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  1. KayDeeMac

    Settling Dust

    A quick end - but satisfying end of the saga! It will be all up to you James if the muse strikes you again! Sequels can be difficult to say the least but you did bridge that with Puppy For Sale!! Corbin's character seemed to be very conflicting and - in the end - even Troy was somewhat irrational. Leah was definitely off the rail!! Maybe Dad could go to jail and meet Bubba!! Just a thought! Thank you for a great story James!!
  2. KayDeeMac

    Taking Risks

    Drama and MORE Drama!! This realization of Corbin being gay just might totally unhinge Mom! Attempting to ground him for coming-out .... please!!! Zoe will be the rational one and accept her brother eventually!
  3. Leah has boundary issues all caused by severe insecurities! Corbin definitely needs to grow a pair!!! Remind her she screamed it was ending when he walked away last time!
  4. Yes I also believe we (readers) all were happy to see the a-hole on the floor! Thank you Troy!!! Now Corbin needs to end things with Leah (even though things have really been over for some time)!! I also suspect if a-hole does not vacate Castlebay Corbin will file charges with the police! For once Corbin is truly holding the trump card in his relationship with the a-hole!
  5. A very powerful chapter and again, very well written! I will say I was not too surprised to learn a-hole was not the biological father of Corbin! I also agree Mom seems to be in a slow meltdown to insanity! Jerry is the "gold" standard of how a father should behave!!! Great stuff James - thank you!!
  6. Finally the lightbulb goes on! YES! Better late than never Corbin!! Now the asshole Dad needs to be held accountable for his actions. No doubt Jerry and Troy will fill reports - something Mother should have done long ago! I also hold Leah responsible too - Zoe gets a pass only because she is 14!
  7. Well drsawzall that is NOT so easy to accomplish here! He is still a minor and that brings a lot of strings attached to parents! His Mother needs to really stand up and take a real " Protective Mother Role" not to mention his supposed "girlfriend"! She has to be aware of the abuse he is sustaining! No one in this family seems to care, or at least willing to admit, the abuse that is happening! This is a difficult story to read because I have witnessed this behavior before! Sad - very very sad! I just hope Troy will get his Dad involved and help stop this abuse!!!!!! David
  8. Yes, working with the competition will become a REAL Issue I am sure! And, as hot-headed as his Dad is, I can only see this becoming a major boiling point!
  9. I have to agree = learning how to trawl from an online course is a recipe for disaster! I'm wondering if the Dad has has other failures causing his insecurities to be his manifestations to lash out at his son! The developing relationship between Troy and Corbin is going to be VERY interesting! Let the fireworks begin!! Lovin' the story James!
  10. A 42 footer pulled by a Ford Mondeo? I am surprised he even got it to move away from wherever he got it. 😂 Just another example of pig-headed behavior of a control freak father --- whom I was well acquainted with during my childhood!!! I'm really enjoying this story James. It is very well written and the character development is perfect! Thanks!!
  11. KayDeeMac


    As rude as Corbin was I believe this encounter with Troy will have a lasting affect on him! Great chapter James!
  12. This is probably one of the most profound and heartfelt stories I have ever had the pleasure to read! It brought me to tears several times!!
  13. Now we may get to meet the "lad" from Castlebay Down!
  14. I really do not like the future of Corbin being isolated in a small out-of-the-way village! He is too much of a social persona to deal with this isolation. On top of that, he's got a clingy girlfriend and a bastard father to further complicate his life! No - not a good scenario !
  15. This is going to be interesting! And I have to reiterate - 5 chins !!! And ironing the "fat" shirt! That is not a pretty picture!
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