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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Parasitic Love Redux - 24. Experiments

The car wash was on the 11 o'clock news.

Nathan had been raving about the old Zombie man since they'd gotten back so everyone stayed up late to catch the story.

It was a short bit. Barely even worth the wait. They showed some shots of the car wash from across the street. The glass door at the exit was plastered in red tape and the lot was flooded with water.

The site was being investigated, they said. There were no signs of foul play, but no word on when the car wash would reopen either.

"Great," Nathan muttered. "I guess I'm out of a job." The news switched to a story on a school shooting in Wyoming. It was a big deal. They showed a video of the teen shooter sitting in a courtroom, weighed down with shackles on his wrists and ankles. He wore an orange jumpsuit and his eyes were deranged…

"You were just saying the other day you wanted a different job," Jamie said, patting Nathan on the knee. "You'll get better tips at Red Lobster."

"I haven't applied yet," Nathan whined.

"I'll help you tomorrow," Jamie said. "Relax."

Everyone sat in silence for a good minute, watching the news with varying degrees of interest.

"They said there was no foul play," Hannah said suddenly. She looked across the couch at Connor. "You said the old guy broke the pipes."

"I don't know what he did," Connor sneered. "I couldn't see him well enough."

Bradley shrugged. "Just because they say there's no foul play doesn't mean they aren't suspicious. If some eyebrows got raised, they'd keep the details under wraps," she said. "Businesses don't want to scare their customers away."

"What customers? They're closed until further notice," Nathan groaned. "Fuck, I'm gonna go call Matt." He got up and wandered into the other room.

The rest of the house was dark and quiet. Julie had gone to bed maybe an hour before and the dog had taken his last trip out for the night a little before that.

Connor looked out at the pool. The porch lights were out still… He made a mental note to ask his mother about replacing them. It didn't seem safe. He couldn't see the far end of the patio and he had a creepy feeling they were being watched by eyes just beyond the light…

"So, what was the old man doing again?" Hannah asked and there was a pregnant pause as everyone looked in Connor's direction.

Snapping to attention, Connor glared uneasily at the girl. "I don't know," he said through his teeth. "He wrapped his whole body around the water pipes. Then the pump exploded."

"How did he do that?"

"How am I supposed to know!" Connor cried. "He went boneless or something! I don't know!"

Hannah scowled at him. "You really don't have to yell."

"Seriously," Bradley cut in. "Keep it down."

Connor gave them both the finger.

Jamie sighed and got up from her spot next to M. "This is productive," she said under her breath and then a bit louder: "I'm going to bed, guys. I've got school in the morning."

Connor followed her with his eyes as she made her exit from the room. M touched his thigh all of a sudden and Connor flinched and turned back to the small group on the couch.

M stared deeply into his eyes. "We all have to be careful—"

"How are we supposed to be careful?" Connor snapped. "I couldn't stop him from exploding the car wash."

"We need to stick together as much as we can," M said. "We can use this house as a base—"

"The agent is totally fucking with you if you think he can't come through a locked door," Connor said bitterly.

Bradley snorted. "He's right, M. Normal people can break and enter. It happens all the time."

"Well, he's respected the locks this far," M said lamely.

Connor laughed. "Good one."

"I'll protect us," M said again and Connor snorted.

"Great. I trust you," he said briskly. "But I think it's time for bed. Jamie has a point. None of this is getting us anywhere. We're just waiting right? For the bad guy to show up with some new plan to mess up our lives?"

M frowned at Connor until he sneered and got off the couch. "I'll see you guys tomorrow," he said roughly. "I'm exhausted."

He went upstairs, passing Nathan's room on his way down the hall.

The dog lay in the doorway, asleep, keeping the door from shutting all the way. Connor stopped as his brother's low voice drifted into the hall.

"This stuff is insane," he was saying. "Connor has a good head on his shoulders and everything, but what the fuck."

Connor sneered at the sleeping dog. He remembered that saying… Eavesdroppers never hear anything good of themselves…

"I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday. M's coming along too and Julie's going to slip the nurse some money so we can get him examined."

"I want some fucking proof," Nathan said as Connor glared hard at the door. He couldn't see the teens. Besides the dog, the only thing he could see past the strip of carpet was a corner of Nathan's cluttered desk. "Tell me M's not a tranny and show me one of those ultrasound printouts."

"He already showed me one of those," Jamie said. "He brought it from South Dakota."

"Lies," Nathan hissed and there was the sound of rustling sheets and weight shifting on the mattress. "I'm the only man in this house," he said. "Connor's some kind of confused homosexual and he's dating a pregnant transgendered freakazoid. I'm the alpha male here."

Jamie giggled and Connor cringed and moved away from the door as the sound of wet kissing assaulted his ears.

He hurried up to the privacy of the attic bedroom and once he was alone, he took his clothes off and climbed into bed in his boxers and socks. He had an almost unbearable urge to look out the back window, but he didn't. He shut his eyes and forced himself into sleep with sheer will-power.

The next day was Wednesday and Connor woke up alone, sun in his eyes, a confused erection straining against the cotton of his underwear.

He shielded his eyes as he palmed his cock through the material. He groaned and rubbed himself indulgently for a moment.

His hand slowed to a stop when he heard the dog barking outside, followed by the sound of M and Hannah calling energetically to the mutt.

Connor's mind started to race as he remembered his suspicions from last night. That the agent had been standing behind the house, in the shadows, listening to their every word, watching their every move…

His erection was rapidly dying down. He got out of bed and dressed in something clean from the dresser. He shoved his feet in his boots and went downstairs.

Julie was in the living room, looking through some emails on her computer.

"What's up, kiddo?" she asked casually, looking over her glasses as Connor came bustling into the room.

Connor paused. "Mom, do you have replacement bulbs for the porch lights?"

"They burned out the other night during a bad storm," Julie said.

"I heard," Connor said levelly. He was struggling to stay calm. He shook with an unfamiliar anxiety. It ate away at his insides and made him feel like he was out of breath. "I'll replace them for you," he said quickly. "You have new bulbs somewhere, right?"

Julie squinted through her glasses. She adjusted them in a few different angles before she simply took them off and set them on the keyboard. She's pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "I don't think we do actually," she said. "We used up all our replacements when the windows in the back were blown out. The bulbs shattered then too," she said.

Connor frowned. "Well, we need to get more."

"I'll grab some at the hardware store. I have some grocery shopping to do later anyway. I'll be out," she said.

Connor nodded. He wasn't satisfied, but he wasn't about to go to the store on his own. He was obviously a target…

He went out to the patio and was immediately attacked by a slobbering dog.

"Jack!" M giggled. "Come back!" He ran to Connor's aid, pulling the dog back with a few fingers under his collar.

Jack didn't give up completely, however. He was excitable, as usual, and he went for the only part of Connor he could reach. His crotch.

The dog buried his nose in Connor's nether regions and rooted around, probably curious about the smell of the human's hormones.

M giggled again and Connor looked up at him helplessly, his dick growing thick from the unwanted attention of the dog and the glittering green eyes that stared deeply into his own.

The blond finally managed to get Jack away from his dick. And then he looked down at the bulge in Connor's pants. He grinned.

"How did you sleep," he asked easily.

"Like a log," Connor said, and when M gave him a look of the confusion, he reworded. "I went to sleep immediately and didn't wake up once." He adjusted the uncomfortable length of his cock when he spotted Hannah talking with Bradley at the table.

No one was looking at him, thank God.

There was a new deck of cards on the table and Bradley was practicing her fancy shuffling. Hannah watched with a polite interest.

M touched Connor's chest, playing his fingernails over the thin tee, teasing the sensitive skin underneath. Connor turned back to him.

"When did you come to bed last night," he asked the boy softly.

"I didn't," M said. He kept his head down now and his eyes hidden. "I slept on the couch."


M sucked his lips into his mouth and Connor felt his heart drop. He moved back from M's gentle touch and stared at him in horror.

"The agent was outside again. Wasn't he?"

M nodded slowly.

"What did he do? Stand there all night?" Connor gaped at the blond.

"Pretty much," M said.

"Oh great. Julie had better get those bulbs today." Connor cursed under his breath and folded his arms tightly around himself. His feeling of being unsafe was quadrupling.

"Everything alright over there, M?" Bradley called out from the table. She narrowed her eyes a little when Connor turned and met her gaze head on.

"Don't tell them anything," M said quickly when Connor opened his mouth to do exactly that.

