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Change of Heart - 23. Chapter twenty-three
This is a reason to celebrate! Please, EVERYONE "like" and post your "comments".
Paul was really impressed with the horsehair mattress. He had expected it to be itchy and lumpy. Instead, it was firm and comfortable. Idly, he wondered if they could get a sheepskin comforter to fit this half acre bed. For a moment he got lost trying to decide which side of that comforter would be exposed and which would caress his skin. Maybe he could get it silk lined. Then he decided he would simply sometimes put the rug on the bed and forego the comforter altogether.
It was a strange sensation to realize he was no longer asleep. He couldn't really pinpoint the moment of transition… He had somehow surfaced from a deep, contented sleep, into being wide awake and aware. Aside from Jeff's warm breath on his neck, the strongest sensation was the pressure from his bladder. Gently he tried to slither and wiggle free from his lover's embrace, without awakening him.
Jeff's response was simply to pull him closer. “You know”. He whispered into Paul's hair, “That first time I followed you into Uncle Joe's house, all I could think about, aside from your amazing ass, was how much I wanted to kiss this spot.” Jeff indicated the aforementioned spot with a series of kisses and nibbles just below Paul's hairline. “It might be the last spot on your body to be kissed by me. If I have missed any others, you have to point them out to me. I hate to play favorites. Every spot of your body deserves my undivided attention. It's early yet, now would be a good time to kiss those spots that I might not yet have properly addressed.”
Paul shivered and his cock throbbed at the sensations crawling up and down his spine due to Jeff's physical and verbal attention. Pissing was no longer urgent, but the pressure was still there. He carefully turned to face his lover. “It's not so much about missed spots as it is some spots just really need more attention than others. I could point them out to you if you really want me to.”
“My lips await your command, my liege.” Paul, using his right index finger, feinted toward his lips, but rested the finger on his now closed right eyelid. Jeff used his teeth to pull the finger away, then ever so gently touched his lips to Paul's eyelid. Thus began a game that avoided all the spots Jeff had come to know and enjoy on Paul's body. Instead, he was directed from eyelids to cheeks to Adam's apple. Then to biceps, elbows, and fingertips, all ten. By that time both men were straining not to be the first to laugh. Though some spots seem to hold erogenous qualities. Jeff made a mental note to revisit those.
Jeff was the first to break. Not to laugh, rather to express an urgent need to piss. Paul chuckled, “I feel like I held it so long, I’m not sure if I remember how to release it.”
“Let's get in the shower. The warm water will help.”
Once in the shower, Jeff was the first to release a stream. He pissed on Paul’s leg, on purpose. Paul wasn't far behind and soon it was a full out battle. Each warrior tried to decimate his opponent by covering as much of his body as possible with the supposedly deadly effluvient. Neither avoided being attacked, rather, each focused on covering the maximum area of his opponent with his own flow. Neither claimed victory nor admitted defeat. It was just that their ammunition petered out.
The rest of the shower would have passed without incident except Jeff insisted on kissing a few of his favorite spots on Paul's body. To Paul, it was a long drawn out process that had him near the edge numerous times. It wasn't until he took Jeff's mouth forcefully that he was able to reach a supernova type finish. When he expressed his willingness to reciprocate Jeff was only too happy to point out the cum dripping down his chest and Paul's right leg. Positive proof that they shared massive and nearly simultaneous ejaculations. Paul made a mental note to torture Jeff with edging in the very near future.
They were getting dressed when they heard a light knock on the door. Since they were both decent Paul called out, “Who is it?”
“It's me Daddy and it's Christmas. Rosarita says it's up to you and Daddy Jeff if we open presents before or after breakfast. She said I had to mention breakfast is almost ready. But, I really don't mind cold bacon and eggs. Sides I’m not really hungry anyway.”
“Just a minute, Honey.” Paul offered.
Jeff and Paul quietly compared traditions and agreed, presents after breakfast, in an orderly fashion. A system that tortured, but might instill some appreciation for delayed gratification… not really. It was pure torture for a five, almost, six-year-old.
Paul almost yielded to the disappointment clearly etched on his favorite face. He had invited her into their bedroom so she could see that they stood united in their resolve and there would be no appeal, once he rendered her Daddies’ decision. He stood firm in his conviction, knowing that Maria would get to torture her own children on some far distant Christmas morning. She too could then blame that age-old nemesis of childhood joy… tradition.
