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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Crown Prince Yoshi - 6. Chapter 6


“We can’t afford the risk,” Heloth declared when Midori didn’t answer his question. “We need proof you can’t offer. I have to protect my people. With the prince’s death, I have to take steps to protect our lands.”

Midori held Yoshi’s gaze, willing him to step forward. When he didn’t, he sighed.

“What does the Prince’s death have to do with me?”

“Prince Meng takes over, and you’re automatically on his side. There is no telling the kind of damage you’ll do.” Heloth scoffed and motioned for his soldiers. “Take him; we must prepare to take on his men.”

“Stop,” the word was authoritative.

It made Heloth pause and turn.

“Who said that?” Heloth’s son demanded staring at the crowd. “We don’t have time for this—

The crowd shifted and Yoshi stepped forward. “I said it.”

“And you are,” Heloth’s son asked with contempt.

Yoshi met Midori’s gaze.

For a split second, Midori read fear in Yoshi’s brown eyes. The fear quickly replaced by a cold demeanor he’d yet to see on Yoshi’s face. It turned Yoshi into the prince he was. Yoshi removed the hat he’d taken to wearing to hide his identity. His long hair dropped around him and the crowd gasped. He removed his sword from his waist, and Midori frowned. He hadn’t realized the sword’s handle was wrapped. Yoshi removed the leather on the handle to reveal an elegant gold handle.

Heloth clamped a hand over his son’s left shoulder and pushed him down to his knees. The moment he did so, his people followed suit, including the soldiers holding Midori.

“Your Highness,” Heloth said dropping to his knee as well. “We prayed for your good health.”

Yoshi glanced at Midori, his expression hard, for a moment it felt like he was looking into a stranger’s eyes.

“You hold the General of my guard captive, Lord Janir,” Yoshi said abruptly.

Heloth looked up in surprise; he motioned for his men to undo Midori’s binds.

Midori sighed in relief when his hands were free. He got to his feet and bowed to Yoshi. “Thank you.”

Yoshi acknowledged the bow with a simple glance before his gaze returned to the leader of Earith.

“Lord Janir, General Midori leads my guard. Do we find sanctuary in Earith?”

Heloth bowed. “Yes, Your Highness, Earith serves you and the Empress Almira.”

Yoshi looked at the crowd the slightest frown gracing his forehead. If Midori hadn’t spent so much time studying that face, he might have missed the frown. Following the prince’s gaze, he suddenly understood what the concern was. The crowd wouldn’t rise until Prince Yoshi left the courtyard.

“We shall speak in private,” Yoshi said turning to the tall round building the Janir clan had built through the years. The Janir Rotunda had lasted generations. The crowd rose when Yoshi started walking to the front entrance. Heloth and his son started to follow the prince, but Sando stopped them.

“Only My lord Janir,” Sando said as Midori passed him to follow Yoshi. Sando blocked the way, refusing to let Heloth and his son pass him. “We have sensitive matters to discuss.

“Why should the General follow then?” Heloth’s son asked in irritation.

“The meeting includes General Midori,” Sando said, not moving.

Heloth stayed his son. “See that the General’s men are met with respect. Accommodate them in the west side of the rotunda; make sure they have everything they need.”

Heloth’s son scowled, but he did as asked. Sando moved to let Heloth pass with a slight bow.


“Your highness,” Midori started when they entered the large great room.

Yoshi rounded on him. “What’s wrong with you? Was this your plan? To get your symbol of hope, you’ve pushed me into a corner, General. Why would you do this to me?”

“I’m sorry, but it wasn’t my intention to get caught. Earith has always been a peaceful land. I didn’t expect them to—

“Excuses,” Yoshi hissed when they heard footsteps coming toward the door. “This isn’t over. You and I are going to—

“To what?” Midori closed the distance between them. “You want us to talk? What do you want to know? Why I was captured?”

Yoshi scowled when Midori touched his jaw with gentle fingers.

“I was distracted,” Midori said, his voice so low as he leaned even closer. Yoshi felt caught in the storm brewing in those dark eyes. “Thinking about you, how crazy you drive me—

Sando coughed at the entrance, and Yoshi stepped back from Midori. He turned to walk to wide windows afraid Heloth Janir would see his arousal. Gods, Midori was too much. It was good they were parting.

“Your Highness,” Heloth said, his voice cutting through Yoshi’s thoughts. “You should have sent word. It is dangerous for you to travel alone.”