"Oh yeah?" Connor whipped his head back around and sneered at M. "We're going to keep this little secret to ourselves? So I'm the one who looks like a crazy asshole?"

M shook his head and bit down on his lower lip. "We don't need everyone panicking," he whispered. "If we tell them what's going on, they'll try to set up night watches and stuff."

"Because that would be stupid," Connor snapped. "Let's keep living in the dark."

"Connor?" Hannah spoke up from the table.

"I'm getting some breakfast," Connor said angrily. "I don't want to be a part of this right now." He glared at M, and then he turned to go back into the house.

The rest of the day crept by at an agonizing pace. After grabbing some cereal, Connor went upstairs to sit in the bedroom alone.

He messed around on his phone for a couple hours, looking at news feeds and playing a few rounds of Candy Crush. He napped through lunch.

Close to dinner, he got a message from Marcus.

'You need to find some time for us to hang out again.'

Connor didn't know how to respond. He thought about it for maybe 5 minutes or so before he typed out a simple reply: 'I will.'

Julie brought him up something to eat around 6:30. "I didn't realize you were up here all day," she said sheepishly, setting a plate of pasta on the desk alongside a glass of milk.

It's fine," Connor said. "Did you get to the hardware store?" He looked with interest at the tray of food as he waited for a reply. He got up, thinking he'd try to eat; he was hungry. He glanced at Julie again as he went and suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes getting wide at the look on her face… her blatant hesitation.

"No," Julie said finally. "I forgot."

Connor face-palmed. "Seriously?"

"I'll get some bulbs tomorrow. I'm taking Jamie to an appointment in the afternoon. I'll run to the store afterwards."

Connor scoffed, but again, he had nothing to complain about. He settled down to eat his meal, but he didn't say anything else. He didn't thank Julie or say goodnight. He slurped down the plate of spaghetti in silence, a scowl and a bit of red sauce on his face and finally, Julie left him alone.

Still in a bad mood, Connor snuck down to the bathroom around 9:30, pissed and took a quick shower. He hadn't done much of anything today, but the warm water was refreshing.

He was kind of hoping to run into M when he got back to the room upstairs, but the blond was nowhere in sight.

Connor threw himself on the bed, pouting magnificently. Things between him and M had been so up and down lately… it sucked. Connor wished they were always on good terms and that they never had anything to argue about.

But there is no use in complaining. Nothing would change either way…

Connor struggled to fall asleep and when he did, it was a restless slumber. He tossed and turned in the night and threw the blankets off his body at one point.

He woke to a thunderstorm just after dawn.

He blinked himself awake and climbed out of bed to sit in the window. He watched dark storm clouds brew over the bay. Rain pelt against the glass and lightning streaked across the gray sky.

He waited until he was sure the teenagers had left for school, then he went down for something to eat.

M was alone in the kitchen. He was drinking some juice and looking off into the distance with an unfocused gaze.

"How was the night watch?" Connor asked pleasantly. His tone was laced with sarcasm, but he doubted M would notice.

He didn't seem to. He answered right away. "I didn't sleep well. The agent was standing outside most of the night."

Connor grunted and went about making himself a bowl of cereal. "Where is everybody?" he asked.

"Julie took Nathan and Jamie to school," M said as he sipped his juice. "Hannah and Bradley are still upstairs."

Connor nodded. He brought his bowl of Cheerios to the island and sat next to the blond.

"I'm going with Jamie to her doctor's appointment today," M said suddenly. "Julie said she'd get the doctor to do an exam on me."

Connor nodded like he didn't already know. "Good luck with that," he said, his face emotionless.

"We won't be gone long. If everyone stays inside, it should be safe," M said quickly.

Connor blank expression cracked a bit. He pulled a nasty face. He shoved a spoonful of cereal into his mouth and chewed loudly. "I'll be upstairs," he said. "I'm not going outside. It's raining."

"It's supposed to do that most of the day," M said. "We watched the news this morning for an update on Nathan's car wash… They were more concerned with the weather."

Connor nodded. He didn't really care. The storm clouds matched his mood though, so he wasn't surprised.

He went back upstairs after eating. He was lucky. He didn't run into Hannah or Bradley and he got up to the attic room undisturbed.

Once alone, Connor played some more Candy Crush and looked through his subscriptions on Reddit. Marcus texted him again, saying he had money for beer… He suggested they put a little party together…

Connor was hesitant, but he reminded Marcus his mother had a pool. If Marcus brought the beer, Connor could probably get some music and some food together and they could hang out by the water.

That sounds awesome! Marcus replied immediately. Let's do it tomorrow night. I can borrow Rose's car after work. She's coming to stay for the weekend.

Oh. Cool. Connor texted back. He wanted to ask if Rose was going to come to the party, too, but he couldn't think of a polite way to phrase it.

He went back to the internet after that. He was bored and he napped on the bed a few times as he browsed through various news feeds.

It was getting close to 7 when the bedroom door opened abruptly.

Connor had been dozing in the comfortable, memory foam pillows and he sat up a little and blinked at the intruder in surprise.

It was M. He was grinning.

"It looks like I'm 20 weeks along now," M said cheerfully. "I'm halfway through the pregnancy!"

Connor rubbed his eyes. "I thought you liked being pregnant."

M pouted and came further into the room. "I wouldn't say I like it," he said. "But it's definitely interesting," he said. "My body is going through so many weird changes."


"Besides all the nausea and vomiting?" M laughed.

Connor shuddered with displease, but his eyes followed M as he moved further into the room, dropping a plastic shopping bag Connor hadn't noticed on the desk along with his phone. The blond floated gracefully across the room and stopped at the edge of the bed. Slowly, he leaned in, planting his open palms on the mattress to keep his balance.

Connor swallowed… M was right in his face now.

"I'm also super horny at night," M said throatily. "I have to rub my penis before bed now or I can't go to sleep."

Connor looked deep into M's eyes. "I could help you with that, you know."

M smiled. "I got more lube today at the store."

"Want to test it out?" Connor wagged his eyebrows.

M laughed. "Maybe later," he said as he started to pull away. "I came to tell you dinner's downstairs. Julie got take-out again. Pizza."

"Fuck the pizza." Connor grabbed the front of M's t-shirt and yanked him back within range. He smashed his lips against the blond's, desperate for his tight body. He loved the taste of his lips too… They were so sweet…

In a rush of passion, Connor wound his arms around M's midsection and lifted him up on the bed. M yelped, but Connor smothered his protests in another kiss. He rolled on top of the blond's small body and pinned him to the bed.

M struggled weakly against Connor's chest. "Cut it out! We have to go downstairs! Everybody's waiting for us," he cried. He squirmed unconvincingly in Connor's arms. He wasn't even trying to get away and Connor aimed for his lips again.

They kissed sloppily. The blond groaned as his mouth was devoured. "I need you," Connor said when he pulled back for some air. "I've waited up for you two nights in a row."

"I'm nervous about the agent," M gasped out. "I don't want to let my guard down when he's so close."

"You said there was nothing to worry about," Connor whined. "Why can't we spend time together?"

M sighed and struggled out of Connor's arms at last. He rolled to the side of the bed and sat up. He frowned across the room at nothing… "I can't stop worrying," he said softly.

Connor watched him go with a pang of regret. He frowned too, thoroughly displeased to have his passions dampened with reality.

"I think the agent's trying to lure us outside," M said.

"Obviously, that isn't happening," Connor snapped. His sudden erection had all but died down. He growled and pulled away from M completely. He got off the bed and straightened his clothes out.

M sighed and got up too. "He probably won't leave us alone until we talk to him."

"Fuck that," Connor snapped. He stormed out of the room, angry with M's stupid suggestion.

Down in the kitchen, the girls were getting dinner together.

Julie stood at the counter, pouring chips into big snack bowls while Jamie stood beside her, watching. Bradley breezed past, carrying a couple 2-liters into the dining room and Hannah followed behind her with stacks of plates, napkins and plastic cups.

Nathan was looking through the pizza boxes on the island. He stole a slice of pepperoni from the last box and Julie yelled at him from across the room.

"I told you to take those into the dining room, Nathan. Stop picking."

Nathan made a bunch of childish sounds, but he collected the boxes and followed the girls.

Connor stepped into the room when he was out of sight. It was just Julie and Jamie now.

"Hey mom."

Julie's gasped and her hand flew to her chest. "You scared me," she said. "Connor… Were you upstairs all day?

