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    OK, I won't put all of it...
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    Sci-fi, ROCK music, hiking, Italian food, good bourbon, my "G" list

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  1. J J

    One Step Behind

    Thank You @Laura S. Fox. This story even when I have to wince, is written so well. Fresh with the age old good guy vs bad guy story, yet a lot more. Emotion inducing across the full range of them now, but I don't feel hopelessness! Not even now!
  2. J J

    A Game of Fate

    Alright, WOW! I've had a bad week too and just now logged into the site to read this one. Shocked that not one of you has thought of the angle I'm headed towards! S&M has two sides to it, so a show would also! If the bad guys are onto Hudson what better specimen do they have to be the S side of the show!! Our beloved Otis does have MacGyver tendencies doesn't he? An enraged Hudson is one thing, an enraged Otis is something that would have that big element of surprise added to it!
  3. J J

    Chapter 10

    He's gotten his power now!
  4. J J

    Chapter 9

    So... Justin learns more about what's to happen. Sad about learning he'll lose Taryn, he denies it. Then immediately it seems the "bad guys" are back.
  5. J J

    Chapter 7

    Don't like soren. Know it's written into the character, doesn't matter though.
  6. J J

    Chapter 1

    I had followed this, and got the "E" today. I've been so busy and reading some fantasy/scifi stuff that I just re-read this and wholeheartedly agree with these guys Going to binge and try to get through to the new chapter tonight. Glad you are doing well enough to add to this!!
  7. J J

    Chapter 3

    From Justin wanting, almost needing to having Comicality in his life. Switch over to Taryn seeing for the first time the actual threat it is to Justin just to be THE mimic.
  8. Otis flipped Hudson out!! He was sooo... that he said it! Otis was thinking that earlier on, or maybe it was just lust. Nice break from the dramatic scenes at the club.
  9. J J

    Chapter 1

    And... a decade later this is still an exciting novel. Haven't commented in a while but the complexities of Justin are bound to come to the attention of everyone soon.
  10. J J

    Chapter 25 Caught

    Glad you enjoyed it @Headstall ! That LP is good in my opinion, even though I'm mostly a hard rock fan. "Redwing" is their most polished I think, they played all over my hometown in the mid 70s when my facial stubble could get me into places I wasn't supposed to be! Now: Encore! Encore!
  11. J J

    Chapter 25 Caught

    Just gotta keep dancin' Like most music. Can only dance to a few bands... ^^^, ZZ, UFO, Fabulous T-Birds and a couple by Zep. Yep I'm an old ....
  12. J J

    Chapter 2

    @Comicality, your imagination is just exceptional! The depth of info about these characters is... superlatives don't cut it here. Thanks!
  13. J J

    Chapter 3

    Yea this episode pulls at the heartstrings... first one way and then the other! Wonderful storytelling @Comicality
  14. How true! It always did in the comic books.
  15. J J

    Chapter 2

    The dynamics between the kids is coming into view.
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