“It is dangerous for anyone not united with Namik.” Yoshi cleared his throat and wiped a hand down his face. “Your men have gotten cautious, Lord Janir.”

He turned away from the window to find Heloth studying Midori.

“Things are not as they seem, Your Highness. It’s difficult to trust people,” Heloth said.

Yoshi sat on the bench set by the windows. “As you say, things are not as they seem, Lord Janir. General Midori helped me cross the Furian forest. He has kept me safe where others could not. General Midori fights for this Empire.”

Heloth blinked in surprise. “We heard you were killed, my prince.”

“I was,” Yoshi said dropping his gaze to the sword on his lap. The gold handle on the sword was proof of his status in the Empire. He always carried it with pride, but lately…“Someone wants to take my birthright. They took an imposter’s body to my mother. The Empire moans a serf.”

“We must stop the state funeral,” Heloth said, his voice laced with horror. “I’ll add my guard to yours and you can make it to Lexin City in a day if you ride hard. The state funeral is day after tomorrow. You’ll reach on time.”

Yoshi looked at Midori then with a challenge. “That has been my plan. The sooner I get to the palace, the better for everyone. If they dared try to kill me, that means they’ll try the Empress. I’ll protect her.”

Midori scowled at him. “That’s a worthy plan, Your Highness. However, Earith faces an army this evening or tomorrow. We have no way of knowing when they’ll strike. We need a strong front to keep Earith safe.”

“Whose army comes?” Heloth demanded turning a suspicious gaze to Midori. “Are you betraying us?”

“Let’s get one thing straight, Lord Janir. I, Midori Sanori, haven’t betrayed anyone. You’ll face my sword the next time you accuse me of treason.”

“It’s hard to believe you, General. Not when your father is wrecking havoc across the Empire.” Heloth glared at him. “How do we know you won’t join him?”

“You don’t,” Midori said. “You worry for your lands; I have forfeited my very life. When my father learns of my decision to fight for the Prince and the Empire, he’ll have me killed. I have more to lose than you do, Lord Janir. Trust in that.”

“Pretty words, youngling,” Heloth countered with a sneer, “but Namik remains your father. I doubt he’ll kill you in cold blood. He’ll offer you a position in his army if you offer him Prince Yoshi. Your destiny is to betray us.”

“And who are you to know what I will or not do? You know nothing about me,” Midori said his eyes blazing with anger at the accusation.

“Enough,” Yoshi ordered. “I don’t have time to listen to you argue. Lord Janir, how many men do you have?”

Heloth turned to him a frown still on his forehead. “Earith has thirty thousand men. Ten thousand are spread across the different borders. Twenty thousand are within the main city. I can send ten thousand with Your Highness. They’ll get you to Lexin City and the palace.”

“What of Namik’s Army?” Midori demanded.

“I’ll recall the ten thousand men on the borders to meet us on the Furian forest border. Twenty thousand Earith men can hold against Namik’s men,” Heloth said with pride. “We’ll give the prince time to reach the palace.”

“This is a mistake,” Midori said turning to Yoshi. “You should stay with us. Running to the palace won’t help. The Imperial Army is no longer under the royal control. How do you expect to protect the Empress Almira?”

“Does that mean you’re not going with the Prince?” Heloth asked in surprise. “Aren’t you his guard?”

“Your men are sufficient to get me to Lexin City, Lord Janir. General Midori’s men are skilled in battle. They’ll help you fight off Namik’s army and secure your lands.” Yoshi stood up. “I’d like to leave early tomorrow. If you’d make the arrangements needed.”

“Right away, Your Highness,” Lord Janir said with a nod. “For now, I’ll have someone show you to comfortable quarters. You must be tired. Please feel at home.”

Yoshi nodded and watched Heloth leave the great room. The moment the door closed, Midori cursed under his breath.

“You know we can’t hold off that army.” Midori shook his head. “What have you decided here? Do you want Namik and Prince Tailen to take over the Empire? Do you think it’s something the Empress wants?”

“I’m saving what matters to me,” Yoshi said.

“And the people?” Midori asked.

Yoshi held Midori’s dark gaze. “The people have you, Midori Sanori.”


Amana Palace

The painful moans made her want to cry, but she couldn’t. Almira stood in the shadows right outside the palace dining room watching a maid responsible for her food die. The maid lay on the white stone floor, clutching her stomach, convulsing as she moaned. The maids surrounding her cried along.

