Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Born Wolf - 19. Chapter 9.2
Kurt sat on the big flat rock, in his favourite place in his territory, surrounded by nature, the coppiced trees, and the scent of life. He wondered how he had gotten his life so wrong. Listening to Deoran’s life had been painful, almost too much to bear and for a long while Kurt had wondered why he was being told all of it. Was it to depress him? He’d been sad enough as it was. But that hadn’t been it. Even after everything Deoran had been through, every hurt and pain and starving night, he had accepted help, had tried to get better. If he’d been really determined to end his life, Kurt doubted if even the best efforts of Tam would have helped. But Deoran had realised he couldn’t do it alone, and allowed another person into is life to stop him from sinking down ever further, and had let that person see how weak he really was. And through the weakness he became strong again. It was easy to see now that the shivering wreck of a man Kurt had first brought in was a result of shock, fear and his own intimidation. It was not the way Deoran really was. The last thing Deoran had said to him lodged in his brain.
You’ll be there for someone one day too.
That meant he had to be there. Be alive and stable and responsible long enough to actually be there for someone who needed him. He wouldn’t manage it the way he was going now, swinging between emotional and physical lows and highs like a bouncing tennis ball. This could not go on any longer. Kurt shifted as he stood up, and the big black wolf flicked his ears forwards and surveyed his territory, the rolling hills and farmland, the fields of the National parkland, the woods of his pack, his family.
This could not go on any longer. Someone is already relying on you for his happiness, he thought with a quick flash of guilt. You’re his mate. We have to support each other. Kurt sniffed the air, closed his eyes and picked up the scents of his pack. It surprised him when there weren’t as many as before. He could still scent all the wolves, forty-odd werewolves in different shades and scents crisscrossing the territory, but there were a few his mind picked up as belonging to him. The sweet salt spice of his mate; the cool fresh blues and purples of Jene; the sweeter, chocolate spiciness of Chaska; the paler sun scent of Isla, not yet changed, they were his pack. Oh god…
You cannot do this alone. Kurt heard the voice in his mind as though Tahryn had spoken in his ear, but he wasn’t sure if it had been an actual thought or an imagined one. But the trueness of the idea focused his mind beautifully. No wolf could survive alone, and Deoran had been right, had to be right. He was the strongest wolf in his pack. He was the strongest wolf in the area, which included South Sea. The fact he wanted, desperately wanted, Tahryn to wrap him in his big tan arms and never let him go changed nothing. The thought of his mate made him stiffen in his sheath, the pink pointed tip peeking into the spring air. Oh to have the boy with him now on the hillside, nothing between them and nature but the endless sky… it was a wonderful vision.
Kurt closed his eyes, put up his muzzle and howled for joy to the great big sky, the sun beating down, the little day birds in their trees. The gulls shrieked and wheeled overhead, and fell silent at his call. Kurt Ulrich howled with every bone he had in his body, every fibre of his being attuned in a song that wound on and on and on, carrying all the wondrous love he felt to any who heard the call. The elation could not be missed or misinterpreted, the love and desire of his mate ignored or eschewed, and Kurt sang until he could no longer draw breath, until he was dizzy with the thrill of it.
Only once he had let his voice fade did he hear the other calls, the ending notes of the song he had sung, echoed and supported, reverberated around the territory that had once been his. He would miss this place, this outcropping of rock and trees had been his place. It would be someone else’s place now, some child of the pack that no longer included him. Tahryn’s words spun around his head in a warm golden whirl.
We’re our own pack Kurt. You and I.
Kurt barked, loudly, sending birds skyrocketing from the woods, running rabbits into their holes again. He looked around his own skull and could only find himself, and the lingering press of his mate. There was no wolf side, no human side fighting for dominance. It had all been twisted and strange and wrong. He was just Kurt. Kurt Ulrich, which meant wolf power, the name his mate had chosen for them together. They were both in charge, both dominant, both submissive. The howl exploded out of him again so hard the trees shook around the power of the big black wolf, every hair of his pelt standing on end as he sang his joy. He was alive and he knew what he wanted and where he was supposed to be.
‘I love you.’
Kurt turned to see the big fluffy sandy coloured wolf staring at him with wide ice blue eyes. He barked to his mate, yapping, and his tail already high and wagging back and forth. The yellow wolf grinned with his tongue out and came to stand beside his mate on the flat rock. Kurt pushed his whole body up against the wolf he loved, thrummed his pleasure and licked around his muzzle. Tahryn swished his tail in his face invitingly. Kurt grinned.