Connor shrugged. "Yeah?"

Julie frowned.

"We just saw M's baby," Jamie said suddenly, breaking into the awkward conversation. "His baby is way ahead of mine."

"At the rate he's going, he'll be giving birth in a few weeks," Connor said darkly. "However that's supposed to happen," he muttered.

"Did he show you the ultrasound images?"

Connor shook his head. He didn't want to see them, they all looked the same… Dark blobs on a black, featureless background…

"I wanted to ask you something," he started, but Hannah came bustling back into the room and she stopped, did a 180, and faced Connor straight on.

"Where have you been all day?"

"In the attic," Connor said. He could feel his patience running short. He chewed the inside of his cheek.

"You really shouldn't lock yourself away all the time," she chastised. She kept eye contact, but started across the room for the sink. There was a glass bowl with mixed greens and she picked it up, as well as a pair of salad tongs that laid beside it.

"I wanted to be alone," Connor said firmly. "I can't stand all you people being around 24/7," he said, his hands clenching into fists. He felt someone sneaking up on him from behind and he whirled around and caught a very pregnant, very cute, little blond boy staring up at him.

"Jesus, M," Connor huffed. "Why are you you sneaking up on me all the time?"

"I never sneak up on you," M said and immediately, his expression morphed into one of extreme guilt and sadness.

Connor sighed. "Fuck. OK, sorry, I didn't mean it."

M's bottom lip quivered, but he seemed to calm down a bit.

"Mom," Connor said, turning away from the sweet little blond and the many uncomfortable feelings he inspired. Julie was already looking at him though and he hurried to continue. "I just wanted to ask—"

"Where did you come from?" Bradley asked as she appeared in the doorway between the dining room and kitchen.

Connor leveled a deadly glare at the lesbian. "Upstairs," he snapped.

Bradley quirked an eyebrow, but she didn't otherwise react.

"Mom…" Connor said loudly, for the third fucking time, too. "I wanted to have a friend or two over tomorrow. We were probably going to sit out back for awhile and drink."

"I didn't know you drank," Julie said blankly. Then she blinked rapidly a few times and collected the bowls of chips, one in either arm. She started towards the dining room. "You live here, honey, you can have friends over if you want."

Despite the easy 'yes', Connor still felt embarrassed for some reason. Everyone was staring at him… He nodded and then shuffled awkwardly into the other room.

Nathan sat in his father's place at the head of the table. He already had a couple slices of pizza on his plate and one stuffed in his mouth. He spotted Julie with the chips and his whole face lit up. "Hell yeah," he said through a mouthful of food. "Put the flaming hot ones by me," he said.

Julie sighed and put everything in the middle. Nathan had to lean over a pizza box to get a few handfuls, but he filled his plate with chips in seconds anyway. They covered the pizza completely in a huge spicy mound.

Hannah came in behind Julie with the salad and Jamie followed after with a couple different salad dressings in her arms. Bradley remained in the doorway, watching Connor with narrowed eyes…

Connor felt itchy all over… He took a seat as far from the doorway as he could, in the back of the room, near the windows that looked out at the water. The curtains were drawn, but he could see one of the security lights on the side of the house through a gap in the gauzy drapes. He turned back to the room and watched as Julie found a seat, letting Bradley take over the drinks. Hannah passed her a plate and served a good portion of greens on it.

"Mom?" Connor asked as M slipped into the seat at his right. Jamie sat at Nathan's right, too, watching her fiancé with a look of amusement. Bradley started to pass out drinks.

Julie looked up at Connor, clearly overwhelmed by the flurry of activity. "I said yes. You can have friends over," she said quickly.

"Friends?" Nathan snorted. "Where did you make friends?"

"At the landscaping place," Connor snapped. "Marcus is bringing beer." He lifted his chin, knowing Nathan would be jealous.

Nathan shrugged. "I you invite me, I can bring Mary Jane along, too." He smiled slowly when Julie gasped with disgust. "We're really good friends," he said with a laugh.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that," Julie said with a shake of her head. "I have a meeting with the lawyers tomorrow anyway, I'll stay in the city for the night… I'll get dinner… do some shopping…"

"Mom," Connor hissed. "Did you get a chance to stop at the hardware store today?"

Julie frowned in confusion and Connor groaned. She hadn't gotten the replacement bulbs yet!!!

"I told you I wanted to fix the outside lights. I told you to buy replacements!"

Julie flinched and the other conversations in the room died down. Connor was shaking with anger. He accidentally bit his tongue and he tasted blood.

"How many times do I have to remind you?" he asked nastily. "There's a fucking alien trying to hunt us down and you can't even be bothered with the security of your property."

Julie stared at him for a moment. "What are you talking about?"

Connor shouted wordlessly. "Are you joking? Don't you remember us telling you M's an alien… And that his extraterrestrial nemesis is trying to abduct him for fucked up experiments and shit… You don't remember any of that?"

Julie's eyebrows raised with confusion. "I faded in and out of the conversation the other night," she said slowly. "I was exhausted, but I think I remember the alien part."

Connor huffed. "After dinner, we're ordering replacement bulbs online. We'll get them sent to the damned house."

Julie nodded vaguely and looked down at the salad piled on her plate.

Slowly, the room's occupants slipped back into action. The others started serving themselves while Bradley finished passing out the drinks. Connor grabbed some pizza and dumped chips on the edge of his plate. He didn't bother with the salad. No one did, except Hannah and Julie, but even Hannah had a slice of pizza beside her greens.

Julie stuck to the salad…

Connor ate quickly and then sat at the table in silence. He ignored everyone around him, he only had eyes for Julie as she slowly finished her salad.

Other people finished around them, but Julie took her time. She chewed her salad like a cow chews cud.

Eventually, Julie got up and began collecting her dirty dishes. Connor got up too and circled the table. He grabbed Julie's shoulders from behind and yanked her back forcefully. The lady gasped in surprise.

"Put those down," Connor growled. "I need you in the other room."

"Connor!" Hannah cried. She shoved a chair out of her path and started around the table.

Bradley's dark eyes drilled into Connor from across the room and she flexed her muscled arms menacingly. Connor wasn't intimidated though; he firmed his jaw and steered his mother out of the dining room. He didn't care if everyone thought he was being mean, he needed her immediate attention.

The teenagers and M were washing up in the kitchen. Connor and Julie slipped by them silently, unnoticed.

They got to the living room and Connor pushed Julie towards the desk and the Mac computer.

"Go on online, Amazon, Walmart.com, whatever. Just order some replacement bulbs! Fuck mom, there's monsters lurking outside in the dark! The very least we can do is fix the security lights!"

Julie sat at the desk, her face blank. "Monsters?"

"Just— Do it already!" Connor shouted. "Fuck!"

Julie turned to the computer and switched the screen on. "We've got Amazon Prime. We can get overnight delivery at a discount, I think."

"Then do it," Connor said through his teeth. He watched vigilantly as Julie opened her browser and logged into Amazon.

Within the next ten minutes, Julie had ordered 20 replacement bulbs, some for later even, and Connor backed off and slumped onto the couch.

He tried to shake off his frustration, but it lingered inside him like a sickness. He glared at the dark TV, his body stiff and ridged with stress.

"It'll be here tomorrow. Relax, sweetheart."

"Nobody gets how much danger we're in," he said. "I'm tired of running. I'm tired of being afraid."

Julie stared at him blankly.

Connor sneered. His lip curled with displeasure and he looked away, directing his nasty expression at the wall.

M and the teenagers poked their heads into the room and Connor huffed. He didn't want to be stared at! He jumped up.

"I'm going out. I'll take the dog down the bike path," he said, rushing to get out the back door.

The leash was on the pool table and the dog had his collar on. Connor called him over and took him off the chain.

"If you're good, we won't use this," Connor said, waving the leash in Jack's cheerful doggy face. He was slobbering with dumb excitement, and he sniffed the leash before barking shortly and turning to wander off toward the path. Connor smiled a little and followed him. The dog was a good distraction, Connor had almost forgotten how much he'd grown to like the stupid mutt as a walking companion.

They took a long, meandering walk down the path. Connor looked out at the water as they passed and felt the tension draining from him with every step he took away from the family home and the crowd of opinionated people packed inside.

He knew he'd taken things too far with Julie… He knew he'd been a total asshole, and that it was inexcusable, but he was terrified by everything that was happening around him and Connor's usual reaction to fear was anger and tension. He had this crazy idea, too, that M would finally come to bed with him if they could keep the Man in Black away at night.

