I love this serie so if I give any negative feedback, please keep that in mind. I have a hard time liking Matt. That is unusual for me as I tend to fall in love with/side with the protagonist and Matt had his own book in Bloodlines. I think that would be my negative criticism about this serie, that I find it hard to understand how the characters could change their personality from one book to another. Matt has turned into a douche. Marcel, another protagonist, turned into a douche. Sam (not a protagonist), Brian, Bitty (bitch to someone redeemable to back to bitch again).
Back to Matt. Because of my dislike I did not feel that what Wade and Brad did could be considered as much a betrayal as what Matt did to Will. Wade and Matt were over. Even while they were together I do not remember Matt expressly forbidding Wade to sleep with Brad (although he was uncomfortable with it). Not like the way Will did who spelled it out to Matt in no uncertain term. Yet Matt was too stupid, or selfcentered, to take note of that. So no, I have little sympathy for Matt. Having thought about it I am now willing to concede that it was a betrayal of sorts, although I am still loathe to put it on par with what Matt did. But that is just personal opinion on this drama. However, I think what needs to be adressed is Matt's attack on Brad. Even though neither of them will admit it, everyone knows and that single act, to me, nullifies whatever high ground Matt had towards Wade and Brad. One does not attack family. One certainly does not do it in a cowardly way, sneaking up on someone in their own room and suckerpunch them. If violence is needed to clear the air (which I personally can not see a situation where it does) it should be in the open - man versus man. So let's say Wade and Brad betrayed Matt just as badly as Matt did Will (still dispute that). That attack was cowardly and came from someone who is just as much a scum as he thinks Brad is. Matt still has a lot of growing up to do. One small light is his reaction to Will when he finally realise the depth of his betrayal to Will. But it felt short and considering how many times Matt has fucked up, felt remorse to only go back there again I am not convinced that this epiphany will spark any change.
I am really looking forward to more chapters in this excellent series. Keep on the good work Mark and congratulations to you and your editors for a superb job. Besides an exciting story your language, grammar, etc were professional in standard. I find myself easily distracted with spelling mistakes, grammatical errors etc when reading online fiction. Yours have been smooth with such a flair of language. Kudos!