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  1. i have missed your comments at the end of the chapters, was nice to see this one
  2. funny enough i have recently reread some histories of Ivan and Elizabeth I, you are right in that none of them mention the attack on Moscow nor the execution of the doctor for being Jewish. the histories i have of Victoria do mention her ward, and others she took under her wing, she was in private a person much interested in people of differing backgrounds, something she definitely did not share with most of the British/Germanic society she was from, perhaps the isolation she was raised in made her curios.
  3. rdale

    Chapter 11

    whooo hooo i guessed right! lol. ok the lil cliff hanger is forgiven! taking the wheelchair out of stealth mode, putting hunting cap back in closet, hanging curved brackets back on the wall, exclamation points back in the racks, bandolier of commas back on the hangers, making sure the semi colons are oiled and back in their sheaths. but i warn ya, if i catch anyone teaching new writers to cliff hang, all bets are off and the hunting gear comes back out! mwwaaaa ha ha ha!
  4. rdale

    Chapter 12

    George is proving again that he is not only a Master at navigating the fickleness of the High Seas but that of High Society. Gotta Love him!!!
  5. rdale

    Chapter 19

    Aegir! ya just gotta love the little tyke! pat his head, hug him, and give him the biggest bag of sugar candies around, then send him home to MOM, DAD, and his Teacher,,, hehehehehe
  6. rdale

    Chapter 51

    Hmmm, one little detail caught my attention, that he is only willing to give $100 for support to Bryan as he is almost old enough to work. Is this Calvin's plan to live off of his kids working like he has lived off his girlfriends?
  7. rdale

    Chapter 18

    ROFLMAO. What a way to end a chapter, luckily I was not drinking my coffee at the time. Thank you!!!
  8. rdale

    Chapter 17

    Oh! Oh! Oh! i so want to be the fly on the wall when Adga and crewe meet Kendric and his troupe!!
  9. i really enjoyed this story, it is well written and developed. The best part was the original ending, it made the story real and believable to me, not just a fairytail but very close to real life, real grief and its effects on a true soulmate left behind by a sudden inexplicable loss.
  10. I am actually sorry you did this, i much prefer the original, for some reason i found it much more believable/realistic.
  11. rdale

    Sands of Time

    has the Kendric universe been abandoned? i have not seen any new chapters since sands of time chapter 9 in april 2022 , chapter 14 beyond the crags jan 2022, kendric, chapter 34 dec 2021
  12. just read this, wow, wanted to stand up and cheer for Ken, finally someone who gets it!!!! sadly no matter how much paint you use to cover up the ugliness that is human nature, with its need to control each other and be the top dog, be it military or religion, or any other force, it will require someone like ken with the ability he singularly has , like god, to do something like has been described here to pull humanity's collective head out of its ass, open its eyes and change, sadly like this story it will like take the loss of millions if not billions and the threat of the loss of everything, to do it.
  13. rdale

    Kit Chapter 6

    personally i think Kit is making a mistake, making decisions way too fast, and Uncle is no help with the car and property, seems like he is forcing Kit into a corner with no choices, all this should be put off until we know what is happening with the boys father. if he survives he keeps the kids, if he dies they pack up and move to Zurich for their education. once college is finished then decide where to work and live. Kit seems to be giving up on his life so i can definitely understand why Marcus feels upset, i would feel the same if i saw my friend giving up too, and feel somewhat angry and betrayed by him giving up on his dreams and potential.
  14. rdale

    Chapter 81

    memories of childhood past, stringing popcorn, making ornaments, making gifts, then xmas eve decorating the house and tree, the glorious smells of fresh cut tree, boughs of cedar, holly, pine, spruce used to make garlands, pine cones decoration, acorns, dried berries, the smells from the kitchen, then to church for the service, back home to the stable (the girls got a couple cups of extra ration heated and sticky with molasses) then to bed, early chores ( the cows always always came first) breakfast and gifts then Dinner, visitors or visits, chores again and a quiet night. the decorations stayed up until after jan 7 when we had gifts and a big meal again, the on the 8th the tree was taken down and moved to the front lawn in the snow, the popcorn was left on the tree and any edible ornaments, the garlands where placed around the berries and cones and acorns spread with them, the tree was redecorated with balls of suit, strings of dried fruit and berries and little pouches of nuts and seeds, was always amazing how many different types of birds would show up along with a few awake squirrels, the odd chipmunk or two.
  15. rdale

    Chapter 64

    my mom was similar with a twist. If you saw her at the Hawthorne tree at corner of the milk stable talking you learned something was about to or was happening locally, or if she had her hand on the Oak tree by the garden, something was going on further away or overseas. She always seemed to know more than she should, before anyone contacted us. When i asked about this one time as a teenager, i was blown away with simple answer of the little ones and the Elders. later on i heard little snippets about Fairies and Elvenkind. i stopped asking.
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