Nightlights usually scared away the bad guys, so… He patted himself on the back for finally getting the replacement bulbs ordered. No matter how much he had struggled.

Connor sighed as he walked after the dog. Jack was carefree and excited to be outside. He pranced happily through the grass ahead, occasionally looking over his shoulder to make sure Connor was following.

"It's a good thing they let you sleep inside at night," Connor said to the dog absently. Jack looked back at the sound of his gruff voice and cocked his head to the side with interest. "You'd be chopped meat if you ran into that fucked up alien freak," Connor said darkly. "That fucker's out for blood."

Jack barked in agreement, then a seagull flew close by over their heads. The dog whipped around, his tail a blur of wagging frenzy. He howled with excitement and ran after the bird.

Connor sighed and started after the stupid animals. He was in no hurry to get home. The sun was still up… There were a few more hours of daylight still.

They didn't get back to the house for nearly an hour. The dog went straight to his water bowl when they reached the patio and Connor paused to wait for him.

"C'mon, Jack," he called once the dog had his fill. He looked like he was searching for a spot to curl up in. "Inside," Connor said, waving for the dog to come closer. Jack fell into step behind Connor and they went in the back door.

Jack immediately charged through Connor's legs and flew at the teenagers on the couch. "Hey!" Jamie cried as the dog leapt up. "How was your walk, silly pup? Do you need a treat?"

Jack barked and licked his chops. Jamie chuckled and got up. She wandered into the kitchen in search of dog treats. Jack whined and rushed after her, afraid he wouldn't get fed.

Connor was left to face the rest of the group on his own.

Nathan sat in the corner of the loveseat Jamie had just vacated, moping into his phone. Bradley and Hannah were on the other couch. Bradley had the remote and Hannah had her gaze fixed on the television.

M was there too. He was wedged between the two girls and he watched Connor with a somber expression.

"Feel any better?" Bradley asked cautiously.

"I guess," Connor said, he didn't mention the tension that was brewing in his body as he stood on the mat, scrutinized by an entire group of judgmental assholes… He felt tiny and defenseless and flushed all over "I'm going upstairs actually," he said suddenly, amazed with himself for the great idea. He started towards the hall and the stairs.

"Are you calling it a night?" Hannah asked, her gaze steady on the TV. Some boring sitcom.


Hannah nodded and her attention went back to the TV. Connor sidestepped behind the couches, getting closer to his escape.

"What about this party tomorrow?" Nathan asked lazily. He looked up from his phone with a nasty smile. "Are you sure you can stay up late enough to entertain, bro?"

Connor sneered. "I'm going to get some extra sleep tonight."

"I see," Nathan smirked. "So I'm bringing the green and your guy's got the beer?"

"Didn't I already agree to this?" Connor huffed under his breath. He was getting close to escaping the room completely, but he felt awkward leaving in the middle of a semi-civil conversation.

"I'm just confirming this is actually happening, and that this party idea wasn't some kind of dream you had."

Connor deeply furrowed his brow. "This isn't going to be one of your super-cool parties," he said harshly. "It's just my friend Marcus… Maybe, and I fucking hope not, but maybe his girlfriend will show up, too."

Nathan shrugged a single shoulder. "It'll be more fun than this," he said, gesturing to the TV and the commercial running for the new Survivor reality show. Ick. "I don't do much besides this anymore. Since I started working after school," he trailed off sadly.

Connor fidgeted in the entrance to the hallway. "Yeah," he said uncomfortably. "Well, it's happening. The thing with Marcus."

Nathan nodded. "I'll hit up my guy. He gives good deals if you buy in bulk."

Connor nodded. "Ok, see you in the morning or whatever." He turned to go.

He was upstairs, halfway to the attic when M rushed up the stairs behind him. Connor turned to him, an unpleasant expression on his face.

M's cheeks were slightly red from the jog upstairs. He had to take a moment to right his mussed, golden locks, too.

"Connor?" he started timidly.

Connor firmed his jaw, annoyed with the dumb look on M's little face. "What?" he snapped.

The boy glanced up at Connor shyly. "I thought maybe we should talk—"

"About what?" Connor bit out. His anger, all his frustration stemmed from M's unwillingness to have sex with him… He glared at the blond viciously. "I'm not really in the mood to talk," he said bitterly.

"Oh," M bit just lip. His green eyes shone with wetness that looked suspiciously like tears, but he blinked quickly and looked away. There was no ungodly crying. Everyone remained calm and adult-like.

Connor sighed. M looked so obviously crushed by his impatience. It was annoying to watch the sad emotions play out on his face. "C'mon," Connor huffed after a moment of consideration. He led them the rest of the way upstairs, checking only once over his shoulder to see if the blond boy was following him.

M was close on his heels… he looked up when Connor glanced back at him and their eyes met with a strange, searing sort of electricity.

Connor quickly turned away. He hurried up the stairs to their room and didn't stop until he stood alone in the silence of the attic.

It didn't last for long, M bumbled his way into the room and came up behind him.

"Connor? I— I don't think this party tomorrow is a good idea."

Connor snorted with disgust. "That's what you want to talk about?"

"I know everyone's excited—"

"That's it then. You'll be a total party pooper if you stand in the way of this happening. We all want this," Connor said firmly, perhaps a bit more aggressively than was warranted. Nathan was the only one who wanted this to happen. Connor could take it or leave it, to be honest.

"I'm concerned with safety," M said slowly. "And with everyone being out in the dark, drinking and smoking and being completely unaware of their surroundings."

Connor stepped back a little and let his mouth fall open in a mockery of disbelief. "What a hero," he said, voice dripping with sarcasm. "You suddenly care about everybody's safety?" He had told resist the urge to spit, he was so fucking annoyed with M and his bullshit!

M frowned. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"I wanted to tell everyone about the agent's little night visits, but you didn't want to scare anyone," Connor sneered. "What are we supposed to tell everyone? The party's canceled just because?"

M stomped his foot. "That's not what's important right now," he said. "We need to call this thing off."

Connor shook his head. "What's the matter with you, M? Why don't you like me anymore?"

M blinked. "What?"

"You're 100% focused on anything that isn't me," Connor bitched. "And you spend way too much of effort on things that upset me," he continued in a rush. "It's like, you don't even like me anymore. Things have been so fucking stupid stressful since we left this place last time and showed up at Hannah's. Now, your pregnant and I don't even feel like we're friends."

M stared at Connor in amazement. "I love you," he said after a long minute of silence. "I may be a little upset with you still—"

"Pfft!" Connor snorted. "Upset? About what?"

M's eyes widened a little. "Do you try to hurt everybody's feelings? You're always such an asshole!"

Connor scoffed and rolled his eyes. He went to the bed and sat on it heavily. "Welcome to planet Earth. Most of us here are dicks and assholes. What's new?"

M stared across the empty space at Connor. His eyes looked wet again. They were filled with tears.

"Stop looking at me like that," Connor hissed and M turned away in a flurry of color, his sweet face pinched with pain and rejection. Connor felt his heart sink, but he didn't say a word. He glared hateful at his pregnant boyfriend and bit his tongue.

M faced the back corner of the room now. He folded his arms over his chest in a defensive maneuver, but it merely made him look weak and frail. "I told you already, Connor. The Man in Black is trying to draw me outside. He's going to do something if we have this party. He's showed up every night since we've arrived, he'll be out there tomorrow night, too. Whether we have a party or not."

"Fuck it," Connor snapped. "I want to face this guy, now. I want to know what he wants and what the fuck is happening. I don't want to fucking hide anymore!"

M swallowed and stared sadly into the shadowed corner. "It's a bad idea," he said softly. "I can't protect everyone at once… Someone might get hurt."

"Might," Connor said. "And if they do, they probably deserve it," he sneered. "Bradley knows better by now not to charge at the beast. She'll help keep everyone in line."

"Are you going to warn her so she keeps sober and prepared to defend us?" M asked incredulously.

"Can I?" Connor sneered. "You told me not to scare the other humans."

M firmed his jaw. "Maybe now it's time."

Connor sighed. He deflated a little and slumped back on the bed, his body lazy and devoid of life.

M slowly turned back to face Connor and when he didn't react, M dropped his arms to his sides. "I still don't think having Marcus over is a good idea," he said. "I wish you would cancel."

