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Blog Entries posted by Myr

  1. Myr

    Well, it is the end of another day and time for a little stream of conciousness. I have officially completed my Christmas shopping. I hate Christmas shopping for my family because, frankly, if someone in my family wants something, they go get it. But, as I said, I'm done. I now just need to spend the evening tomorrow wrapping everything. I will also spend some time in the kitchen cooking up some gifts for some friends at work.
    Stardust (and the Simpsons Movie) hit DVD today. If you haven't seen Stardust, it is kind of a wild ride. It is funny and Robert DeNiro plays so far against type that you end up staring at the screen in shock a few times because it is so unexpected. It is also a very gay friendly movie. (Sir Ian McKellen (Gandulf/Magneto/Famous Gay Actor) is the narrator)
    What else? It seems that every time I get home from work, stuff I have to do here just piles up. I get to work on it and I look at the clock and it is time to go to bed again. Where the hell does all the time go?
    Anyway, I have a nice 4 day weekend coming up. I am hoping in getting some more writing done during that little break. I also want to finish off most of the achievements for Mass Effect before the end of the year. If you look at my little Gamertag, you'll notice that I haven't actually been playing games lately. Something else always seems to be coming up.
    Do you Zune yet?
  2. Myr

    I saw this on Saturday. If you have the opportunity, go see it in 3D at the IMAX. Very cool.
    IMAX is nice because of the far superior sound system. The 3D effects while cool, I could take or leave.
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