<3 u lugh
the steamy scenes were especially good! (even though it might all have happened in my head, it counts right??!? *_*)
it made me feel like and happy at the end of the story. yay
if your computer has an USB port and an option to select which drive to boot from (or if you know how to change that)
you can burn the iso to a USB thumbdrive, and boot from there instead.
YB: that's why you don't need CD/DVD drives anymore
Is TOR that fun? The leveling process? How do you think the end game content will look like?
On another note:
My to-do list for this holiday!
Complete The Witcher 2
Complete Skyrim! :D
it's really cute! Haha Love the way the video is made, really appreciate the cinematography of it all! Made me all fuzzy inside! :3 what do you think? ps. I hope this is the right section for this? >.>