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alex canton

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About alex canton

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  • Location
    Panama City, Panama
  • Interests
    Bonsái cultivation, reading, writing

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  1. Learning always brings on personal growth. There is still much to be learned about gender in every society.
  2. Light charges me Air impels my stride My cave embraces ----- La luz me fortalece El aire me impulsa Mi cueva me acoge
  3. I like you. I care for you. I love you. ----- Te aprecio. Te quiero. Te amo.
  4. Through the menacing ghetto I walk in fear Protected by the moon ----- Camino por el desafiante arrabal Envuelto por el miedo Protegido por la luna
  5. His mother was born in what we call the interior of our country. Her family, quite tight-knit and poor, lived from what they could harvest in their good land. It gave them the reassurance of never going hungry, though it was very difficult to sell their produce, as transportation to the main towns was harsh. Travelling by animal powered cart took too much time. Though the land occupied a vast area, they were not able to use all of it. Therefore, some of it was rented to cattle owners for grazing
  6. He gazes in awe Through her eyes he sees The child within ----- La mira embelesado En sus ojos descubre La vida que porta
  7. My life will never end For my thoughts Remain in print ----- Mi luz permanecerá Mis pensamientos Escritos están
  8. It beckons my body It offers safety I fear its final embrace ----- Me llama cuando me ve Ofrece acurrucarme Temo que me atrape
  9. alex canton

    Chapter 1

    For literary sake I like the frequent mention of "the boy in the corner." On the other hand, do things go so fast among young people? I will follow this story.
  10. “I was always on the lookout for tips that made me believe that you had special feelings for me, that I was not just one more patient,” my friend told me some time ago. “How was that?” must have been my comment. “Do you remember the incident with Mario?” I could tell that Luis was set on giving me specific information to get my memory to work. Probably my nod gave him the signal to continue. “I must have been about twenty years old when I started dating Mario, but there was something about hi
  11. alex canton

    Chapter 1

    I very much liked the flow of the story. Though I have to admit that I am from a generation that is having much difficulty understanding much of the new ways of communication between young people -- avatars, pixels, on-line relationships and so on. This story was a learning experience as well as a pleasurable peek at the lives of two believable characters. I look forward to more stories.
  12. Make sure to live many more years.
  13. Some of the names that we have around my country are so funny. For example, when we had a US Navy post many children in the area were named Usnavy.... We also had Usmail, Usair. Stevenson has been translated into Estivenson...
  14. alex canton

    Chapter 5

    I found this chapter to be frightening. The portrayal is real enough. Good writing, young man.
  15. The truth is that I really do not remember our first meeting very well, and I am being helped by some of the information Luis has given me to help me refresh my memory. “You were sitting behind your desk, which was gray, not very big, and just efficient enough,” he recalled. “I remember that you had what seemed like a custom-made white coat – not exactly the hospital required outfit. You didn't look over forty and looked slim but not skinny. Your hair was dark, though not black. You looked impr
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