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  1. That was a shot ending. Don't do it again. your problem was having 3 stories on the go at once.... Up until this last part of R toC 27 everything was going well my only concern was that you brought in fantasy money.... Plus I think you got bored!
  2. Simon41


    Does anyone know anything about C James and his background?? Are there any biographical notes?? If he is writing under another pen name..... What is it?? I really enjoyed the longer stories.....they had real excitement and thrill!
  3. Simon41


    Great story.... But what has C James been doing for the last 9 years as no new stories have been published here since 2014?!?!
  4. Simon41

    Scuba Diving

    End of another chapter (4)..... Just too quick!! And another twist to the story. Just can't wait for the next instalment.
  5. Simon41


    Nice Friday morning treat but alas the chapter was only just enough to see one's appetite for much more!!
  6. Simon41

    Chapter 14

    Great story! Just note that teenagers in the UK do not generally 'fist' one another.... The term used here is 'fist bump'..... The former term is way more sexual (generally means anal fisting) than probably intended.
  7. Simon41

    The Busker

    Sensitivity written sufficient to raise a tear in the reader. Alas the short story was a little too short!! You could have explained how the attackers knew that Mitch was gay.... Also you could have easily extended the part around the attack in self and afterwards. BUT still a great story .... Oh to have such talent! I'm looking forward to you next instalment but hopefully it will be somewhat longer.
  8. Simon41

    Aunt May's Magic

    Great uplifting and heart warming story! A bit too short as you could have easily filled in Dale's transition.... But bloody great nevertheless.
  9. Simon41

    The Accountant

    Is the Premium story linked to CJ?? If so how does the general reader gain access?
  10. Simon41

    The Accountant

    Ok.... The overall 'problem' is of your own making...if the story wasn't so captivating, then we wouldn't want you to fill in the gaps!! Yes Flying Circus is a great read... But I'm afraid that I'm hooked and would love to read about the gap in between. You have created such wonderful characters..... I just want more. So please carry on writing and it would be really fantastic if you could fill in the gaps.... Plus provide an update on the Squad and their lives/loves. Thanks Simon
  11. Simon41

    The Accountant

    Is it your intention to use Flying Circus to fill in all the taps between Mexico/Florida and the 'present day' (ie Flying Circus 2027) or will you be providing us, your avid readers, with a separate novel/ chapters to fill in the gap??
  12. Simon41


    What story is the follow up to Porcubines??
  13. Apologies for the various typos and auto corrects in my earlier message... I hope you got the gyst?! Multiple useable of the same name for different characters does make life bloody difficult. Also very similar names like Jacob and Joseph... Yes I know that they are different...But it doesn't help... Well not for me. I'd really like to know more about Manny..... Even though you killed him off I'd like to know more about his past. In fact the whole family of characters gets are great (apart from Bill etc)... So is like to hear more all round.
  14. Ok...how I understand how about the dates. Yes I've loved The Boot stories but alas really hate that 'Head and Tails' added each time... These are not required as the body of the text is great without the 'extra support'. The extra text is especially annoying.. When reading the story as a whole rather than by instalments.... So once a story is complete I suggest that you 're-exit to remove the superfluous text. Your writing is great and doesn't need the extra support, especially as you also start each 'chapter's with the last lines from the previous one. I also don't like the hanky/tissue reference... The writing is strong enough on its own and yes it does lead to rising levels of emotion in the reader (ie me). Another pet hate...ok dislike. Is the shop ratio of names...different characters called John in the same text... Very confusing. Despite my criticisms I think the overall story is well told.... And I'd love to read updates on all the characters.
  15. Is chpt 16 the final chapter or is there still one to follow as suggested at the end of chapter 16?? In February 2022 you wrote that the concluding chapter would follow in 6weeks but it's now over 8 months later... It would be great to get the next/last chapter thing up loose ends.
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