"I wish you came to bed at night," Connor said mutinously.

M cocked his head. "I explained, didn't I? I'm keeping watch."

"You weren't keeping watch back at Hannah's house, and that's when you started sleeping on couches again," Connor pointed out. "You were mad at me. The same thing is true here."

M shook his head.

"You'll probably hate me soon enough," Connor said with a nasty grin. "And you'll regret that little spawn in your belly before long, I'm sure. Anything that's mine is tainted," he said darkly.


"Never mind," Connor growled. "Just leave me alone. I'm not canceling the party."

M continued to stand in the middle of the room, confusion in his beautiful, wide eyes.

"Fuck, M, please," Connor whined. "Please stop staring at me. Please leave me alone."

M chewed his lower lip. He looked unsure of himself. Lost. "I love you, Connor," he said suddenly.

Connor covered his face with his hands. "Love you too, M," he said into his palms. He didn't know if he was being totally sarcastic or not, but he supposed it also didn't matter much. He just wanted the conversation to end.

Connor's declaration was met with silence. He was relieved. He sat with his face covered for a long moment, so long in fact when he looked up again, he was alone. The bedroom door was left cracked open, but other than that, the room was untouched.

Connor got up and closed the door quietly. He breathed a deep sigh of relief. There was a strange lull in the air and he felt very calm all of a sudden.

He headed back to the bed, kicking his boots off in the middle of the room as he went. He stretched out on the mattress and stared up at the wooden slats slanting into the darkening peaks of the ceiling.

The sun was setting out the window. It glowed a hot orange as it hung over the bay.

Connor's heart started to race. Squinting at the sun, he was sure he saw a shimmering object creeping around the glowing, orange ball in the sky.

"Fucking aliens," he hissed, his voice barely a whisper. A strong wave of exhaustion crept over him then… he moaned a little and felt his body sinking into the mattress. His limbs slowly went numb.

What the fuck? Connor's eyes rolled round and round in his head, nervously searching for intruders.

There was movement at far end of the room and Connor gaze flew to it. The shadows moved. They swirled together, gathered, and grew longer at the edges of the room. Connor shut his eyes and sobbed.

What the fuck… what the fuck… he thought frantically.

His breathing got distant then and the only sound he heard was his heart beating…


Connor woke up the next morning, refreshed and full of energy. He rolled out of bed and stretched facing the large window at the back of the room. The sun was streaming through. The lines between the panes of glass left criss-cross patterns on his skin.

After a couple long minutes of this, he turned back to face the room, thinking he'd get dressed and take the dog for his early walk when he saw M slumped in the office chair.

He studied the boy up close for a moment. His eyes were dark underneath and Connor studied the faint blue veins under his lids.


The boy sat up in a panic. He whirled around, his tired eyes glazed with confusion.

"M!" Connor snapped and the boy's eyes latched onto his face. The panic slowly drained from his expression. "What are you doing up here? Why are you sleeping in the chair?" Connor asked.

M rubbed his eyes and blinked in the morning light, blinded by a ray of sun that cut across the room.

"When did you get up?" he asked faintly.

"Now," Connor said. "How long have you been up here?"

M rolled his shoulders and scratched fingers through his messy hair. "Most of the night."

Connor gaped at the blond. "Why?"

M stared at him for a moment. "What do you remember about last night?"

"Besides sleeping like the dead?" Connor snorted. He decided to get dressed while M wasted his time with dumb questions. He went to the dresser and took out a pair of cargo shorts and a t-shirt. He dressed mechanically, waiting for the blond to speak up again.

Connor finished and turned back to the boy. M stared at him in the silence, his eyes devoid of their normal light.

"What?" Connor snapped at last. "I remember you followed me up here and that we argued about something…"

"Don't you remember—?"

"We argued about the thing tonight, with Marcus," Connor said quickly. "You want us to cancel the fun pool party."

M frowned. "I want to keep everyone safe—"

"And bored."

M stood up. He kicked the desk chair away and raised his voice dramatically. "Last night, everyone in the house suddenly fell unconscious. I could feel the presence of the agent burning my skin…" M gingerly rubbed his bare forearms. He seemed surprised by the smoothness of his own flesh, like he'd been expecting it to be damaged or something. "He sat over the house in his cloaked ship and read everyone's mind—"

"Shut up." Connor shook his head. "That didn't fucking happen."

"Yes, it did," M pressed. "He knows about the party now. There's no way he doesn't. It was on everyone's minds last night."

"So?" Connor scoffed. "For all you know, he's intimidated. Maybe he's planning on skipping tonight."

"No, Connor," M said fervently. "He wants another confrontation. He'll probably have something up his sleeve."

Connor made a face. "How do you keep coming up with these sayings?"

M cracked a smile. "Watching TV," he said. And then he got serious again. The expression wasn't one Connor was familiar with. He didn't like it. "We should all stay inside where it's safe."

Connor growled and stormed out of the room. He didn't want to discuss this anymore. He'd already put his foot down and Marcus was coming, damnit. If the agent showed up, so be it. They'd be stronger in numbers.

If the agent came at any of them, he'd have to put up with the wrath of Connor's crew, or whatever they were called. Connor's Crew kinda had a ring to it though.

He breezed into the kitchen and spotted Bradley immediately. She was standing close to Hannah at the counter and they were mixing something together. It seemed like a private moment, but Connor was fired up. He stopped awkwardly in the middle of the room and cleared his throat loudly for attention.

Hannah jumped back from the counter and Bradley turned and gave him a sharp look.

Connor folded his arms and firmed his stance. He was determined. "Bradley," he said. "I need to talk to you. Now."

Bradley quirked an eyebrow, but nodded once in acknowledgement. Connor politely cleared out of the kitchen so the two girls could compose themselves.

The ex-cop joined Connor in the hall not long after. She had her hands tucked in her pockets and her face tilted up, giving Connor a good look at her bruises. They looked a lot less vivid. She seemed to be healing pretty well. She looked tough and kind of badass, actually.

"Let's go outside," Connor said, gesturing towards the other room.

Bradley followed him through the living room. Julie was sitting at the computer, sipping coffee. She tracked their movements with her eyes, but didn't say a word.

Connor opened the sliding glass and waited for Bradley to join him on the patio.

It was early morning. Pale sunlight danced across the rippling pool water. He could hear seagulls squawking down by the bay and a slight breeze was bringing in the salty brine of the ocean.

"What's up?" Bradley asked, squinting in the bright sunlight. "I was showing Hannah how to make my world-famous pancakes."

Connor smiled a little. "That's cute."

"You'll love my pancakes," Bradley gloated. "So, what's up?"

Connor sighed. He took a deep breath. "Don't freak out and cause a panic or anything, but the agent has been watching the house at night," he said bluntly.

Bradley frowned. "Huh?

"Every night, he stands outside the house, watching us, keeping tabs on our comings and goings and stuff," Connor said quickly. "M confirms it. He can actually sense the alien presence."

"What are we supposed to do?" Bradley asked. She didn't seem alarmed, she seemed completely stunned.

"I don't know, honestly," Connor said. "But M has a feeling there'll be trouble tonight. I figured if a couple of us are aware what's going on, maybe we won't be caught completely unaware."

Bradley was quiet for a minute. She spoke slowly. "I have a gun in the trunk of Hannah's car."

"What?" Connor's face paled.

"I have a license for it and everything. It's not illegal to possess," she said defensively. "I stashed it there when we were leaving Hannah's. She's got an stance on everything. Gun control is one of her more vocal opinions."'

Connor laughed uncomfortably. "I don't think we've ever talked about it."

"We have," Bradley said glumly.

Connor bit his tongue on his immediate retort – a mean-spirited comment – and looked up towards the sky. A lone gull coasted lazily through the air. It did slow loops and angled towards a spot on the rocks near the waves. "Can you bring it along tonight? Or did you forget to bring bullets or something?"

Bradley smiled a little. "What's a gun without bullets?"

"I don't want to get anyone hurt—"

"Because that's my mission in life," Bradley chuckled.

Connor rolled his eyes and continued. "Don't shoot unless you know it's the agent. He's the only one we want to get rid of and I don't even know if shooting him would do that. He's already come back from the dead at least once."

Bradley nodded. "I'll bring it. And I'll be careful." She rubbed her chin as she considered. "Maybe we should hold off on the drinks tonight."

