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Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Ripped - 14. Chapter 14


He hadn't felt so energetic in a long time.

His mom had been waiting for him when he'd arrived home yesterday afternoon, ready to take him for his haircut. He really hadn't thought she'd remember, let alone follow through with her comment that morning. She'd actually been rather... affectionate and almost chipper the whole afternoon. Between her smiles and thinking about Declan, their walk, and the texts, Bailey found himself feeling unusually content.

When he woke that Tuesday morning, he was glad to see his mother hadn't fallen asleep on the couch again. In fact, she seemed to be sleeping peacefully when he peeked in on her in her room to make sure she was okay. In fact, he was surprised to see that her bedroom was picked up and in perfect order. Neatness hadn't been much of a priority for her after the funeral.

Bailey himself had slept fitfully, wondering about meeting up with Declan again today. He was both excited and a little scared. He knew, of course, there was the possibility that this was all some sort of trap. A way of getting him to lower his guard. But he really didn't think that was true. It didn't stop him from exercising some caution though.

Meeting this afternoon at the deli was a safe enough bet. Being off-campus meant they would be out in the general public, so there was less of a chance, theoretically, of being ambushed.

If he had to be honest, he'd felt a flutter of excitement when Declan responded almost immediately to his text last night. He imagined Declan sitting around anxiously awaiting his reply. At least, that's what he let himself dream anyway.

As he ran on the track that morning, he had to admit he'd had just a tiny hope that maybe Declan would show up again. When he didn't, Bailey had to grant that Declan probably had no idea Bailey ran out here on the track every morning. They'd only run into each other that one disastrous time—when Declan apparently thought Bailey was trying to show him up.

Bailey laughed out loud at the thought. He sobered, though, as he thought about how little he knew about anyone on campus other than his own team. That probably hadn't helped Declan's perception of him—or anyone else's for that matter. He had kept to himself. He did try to bury his frame in clothes a size or two too big. And he hadn't made any effort to talk to anyone else other than in passing.

For all the whispers and side-long glances he'd received yesterday, today wasn't much different. He did notice that a few of the football players seemed to look away when they noticed him, almost as if they were ashamed. It was as if they weren't sure what to make of Chris's claim of Bailey's confession, maybe even a little suspicious of its authenticity, but they weren't willing to outright dispute him either. Hell, they'd been there; unless they had been buried in the back of the crowd, it was likely they knew that Bailey had never cheated.

Other than a few of Chris and Eric's close friends though, most of the students were more curious than anything else. It made for good gossip and speculation on an otherwise regular week.

At lunch, Bailey scooted through the lunch line as quickly as he could before making his way to a corner table where he could have his back to the wall. It was a habit he'd developed in the last couple years, as he was able to avoid anyone sneaking up behind him.

He had his head down, buried in a science fiction fantasy, when a tray clattered to the table across from him. His eyes shot up to see Declan dropping his backpack in a chair as he was saying something to the guy who'd set the tray down.

"... sure? You usually sit, you know, more out in the middle," the other guy was saying.

"This is good, Ev," Declan said easily. "Hey, Bailey, you don't mind if we sit here, do ya?"

Bailey actually thought Declan's eyes twinkled a little with amusement, and Bailey barely managed to hold back a smile. Damn, the guy was being persistent.

"Sure." He shrugged as if it didn't matter, even as he was secretly warmed by the fact Declan appeared to have sought him out.

"This is my roommate, Evan. Evan, you know Bailey, right?" Declan said in the way of introductions.

"Yeah, sort of, we've seen each other around." Evan pulled out his chair, sitting, as Declan headed off to get his own food. "So you're the one who put Declan in his place, huh?"

Bailey nearly choked on the milk he'd been drinking.

Evan just smirked knowingly. "He deserved it. He's been full of himself all semester; the whole damn football team has."