Tahryn Ulrich made a whining noise in his throat as Kurt passed him over, walked around him and rubbed himself against his fluffy chest. The howl of his mate had reached down his throat and found his heart and squeezed it beyond all rationality when he’d heard the call. He’d run the whole way there on four feet, his clothes were scattered and shredded somewhere in the wild scrubland between the school and the forest proper, and he didn’t care at all. Kurt had shouted his love to the sky and Tahryn had known, just known, he had to come, to be here with the man he was going to love for the rest of his life.
Now he lowered his head as Kurt moved around him and pressed his muzzle very firmly again the black wolf’s underbelly where his pink cock was already peeking. Kurt growled, ears, forwards, tail wagging to show it was a game, and turned to push him over. Tahryn slipped on the stone, lost his footing and slipped onto his side. His mate’s nose was cold through his fur, nudging and nuzzling him. Tahryn rolled fully onto his back, paws floppy, to show his belly, bringing his tail up automatically to cover himself. Kurt licked at his soft belly and the stiffness of his sheath, long tongue working wonders in ways human mouths couldn’t do.
Tahryn whimpered and whined and made his delight very clear to the wolf who was his lover. Kurt’s tongue was wet and rough and Tahryn’s reddish erection sensitive and wanting, pulsing along with his racing heart. When Kurt moved further south to his taint he wriggled and squirmed and found a big paw planted on his ribs as he lover explored him. Kurt’s nose was cold under his tail and Tahryn yelped.
‘Oh Kurt…please, please, please let me up. I want you to fuck me so bad…’ the thought ended in a whimper and Tahryn felt Kurt’s smile. He loved to win. Kurt moved his paw and Tahryn twisted around until he could stand. He took the opportunity to rub his muzzle and face against Kurt’s thick black ruff, coating himself in the scent of his mate: the thick wetness of moss growing on bark, the crisp sharpness of new green leaves unfurling in the dew; then he dipped he head and licked once at Kurt’s exposed shaft, remembering with delight the thick knot that would form at the base. Kurt huffed softly and Tahryn wanted to be back inside his head again, to know what he thought.
‘Want you.’ He whined softly, swivelling his ears to follow his mate as the black wolf moved around him. He lifted his tail over his back, exposing the tight pink entrance under his fluffy tail and shuddered as he felt Kurt’s sharp paws at his ribs, mounting him. The press of flesh on flesh, Tahryn gritted his fangs and tried not to whimper, knowing the good was going to come really soon after the pain.
‘Are you OK?’
‘Yes. Keep going.’ Tahryn begged and took half a step back, forcing the hot rigid length of his mate further into his tight entrance, and was rewarded with Kurt’s thrusting hips. Kurt pounded into him as only a canine can, fast as a jackhammer, hitting every time the bundle of nerve endings that made him snap and snarl in pleasure as the sensation built.
‘Tay… oh god.’
‘Yes! Yes, oh Kurt, please…’
Even their thoughts were incomplete and incomprehensible as they moved against each other, their panting and growling joining the sounds of nature as they renewed their mated relationship. Tahryn felt himself getting really close, his untouched cock burning with want and need and the desire to come, and snarled when Kurt pulled back instead of pushing the delicious expanse of his knot further into his body.
‘What’s the matter? Babe…”
Tahryn stared at his mate, but the big black wolf was unreadable. Then he smiled, eyes shining, and shifted. The boy Tahryn loved stood there in front of him, naked and perfect, his pale skin contrasting wonderfully with the rose pink blush of his slim tapered erection. He was perfect in every single way. The red scars took nothing from him, the hairline white marks on his face serving only to improve his beauty. Tahryn felt something warm deep in the pit of his stomach. He could feel that the time he wanted was here, now. Nothing could be better as the sun made the world glow gold and green.
Tahryn Ulrich rubbed himself against his mate’s bare legs, the feeling of skin on fur unusual this way around and felt Kurt’s fingers running through his pelt, touching him right down to his soul. He changed forms, coming to stand upright, suddenly looking down at his boy. The man he wanted to make love to.
“Pup…” Tahryn was surprised to find his voice breaking under the weight of the emotion as Kurt came to him, looped long arms around his waist and laid himself along Tahryn’s front. They fitted together like they were made for each other; Kurt’s head rested on his shoulder, the four inch height difference working to bring them more perfectly together. Tahryn’s thick member pressed against Kurt’s belly, the soft skin he loved to see. Kurt’s own was trapped between his thigh and Kurt’s pointed hip as they stood toe to toe. “Are you sure?”
“Yes.” Kurt used one hand to trace distracting circles on the thick flat muscles of his upper chest. “I want to. Can I touch you?”