Reluctantly accepting breakfast as a prerequisite to gifts, she tried to “subtlety” hurry the process along. “Daddy Jeff, you’ got some lotion on your chin you forget to rub in. And you don't have to put your boots on, breakfast is getting cold.” Jeff's face glowed red enough to melt the “lotion”, as he hurried into the bathroom to check his face in the mirror.
Turning to Paul, she directed, “Daddy, you don't have to brush your hair. It's so short, you can hardly tell you have bed hair. Did you back into something you have a bruise on the back of your neck. It looks red and irrigated. It must have hurt something awful.” Paul suddenly felt it necessary to wear a long-sleeved shirt, with a collar, over his tee shirt. He silently prayed to god and Santa Claus that Maria wouldn't ask Nurse Rosarita to treat his owie.
Rather than to hurry her Dads along Maria unknowingly hindered their exit from the bedroom. Taking each by the hand, she finally all but insisted on a double quick step.
Everyone else was at the kitchen table having coffee, while Rosarita was up slicing strawberries. While ‘Merry Christmas’ echoed throughout the kitchen like a good night on Walton’s Mountain, Rosarita presented platters of crispy bacon, sizzling sausages, and waffles along with bowls of strawberries and whipped cream.
Paul glanced at his lover then addressed Rosarita, “Rosarita, we know you were scheduled to be off today, so this extra special breakfast is all that much more special. This, I think deserves a round of applause.” He then stood and began applauding.
At first, Rosarita was sure the other shoe was about to drop in the form of some snide comment regarding the fact that she was here because she had spent the night with Fred and wanted to make him a special breakfast. Instead, everyone at the table rose as one and clapped, whistled, stomped their feet and yelled, “Bravo”!
Her almost snarl merged seamlessly into an almost shy blush. Paul spread his hands in a calming motion and once everyone was seated and quiet, he again addressed Rosarita, “It would be especially nice if you could stay with the rest of our family while we exchange gifts. Jeff and I have something for you to show our gratitude for treating us like members of your family.”
Rosarita was definitely intrigued. She was sure that the cash Jeff had given her after decorating the house was an all-encompassing bonus. Considering the way she had trash talked Paul, just like she did her little brother, she wouldn't be expecting more than a gag gift. At least with Maria in the room, it wouldn't be overtly sexual... Surely not.
Everyone helped clear the table and load the dishwasher. Then collectively, most with fresh coffee in hand, they adjourned to the family room. Jeff asked Paul to hand out the presents. Paul demurred, insisting Jeff play host for the family. The gifts had obviously been staged so that everyone got one on the first round. After that, it seemed that most everything under the tree was for the Princess.
Along with what Paul had saved from the burning house, Maria was inundated with toys, dolls, and stuffed animals. The security guys had gone in together and had bought “Frozen” themed gifts. That came along with plush toys, tee shirts, bracelets, a locket, and a tiara and of course the video. All packed inside a pull handle, rolling piece of “Frozen” luggage. Separately, but keeping with the “Frozen” theme, Rosarita gave her the stuffed moose and two nighties. Maria was overwhelmed, but not so much she couldn't remember to express her thanks to Rosarita and the guys with an exuberant hug and a kiss on the cheek. Jeff's gift was a kid-friendly iPad loaded with games, some of them were educational. He also gave her two gift cards one for iTunes and one Visa. If Paul knew the amounts on either he would've slapped Jeff upside the head. Jeff made sure she understood whenever she wanted to shop online she was to go to him for help and not bother her Father.
Each of the three guards received from "Our Family, Paul, Maria, and Jeff" a gift certificate for a pair of custom-made boots from one of the premier custom boot makers in Texas. Along with Rosarita they also received a Visa gift card. They would only learn the amount when they went to activate them. They would be pleasantly surprised.
Paul handed a book shaped gift to Rosarita. Jeff stepped to her side as she unwrapped a new iPad. He helped her open it and unlock it to reveal a screen showing a cartoon Santa pulling presents from his bag. Santa turned, faced her and said, “Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas, Rosarita! Your student loans have been paid in full and your tuition, books, room and board will be paid for so you can graduate debt free. Merry Christmas Rosarita! From Maria, Paul, Jeff and the rest of the Adams family.” The screen folded into a scene of late-night snow falling on an alpine village.
Rosarita was speechless. Her jaw dropped open and she stared blankly ahead. Paul gently nudged her jaw closed. “Might want to floss a little more often, I can see you’ve been eating spinach again.”