"Evan!" a voiced called from across the cafeteria, sparing Bailey a response as Evan turned to wave at a tall lanky red-head. The guy was sporting a cast on his arm as he attempted to juggle his tray and backpack. He nearly didn't make it. The tray crashed noisily on the tabletop, and he sighed heavily.

"Fuck, I didn't think having a broken arm was going to be so damn frustrating!"

Evan laughed. "Dude, just wait another couple of weeks when it starts really itching, too."

The guy groaned. "You're not helping." He flopped down, sprawling in the seat, before finally looking over at Bailey. "Oh, hey, I'm Ian, by the way. I don't think we've met."

"Bailey McIntyre," Bailey responded softly. "You okay?" He nodded towards Ian's bright blue fiberglass casted arm. It was black with all the signatures scribbled on it in Sharpie.

"Oh, yeah, just a hazard of playing lacrosse, or any sport for that matter, I suppose. Broke it when I tripped over Carson's stick practicing faceoffs. Sucks, but it should be fine before the actual season starts."

Bailey just nodded, still a little stunned by these new people at his table. Usually, if anyone bothered to sit with him it was his teammates.

And... speak of the devils...

"Hey, Bailey." Cameron came up and sat his tray down in the empty seat between him and Ian.

He watched Justin silently edge around the table, eyeing Evan and Ian warily. Bailey could tell his team captain was assessing the motives of the two guys who had obviously chosen to sit at Bailey's table, because Justin knew Bailey wouldn't have chosen the seat if they had already been there.

Justin pulled out a chair and flanked him on his other side. He found it kind of sweet that his teammates were protecting him in the only way they could, without outright telling Evan and Ian to leave.

"So," Justin drawled, taking in the whole table, "what's up everybody?"

"Not much," Evan shrugged, blithely unaware of Justin's watchfulness. "Just the same as everyone else I suppose: study, practice, sleep. And then do it all over again tomorrow!"

The others laughed, and Bailey felt Justin relax slightly. It only lasted a moment though because apparently Justin spotted Declan making his way towards them. Bailey would have laughed out loud at the way Justin was shooting daggers at Declan, but Declan wasn't even paying attention to Justin. His dark eyes were focused solely on Bailey.

Bailey almost shivered at the emotions roiling in those molten brown eyes. Declan dumped his backpack on the floor next to his chair and settled in to eat.

"How's your day going?" Declan's deep voice intruded on his wandering thoughts, and Bailey focused enough to realize Declan was talking to him.

"It's fine."

"Nobody being... you know?" Declan asked vaguely, and Bailey guessed he was asking if anyone was harassing him because of the 'confession' Chris was spreading around.

All eyes turned to him at that question, apparently each of them wondering the same thing. "No, not really. No one's really saying anything to me, but then I don't really give 'em a chance to either—just ignoring whatever whispers or comments, that's all."

Declan and Justin nodded at the same time, causing Justin to glare back at the lineman. Declan just chuckled, taking a bite of a fry. "That's good."

"So, Declan, do you know anything about what our coaches are planning?" Cameron asked, changing the subject for Bailey.

"Nah, I didn't even know they were planning something until Bailey mentioned it yesterday. Guess we'll find out this afternoon."

Conversation broke out across the table as everyone speculated and joked about what might be going on. Talk also turned to various tests or papers had been assigned. Bailey mostly sat back and watched as he usually did, even when he was sitting with just his teammates. Owen, Mateo, and Luke had taken the table next to them along with a couple people Bailey thought were their roommates, but Bailey had been horrible about allowing himself to get attached and hadn't remembered their names.

"So, what's this, Foster? Slummin' now, are we?"

Bailey looked up to see Chris hovering behind Declan, his eyes shooting contempt across everyone at the table. Bailey sensed Justin already attempting to rise, but a subtle shake of Declan's chiseled jaw had him settling back down.

Declan calmly ate another fry, shrugging. "Just picked a good seat, seemed better than any other I saw."

Chris cocked his head. "So you didn't see us sitting over there?"

