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    Sasha Distan
  • Author
  • 2,102 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Direct Confusion - 6. Chapter 6

The following morning there is a note stuffed into my locker.

Missed you leaving. Nice package. E x

And my heart thumps really hard a dozen times while I read it, and then tuck it into the pocket of my jeans. Well, it’s nice that someone noticed in a good way.

I got a text from Jim about an hour after dinner telling me he was sorry, which probably means Derrick ripped him a new one about what happened at the pool. Neither of them was in the car park when I arrived, but it’s still early. Having stowed all my books in my locker, I head for the gym and the pool. One fast shower later I dive in the deep end, and do a length and a bit without even surfacing.

Swim meets and competitions are all well and good, but what I really like about the pool isn’t getting fairly free reign to ogle hot guys in speedos or win races against other teams. It’s the soft near silence of the pool when it’s empty. I like the peace, the gentle sounds of the water, and the freedoms of being rather weightless in the buoyant water. I turn laps for about fifteen minutes, going fast enough to makes waves up and down the length of the pool and when I’m on the verge of being really out of breath, I haul myself out of the water and shake like a dog.

I skip the showers at the pool side and walk directly to the shower block through the locker rooms, stopping to grab shampoo and body wash on the way. For the third time in as many days, I think about shaving off all my hair. Fuck it, why not? I nip back from the shower to grab one of the little yellow bic razors I keep in my locker. No one of the swim team ever admits to shaving, but I know we all do.

I clean up the sparse hairs on my chest, pull the front of my suit down a little and trim what would be my treasure trail if I ever let it grow. I usually deal with all the other more complex shaving at home. Ducking under the shower, I take the razor, start at the point above my left temple, and start to shave off the messy inch-and-a-bit long hairs. It would be easier if I had an electric trimmer as well, but I make do with a couple of passes and the use of shampoo as shaving foam. I run my hands over my smooth skull and grin into the water. That’ll give everyone a nice solid shock in the halls later.

As I scrub at my arms with the body wash, I hear a movement behind me. I want to turn around to look, but I can feel the heat on my skin from here, and as I shift my weight from foot to foot, Erin’s chest touches my back. His arm comes around my waist, hand plastered flat to my abdomen and his breath against my ear makes me shiver.

“Hey…” I manage. Already I’ve got a hand on the tiled wall in front of me, supporting my weight. My knees just aren’t functioning as well as they were a minute ago.

“I’m sorry,” Erin’s voice is almost indistinguishable over the noise of the water, “I couldn’t help it.” I can feel his lips on my neck. He is a lot less shy than he was on the weekend. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

“Even with no hair?” I try to sound light, jovial. My cock is already hard again in my speedo and my heart is hammering like the forge of some ancient god.

Erin’s other hand is resting on my waist as he explores my chest with questing fingers. I desperately want to reach around and touch him, but a part of me doesn’t dare. This is too wonderful to break the spell.

“With speedos on you could be covered in green slime and you’d still be sexy as hell,” Erin’s lips are now actively brushing my collar bone as he speaks, and I shudder back against him. His fingers are hovering tantalisingly over the knot at the top of my swim suit. I gulp. “Please Luke…” His lips are warm against the shell of my ear, the texture draws me in and it’s hard to think of anything else for a moment, “Please can I touch you?”

“Oh god yes…”

Erin’s fingers are quick on the yellow knot of my suit. With the waistband released my cock twitches in anticipation. Erin’s breath is ragged in my ear as his fingers close over the swelling in my speedos. Now I am really holding onto the wall for support. Erin’s chest is hot against my back, and his cock is making its presence known behind me. I move back against him as he jacks me softly through the lycra of my swimming trunks. He is naked.

“Erin…” I reach back and wrap a hand around the back of his neck as he leans over my shoulder. His heartbeat against my shoulder is pounding loud as my racing pulse. This is incredibly dangerous, for both of us. People will be arriving at school soon, and there’s no telling who might come in for a morning shower and swim, or even just a session in the weights room. Somebody could hear us, see us, discover us. Even if all my friends are cool with my being gay, I doubt this would fly well with the senior staff. I also don’t care, being Erin is rubbing his erection against my butt, my speedo has sunk lower on my hips and his thumb is circling the cloth covered head of my cock. I am moments away from being post-orgasmic and boneless in his arms.