Rosarita came to her senses. Grabbing Paul by the shoulders, quietly she quipped, “Better something green than hairy. God knows we’ve seen your maw gape enough to deduce that Jeff is either neatly trimmed or else shaves regularly, otherwise, heaven knows you’d have hairy gums.” Then she surprised the shit out of Paul by kissing him on the mouth. “Thank you! I know I come off as being a bitch at times, but you don't know what this means to me.” Turning to Jeff, “Thank you Jeff. I know Your love for Paul and our Princess must have inspired this tremendous act of generosity toward an almost complete stranger. Miss Julie told me that I would make some new friends and meet someone important for my future if I took this job. At first, I thought she meant you… Then, well…” She glanced coyly at Fred, who blushed and smiled warmly. “I guess I need to learn to broaden my perspective.”
Paul had a problem shopping for Jeff until he talked to Raymond. As a result, Jeff would receive a 90 amp home charging station, with a 24-foot cable for his Tesla, not a cheap gift, by Paul's estimation. Jeff insisted Paul had solved a problem before he had even realized one existed. From Maria, Jeff received a tee shirt which read “Maria's Daddy” Jeff made a fuss over both gifts. He assured Maria this was now his most favorite tee shirt ever. He insisted he would wear it to his Uncle Joe's for Christmas. Maria thought that was “awesome” and she wanted to wear one of her new nighties under one of her new tee shirts. Paul stepped in and insisted Christmas dinner called for something a little more formal than tee shirts and nighties, no matter how awesome. Both relented, but Paul had to agree that Jeff could wear his tee shirt under his button down and Maria could take her wheeled luggage and change into one of her nighties should they stay past her bedtime.
When it came to Paul, Jeff had to restrain himself. For the first time, since he was a kid, he was excited about what his money could buy. He wanted to spoil his lover and his lovely new daughter. He handed Paul his first gift, a fifteen-inch MacBook Pro. Thanks to Tink it was already loaded with professional software used by T.R. and David, his new work associates. They had also provided the name of a medical supply firm they used, along with a list of equipment, Paul most likely didn't already have. Said equipment was to be delivered before the first of the year. The last gift for Paul was a wristwatch. Paul first thought was that, ‘it doesn't look new’. Jeff explained that it had been given to his Father, by his grandfather, upon graduation from the Air Force Academy in 1984.
Paul made to hand it back. Jeff wrapped his hands around Paul's right hand holding the watch. “Paul, it's not worth a lot. It might make a down payment on a fancy new Rolex, but that's about all. It's only stainless steel. This one doesn't even have a date function. It was made to be worn and used every day. My Dad wore it almost every day. He and Mom gave me mine when I graduated from high school. Paul, Babe, I know he would be pleased to see it was being used and appreciated by someone I love. Just like when the time comes, Maria will use and appreciate her grandmother’s jewelry. Please accept this gift as a token for becoming part of my family and for me becoming part of yours.” Jeff knew that if he had tried this in their bedroom there would have, most likely, been an outright refusal. Here in front of everyone, Paul had to at least pretend to consider accepting the gift.
Paul searched Jeff's face, trying to find some chink in the sincerity with which the gift was proffered. ‘Damn it’! He thought to himself. ‘He wants me to wear it to honor his father and as a tie to his family. It's almost like an heirloom engagement ring. How can I refuse without disappointing him and looking like a jerk’?
Paul drew a heavy breath. “Jeff, I don't feel comfortable accepting expensive gifts. I’ve never had to worry about that before now. I know this watch is worth a couple of those MacBook Pros. I also know refusing to accept this particular gift would be rejecting you and your family, and I could never do that. But! Be warned, I don't want to see you trying to spoil me and Maria, just because you can. No more gifts for me or Maria unless you talk to me first. I will accept this precious family heirloom, only if you agree to no more gifts without discussing it with me first.”
Jeff, like any good attorney, saw a loophole as big as the Grand Canyon, he solemnly agreed. Both men smiled and shared a kiss. Each thinking they had won a major concession, concerning a serious issue.
Jeff pulled his lover in close and whispered, “Don't be surprised when you see more of those handed out today.”
Rosarita agreed to help Maria dress and do her hair and makeup. Both Daddies heads snapped around to focus death rays upon she who would dare ‘tart up’ their baby girl with makeup. “Relax guys, it's just a little foundation.” Then with a wink, she added, “You won't be able to tell it's even there.” The wink implied that there wouldn't be any noticeable “make up” because there really wouldn't be any. Except in Maria's imagination. Both Daddies relaxed.