"Nope. Saw my friends sitting here." Declan continued to ignore Chris practically looming over him.

Bailey ducked his head to hide his smirk of laughter. Evan and Ian snickered, hands covering their mouths, making only a half-hearted attempt to hide their amusement. Justin and Mateo gaped at Declan for a moment long moment before it hit them what Declan had actually said. Slow grins lit their faces.

Chris Vasser's face flushed bright red. "You think you're so funny, Foster. Just wait."

Bailey looked back up to see Chris glaring at him, before eyeing each person at the table. Funny how it looked a lot like the way Justin had been staring down Declan earlier.




"Excuse me, sir, but what are we doing here?" the sneer in Chris's voice was barely disguised as they entered the Auxiliary gym.

Declan maneuvered his way in, his team fanning out just inside the doorway behind their coach and team captain. When their coach had informed them that they were going on a 'field trip' at the beginning of practice and to leave their gear in their lockers for now, Declan wasn't as surprised as the rest of the team. Bailey had hinted there might be something going on, and now Declan was getting an idea of what that might be.

And it didn't look promising.

Especially as they stared across the small gym at the six guys in form-fitting tank tops and gym shorts. Declan noticed Bailey and Luke seemed to be the only ones not trying to kill the football team with laser beam glares. Strangely, most of the guys around him didn't seem angry or upset by the turn of events, just curious and a little bit in awe as they looked around at the equipment.

"Well, Mr. Vasser, this is Enlightening 101," the football coach, Coach Reed, informed with a sly smirk. "Coach Richards, they are all yours."

Gasps erupted from around him, and Declan even found his mouth dropping open. The gym boys whipped their heads toward their coach, obviously just as surprised as the football team.

"Slip off your shoes and spread out on the floor here," Richards ordered, as he gestured for his own team to join them.

There was a lot of grumbling as they kicked off their shoes against the wall, slowing making their way to the slightly bouncy blue floor. He noticed a few of the guys testing out the springyness of the floor with amused smiles. They still crowded to one side as Justin and his team edged onto the other side.

The two coaches exchanged amused smiles as they stood together. Coach Richards clapped his hands together. "Okay, boys, spread out, you're going to need room to do the warm-ups and conditioning exercises."

Declan moved a little more towards the center, along with several others like Alex and Ben who seemed game to try whatever their coach had in mind. Declan found himself gravitating towards Bailey standing off to the side, nervously rubbing at his hipbone. Declan noticed Bailey's occasional wince and wondered at the cause. He frowned. But his attention was quickly drawn away when his team captain opened his mouth.

"Wait, wait." Chris stepped forward, holding up his hand. "What's going on? Why do we have to warm up with the—" he caught himself before he said something that would get himself in trouble, "...with the gymnastics team?"

Chris was staring across at Justin, who had his arms folded defensively. It reminded Declan of the day they faced off in the weight room. Justin looked just as unenthusiastic to have his space invaded as the Chris was to be there at all.

Coach Reed stepped closer to Chris, almost in his face. "Because, Mr. Vasser, it seems there is some misconception about what being a champion means. It means more than just winning a few games or meets. It entails hard work, respectfulness, a willingness to try new things, and good sportsmanship towards all athletes," Coach Reed intoned meaningfully. "We, and I mean all the coaches, are beginning to see a little too much snobbery in the various teams—some more than others. So, Coach Richards and I have chosen to test a new idea that will probably be implemented with all the teams. The idea is for differing teams to experience a little bit of what another team does in their practices, and maybe even interact with students outside of your own team."

"So basically," Chris clarified, "we're going to do some of their conditioning and practice, and then they're going to come do ours?"

Both coaches nodded. "That's the idea," Reed confirmed.

Eric nudged Chris's side. "This should be fuckin' easy," he whispered to Chris with a wicked grin, eliciting a chuckle of agreement from Eddie as well.

"The team captains will lead," Richards stated, ready to get the practice moving. "Justin and Chris... " He waved the two teens to the front.