Connor felt a little bummed by the suggestion, but he couldn't really argue. "Maybe just one drink," he said. He'd always tried to avoid alcohol, at any cost, but lately, he'd kind of been enjoying it. Social drinking was a lot different than trying to knock back a 6-pack alone, on the couch. Connor liked getting a little tipsy with Marcus…

"Sure," Bradley said easily. "I won't be counting."

Connor growled a little. "I'm not a drunk, you know."

"I don't think I've ever seen you drink," Bradley said. She took her hands out of her pocket and stretched a little. "Listen, we'll talk later. I've got to get back to the kitchen."

Connor nodded. "I'm going to walk to dog, I think."

"He's upstairs with the teenagers," Bradley said as she turned back to the house. "You should probably hold off… or just go alone."

Connor thought about going up to Nathan's room to interrupt the two teens in the midst of their slumber… he grimaced. "Yeah, I think I'll take a quick walk alone."

Bradley smirked and went inside by herself. Connor wandered off lazily towards the bike path.

As he walked, he thought about M and his strange insistence that they'd all been mentally raped in the night.

Connor didn't want to believe it, but he wasn't so sure he could write-off M's concern without at least considering it.

So, he considered it. He thought hard about last night… he thought about the brief argument he'd had with M…

He suddenly saw himself sitting with his face covered by his hands in a weird flash of memory. He remembered taking his hands away and seeing he was alone… he saw himself getting up to close the open door and there… right there... Connor remembered feeling extremely tired all of a sudden. He saw himself stumbling back to the bed and collapsing in a heap, unconscious.

"Fuck," Connor muttered. He grimaced.

He hoped the agent did show up tonight. And that Bradley could get a good shot at him… Fuck this guy. He needed to get a life already or lose the pathetic one he had…

Connor got back to the house in maybe 30 minutes or so. He wasn't keeping track.

He went inside and headed for the laundry room. The girls were in the middle of plating a bunch of pancakes, and there were excited voices coming from the dining room, but Connor didn't look at anyone. He rushed into the small utility room and smiled when he saw a stack of his clothes on the dryer. He grabbed something clean and ran back through the kitchen and upstairs for a shower.

He didn't want to go up to the attic for anything. He was afraid M would be up there…

Connor took a quick shower, dressed and then debated where he should try to hide for the rest of the day…

Anywhere was game for M to enter, but Connor kind of had a feeling he was downstairs by now, eating pancakes.

He snuck up to the attic and carefully opened the door.

The room was empty.

Connor slipped inside and went to sit on the end of the bed, condemning himself to another lonely day, shut up in the attic, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Connor froze, but the door was already opening. His hands turned to fists on his knees.

It was M, goddamnit, and he had a plate of pancakes.

"Why do you keep isolating yourself?" he asked, setting the plate on the desk. "Do you really want to be alone that badly?"

"No," Connor said gruffly. "But I don't really know what to say to everyone " he continued. "Sometimes, it's better to be alone."

M made a face. "That's horrible. You'd rather miss Bradley's world-famous pancakes than be with us?" M glanced back at the so-called famous pancakes and shook his head. "If I were you, I'd be really thankful I came up to bring you some. You almost missed this opportunity."

Connor snorted. "Whatever." Still, he went to try his breakfast. He leaned against the desk and cut the cakes with the side of his fork. He took a bite… they were good. They were pancakes. There wasn't anything surprising about the flavor.

"Well?" M prompted.

Connor shrugged.

M glared at him. "They're good," he said. "I had 3 and a half."

Connor shrugged his other shoulder and ate a couple more bites. "I'm hungry," he said.

M sadly watched him eat "Come downstairs," he said. "I can't stand the thought of you sitting up here alone again."

Connor rolled his eyes but he also wasn't thrilled by his self-banishment. "I don't want to watch Two and a Half Men all day."

M giggled. "Ok. Let's go outside with the dog."

Connor nodded. He finished his pancakes and picked up the plate. "Let's go," he said.

Connor and M took Jack for a walk. Connor was didn't mention he'd already been down the bike path today. He enjoyed the time away from the house and the exercise. M didn't have much to say, but he seemed relieved to be out in the fresh air, too. He chased after the dog and paused here and there to examine little seashells that had washed up from the bay.

On the way back, Connor brought up the agent. The need to know was burning him up from the inside out. He had to know.

"So, what exactly happened last night. I remember being hit by this unnatural exhaustion and I passed out just minutes after you left me."

"Everyone was asleep when I got downstairs," M said solemnly. His face was grave. "Even the dog was unconscious. I had this eerie feeling that something was wrong… then I felt it. The agent's presence was tingling at the edges of my mind… I was able to resist him, but the rest of you never had a chance."

Connor frowned. "So, he can do whenever he wants to us and you can't stop him? There's no protection or anything?"

"I'm afraid not," M said slowly. "The only thing that weakens his mind powers is distance."

"Distance?" Connor asked. "What do you mean by that?"

M paused for a moment, biting his lips as he thought. "Maybe if we could find a hideout deep in the mountains—"

"We're not disappearing to the middle of the nowhere, M," Connor said harshly. "Don't beam us to the Rockies or something without any money or supplies."

"I'm not!" M cried.

Connor could see the end of the trail just a few meters down. Julie's neighborhood was in the distance, he could just see the tops of the roofs.

He pulled M to the side of the bike lane. There was a railing on the right, protecting sightseers from the rocky drop-off just beyond it. The water below crashed up against the rocks in a rhythmic pattern. It was pretty.

"Isn't there another way?"

M looked down at the water. His belly was preventing him from leaning over the railing for a better look, but that was probably for the best.

Just when Connor was close to giving up and dragging M back to the house, the blond's face lit up and he beamed.

"Crowds. That's his weakness. He's afraid of exposing himself," M said. "And he can't pick our minds out of a couple hundred other human thoughts!"

Connor nodded. "That could definitely work in our favor."

"Yeah!" M said. "We could lose ourselves in a big enough crowd."

Connor threw his arm around M's shoulders and hugged his enthusiastically from the side. It wasn't very affectionate, but M giggled and melted into Connor's lean body, fitting his curvy little form more comfortably against Connor's.

"That's the smartest thing you've ever come up with," Connor said. "Now we just have to figure out how to kill him."

M looked a bit queasy. "Right."

As they stood taking in the view, a couple ladies in yoga pants and running shoes power-walked past them.

Both the ladies were eyeing M with looks of confusion and Connor turned and gathered him into his arms. M made a soft sound of affection and Connor whispered into his ear.

"People keep staring at your belly."

M hummed against his chest.

"You should wear a dress," Connor chuckled. "People would mistake you for a girl."

"But…" M looked up at Connor with puppy-dog eyes. "I'm not a girl."

"Good," Connor said and he kissed M on the forehead. "I don't like girls."

The two women speed-walked past and Connor and M were left alone, embracing one another on the side of the bike trail.

"You really should think about dressing up in some of Hannah's and Jamie's clothes. They're girly. They could help you look the part."

"But why?" M whined. He desperately clutched the front of Connor's shirt. "Why can't I just be me?"

"Because boys don't have babies," Connor said gently. This subject usually turned him off completely, but he felt a little bad for the blond. He cupped M's cheek and slowly leaned in to kiss him…

M pressed two fingers to Connor's mouth preventing theirs lips from the meetings.

"But I'm different," he murmured.

"I know that." Connor glared at him. They were inches from one another and he could see the flecks of different color in M's laughing green eyes. Connor pulled away, feeling rejected.

"Me and Hannah have been talking about anatomy. We think I have… Well, we know I have a uterus because that doctor at the clinic said I do. And since I also have a working penis, Hannah says that makes me intersex. I'm a girl inside and a boy on the outside."

Connor stared at the blond as his pale hair drifted lazily in the wind, into his eyes. M brushed the locks aside with an absent hand.

Connor had always admired M's masculine beauty… but it had still been kind of weird making the switch from female partners to male. No matter what had happened, he really liked where he was in his sex life right now. He didn't want anything to change.

"What does intersex mean?" Connor growled. "You're not going to get a sex change are you? Because if you get your dick cut off, I'm sorry, I don't think I can watch you turn into a woman," Connor continued to send nasty looks in M's direction. The blond gazed at him passively, refusing to react to Connor's mean words.

"I identify as male, so, if anything, I'd get my girl parts cut out," he said calmly. "But I'm probably not going to get anything removed. I like being a boy, but I like being able to have babies even more."