Rosarita had invited Fred to her family's home for Christmas dinner. Sam and Dave ribbed him good-naturedly. Paul refrained from saying any of the half-dozen snide remarks that came to mind. His favorite was to remind Fred to always practice safe sex by strapping a 2X4 across his ass so he wouldn't fall in. Maybe he should ask Rosarita if she told Fred that the female of her species, has been known to eat her mate after copulating. Maybe he should warn Fred that Rosarita had personally nominated Loreena Bobbit for sainthood. Maybe a timely reminder that his visiting her family, especially on a holiday, would most likely activate his life insurance policy’s exclusionary clause regarding human sacrifice. Perhaps he could encourage Fred by pointing out that after meeting her family, it would be comforting to remember that a lot of inherited traits can be overcome by plastic surgery and heavy doses of medication, just look what it's done for Rosarita.
Jeff was agog at Paul's gentlemanly restraint. He could hardly believe it when Paul simply wished them Merry Christmas and “see y’all later”. By the time the pair was gone, Sam and Dave were looking at Paul as if he had been hit on the head. After that Maria was busy putting her Christmas loot in her room and thus out of earshot, Jeff said, “Ok, Paul, out with it! How did you manage not to pounce on Rosarita and Fred’s relationship? Given your track record with her, you should have been all over that.”
“Oh, I was, as you say, all over that, except only in my mind. I didn't really want to hurt her or Fred so I just thought up some really mean things to say and then, just didn't say them”.
After having sworn the three men to secrecy, Paul related his devastating barbs. He didn't get the gut-busting guffaws he thought they deserved. In fact, Sam and Dave insisted they might have had to restrain Fred from attacking him. Paul countered by insisting that if Rosarita had said those things about him, they all would have laughed their asses off. Jeff agreed, it was probably a matter of perspective or gender bias.
Before the discussion could degrade further, Maria showed up dressed to the nines. Apparently, Mellie had bought more than one dress up outfit. This one had a full, red skirt with green trim with white petticoats underneath. The bodice was a creamy silk with a lace overlay that looked like a series of large snowflakes knitted together. This was covered with a vest that was also red, trimmed in green. Paul thought the red slippers and red beret made her look festive and a little French. The whole outfit was topped off with a red hooded cape lined in green velvet. With her hair done in ringlets and rosy cheeks, she looked like a colorized version of Shirley Temple playing Little Red Riding Hood. Wait a minute! Rosy cheeks? Paul was going to have a talk with that, makeup artiste to the Stars, Miss Rosarita. Still, Maria appeared as a rose among thorns, what with all the men dressed conservatively in slacks and dress shirts. Each man sported boots and leather blazers. Jeff and Paul’s were brown while Sam and Dave's were black.
With gifts for Joe’s branch of the family packed up, they headed out. Once they were loaded into the Suburban, Paul texted Raymond that they were en route.
Paul was pleased to see that Ilya and Tink were celebrating with the Adams family. Ilya greeted them at the door with a shout of ‘s rah-zh-dee-st-VOHM! Which he followed up with the traditional American season’s greeting. He insisted on carrying Maria into the house. The Princess was delighted. Jeff, Paul, Sam, and Dave followed them into the family room.
Joe and Mellie fussed over the new arrivals like they hadn't seen them in months. Mellie insisted that Maria show off her outfit, proclaiming her to be dressed for a red carpet walk. Paul could almost believe she had never seen Maria's outfit, except he knew she had picked it out AND paid for it.
Paul wasn't sure if the original room was this large or if it was the ‘two-room’ version. It was definitely smaller than the ‘four-room’ version used for the get-together. The tree was just as imposing as he remembered. Beneath and around it lay a very impressive array of wrapped presents. It wouldn't have looked out of place in a large department store. Paul knew that unlike the “display” version, these presents weren't props, these held gifts chosen by individuals for folks they cared about. This was what family and Christmas were really all about. It was a time to show your love and caring… it really was the thought that counts.
Tink was more reserved but repeated Ilya's greeting. Which, by the stilted pronouncement, he had, obviously, been practicing.