Declan nearly groaned. He was quite sure, after having witnessed some of the gymnastics practice before that they were about to have their asses handed to them. Reed and Richards exchanged a knowing smile, and Declan could just see Chris and Eric falling directly into their spider web.

Chris just turned to Justin, raising mockingly innocent brows, flourishing his hands out in a 'please proceed' gesture. Declan swore he could see Chris already calculating what torture he could inflict on the gymnastics team when it was his turn.

Of course, by the look on Justin's face now, he had the same plan for the football team, so maybe it would work out evenly.

"Okay, let's go, boys, time's a wasting," Richards said with a clap.

To say it was humiliating would be an understatement.



Of course, Justin was reminded that he needed to lead them through a fairly normal routine, which did actually include several of the same exercises that the football team used as well. The basic jumping jacks had Chris rolling his eyes, along with the push-ups, crunches, planks, pike stretches, etc. Declan heard several of his teammates mumbling about how it seemed like they were in their own practice right now.

But the next exercises Justin led them through, though, tended to have the larger size of most of the football team working against them. Handstands... yeah, right. Most of them didn't even get up into one before crashing down into the guys around him—and it was worse watching the gym guys pressing up into one from a sitting position on the floor. Hell, Declan couldn't even kick up into one, let alone hold the damn thing. Pancakes (some sort of split with your legs out to the sides and you try to flatten your chest to the floor)... so not happening; several of the guys pulled groin muscles trying to force it. Declan thought he knew flexibility; hell, they did stretches every practice, but this was a whole new level of bendy. There were several of the bending hands, shoulders, back, everything in ways they didn't normally go. Declan was sure he'd never stretched some of the muscles he stretched today in that way.

Some of the guys did better than others; Lachlan managed pretty well and got some congratulatory pats on the back for a successful handstand that he actually held longer than any of the other football players. But Chris and Eric's cocky attitude from the beginning wore off quickly when Justin told them to get flatter, or to 'see if they could at least get almost vertical' for the handstand they never managed.

Declan had to give Justin credit; the guy kept up a professional air the whole time, obviously very aware of the coaches watching. He was extremely careful not to deride or demean anyone, especially Chris or Eric. He kept his comments to advice that sounded helpful, even though some of the team could take it badly, as if Justin were trying to point out just how inept they were at some of the skills.

When Justin finally stopped and looked back to the coaches for further instructions, everyone flopped back on the springy blue floor groaning. "That's about it, Coach," Justin announced. "We'd normally head to the equipment now..."

Justin gestured around the gym, and several eyes widened with horror at that thought of having to get on the gymnastics equipment.

"We don't have to do any of that, do we?" Nick squeaked out from behind Declan, echoing the sentiment of most of his teammates.

Coach Richards chuckled. "No, of course not—"

"But I think it wouldn't hurt for them to see a routine or two," Coach Reed added, then turned to address the team. "I think it might give you a little more appreciation of what it takes to be a gymnast."

"I think I get it already," Jaime muttered from next to Declan, rubbing at his groin muscle. Alex and Ben grunted their agreement. Nick just flopped onto his back dramatically.

Richards nodded. "Fair enough. How about a quick demonstration on rings and floor before we head out to the field? Justin, figure out who's demonstrating," he called to his team.

Justin nodded, immediately pointing at Bailey. "You got rings; I'll take the floor." Justin grinned broadly, apparently excited to be showing off a little in front of the other team. "Show 'em what real strength means, Bay."

As the gymnasts smacked hands and bumped fists, Bailey moved to the side wall to grab up a small bag without joining in. Declan noticed Chris and Eric rolling their eyes at each other, mimicking dancing around with their fingers. The rest of his own team was shaking out their various limbs from the intense flexibility and stamina workout they'd just done.

