thiago or something else?
  13. Carlos Hazday


    This series has been about standing up for yourself and about doing the right thing. We've seen CJ do both several times and I wanted to show similar qualities in the associates. They're all good friends because they share similar core values.
  14. Carlos Hazday


    I'm guessing you've met a couple of those. Damien was inspired by a couple of people I know.
  15. Carlos Hazday


    No accounting for taste... I did have a couple of ideas as to why they ended up together, but I didn't think it was that important to know the why in this case. I'm not done with them. The stubbornness they share but the difference I see was Cesar thought he was right and CJ's arguments were based on not thinking. Hey, he took something away from the experience and that's good.
  16. Carlos Hazday


    Our boy keeps learning. Instead of ignoring Ethan's comments, he thought about it and sought a solution. If he keeps it up I don't see a ceiling to what he can accomplish. It was a good reality check for him and as usual, he chose to tackle the problem instead of miring himself in angst.
  17. Carlos Hazday


    Have a cocktail, bud... Hey! At least I post regularly, you know answers will come soon.
  18. Carlos Hazday


    Thank you, kind sir.
  19. Carlos Hazday

    January 2015

    @Will Hawkins I know what you mean by expecting someone to die is different from a surprise loss. We went through it with my mother last year, after a long battle with Alzheimer's.
  20. Carlos Hazday

    October 2014

    The objection to repeating that specific section of the Oath isn't limited to CJ. I simply took a controversial topic and used it to present a case for freedom of speech. I did somehow manage to echo the events to come. You mentioned my predictions about Venezuela also coming true, and I want to stress I believe if we pay attention to what goes on around us we can all predict the future. Kinda... lol
  21. @Will Hawkins I suspect a few readers expect most stories on GA to be romances, and for the majority of characters to be gay. I may have lost several when they realized the CJ stories would not follow that pattern. Each time CJ met a new young man, there was clamoring for a relationship. These tales are about a teen growing up, and he may or may not be in a relationship by the time I'm done. But I knew what would happen before I started writing, each exhortation for the MC to get involved with someone simply made me chuckle.
  22. Carlos Hazday

    The Fuse

    @Will Hawkins I've pushed right up to that restriction. Because the series has a high political content, It's impossible not to discuss some of it here in the comments or in the CJ discussion thread.
  23. Figures Kitt would make the same suggestion. I missed reading this before I made it!
  24. You can always use the post-dating system. I get up early, but do you think I post my chapters at 4 am every week? As my editor gets done with each one, they get posted and set to go live on the appropriate day.
  25. Over time, most of Owen’s clothes found their way to the closet in CJ’s basement bedroom at the Georgetown townhouse. He finished moving out of his own place days before the wedding, when the young couple took over an apartment at the rehabbed and repurposed Georgetown Theater. Since storage at their new abode was not as ample as what they were accustomed to, CJ left behind a good chunk of his t-shirt collection. The beneficiary was Ritchie, who was quite happy to accept his older brother
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