Mellie let them know that a cold buffet was set up, but cautioned that dinner would be served at 2:00. After that, leftovers would have to suffice. Looking over the buffet made Paul almost wish he hadn't filled up on Rosarita’s scrumptious waffles… almost. Joe encouraged his family and guests to help themselves to food and drink.
Everyone soon settled into seats near the tree and mostly watched Maria. Her brown eyes went wide with wonder as Joe assured her, there were presents under the tree for her. She looked to her Daddy Jeff for confirmation, he nodded reassuringly. Maria had believed that Santa and Christmas… well, the getting gifts part, only really happened at home. She had accepted that the gifts under this tree, just like at home, were for those who lived here. As realization dawned, her jaw dropped as she eyed the tree with renewed wonder and expectation. Her wheeled suitcase was still in her grip, but the anticipation as to what waited for her under the tree was fighting for her full attention.
Shortly after Jeff and his team settled in, Raymond and Daniel arrived. Daniel presented Mellie with a poinsettia and Joe with a bottle of Bookers Rye. Mellie graciously accepted the flower, but Joe practically slobbered over the whiskey. Raymond had been right when he assured Daniel his choices would be well received. Mellie took the flower into the dining room while Joe cradled his whiskey and led the boys into the family room.
Once he was assured that his family and guests were comfortable, Joe began to pass out the presents. This is when the ‘professional’ cell phone photographers pulled out their high-quality cell phone/cameras.
The first gift was for Maria. Seated on her Daddy Jeff's lap, she accepted the gift with a polite, “Thank you Uncle Joe.” Even with the gift in hand, she appeared hesitant. Jeff coached her, “Let’s see who this nice gift is from.” He helped her read the tag, which garnered him a reprimanding glare. “Sorry Princess, I forgot you can read.” She tore into the wrapping to reveal a set of ‘Matryoshka’ or Russian nesting dolls. Tink stepped to her side and as he revealed each of six dolls, Maria greeted and examined each one with giggles of delight. Jeff noticed Tink was almost bubbling with joy at the child’s reaction to his gift. Once she had reassembled his gift, she gifted him with an enthusiastic hug and a kiss on the cheek. And just like that, the princess had another servant.
The scene was repeated with Ilya's gift of a Teddy Bear dressed as a Cossack with a Russian flag sewn onto his fur hat. Ilya told her the Russian Bear would protect her sleep, keeping bad dreams away, just as he, Ilya, would keep bad people away. The “Frozen” luggage was forgotten as she hugged the bear and the nesting dolls to her heart. There was a present from Mr. Tom for Maria. It was a “Frozen” Build a Bear. Maria was so pleased she had to hug and kiss someone. Daddy Jeff was happy to receive kisses meant for Tom, but he would not be passing them on to their rightful owner.
Uncle Joe handed her another gift. The tag said, “from your Aunt Mellie and Uncle Joe”. This one proved to be a photograph. It was of her favorite horse, Bluebell. Bluebell was in her stall with her head sticking out over the gate. Hung on the gate was a professionally painted sign that read, “Maria's Bluebell”. Joe and Mellie had given her her favorite horse for Christmas. Mellie was quick to point out, before Paul or Jeff could object, that Bluebell would keep on living with her friends and family. She would be very lonely if she had to move to Maria's home. Maria nodded in serious agreement. She then proceeded to reward them both with lavish hugs and kisses.
Raymond had slipped down the hall and brought back a custom-made saddle and tack. The cantle proclaimed in big letters “Maria”. It seemed that every available surface had stalks or individual blossoms of bluebells. She would still need her special stirrups, but it was a saddle just for her and she loved it. Paul figured it cost as much as his used Explorer. Her Uncle Raymond may have stolen the show with his gift. Getting her own horse and saddle! How could Christmas be any better… if only “Frozen” made saddle bags.
The gifts for the adults began to appear. Ilya received a three-volume set, first edition copy of “War and Peace”, in Russian. Tink got the gamers' equivalent of a bulletproof laptop. Joe emphasized this was for recreation not work. Sam, Dave, and Fred each received a Chiappa, White Rhino, 40 caliber, revolver. Each was heavily engraved, including their names, definitely showpieces. Paul felt a twinge of nausea as he recalled the shooting. In almost the same instant, Jeff pulled him close in a comforting embrace as if he could read Paul’s mind.