“You don’t have to watch this, your Majesty.” Sayuri touched her arm. “Let’s go away from here.”

“This is the third one this week.” Almira clenched her fingers under the long sleeves of her gown. “There is no escaping this, summon Lord Hong to the dining room.”

“Your Majesty,” Sayuri said, her voice tinged with worry.

Almira ignored the worry and walked into the dining room. The maids abruptly stopped their cries and moved to make a neat line along the wall. The girl on the floor clutched her stomach, her fingers digging into the red and gold fabric of her dress. The front of it was covered with dark blood. Almira stood over the prone girl. She fought the urge to look away from the gory sight. The girl’s mouth was slightly open, blood still dripped out, as she whimpered.

Almira crouched over the girl, taking her hand amid gasps, and Sayuri’s protests. Cold fingers clutched hers.

“I-I’m s-sorry, y-your majesty,” the girl on the floor gasped out. “I-I w-was c-careless.”

“Shh...” Almira placed a comforting hand on the girl’s brow. “Rest, child, you did well.”

The girl relaxed, holding Almira’s gaze. The hand Almira held slackened, and the squeezing stopped. Almira placed it on the girl’s stomach, and rose.

“Clear the room,” she ordered.

The girls moved to take the dying one.

“Leave her,” she said moving to take her seat. The bowl the dying girl had tasted still sat on the table. She stared at it, anger brewing. The serving ladies gone, she was left with Sayuri and two royal guards at the entrance

Sayuri moved to move the bowl away.

“Don’t touch it.” Almira picked up the bowl and moved it closer to her. “Have you called for Lord Hong?”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Sayuri said, a worried frown dancing on her forehead.

“Don’t fear, Sayuri. I don’t plan to end my life.” She sat back in her seat as the doors opened and the head of the Royal Guards walked in followed by Lord Hong.

“What has happened?” Lord Hong demanded when he saw the girl on the floor. He rounded on Sayuri. “How dare you let a servant lie dying before the Empress? She is defiling the palace.”

“Settle down, Lord Hong,” Almira commanded. “Nothing happens in this palace without my permission. The girl dies in my place.”

“Your Majesty,” Lord Hong said in shock.

She met his horrified gaze and pushed the bowl toward him. “What is your duty, Lord Hong?”

Lord Hong lowered his gaze, his fingers clenching to fists at his side.

“To do as Your Majesty commands, to ensure you are safe, and ensure all is well in the palace,” Lord Hong recited.

“The palace maid at your feet is dying, Lord Hong. She has no understanding of what you mean. Have you failed your duties?”

Lord Hong’s fists tightened. The head of the royal guards beside him lowered his gaze, panic crossing his features.

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty,” Lord Hong said in a quiet tone.

“Should I have you drink this?” she asked looking at the bowl of poisoned water.

Lord Hong gasped and fell to his knees. She waited for his answer, and it came in a grudging low tone.

“I’ll do as you command, Your Majesty.”

“Will you now,” Almira chuckled. “What about you, Chief Royal Guard? Do you understand your job?”

He started to recite his duties, but she stopped him.

“I don’t think either of you understand your jobs very well. So, I’ll help you. Lord Hong, you are responsible for this servant girl’s life.” Almira stated. “You will bring her family into your care.”

She didn’t miss the quick urge to protest such an insult. The girl lying on the floor was a servant. Both Lord Hong and the Chief Royal Guard came from noble families. Their families could never match. She ignored it.

“This will happen every time a servant girl dies.” She declared. “Each one that dies, Lord Hong, Chief Royal Guard, you will both take the responsibility of their families.”

“Your Majesty,” Lord Hong said, ready to protest.

“Failure to do so, and I’ll have you drink from this bowl,” she ordered. “Choose one or the other.”

She stood and they both bowed lower. She glanced at the dying girl. There was nothing to do for the servant. Death would find her soon. She sighed and turned to the two men kneeling a few feet away.

“Get me a list of all guards working this afternoon,” she said. “Bring it to my chambers. Imprison the entire kitchen staff. No one sleeps this night until I find out how this happened.”


Janir Rotunda, Earith

“You have to eat,” Sando said pushing the bowl of beef stew closer.

Yoshi stared into the mixture, his stomach rejecting the idea of food. He couldn’t get Midori’s accusing gaze out of his head. He rubbed his forehead and picked up the long spoon Sando had placed beside the bowl. He scooped a small portion of the stew and brought it to his mouth. The food was good, the perfect temperature. He chewed slowly not quite sure he wanted to swallow.

