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  1. xskyquinnx

    Chapter 2

    I love this story so much. I am very curious about the meaning of 7 functional relationships, but only 4 Marcus is a part of. I was wracking my brain trying to imagine the diagram. Eric-Marcus, Tiago-Marcus, Harper-Marcus, Eric-Tiago, Eric-Harper, Tiago-Harper. i cant figure out what im missing or if im completely off haha. unless the last is EricTiagoHarper-Marcus. they are all dating each other as well as all dating Marcus at the same time.
  2. i am hooked already. i can't wait to read more. i will say there is a part of me that's curious if something will develop between the two boys, but i am anxious for the next chapter.
  3. xskyquinnx

    WSD Chapter 18

    hmm...interesting cliffhanger for the mayor
  4. xskyquinnx

    Chapter 1

    exactly. they are pretty much strangers. im sure it can work, as long as the family doesn't know. and it already seems like they're falling for each other. you have my support, 150%
  5. xskyquinnx

    Chapter 1

    aww..this was really sweet. i hope they get to be together
  6. xskyquinnx

    Chapter 2

    i am curious what would happen if something had happened. im so conflicted; they seem to have a very loving wife and family, but at the same time i want them to be together.
  7. xskyquinnx

    Hustle and Bustle

    omg i have a feeling he might have crushed Davis. I hope they can have a nice deep conversation and be honest about how they feel and what they want.
  8. ok, now maybe emmett, not logan? or can he just have all of them lol
  9. so far, i think and hope he'll come to his senses and end up with Logan.
  10. im really excited for this story! it was on another website? can't wait to read more.
  11. xskyquinnx

    Brett Loses It

    maybe it's a mental illness? bipolar disorder? im worried yet excited for how this is going. great chapter
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