They moved to the side of the blue carpeted floor and spread out along the edge. Declan snuck a peek over at Bailey slipping on his leather grips, admiring the defined shoulder muscles rippling with his movements. When his gaze swept back over the line of football players and he noticed several of his teammates watching Bailey, he felt a momentary pang of jealousy. It caused him blink quickly at the thought. What the hell? He had no right to be jealous. Bailey wasn't his.

But it sort of felt like he was. Because none of these guys had Bailey's phone number. None of them knew he didn't like to be surprised. None of them knew that Bailey had played football before.

He wondered vaguely as he turned to Justin taking a stance on the floor if Justin even knew about Bailey's football past. A small smile played at the corner of his lips at the thought.

"Where's your fru-fru dance music?" Eric called out to Justin, earning several groans from his teammates. Declan rolled his eyes. Sometimes Eric was such a dumbass.

"Mr. Olander," Coach Reed said sharply, "you'll show respect or you'll be sidelined."

Eric flushed, his lips tightening. "Yes, sir."

Chris was nudging him, leaning in to whisper, but he was smart enough not to say anything.

"Idiot," someone muttered, Declan couldn't tell who though.

The comment didn't even faze Justin, he was that focused. He stepped to the corner of floor and took off. Gasps erupted from around Declan as Justin completed a round-off back handspring, back tuck, back layout series. A few steps with exaggerated straight legs led to a handstand full pirouette, lowering into a straddle where he balanced for several seconds on just his hands. Pressing back into a handstand, Justin lowered one leg until he was in a 180 degree split. A front handspring into a flyspring took him to the far corner where he took a quick breath before rising on his toes and angled for the opposite corner in a double back Arabian stretched front layout. He flipped and twisted, landing with a solid thunk. When he finished, raising his arms in the standard salute, applause erupted. Murmurs of admiration flitted around him, and Declan noticed Reed and Richards nod at each other.

"Thank you, Mr. Greene," Richards acknowledged. When he turned his attention to the rings, everyone else followed his lead. Bailey had his hands in a bin, rubbing them together. Chalk, Declan realized when a small white cloud floated around him.

Bailey walked over to stand just under the rings, and Mateo stepped up behind him. Declan frowned as Mateo put his hands on Bailey's waist. It wasn't until Bailey jumped and grabbed the rings that Declan realized Mateo was aiding Bailey to mount the rings like Declan had seen their coach do once before. He heard a snicker of laughter and looked down the line to see Eddie leaning into say something to Chris and Eric.

He just shook his head, watching Bailey's fluid routine instead. It looked just as amazing as it had before. The muscles bulging as Bailey held incredible strength poses, the long lean line of his body, the way Bailey seemed to float mid-air and stop his momentum instantaneously completely awed him. How he could swing around on those rings, holding vertical and then horizontal, straddling, flipping forwards then backwards, and keep the rings so still as if they were never touched was incredible.

Bailey's lean form seemed even longer as he made several giant rotations, building up speed for his dismount. He solidly landed a double back on the mat, his thump echoing in the stunned silence.

"Holy shit," someone finally muttered, breaking the silence.

"Did you see that? He fucking held himself in a T, horizontally!"

"That's called the Maltese," Justin's voice said from behind them, his arms crossed over his chest. "Bailey's the only one of us that can do it."

Declan grinned proudly, even though he had no idea why he should feel that way. Mateo held out his hand to Bailey, and Declan noticed Bailey's hesitation before accepting the congratulatory hand-slap.

Abruptly, clapping and whistling broke out around him. Declan joined in enthusiastically, proud of his teammates. Bailey had ducked his head, his cheeks tinged pink at the praise. As the noise died down, Coach Reed clapped his hands to get everyone's attention.

"That was very impressive Mr. Greene and Mr. McIntyre. Thank you for the demonstrations. I'm sure everyone here can acknowledge the strength and talent it takes to do such complex skills. Strength comes in many forms, right, gentlemen?"

A series of 'yes, sir's echoed around the gym. While Declan didn't think his entire team had dismissed the gymnasts as weak 'fly-boys', a few of them most definitely had—until now. Hell, it was only a few days ago that Declan admitted it to himself.