“Yes please.” Tahryn knew his breath was short, his vision blurring at the edges as Kurt’s rough slender hand wrapped around his girth. He twitched in his boy’s hand and Kurt giggled softly. Tahryn put two fingers under his chin, lifted his face and kissed him. He tasted like summer rain and new grass, and Tahryn groaned, running his fingers through Kurt’s hair, grabbing at the longer length and turning his face until he exposed the perfect pale column of his neck. He bit and nipped and licked his way along Kurt’s throat as the boy gripped his thickening shaft, his hand moving slowly and oh-so-sweetly up and down the impressive length. He pulled up more blood, a bruise to mark his mate. Everyone would know how lucky he was to have such a beautiful and strong partner.
“Flatterer.” Kurt gasped, and Tahryn rumbled a growl, remembering the boy could hear him. “Oh god…” He was panting now, the smooth muscles of his abdomen constricting as Tahryn worked his hands across his body, one to palm flat the perfectly proportioned cock, the other to cup his arse, which had driven Tahryn mad for months.
“I want to make love to you.”
Kurt pulled back and frowned.
“What are you, a girl?”
Tahryn snarled and in two seconds Kurt was flat back on the rough warm stone, Tahryn looming over him, making a cage with his arms and legs. He growled.
“I want to fuck you until you can barely remember your own name.” He rumbled. Kurt pressed a hand over his heart and smiled. It was still a shy smile, unsure and sort-of innocent in a very warped way, but his eyes sparkled, honey and bronze in the sunlight.
“There’s my man.” And the words clawed up the side of Tahryn’s self-esteem and made him feel like a god to have the boy who was the strongest wolf he’d ever known look at him like that. He ran a big hand down’s Kurt’s body, loving it when his pup shivered and writhed under his touch, his cheeks staining the same pink as his lovely cock.
Tahryn wet two fingers in his mouth and touched at Kurt’s entrance. He pressed his nose to Kurt’s navel and inhaled the scent of his mate.
‘Christ you’re beautiful. I am such a lucky bastard.’
Kurt was gasping and making small wanting noises in his throat and Tahryn pushed saliva slicked fingers into him, past the tight ring of muscle and into the wet waiting heat of his mate. It was easy to see where Kurt found the fire for his temper, the heat inside him was intense and amazing. Tahryn kissed his mate as he moved his fingers, seeking out the reflected spot in himself that would make Kurt beg for him. He knew he’d found it when Kurt bit his other arm and raked short but sharp nails across his back.
“Oh fuck, there! Oh Tay, please do it again!”
Tahryn smiled proprietarily down at his mate.
“What pup?” He asked, feigning innocence.
“That!” Kurt groaned, his head rolled back on the stone. “Touch me there again please?”
Tahryn obliged and had the pleasure of watching Kurt groan as his eyes fluttered closed. He was panting, his pale skin slicked with sweat, his thighs parted for Tahryn, opening up for him as the pleasure built between them. Tahryn’s own erection was leaking pre-come, pulsing and begging to be buried in the white hot heat. But not yet.
“Why not?” Kurt’s hand had found his hair, twisted in the golden locks. “Please Tay, I want it.”
Tahryn growled low and curved his neck to lick at each of Kurt’s hard nipples as he inserted a third finger, pushing and twisting his hand to stretch out Kurt’s entrance. Kurt screamed. He took his boy’s chin in his hand and kissed him roughly, feeling Kurt open up to him, push against his tongue, kiss him back and welcome him in, then the smaller werewolf bucked against his hand and Tahryn knew he was ready. He bit at Kurt’s neck again, marking the skin where neck joined shoulder darkly. He wanted everyone to see, to know this was his.
‘Say it pup.’ He thought the words, loud and clear, so Kurt would know what he wanted from him. Kurt whimpered, but he still bucked against Tahryn’s invading fingers, still writhing underneath him. “Say it for me.”
“Please what?”
Kurt’s voice was small and low, but clear, and Tahryn felt every muscle tense as his mate begged for him.
“Please fuck me Tay.”
“Good boy.” Tahryn couldn’t stop the bark of pleasure that expelled from him. He kissed Kurt and withdrew his fingers, then sat up and back to look at the panting mess of his mate. Kurt’s eyes were huge, the pupils dilated to the size of saucers. Every muscle stood out in definition. His pale skin was desperate and wanting. Slowly, not wanting to give in to his own touch, Tahryn spread his body’s warm natural lubricant over his cock, pushing Kurt’s thighs further apart with his knees as he lined the head up with the boy’s tight hot entrance.
‘I love you.’
“I know.” Kurt was panting, scared but sure this time. “I love you.”
‘Breathe.’ Tahryn thought, and pushed forwards.