“Can I?” He doesn’t even finish the question, but his hand tightens deliciously and there is urgency in the movement of his hips.

“If you stop I’ll break your jaw.” I manage between clenched teeth.

I am so close it seems summer-bright in the shower stall. Erin’s hips jerk hard, once, twice, and then his dick is pulsing and spurting against my butt and lower back, hot ropes of cum on my skin for a moment before they’re washing away. He groans low, bites into the muscle of my shoulder, and suddenly I’m coming in my green and yellow competition swim suit. My semen coats my softening cock and already I know the next time I wear the speedo this moment is all I’m going to be able to think about.

Erin is panting against my back and I turn gently, letting him slide into my arms as I lean back against the tiled wall.


He giggles softly, smiling, and his blue eyes shine.

“Kiss me?”

“Greedy…” I mutter, and close my mouth over his. This time, there is no push, and he opens up for my tongue, letting me explore his mouth even as he purrs against me. “We need to talk about this,” I murmur as I break the kiss, “And I need to get cleaned up.”

“OK.” For a guy who just assaulted me in the showers and came against my back, he seems suddenly shy. I kiss him again for good measure.

“School will start soon. Meet me in the library at lunch? I’m on book stacking duty.”

“OK.” Erin nods hard, like he’s scared that if he says anything else, everything will come tumbling down. I smile and push him playfully out of the stall. He grabs his towel and covers himself, but boy do I like what I catch a glimpse of before he does. When turns to go I call him back.

“Hey Erie!”


“Don’t look so scared, you just made my day.”

He leaves grinning.

I wash up quickly, taking my suit off and rising it out, before wrapping my towel around my narrow hips and heading for the changing rooms. Chase is just arriving as I come in, and heads for his locker and spare deodorant.

“Hey boss.”

“Hiya Chase,” Shameless, I drop my towel and start getting dressed. It is a surprise when in underwear and with my pants half way up my legs, his hand lands on my head.

“Bald?” Chase’s voice is playful and I straighten up, “Dunno man, looks kinda badass.”

“Yeah?” I rub my hand over my smooth scalp and grin. Erin seemed to like it. “Thanks bud.”

“You and Parker go for a swim?” I turn on him quickly, but Chase is checking his bag, and seems completely oblivious, “Saw him on my way in. He seems keen.”

“Er… yeah.” Finding my voice is suddenly difficult. I want to be proud and loud and tell everyone, but I want to keep Erin all to myself too.

“Shame he didn’t try out for footie eh?” Chase has this odd habit of calling our sport by its British abbreviation, “See ya boss.”

Chase exits stage left, and I am left wondering if I am going to be jumpy for the rest of the day.


Halfway through history, I get a text from Jameson. I’ve basically finished my essay, so those bright sparks of us at the back of the room have a pretty easy time of reading up on the new material for the next essay while our teacher shouts at and works with those who haven’t yet got their asses in gear. I read the text semi-covertly, knowing I am a good enough student my cell won’t actually get taken on a first offense.

Meet me after class in the gym. We need to talk.

Well this couldn’t be good.

I hurried out of lesson just as the bell went, and raced along to the gym. My next class was biology on the other side of the building, and I did not want to establish a reputation for being late to class. Especially if being late wasn’t going to get me kisses. Jameson was in his training gear, leaning against the wooden bleachers which were folded on the wall.

“What’s up?”

“I could ask you the same thing,” Jameson’s tone is suggestive, one eyebrow arched as he smirks, “I hear you had quite the morning.”

“Dude seriously? I have class, like right now. Can’t it wait?”

Jameson rolls his eyes and sighs.

“I want the two of you to get along but you’d better be a damn sight more careful than you were this morning. People are talking already. That goalkeeper of yours is spreading rumours.”

“You’re kidding?”