Sando placed a small cup of water beside the bowl. “I can’t wait to get you home. Your mother can take up the scolding. I don’t like pushing you to eat. You’re stubborn, My Lord. Do you know you ignore everything I say? If you’re not ignoring it, you do the opposite. It’s quite exhausting you know.”

Yoshi took the cup of water and took a healthy gulp. He pushed his chair back and got up.

“I’m going out for a walk,” he said heading to the door.

“See, you didn’t eat enough,” Sando complained behind him.

Yoshi opened the door, pausing to flash him a smile. “If I listened to you, you’d have nothing to complain about, Sando. Don’t worry so much. I’ll eat when I’m hungry.”

Sando sighed and he escaped the room before the man got into another tirade.

Yoshi walked along the wide corridor to the stairs. Guards lined the hallway, Heloth’s men. Heloth had turned the west side of the Rotunda into a mini security fortress. It reminded Yoshi too much of the palace.

Yoshi went down the steps and was happy when he reached the bottom and found himself outside. The sun was sliding down in the horizon signaling the end of another day. He took in fresh air.

Walking along a cobbled path, it led him to a well-tended flower garden. The branches of trees growing around the garden shifted. Their leaves rustling and dancing to the wind, he looked up at the blue sky, reveling for a moment in the quiet peace. Surrounded by such beauty, it was easy to forget why he was here.

He kept walking along the path, and soon found himself on a slope leading to a village. Stopping on the first step down the slope, he took in the Earith village. The people built their homes to match the Janir Rotunda. Round buildings graced the developing village below. They came in different sizes, each one boasting a chimney tower with smoke drifting into the air. No doubt the mothers were busy making dinner, while the kids waited anxiously for their evening meal.

“It’s quiet, isn’t it?” Midori said to his left.

He should have known Midori would follow him.

“Peaceful,” Midori continued. "They have known only peace."

“I came out here for a quiet walk.”

Midori let out a soft sigh. “I’m sorry, Your Highness.”

“You don’t need to call me that.” Yoshi turned to glare at the taller man. “I don’t like how you say it.”

Midori looked at him. “And how do I say it?”

“Like you’re insulting me,” Yoshi said hating that his tone sounded petulant. Gods, this man was annoying. “Go back to your duties. I can find my way around.”

“No.” Midori shook his head and took Yoshi’s left hand. His strong fingers made a strong but gentle cuff around Yoshi’s wrist. “Come with me.”

“No.” Yoshi tugged on his hand. “Let go of me, you don’t have permission to touch me.”

“Yes, as you’ve told me before,” Midori flashed him a small smile. “Please come with me, Your Highness.”

Yoshi started to protest, but Midori didn’t wait for permission. He tugged Yoshi into motion. Instead of going down the steps to the village below, Midori led them off the cobbled path to the left. They walked on grass, cutting through trees and brush.

“Where are we going?” Yoshi asked again, tugging on his arm.

“Be patient,” Midori said in a gentling tone.

A few minutes later, Midori stopped in a small clearing and whistled. His black stallion Midnight came running and Yoshi sighed.

“If you’re going to show off your horse, I’ve already met him,” Yoshi said in bored tone.

Midori turned then and swung Yoshi up on to Midnight’s back in one swift motion. Yoshi didn’t have time to think. Midori mounted Midnight behind Yoshi. Strong arms slipped around Yoshi's waist to grasp the reins. Midori moved closer until his chest was imprinted on Yoshi’s back, his strong thighs hugging Yoshi’s hips.

Yoshi closed his eyes when he felt Midori’s breath against his right ear.

“Hold on,” Midori said in a low rough tone.

Yoshi cursed under his breath when Midnight took off racing through the woods. Yoshi held stiff for the first mile or so, but then Midnight was strong, graceful and he ate up the distance in long powerful strides. Yoshi couldn’t help enjoying the beauty of the ride, and he ended up relaxing against Midori’s chest.

“Where are we going?” he asked again when they came to an open field with yellow flowers growing.

Midori didn’t answer him. Midnight slowed down and after a moment, Yoshi didn’t need to ask. Kids running towards them answered his question. Midori controlled Midnight’s pace as the children met them and started running with them. Yoshi smiled when a small boy moved his hands as Midnight’s mane moved. They were adorable. Midori stopped the horse on a small hill and Yoshi gasped softly at the sight of the tents put up in a small green valley.