The gifts were really too numerous to accurately list. Jeff got free window tinting, from Raymond, for his Tesla when it got to Texas. A much needed and appreciated amenity. Daniel gave Raymond a Tesla ball cap. That started Daniel's exuberant recollection of his first Tesla ride and drive. Raymond gave Daniel a bronze desk plaque that featured a sculpture of a rearing stallion having been roped by a cowboy on foot. The engraving across the base proclaimed, “Sheriff Daniel T. Lovan”. Joe and Mellie gave Daniel a gift card to an exclusive men's shop in Dallas. Daniel suspected this gift might be of an amount that might raise questions for an elected official. He’d have to talk to Raymond. Joe and Mellie presented Jeff with a portrait of him with his parents. It was sourced from a photograph taken in San Francisco shortly before they were killed. Paul was impressed with how much Jeff resembled his father. He was also impressed with the way his man talked about the love he had always felt from his parents as he looked at the portrait. Jeff also acknowledged the love his Uncle Joe and Aunt Mellie had always shown him. No one cried, but all four got choked up. Joe explained that their gift for Paul was too bulky to put under the tree. He assured him it was in keeping with his professional needs. Paul wanted to object… he just didn't know to what.
Daniel was amazed when Jeff presented Joe and Mellie with a week-long stay at a Galveston BnB. Seems that Jeff and he had some mutual acquaintances from other than high school. Idly he wondered if Miss Julie was getting a booking commission. It didn't matter to him, it really was a good deal. When he confessed to giving his parents the same gift there was talk about his and Jeff's folks all vacationing together.
Moving back to the tree, Joe pulled out four identical small boxes. He read off the names Ilya, Tink, Sam, and Dave and asked each man to come forward. Joe handed them the appropriate box and had them remain standing together. Joe cleared his throat, “Gentlemen, a few days ago a member of our family was kidnapped. It was through your efforts, collectively and as individuals, that he was able to return to us unharmed. While each of you has received a bonus for your heroic actions on our behalf, we wanted to give you a reminder of our gratitude for your selfless service in our time of need. In the box you hold, you will find a watch engraved with your name, the date of which I speak, followed by the words, ‘Thank You from the AFT’. On behalf of the Adams Family...” It was at this point that both Jeff and Raymond both reached to prevent Daniel from snapping his fingers. The effort had not gone unnoticed. Joe turned with a snarl, “Goddamnit Lovan, how many times do I have to tell you to knock off that silly tv series theme song shit. You might have grown up, but not so much that I can't take my belt to your ass, if I need to.”
Daniel looked, for the world, like the teenager who had inadvertently annoyed a bigger, more powerful adult male. “But… Uncle Joe, I wasn't gonna do nothing. If these two yahoos hadn't tried to grab me, for no reason, your speech would not have been interrupted. It's them that deserve the belt. I was just sitting here listening to you.”
Jeff and Raymond had the decency to look chagrined. Even Joe appeared humbled by Daniel's expression of innocence. He apologized to the ladies for his crude language.
Only Paul saw the gleam in Daniel's eyes. His doubts were confirmed when Daniel noticed his suspicious glare and surreptitiously winked at him. Paul couldn't help but burst out laughing. Everyone looked at him as if waiting to be let in on the joke. A couple of the guys offered nervous chuckles. But Maria just stared at her father as if she would, sooner rather than later, be shopping for a nursing home.
Once Paul settled down, Joe continued, only with a lot less formality. “Look guys, we just want you to know that when you wear these watches it will be with the gratitude of the entire Adams family.” At which point Daniel looked at Paul, who nodded slightly in reply, and together they snapped their fingers in perfect synchronization, “Snap, snap!… Snap, snap”! Joe was livid. He pointed to Paul, “When you two get married you're changing your name to Adams!” Then turning to Daniel, “And that goes for you too, smarta.. smarty pants. Let's see how the two of you like it.” Then for the perfect punctuation, he snapped his fingers. Snap, snap!… Snap, snap!
It was completely anticlimactic, but the four men still standing opened their gifts to reveal identical Rolex Submariner watches. Paul couldn't help himself, later as he thanked the men and complimented their watches as he covertly compared theirs to his and was pleased that while theirs were nearly identical to his, his had a patina of love and history. He wouldn't swap it for all of theirs put together. Plus, his had been worn by a handsome fighter pilot. No way would he swap.
First Paul and then Daniel individually apologized to Joe. He embraced each man and whispered in each man’s ear, “I don't care, you’re still changing your name” then released the man with a warm pat on the back. Paul had seemed rather pleased at the prospect. Daniel drifted away muttering, “Adams, Daniel Adams. Sheriff, Daniel Adams.” Suddenly it dawned on him, He spun around and almost shouted, “But, he’s not an Adams!” Joe just winked at him.
