@Will Hawkins
This was one of the chapters where I tried to broaden CJ's experience. The travel and farm visit provide education that one day may benefit him. Plus, it was fun to write!
I got lucky predicting the future! LOL Volatility in the oil market is a given based on history; it wasn't much of a leap to see what would happen, considering how much Chavez was spending.
@Will Hawkins Architecture appreciation will be something I revisit in the future, and Wright will make another appearance. Calatrava will too, and Hadid may make it if in a couple of years I write one of the spinoffs I have outlined.
@Will Hawkins
LOL - My editor may have something to say about that. He prefers shorter, tighter chapters, but he's been good about my penchant for sprawling, complex installments.
@Will Hawkins
CJ's stepfather is Air Force, 'Uncle' tom's retired Army, and Brett's Marine Corps. The kid's surrounded by military men. There will be plenty of love shown the armed forces in the future.
@Will Hawkins
Glad you liked the sermon. Not bad for a heathen, eh?
The chapter's title, as well as those of every chapter in the first 5 books, is the same as that of a Bruce Springsteen song.
@Will Hawkins
A lot of people don't realize Brazil has one of the largest populations of Japanese descendants in the world. I recall reading how many were brought over as indentured workers after slavery was made illegal. The knowledge was one benefit of dating a Brazilian half Portuguese-half Japanese guy for a bit.
@Will Hawkins
Growing up and still living in South Florida, my interactions with Brasileiros have been frequent. Toss in working as a tour guide during college summers, and I end up with a little knowledge about the people and culture.
Attention to detail is important to me. I've tried to name characters with non-US background appropriately. Chatri Mookjai, the medical student, is a good example as I researched popular Thai names.
@Will Hawkins
Thank you!
The series is a coming of age story, and I want to show the main character growing. He won't be a teenager forever. As time passes, his basic values should remain constant even if his attitude about certain things evolves.
As for politics, there'll be some of that in future installments.
@Thorn Wilde Isn't it afternoon for you? LOL
I slept half the day away yesterday and got my 6 hours last night. Feeling rested for the first time in ages. Now looking forward to a motorcycle ride to Miami in much cooler weather. Turned the AC off yesterday and opened the windows again!
Damn! It's good to be back in the Promising Updates. I've now reclaimed my spot in the Friday lineup and I don't plan to relinquish it for a long time to come.
Thank you! I'm glad someone noticed. LOL
We know CJ reads stuff online, he's previously talked about stories by some guy named Mann Ramblings. We'll see what else he reads over the coming months...
It's good to be back. One of the best things about posting again is I get to interact with readers. I look forward to doing that a lot over the coming weeks.
Thanks, Todd. The old farts will be around--some will play prominent roles--but remember the story's about CJ. Squad members will figure more prominently in this book.
Thanks, Parker.
I mentioned I was trying to include all the Squaddies in the first few chapters and I drove my editor crazy. The first chapter had a bunch of different scenes, but mostly revolved around the trip to Wisconsin. This one was really all over the place. I might have been able to break it into 3 or 4 parts, but then I would have had to add filler and I hate to be overly verbose (I'm sure you've figured THAT out HA!) I'd rather do what I did with Thiago, lead up and understated revelation. Additional details I can provide later and I will.