This was a different sight from the one he’d seen of the Earith Village.

“Who are they?” Yoshi asked. “Why do they live in tents?”

Midori jumped down, and reached up to help him dismount. Midori held Midnight’s reins and rubbed the stallion’s forehead. Yoshi adjusted his black tunic, and pants as the kids reached them.

“They are my people,” Midori answered. “They’ve become people without homes thanks to my father. They ran to Earith when my father started executing those who went against him.”

Yoshi turned to find Midori staring at the small settlement. Midori's shoulders slumped, heavy with a burden his father had placed on his shoulders.

A small tug on his finger had him turning to find the excited children surrounding him. He frowned as one little girl tugged on his right index finger. Crouching low, she grinned, showing off two missing front teeth, her small hand grabbed the thick braid of hair down his back and he laughed.

“She likes you.” Midori teased placing his hand on the girl’s head. “She has good taste.”

Yoshi kissed the little girl’s cheek. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her as he stood. They walked down to the settlement together, the kids asking questions excitedly.

“Why is your hair so long?” the girl he held asked as she played with the string tying the thick braid.

“Because he’s afraid of someone cutting it,” Midori answered beside him.

Yoshi glared at him.

“You shouldn’t be afraid,” the girl advised. Yoshi met her bright eyes in the fading sunlight. She was scrawny, her hair an untidy mess. Yet her eyes…she was happy. “I let my mother trim my hair so it can grow. Do you think my hair will grow long like yours?”

Yoshi touched her button nose.

“Of course it will,” he said. “It will grow longer than mine; you’ll be the most beautiful girl in the land.”

“Do you know when we can go home to Fier?” she asked.

The question was innocent enough, but the answer, there was no easy one. It could be years before the girl returned home.

“I don’t know when,” he said softly. “I’m sorry.”

“That’s okay,” the little girl grinned. “Our General, he is strong. He will make sure we get home.”

Yoshi glanced at Midori. “Yes, your General is strong.”

Midori held his gaze for a moment, before he had to give his attention to the children again. Midori led them into the settlement, heading to the center. Men called out to greet Midori warmly, and women offered to give him warm meals.

They ended up in a circle the community had created in the middle of the settlement. There was a large fire in the middle of the circle, children played near it’s warmth. Their elders and parents sat on rocks and logs set around the fire. Yoshi let the girl down when she squirmed. She rushed off to meet a woman holding a bowl of food and a serving spoon.

“Sit,” Midori said touching his shoulder.

Yoshi settled on one of the large logs. Midori settled beside him.

“I know why you’ve brought me here,” Yoshi said his gaze on a small band of musicians seated on the other side of the circle. Their music filled the evening air with a sense of abandon. One could easily forget they were in the open air.

“Why, Your Highness, I just wanted you to meet my people.” Midori thanked a woman who brought them warm cups of rice wine. “Maybe enjoy some food and music before you leave us tomorrow.”

“They don’t know who I am,” Yoshi said taking the rice wine.

“They suspect,” Midori said, “but they won’t ask. They can only hope.”

Yoshi sipped the rice wine. Hope, that word was taking on a life of its own. He had none right now, and these people seemed to have it in abundance. He watched girls in their teens giggle and laugh as they gave Midori admiring glances. Yoshi grinned when they gasped because he’d caught them looking.

He turned to look at Midori only to find him staring.

“Will you dance with me later?” Midori asked.

“I think I’ll have fierce competition,” Yoshi said nodding to the group of giggling girls.

Midori smiled. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

“And why do you say that?” Yoshi asked with a little laugh.

“Because,” Midori said and leaned closer to murmur into Yoshi's right ear. “You’re the one I dream of.”

White-hot heat flooded Yoshi's cheeks and he was glad the sun was descending, casting shadows.

Midori grinned and stood. He went to talk to the giggling girls, and Yoshi couldn’t help scowling when they pulled Midori to sit down in the middle of their little group.

“Flirtatious bastard,” Yoshi murmured under his breath. He sipped his rice wine, his gaze unable to escape from Midori.


On their ride home later that night, Yoshi felt warm nestled against Midori’s hard chest. The moon lighted the night. He allowed his thoughts to linger over their evening among Midori’s people. He hadn’t been bored for a second. Not one second, Yoshi thought fondly.