The rest of the day went very smoothly. Maria convinced her Uncle Raymond to take her to visit her new horse and to take her an apple for Christmas. Daniel went along to help with the saddle and tack. Jeff and Paul along with Joe and Mellie watched “Christmas in Connecticut”.
Dinner was too good and too much. Prime rib two days in a row was a bit more than Paul expected, but in his mind, it sure beat turkey. The flavor was excellent, maybe even better than Rosarita’s. The Au jus and horseradish sauce were perfect compliments. Roasted root vegetables, sautéed green beans and, in deference to Maria, asparagus with a new twist for her “gravy”, better known as hollandaise sauce. Dessert was spiced pumpkin pie with bourbon-flavored whipped cream. When Daniel asked about the spices in the pie Mellie told him it was a family secret, chipotle powder. Maria was offered and gladly opted for a hot fudge sundae.
The conversation drifted up and down the table with everyone contributing comments on the food as well as Christmas memories. Everyone was enthralled to hear Ilya describe holiday traditions from his homeland. There Christmas was quietly observed with family, while gifts were exchanged at the boisterous New Year's celebrations.
During a lull in the conversation, Raymond tapped his spoon against his glass to get everyone’s attention. He scooted his chair back and stood. “I’m not sure there is a good time to announce something like this, given the particulars. But, I would like the people closest to me, those I consider family, to know that our family will increase before the end of next year. I have contracted with a surrogate and, god willing, I will be a father, by this time next year. I have discussed this at some length with Uncle Joe and Aunt Mellie. They have encouraged me and pledged their continued love and support in this endeavor, just as they have through most of my life.”
Everyone seemed stunned by Raymond’s announcement, except Maria. She enthusiastically asked, before he could even sit down, “Uncle Raymond, does this mean you found a tempairy mommy?”
Raymond grinned at her obvious delight at his intention of becoming a Daddy. “Yes Princess, I found a very nice temporary mommy.”
Shifting her gaze to Paul she instructed, “Did you hear that? Daddy, Uncle Raymond found a tempairy mommy. He can help you and Daddy Jeff find one and I can get my little brother here before next Christmas.”
“I am very happy that Uncle Raymond is going to have, uh, get, er, make, uh… I’m happy that Uncle Raymond is going to become a father. We have told you that a baby is something that your Daddies have to decide about. You will be the first to know, but it will be our decision. Besides, Uncle Raymond’s baby will be your cousin and that's almost like a baby brother or sister.”
Jeff chimed in, “Princess, having a baby is not something you decide overnight. Even after we decide, it takes nine months for it to be born. In this situation, you're going to have to be patient and trust your Daddies to make the right choice, at the right time. We promise, as soon as we decide to have a baby, we will tell you right away. In the meantime, we know how you feel and that will be considered as we make our decision. You need to understand, it may be years before we choose to have a baby.”
Daniel felt a segue was sorely needed. “Uncle Joe, if I may?” Joe nodded, and Daniel stood and continued, “I want to propose a toast to the fortunate boy or girl who will soon be born into this wonderful family and who gets to call such a fine man, Daddy. Ladies and gentlemen, raise your glass to... Daddy”. Everyone stood and toasted, “To Daddy”! Including Maria, who copied Ilya and clinked her water glass with all those in reach.
Raymond leaned in and whispered in Daniel’s ear, “I thought you refused to call me Daddy?”
“We’re not having sex!” Daniel whispered back.
Raymond chuckled softly, “Oh yes we are. Just, not right now.”
Daniel rolled his eyes in mock exasperation.
Once everyone was again seated, Paul began to shift his focus between Raymond and Daniel as the former answered questions regarding his impending fatherhood. He knew the instant Raymond's hand landed in Daniel's crotch. Raymond seemed engrossed in the discussion about the factors leading up to his decision regarding surrogacy. Daniel snapped his head around. With eyes as big as saucers, he glared at the apparently oblivious Raymond.
Paul could also tell when Daniel reciprocated. Daniel's face took on a suddenly smug look, while Raymond audibly gulped and momentarily stuttered. Daniel had him, game, set, match. Paul wanted to cheer.