Connor rolled his eyes. "Think you're going to trick me again? Get another load of cum from me so you can brew up some sticky baby-batter?"

M furrowed his brow.

"We are not having another baby," Connor said firmly. "One is more than enough."

"But two would be better," M said dreamily. "We need a girl to complete the set."

Connor grabbed M's arm and reeled him closer. With his free hand, he caught M's chin and tilted his face up. "No," he said, "No, no, no…" he moaned miserably. "I hate kids! They're so loud and stupid," he complained.

"Stop. Our kids will be smart and well-mannered and everyone is going to love them," M said in a rush. "I'm going to love them—"

"Why the fuck are you saying 'them'?" Connor hissed. "We're only expecting the one."

"I'll make sure 'them' happens," M said determinedly.

Connor was so stunned, he couldn't think of anything practical to say.

M was adorable though. His face was flushed and he kept biting his soft lips.

Connor studied the blond's boyish face. He was certainly young-looking, but he didn't have any feminine features.

Connor met M's deep green eyes, picking out the specks of brown and gold. He loved this boy… No matter what he was on the inside… Alien? Part-female? Connor didn't care. As long as M never changed…

Connor's gaze left M's eyes and traveled down to his teeth-worried lips. They looked so red and plump; they begged to be taken.

Connor leaned in dumbly and pressed his lips to M's, kissing him as images of babies and bottles and diapers flashed through his mind.

M grinned at him knowingly when Connor pulled back. He seemed to be reading Connor's mind.

"Let's go home," Connor said uneasily. "You're making me feel weird."

M continued to smile at Connor. His eyes were warm. "Connor… I can appreciate that you're afraid of starting a family. In your experience, family isn't always a good thing. I think, most of all, you're afraid of turning into your father. Or Greg."

Connor scoffed. "The day I hit a defenseless child, I'll end my own miserable life," he spat.

M smiled a little. "Well, I guess I didn't mean that exactly," he said. "Maybe you're just afraid of loving someone unconditionally… forever."

Connor frowned. M was getting close to the real matter at hand… To his fear of feelings.

"You don't have to be afraid. We'll figure this out together. We're in this together," M said firmly.

"It doesn't feel like it lately," Connor said bitterly.

M kissed Connor lightly on the lips. "I'm feeling really vulnerable right now," he said. "No matter which way we turn, the agent is right behind us. Forgive me for for not being 'in the mood'. He's in our backyard every night, watching us with his heightened vision abilities."

"His what?"

M made a face. "Let's just say he can see through walls."

Goosebumps popped up along the back of Connor's neck. "Seriously?"

M nodded.

Connor wrapped his arms around his chest, feeling chilled all of a sudden.

"C'mon, don't look so freaked out," M said. "He hasn't seen anything interesting anyway."

Connor snorted. He didn't want to even think about it.

"Let's go back to the house like you said," M said lightly. "That's a good idea."

They turned back to the house and as they started walking, Jack ran up from the sandy banks down beside the gravel path. He joined the humans eagerly.

Connor put an arm around M as they went… He felt the need to be protective. M had finally shown him some affection…

When they got back, the living room was mercifully empty and M picked a movie on the HBO channel.

At least there wasn't going to be a ton of advertisements. Connor settled in to watch the movie, some old flick with Robin Williams. M had has hand on his belly, curled protectively over their tiny baby. Gently, Connor laid his hand just below M's. He couldn't remember the last time he'd sat with M like this… this was definitely one of the first times he'd touched M's big pregnant belly, though.

As the movie started, a weird little bump from inside M's stomach moved Connor's hand. He looked down curiously at the boy's extended stomach.

"Did the baby just kick me?"

"He started doing that a couple days ago," M said happily. He rubbed a hand over his stomach, a look of pride glowing on his face.

Connor didn't know what to say. He cautiously put his hand back on M's stomach and was immediately kicked again.

"I must be poking him or something," he said, pulling away, back to his side of the couch where it was safe.

M laughed. "No, he's saying 'Hi' the only way he can." He proudly rubbed his belly again. "He's a wild little guy. He kicks a lot at night. I can tell he's anxious to get out and meet everyone."

Connor nodded. He got comfortable against M's warm body and eventually got up the nerve to take his small hand.

But he didn't try to touch his pregnant belly again. He stared at it from time to time, watching it cautiously like it was a ticking time bomb.


Nathan joined them as the second movie started. It was some stupid 'Fast and the Furious' sequel. Connor didn't blame M for wanting to check it out, but when the stupid teenager poked his head into the room and cheered that something interesting was finally on, Connor rolled his eyes.

Nathan dropped his ass down on the loveseat and kicked his feet up on the coffee table. Connor glared at the teen. The treads of his shoes were crusted with sand and a fine layer of grit was rubbing off the soles onto the wooden surface, but Nathan didn't notice. He was all ready to watch the newest 'Fast and Furious'.

"Did you hear Paul Walker died?" Nathan asked as the mentioned star came on-screen.

"Yeah," Connor said. "People at work were talking about it."

"Crazy," Nathan said, shaking his head. "The world will be a lamer place. That's for sure."

"Is it a dirtier place too for some reason?" Connor wondered aloud.

Nathan scratched his chin in thought. "Uh what?"

"Dude! Your shoes!" Connor cried.

Nathan looked down at his feet. "Oh. Sorry."

"You dragged in half the beach," Connor said. "This place is clean for a reason. Mom and M and the girls work hard to keep it looking nice. Who do you think is supposed to clean that up?" Connor pointed to the sand caked on the edge of the table. "You can take your sand up to your room and make a damned castle for all I care... Just clean it up!"

"Fuck," Nathan said into the sudden silence of the room. M had paused the movie at some point and he was staring fearfully up at Connor'. Nathan shared his look of terror. "You're going to be a great dad, bro," the teen said in a shaky voice. He laughed uneasily and started to get up, but thought better of it. He took his shoes off first, then carried them straight into the kitchen.

Connor heard the water running and he forced himself to relax.

"It's not really that big of a deal, Connor," M said softly. "You don't have to yell."

"He's such a brat!"

"I know," M muttered." But it's just sand. It was an accident."

Connor fumed for a few seconds, refusing to see where he was wrong. "He should try living on his own for a while. No mommy to clean up behind him… See how long he can stand it, living in total filth."

"I'd probably hate it," Nathan said with a laugh and Connor turned and spotted his little brother standing between the living room and the hall in his socks, a bundle of damp paper towels in his hand.

He came at the loveseat again, but dropped into a crouch instead of sitting on the plush cushions. He wiped the sand from the table edge in a single swipe of the damp towel.

"I wasn't paying attention," he said absently. "I came in through the garage. I walked down to the bay to smoke my last half of a blunt and call my dude. I'm a little buzzed still."

Connor bit his tongue. While he didn't agree with the teen's irresponsibility, he was… pleased to hear about the weed. It felt like he hadn't smoked in a while. He was definitely looking forward to getting a hit.

Nathan wandered out of the room again with the paper towels. Hopefully he was throwing everything away and not trying something stupidly fancy.

Connor put some serious effort into not worrying about it. Nathan's messes hadn't bothered him much before, but Connor was on edge… He felt like he was gearing up for a big fight tonight.

"Calm down," M whispered.

"I'm calm," Connor hissed back at him.

Nathan came back into the room a couple moments later. He was still in his socks, but he had an armful of canned soda.

"Thirsty?" he asked, then he went about setting the cans on the table on coasters. He settled in on the loveseat again and turned back to the movie. "I'll go see my guy when this movie's over. Both of you can ride along if you want. Actually, Connor, you can drive. Mom hates when I ask to borrow the Hummer."

Connor smiled a little. "Sure," he said. "I've got nothing better to do."

Nathan grinned and slowly, his attention slipped back to the movie.

Connor put up with the stupid film for the next hour and a half. He stretched his legs out restlessly and sighed every now and then with impatience.

He didn't really like movies in general, but every action flick he'd seen in the last couple years had been full of plot holes, dumb dialog, and other stupid inconsistencies.

This one was no different.

"I think ma's laying down in her room," Nathan said as the credits rolled on Fast and the Furious. He made no comment on the movie. "I'll grab her keys. Meet me in the garage." He got up and went out into the hall. Connor heard him pounding up the stairs.

Connor yawned and slumped lazily off the couch. He tried to shake off his bored exhaustion… He'd have to drive them across town in a couple minutes.

He stared to head out of the room, and was a little surprised when M hopped up and waddled along after him.