“No.” Jameson stands up straight, his eyes hard, “Deal with it.”

I run to biology, but because this is an AP course, Chase isn’t here. Derrick and Jim are though, and once our teacher gets us started working independently we three turn our desks together as usual and Derrick instantly notices the panic in my expression.

“Dude? What the fuck happened?”

“I hate to ask you guys to keep my secrets.”

“And you know we’d do it anyway,” Derrick reassures me quickly. Jim nods, and I can tell he wishes we had the time for him to apologise. My heart is going a thousand miles an hour. “Talk buddy.”

“Chase has been spreading rumours: About Erin Parker,” I clarify, “And he’s…” I do not want to lie to my friends, but I can’t ask them to keep all my secrets either, “Not ready.” I finish lamely.

“What do you need us to do?” Jim touches my shoulder and I smile at him. All is forgiven.

“Talk to him, you guys have English together right? And deny everything. I think.” My head sinks into my hands as the words make me feel a bit sick. I don’t want to deny everything. Erin might be the best thing to happen to me in my entire life so far. If fairy tales are to be believed, there’s always the super slim chance that he might be the best thing to happen to me in my entire life ever. I want to shout across the playing fields that I spent the hottest twenty minutes of my life in the school showers. But that wouldn’t help anyone.

“You sure?”

“No.” I flip my workbook shut, “Fuck I haven’t even spoken to him about it yet. Just keep a lid on everything until after lunch? Until training if you can.”

“No worries bud.” Derrick flashes me a confident grin, and I wish I felt as secure as he does.

Copyright © 2014 Sasha Distan; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

oh god it's torture to have to wait a week for the next chapter. every chapter something happen and we don't know what's going to happen next for the chracters: is it gonna be bad, is it gonna be good?

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On 12/07/2013 12:30 AM, clochette said:
oh god it's torture to have to wait a week for the next chapter. every chapter something happen and we don't know what's going to happen next for the chracters: is it gonna be bad, is it gonna be good?
isn't it great when even your author doesn't know?
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On 12/07/2013 01:52 AM, Rndmrunner said:
torture! Droplets on parched earth! I guess you have to be cruel to be kind.
I'm not being mean especially just to you... i promise
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Damn that Chase! Shit, did he see everything? Omg, poor Erin.


Shit, now I gotta wait another week? I don't know if I can do that, Sasha! ;)

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On 12/08/2013 01:51 PM, Lisa said:
Damn that Chase! Shit, did he see everything? Omg, poor Erin.


Shit, now I gotta wait another week? I don't know if I can do that, Sasha! ;)

you know you've got your readers hooked when you get these reviews. thanks Lisa!
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Hopefully Chase is driven by the juicy gossip aspect and not acting with malicious intent. Although if Erin wants to stay in the closet seducing guys in a public shower is counter to that goal. Thanks for the work.

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On 12/21/2013 05:09 PM, Miles Long said:
Hopefully Chase is driven by the juicy gossip aspect and not acting with malicious intent. Although if Erin wants to stay in the closet seducing guys in a public shower is counter to that goal. Thanks for the work.
yes, bringing each other off in the shower was not the smartest thing these guys have ever done...
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Funny I didn't expect Chase to be a knob! Still a bit of juice at school is a huge temptation for anyone ey! I wonder if Jim is silently feeling vindicated by this head on words of caution the day before now?

Your opening sex scene is hugely erotic. No action to scream about, but enough to make a proper gay man sweat! ;)

Love it.

Building the drama one step at a time and I love the sibling ties between Jameson and Erin.

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On 08/28/2014 08:27 AM, Yettie One said:

Funny I didn't expect Chase to be a knob! Still a bit of juice at school is a huge temptation for anyone ey! I wonder if Jim is silently feeling vindicated by this head on words of caution the day before now?

Your opening sex scene is hugely erotic. No action to scream about, but enough to make a proper gay man sweat! ;)

Love it.

Building the drama one step at a time and I love the sibling ties between Jameson and Erin.

*blushes* thank you yettie. for the record, I think that's still my favourite scene...
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