After dinner, most either watched Christmas movies and specials or snuck off, most likely for a nap or something more intimate. Maria was the first casualty. When Jeff and Paul went to check on her, they found she had carefully hung up her Christmas clothes, thanks to child level closet racks and hooks, and was now dressed in a “Frozen” nightie and tee shirt. Clutched in her arms were the nesting dolls and her Russian Teddy Bear. On her nightstand was her “Frozen” Build a Bear and her picture of Bluebell. On the floor, almost within reach, was her luggage. Jeff snapped a picture to show Ilya and Tink.
It was relatively early in the evening when Jeff and Paul took their leave. Joe was explaining the finer points of good whiskey to Ilya who steadfastly defended vodka from Mother Russia. Tink was teaching Mellie all about social media and its potential for political outreach. Jeff and Paul both thanked unknown gods that they had always kept their Facebook accounts strictly “G” rated. There would be no hesitation in accepting Aunt Mellie’s friend request.
Raymond and Daniel had left shortly after Maria awakened from her nap. They appeared in the family room, moving rather hurriedly, saying their goodbyes and something about taking “Sharon” for a ride, discussing campaign strategy and getting a better look at Raymond's new property. That last was a little suspect since it was already well after dark. They were in such haste they had been talking over each other. Paul assured Jeff it was just their way of saying they needed to find a bed in which they could be noisy and nasty without disturbing anyone else.
All the way home Maria kept a tight grip on her new bears. While the rest of her loot was fine in the back of the Suburban, she insisted on having her “traveling bag” at her feet. As soon as they pulled out of the drive, a quiet calm settled around them. Paul watched as Sam rested his hand, palm up, on the center console. Then Dave, who was driving, laid his hand gently on top of Sam’s.
As they pulled into the drive Paul realized why his present was “too bulky to put under the tree”. There in the drive was a brand new, white, Chevy Tahoe. It had a big red bow on top and a banner along the side that read, “Merry Xmas Paul” below that in a smaller font, “Love, your Uncle Joe and Aunt Mellie”. Paul noticed his rusty, old Explorer had disappeared. Jeff was clearly surprised by the gift. That didn't stop Paul from glaring at him as if ‘all this’ was his fault. Paul didn't say a word he just freed himself and Maria from the seatbelts, moved to the back of the Suburban and waited for the release of the liftgate. He then silently gathered Maria’s presents and with a minimum of words directed her to her room. He glared at both Fred and Rosarita, convinced that they had colluded with the Adams family in ‘all this’. Fortunately, Maria was content to spend her time in her room arranging each of her acquisitions in its perfect place.
Minutes later Paul found himself staring at the paintings on either side of the fireplace in the master bedroom. He wasn't sure how long he had been there. Minutes maybe. Definitely not an hour. His anger had subsided to the point that he was no longer shaking. He was certain he could now talk without fear of destroying his relationships with his vitriol.
Jeff whispered in his ear, “They had their problems too you know. Winston was a big city lawyer who happened to be a skilled gambler and fast on the draw and accurate when he shot. John Grant was a cowboy with a checkered past. Nearly got himself hung in Colorado over a gunfight in which he killed a mining boss. Seems the boss was fond of beating Chinese immigrants for no reason. When they got together it was Winston who had won the brand and the grease pot cattle operation in a high stakes poker match. John had been working for the fellow with the losing hand. Turns out that waddie had the cowboy know how Winston needed. Together they made a solid start on building what the Adams Family Trust is today. They were both tough, hard-headed men. You have to know they were a lot like you and I. We’re tough and sometimes hard headed. If we help each other, we can stand together and achieve what they had, a life well lived… together.
“How about we let our troubles rest for now. Let me hold you, while you soak in a nice hot bath. Then when you're so relaxed your bones feel like jello, I’ll tuck you in and wrap you up in my arms and we'll fall asleep, in our bed, together.”
Paul was in an almost fugue state as Jeff helped him undress and then into the tub. The nearly too hot water did, eventually, relax him completely. Jeff gently dried him and put him to bed. Then he held him close through the night.
Paul wasn't ‘out of it’. It was that Jeff needed to spoil him in a way that didn't involve money. And Paul needed to know that, even without money, Jeff loved him deeply, and desperately needed his love in return. The next time, maybe he would bathe Jeff.
This ‘hot bath’ would become a ceremony that was repeated, as needed, throughout their years together.
Wait? What do you mean, Wait? You mean there's more drama to be had in Texas before we even get to Chicago. Will it never end?
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