"Okay, how about we head out onto the field?" Reed said.

"Do we have to? Can't we just say we know they are good at whatever they do?" Owen asked.

"No," Richards said curtly, "this is an exchange of skills and expertise. It's their turn to share with you."

"Hell, yeah!" a couple of guys shouted as the football team jumped to their feet, obviously ready to show off a little themselves.

"Grab your gear and head to the field," Reed ordered before turning with a nod to the gymnastics team. "We'll see you guys on the field in a few minutes. Great job, by the way."

Declan surreptitiously waited to the side as his team shoved through the doors into the hall. He watched Bailey slowly walking over, making his way across the gym to join the rest of his team.

"Hey." Declan was surprised at how husky his voice came out, but Bailey looked up at him, those gray eyes wide and guileless. "We still on after practice?"

Bailey ducked his head slightly, nodding. "Yeah, sure."

"Good. Can't wait."

Copyright © 2017 craftingmom; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

20 hours ago, Timothy M. said:


I always go to this post on page 12 of Dayne Mora's Efrain and Cory topic and pick one up.




Pick one up? Like how? What do you mean? Remember, Tim, I'm really technology stupid here!!! lol Which reminds me, I still need to finish THAT story!!

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On 6/4/2017 at 4:25 AM, Lisa said:

Pick one up? Like how? What do you mean? Remember, Tim, I'm really technology stupid here!!! lol 


I'm sure you know copy and paste. Just highlight the emoticon the way you would with some text you want to quote. Pres Ctrl C, move to where you want the emoticon and do Ctrl V.

Edited by Timothy M.
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18 hours ago, Timothy M. said:


I sure you know copy and paste. Just highlight the emoticon the way you would with some text you want to quote. Pres Ctrl C, move to where you want the emoticon and do Ctrl V.

Well, that seems easy enough. lol Ctl C and Ctl V are the same used in Google Docs, which I use on a daily basis. It just seems like a pain in the ass to do that every time. I really like the dancing/running/jumping guy. He should be on the list of emoticons. Can't they stick him in there somewhere?

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3 hours ago, Lisa said:

 I really like the dancing/running/jumping guy. He should be on the list of emoticons. Can't they stick him in there somewhere?


That's a tech question which is beyond me, but since it may be a gif rather than a true emoticon, I'm not sure it's possible.

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Posted (edited)

3 minutes ago, Timothy M. said:


That's a tech question which is beyond me, but since it may be a gif rather than a true emoticon, I'm not sure it's possible.

That's too bad. He's my new favorite dancing/running/jumping guy. Well, he's the ONLY dancing/running/jumping guy! :rofl:


Anywho...if you don't mind, Tim, I'm trying to catch up with chapter fifteen!  hehe  :gikkle:    

Edited by Lisa
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Dammit. I did as you said (it was VERY difficult since the thingie is constantly moving), and it worked, but I got a bar that said I pasted with formatting, and I need to delete the formatting. I ignored that, but it didn't come out.

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At the beginning of the chapter, Bailey's mom is seen to be doing much better--affectionate, chipper, sleeping on her bed instead of the couch, and keeping her room tidy. Daniel has replaced the alcohol, and I hope that Bailey (who is usually so empathetic) will see what Daniel is doing for her and give him a chance.


I love that Declan has eyes only for Bailey at the lunch table.  I also appreciate that he stands up to Chris during the same scene, showing that he will no longer tolerate Chris's putdowns.


After exercising with the gymnasts, and observing several routines, the football team as a whole seems to have come away with a new respect for their fellow athletes; and now it's the gymnasts' turn to see what the football team can do. At first, I was afraid that Chris and Eric would use the opportunity to try and injure Bailey (especially with an important meet coming up), but now I'm hoping that Bailey's skill as a cornerback shows them up at their own game!

Edited by travlbug
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