It was like being squeezed by a volcano, but hotter, soft and tight and moist and so perfect Tahryn wondered if he would make it out alive from this sensation that stripped every nerve he had and set his whole body on fire. The sensation of his mate surrounded him, pressing on his body and his mind and Tahryn could barely think, let alone imagine a better place to be than buried up to the hilt in the tight body of the boy he loved. He stopped himself from thrusting and waited, experiencing Kurt’s body pulsing around him, allowing the boy time to adjust.
‘Ready?’ Tahryn smiled at his mate and leant down to kiss him. Kurt met him halfway with a thrust.
‘God yes. Please fuck me.’
“Well hey there.” Tahryn couldn’t keep the self-satisfied grin from his voice and hearing Kurt in his mind again. Tahryn followed the words by drawing his great length slowly from his mate until only the head remained buried inside his pulsing column, pushing down Kurt’s hips to abort his movements to get the sensation back.
“Damn you!”
“Now, now…” Tahryn kissed him again, loving the way the scent of his mate filled his senses. ‘Bad dogs don’t get what they want.’
‘If you don’t fuck me now I swear I’ll…’ but the though didn’t finish as Tahryn thrust back, in one hard and fast jerk of his hips. Instead Kurt groaned from between gritted teeth.
‘Is that what you wanted?’ Tahryn punctuated every word by drawing out slowly before pounding into his mate. Kurt gnashed his teeth and snarled, tossing his head.
‘YES! Oh Tay please, please…’
Tahryn knew he’d won, his mate was in his arms, begging him to bang him into oblivion and the big blond werewolf was only too happy to oblige. He released Kurt’s hips, tensing his own shoulders, knowing he wasn’t going to last too long. Everything was too intense. Kurt rocked up to meet him at every thrust as Tahryn reamed him with all the force he had.
“Touch yourself.” He growled, and Kurt obeyed him instantly, both hands going around his slim cock, gripping and jerking in time with Tahryn’s thrusts.
Kurt tightened around him somehow, impossible as that seemed, and Tahryn felt his own balls contract, ready and wanting. He forced himself to hang on, hold out. Kurt’s eyes met his, and the thought of his impending orgasm wasn’t even in words, just knowledge supplanted directly to his brain. Kurt moaned and cried out as he came, splashing thick white seed over his own hands, onto the smooth skin of his belly, offering himself to his dominant mate. He contracted around Tahryn’s thick length automatically and Tahryn roared, his own ecstasy going off like a depth charge, blowing out every nerve and synapse in his brain as he flooded Kurt’s heated channel with his come.
Their movements stilled then halted, both teenagers panting, tongues out like wolves, sweat dripping from skin and hair and they started into each other’s eyes. Ice blue reflected wonder and lust at tawny brown and for several moments that were more than an eternity and less than minutes, the world existed entirely of the two stranded connection of pleasure and love.
‘That was…’ Kurt couldn’t even string more than two words together in his head and Tahryn chuckled and lent down to kiss him.
‘You are amazing.’
‘So are you.’
Tahryn allowed himself to relax, and shifted his weight as he pulled out from his lover. Kurt mewled as the sensation vanished.
‘Miss me already?’
‘Self-conceited bastard.’ Kurt was snappy and sarcastic even in his thoughts. ‘Why didn’t you tell me it was this good?’
Tahryn chuckled and rolled with the boy in his arms until Kurt was lying curled on top of him. He stroked the short hairs on the back of his skull and vibrated happily.
“I’m so glad we found each other pup.” Tahryn had to fight to find his voice again. It was simple to think to his mate now that they could hear each other. He forced himself, he wanted the air and the trees and the birds to hear him so there would be a record of what he said. “I’m lucky to have you.”
“Really?” Kurt looked doubtful, but Tahryn did not want him remembering their many fights.
“Yeah. Who else is gonna make my life this interesting huh?”
“Bastard.” Kurt sat up and stretched, popping his spine and flexing, ‘Ah… that hurts.’
‘Is it bad?’ Tahryn was up and reaching towards his mate as he stood, concern written all over his features.
“Ha! Some dominant wolf you are!” Kurt gripped his wrist and hauled the bigger werewolf to his feet. “It’s just sore.”
‘No you’re not.’
“No.” Tahryn kissed his mate long and slow, pressing all of Kurt against him despite the stickiness of their exertions. “I’m not. That was awesome.”
Kurt brushed grit from his lower back and butt with one hand.
“Maybe we can bring blankets next time, or a bed.” Kurt winced when he walked and Tahryn scooped him up quickly. “Oh for-! Put me down you great oaf.”
“Nah…” Tahryn grinned happily at the man he loved. “It’ll save your feet. We’d best go find somewhere to have a shower yeah?”
‘Can we do it in the bath again?’ the mental picture Kurt flashed him made the blood drain from Tahryn’s head to his crotch really quickly.
“Yes.” He replied firmly, “Yes please.”
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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