He’d listened to folk tales from the older men who’d wanted to share Fier’s past with him. He’d watched women dance around the fire. The men had joined in and turned the dances into a merry mess. One of the women had dragged Yoshi up and demanded he join them. He smiled at the memory of trying to mimic their movements. He’d done poorly, they’d laughed at him, but they’d still made him feel like one of them.

Midori guided Midnight around trees, and he stared at the strong hands holding the rains. He’d danced with Midori too. Perhaps it was the rice wine, he couldn’t tell, but he’d been unable to look away from Midori’s dark eyes. His body throbbed even now with every touch.

As if sensing his mood, Midori slowed Midnight down to a walk.

“Yoshi,” Midori said against his ear. Yoshi closed his eyes as Midori’s rough tone sent thrills racing down his back. He settled back against Midori.

“What?” he asked.

“I wish we’d met before this,” Midori said, and then holding the reins with his right hand, he brought his left to wrap around Yoshi’s waist. “I wish so much, Yoshi.”

“What would it have changed?” Yoshi asked placing his left hand over Midori’s on his stomach. “Your father would have only waged war sooner.”

“Let’s not talk of my father,” Midori said quietly. “The loss I mourn is not knowing you sooner. I would have had more time with you. Gotten to know you, maybe kissed you—

Yoshi’s eyes flew open. “You may kiss me now.”

“Can I?” Midori asked his tone skeptical.

Yoshi shifted so that he could turn and look at Midori. Midori’s larger frame helped him keep his balance on the moving horse. He touched Midori’s jaw, his fingers tracing over the dark shadow on Midori’s chin. He stared at parted lips, and shifted again so that he could lean closer for the kiss Midori wished.

The first touch was soft, feather light. Midori moaned and Yoshi kissed him again, this time wanting more. Midori reacted by pulling him closer, and leaning his head down so that their lips fit fully. Their kiss was soft at first. Soft and unsure, but that changed when Midori’s tongue swept Yoshi’s lips. Yoshi moaned, allowing the softness of Midori’s tongue to explore his mouth. Need slammed through him, burning heat that left him trembling, he clung to Midori’s dark tunic as Midori took control of the kiss.

It was heaven. It was torture.

Yoshi clung to Midori afraid of stopping. Afraid if they stopped nothing would be the same. When Midori broke away, Yoshi gave a cry of protest. He wasn’t willing to lose the heat.

“My sweet prince,” Midori whispered against his lips.

Yoshi moaned when Midori sipped his lips. Midori’s left arm tightened around Yoshi. One moment Yoshi was facing forward, the next he sat facing Midori, his legs over Midori’s strong thighs. Midori’s strong hands stroked his back, their lips fused, coming together in hot needy kisses. Yoshi forgot they were in the middle of the woods, his thoughts filled instead with Midori’s touch. Arms wrapped tight around Midori’s shoulders, he gave himself up to the wild, intoxicating attraction between them.


“Will you not stop him?” Lenoth asked Midori the next morning as they watched ten thousand men of the Earith Army match away from the Janir Rotunda. Prince Yoshi rode at the head of the army, his trusted chamberlain Sando beside him, followed by the two Furian women.

Midori pressed fingers to his lips. Closing his eyes, he remembered the kiss the night before. Yoshi on his lap, his slender body vibrating with need, gods that kiss…he hadn’t thought of anything else all night.

“He’s made his choice,” Midori said quietly, opening his eyes to watch a man he could love ride away. “We can't force him to stay if he doesn't want to.”

Lenoth sighed beside him. “Our scouts have reported back. Namik is five hours away.”

Midori watched Yoshi ride away. “Gather Earith’s men; see if they know anything about real battle, not just what they’ve learned in training. We have five hours to move the settlement. If Namik’s men find them, they’ll kill them all.”

“Very well,” Lenoth said.

“We ride at the front,” Midori said as Lenoth turned to go. “We might not make it—

Lenoth placed a hand on his right shoulder. “I’m with you to the end, General.”

Midori swallowed hard his gaze on Yoshi’s retreating guard. “Yes, well, I’d hoped someone else would join us.”

Lenoth squeezed his shoulder and kept walking. There wasn’t any need to mention whom.

Midori leaned on the wall beside the window.

“I hope we meet again, sweet prince,” he murmured.


2012 lilansui
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Aw, I'm sorry you have to watch your love walk away (or i guess ride away). But maybe he will come back...;) Hopefully. One can only hope. :)

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