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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. @northie You read what JP said... someone suggested 25 more books in the CJ series! You'll miss the reference but I think they're not really praising me that much; I suspect they broke into CJ's famous Harley-Davidson coffee can. (I'll skip the explanation here, I'm already off topic enough.)
  2. @BlindAmbition Yeah... I don't see it happening. As I said above, the part between the start and the end is the problem. I have plenty of ideas but each book's taking me longer to write these days. Trying to ensure the quality continues to improve ain't easy.
  3. @danield I believe if a reader takes the time to leave me a comment, I have the obligation to reply. One difference between my stories and others is that by the time it's being posted, the entire book's been written so it's hard for me to incorporate suggestions. But I love to talk about the writing process and why things happen the way they do. So feel free to comment away.
  4. Not that hard? With a bunch of readers threatening me if I don't keep writing? Oy wey, the pressure...
  5. @danield Thanks, bud. These early chapter make me cringe, though. My writing has definitely improved. Lol
  6. @danield Here you go, Dan
  7. @Kitt I think that's a common problem, particularly with new writers. It's easy to start but hard to complete a story. It may be why we have so many promising stories that go nowhere and languish unfinished after a chapter or two.
  8. Funny but I never have a problem starting a chapter or book. Or ending them! It's the in between that's a killer.
  9. Ouch!!!!!! Easy, sir. Easy...
  10. Thanks, Frank. I like your attitude. We may not need to be as well-known or connected as CJ but we can all do our part to make the world a better place. It all starts with the smallest of steps but together we can bring change about. I recall talking to people when I was involved in a political campaign and hearing way too often they didn't have time or money. My reply was to give up one night dancing, one night drinking, or a hit of X. Change doesn't come easy but a small sacrifice can go a long way.
  11. @Cris L You guys are killing me! CJ's 20 and I'm 60 so I better write faster. Thanks for the compliment. Considering how long you've been a GA member, I figure you've read plenty of stories here so your praise is gratifying. I hope in the future I can improve on what I've already shared.
  12. Gee, thanks. Nothing like putting even more pressure on me LOL I'm not sure I know how to handle such a compliment but I'm smiling and feel humbled. You are correct on the timing. Mark your calendar for Saturday, June 23, 2018, and plan on being in Washington for the celebration.cInvitations are going out later this month
  13. Thanks for sticking it out, Jeff! My goal has always been a feel-good story and that's why I'll strive to do for as long as I continue writing.
  14. Glad I could lighten the load. And no, not THAT type of load you pervert! One of the reasons I stopped posting on Nifty after the first four books was comments from readers wanting all sorts of sexual interactions. Harley figured most prominently in those. I think some readers have become conditioned to everyone sleeping around in long sagas like this one. I established early on most of the characters had an active sex life so I think I'll stick to a comment here and there in the future. We all know how the mechanics work. LOL
  15. We're going to have to wait a couple of years (story time) for that one. I'll be sending them to new places soon but Spain may not happen until 2024 or so. Yes, I have outlines way beyond the four Georgetown books.
  16. Hey, Dan! I post chapters overnight on Fridays. As long as there's a book in process, you can wake up to a new one waiting for you. There's one upcoming chapter where CJ travels without Ozzie but otherwise, you can expect to see the two of them to share the page a heck of a lot more than in the past. I mean, what with being engaged and all.
  17. I will try not to aggravate your condition, Tony. Nothing to be concerned with at this point, there's a heck of a lot more chapters on the way.
  18. @pvtguy 25? What did I due to deserve life sentence? How about we take it one book at a time. There are a couple more chapters left in this book and this morning I sent the first chapter of the next one to the editor. I'm doing some massive cleanup on that book but I'm hoping the process will be quick and the hiatus between Georgetown installments won't be too long.
  19. Let's see... two good-looking, fit, wealthy men in their early 20s who split their time between Miami, Washington, and New York with regular trips to Australia and assorted other trips here and there. Did you say jet-setters? Why, Parker, the idea never crossed my mind. If that's the impression I've created it's been purely by accident. LOL There'll be more traveling in the future to both exotic and mundane locations. Wait until they hit La La Land! Anyway, the lifestyle of the rich and famous can sometimes derail people and we can only hope that doesn't happen here. Enjoy these good times while they last.
  20. Thanks! Boston was tough, haven't been there in ages. Isn't it amazing how well kids turn out when they have the love and support of their parents? Wherever CJ and Owen end up in the future, their success will always be grounded in their relationships with their parents.
  21. Yep, Aussies came through. I didn't see you at the party Ozzie organized to celebrate. Did you have previous plans?
  22. We may want to feed CJ beans before we hit the casinos! Funny thing is I have him gambling his fortune away in one of those places in two chapters! Yeah, part of the appeal, and something I've wanted to showcase all along, is CJ's ability to make the most out of any situation.
  23. Future plans for CJ's career: But the man has the Clintons and the Obamas in his camp and is now roping in the Kennedys. Not bad if you ask me. I sometimes wish he was real, and I could sign up to work on whatever he decides to do after college! Thanks, AR. If my story makes your Friday, your comments play a similar role for me.
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