"Wait, you're coming too?"

"I was invited, wasn't I?" M pouted. He folded his arms around his belly, looking self-conscious. "I want to come with you… I—I feel like we should stick together," he said in a rush.

Connor stared at the blond. "What about everyone here at the house?"

M smiled a little. "I think everyone will be ok. It's you I'm worried about."

Connor swallowed roughly. "You don't have to worry about me—"

"Why not? I love you. I'm having your baby… really soon. I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

Connor chewed his bottom lip. "Nothing will."

"Do you not want me to go?"

Connor rubbed his neck and looked just over M's shoulder. "It's not that… I just don't want to put my family at risk because we weren't thinking about their safety."

"Everyone will stay inside," M said. "We're taking Julie's vehicle and I'm pretty sure Hannah is terrified to drive her mother's car again. There's no reason for them to go anywhere anyway."

Connor shrugged and gestured for M to follow him into the next room. "I don't want you to feel pressured to smoke though. OK? We're probably going to blaze once we get something."

M nodded. "Sure."

They went through the laundry room and into the garage. Connor hit the door opener on the back wall as he passed and they went to stand by the Hummer as the door gilded upwards.

"I have no idea what time Marcus is coming by," Connor said as an aside. He looked down the driveway, at the row of quiet houses across the street.

M glanced up at him. He leaned back in the shadows of the garage, fiddling with his phone. His face was lit up by the screen.

"I said we'd have food and stuff to eat," Connor continued. "Fuck. I don't think I even mentioned anything to mom."

"I can text Jamie about it. I was just telling her we're leaving for a little while."

Connor nodded. "I could text her too, but it'll probably sound better coming from you."

M giggled. "It'll probably sound like a bunch of jibber-jabber," he said. "She's always making fun of me for how dumb my texts are."

Connor shrugged his other shoulder. He knew what Jamie was talking about. M's texts weren't always grammatically correct. Sometimes, they barely made sense, but Connor thought he was doing pretty well for having such little experience with written language.

Nathan came out of the house then, brandishing a set of keys.

"Heads up!" He tossed the keys overhand across the room. They jangled loudly as they flew full-speed, just over Connor's shoulder, directly at the passenger window.

"Fuck!" Connor snatched the keys out of the air. Just in time too. "Watch it!"

Nathan gasped and covered his mouth as a sudden burst of laughter erupted from him.

Connor sneered and went around to the driver's side. He jumped in, started the SUV, and clenched the wheel in a death grip. The vehicle idled in park as M climbed in beside him with a moderate amount of effort. He shut his door behind him and buckled up right away.

Nathan stumbled around the front of the Hummer and fell into the back seat, still laughing. He couldn't even bother to shut the door behind him. Everyone was forced to wait though his hysteria…

Connor's jaw ticked. He glanced down at M's safety belt, still fastened.

"Connor… Dude… I'm sorry, man. I just--I was trying to…" Nathan gasped obnoxiously through his continued laughter. He doubled over his knees, wheezing out his open door.

Connor saw red and he clenched his teeth. He shifted into reverse and punched the gas. Nathan's door jerked shut and he was thrown against the back of Connor's seat from the G-force.

The Hummer's back wheels hit the little strip at the end of the drive and Connor stepped on the brakes, sending the tires screeching and as be spun the vehicle around to face the road. Nathan's head slammed back into the window with a crack and he yelped with pain. "What the hell, bro?" he cried. "I think you busted my head!"

The Hummer had come to a rest in the middle of the street. Connor breathed hard, his knuckles white on the steering wheel.

Beside him, M clutched the armrest on the door; his eyes wide with shock. He clutched his belly with his free arm out of habit, protecting the baby…

Connor's anger slowly ran out of him, like water through a sieve. He relaxed his grip on the wheel and put the gear into drive. He started down the street at a much more reasonable speed. "Sorry," he grunted to the car in general.

"Yeah, but what the hell!" Nathan cried.

Connor glanced in the rear view mirror, getting an eyeful of his punk-ass little brother. The teenager was red in the face and his hair was all fucked up in the back. He huffed and puffed with indignation.

"What were you laughing about back there," Connor asked levelly. He kept one eye trained on his brother in the mirror and the other on the red light as they came to the intersection at the front of the neighborhood.

"I was laughing because I'm a complete idiot in your eyes," Nathan said and Connor couldn't disagree. "And I'm actually trying to impress you," the teen continued and Connor cocked an eyebrow in bemusement.

"I never would have guessed," he said blandly.

Nathan snorted. "We're going to the bank first you know."

"Two blocks up, on the corner, right?"


They all fell into silence as they approached the bank. Nathan requested to use the inside ATM. "It's safer that way. I'm taking out a lot of cash," he said snottily.

Connor rolled his eyes, but didn’t comment. He parked up front and clicked lazily through the radio stations as the teen got out and strolled inside the building.

"Were you trying to kill us back there?" M asked the second they were alone. He rubbed his belly protectively. "You can't do stuff like that. You risked our lives for no reason!"

"I was hardly risking anyone's life," Connor scoffed. "Nathan just keeps pissing me off."

"Well, don't do it again," M said. "Seriously. When it comes to him, you act like you're a brat, too. You should listen to your own advice and grow up already."

Connor blinked. "Excuse me?"

"You've been pouting and moping around for over a week. Something is always pissing you off, so you're always in a bad mood. You treat your mom like crap half the time and you treat everyone else like they're lesser than you!"

Connor stared at M in shock.

"You're a good guy, Connor, but you're also an asshole a lot of the time, " he said heatedly.

Connor was taken aback. M rarely complained… about anything. And now he had a whole laundry list on Connor's faults! Before he could think up a reply, Nathan came out of the bank. He walked back to the car, got in smoothly and shut the door. Then he bust a wad of cash out of his back pocket unfolded it, and started to fan his face.

"I'm a straight-up player!"

Connor snorted. "Where are we going next? "

"Blunts first. Then we'll hit up the homies."

Connor took that as a permission to select a gas station. He pulled out of the bank and backtracked down the street they'd just come down. At the end of the block there was a big busy gas station with a drive-thru. He pulled in and was immediately assaulted by a woman in a Toyota. She had her eyes locked on pump 11 and she made a quick left turn in front of Connor to get to it, cutting the Hummer off and making them come to a complete stop.

"Bitch!" Connor punched the horn a single time. He glared at the dumb cunt in the Toyota. The woman stayed in her car… she wasn't getting out.

"Connor!" M hissed.

Connor grit his teeth and stepped on the gas. They flew past the front of the store and circled around to a narrow side lot. There was a yellow arrow looping around the side of the building and Connor steered the Hummer in the indicated direction, following it to the sheltered drive-thru poking out of the back of the building.

He pulled in. The garage was filled with coolers of beer and pop. There was a little door that led into the real store inside, and a young guy popped out as Connor coasted through. There were some racks with brightly colored bags of chips and other snacks on either side of the door. Candy was in a case a bit further down and above that… cigarettes, cigarettes, cigarettes.

"What can I do for you guys?" The energetic guy called as Connor rolled down his window.

"Uh, I need maybe…" Connor glanced at his brother in the rear view mirror. "What do you think? Maybe a dozen wraps?

"Yeah and get a bunch of different flavors," Nathan said.

"Do you have an ID?" The guy's demeanor changed in an instant. Gone was his smile. He seemed like he was probably a narc.

Connor pulled out his wallet and handed over his ID. "So, I need 6 two-packs of the Swisher Sweets and mix up the flavors. We want some options."

The guy handed Connor his ID back.

"Oh, and throw in a couple Bics. 4 of them should be good," Connor said.

The guy went behind the little counter under the cigarettes and started selecting items to put in a paper bag. They had to wait a couple moments, and Nathan handed Connor a twenty over the seat while they sat idle.

The cashier came back with the bag and took Connor's money. He promptly disappeared to make change.

A big, shiny truck pulled up behind them in the drive-thru. Nathan snatched the bag of wraps and lighters from Connor and peeked inside.

"Nice," he said.

Connor was busy shielding his eyes from the glare of the truck's lights. They were on, in the middle of the afternoon, and they bounced off the vehicle's side mirror and directly into his face.

"Have a wonderful weekend," a voice said and Connor noticed the cashier was back with the change. Connor grabbed it, glared in his rear view mirror at the dumbass driver behind him and pulled out.

"Fuck, people are stupid," Connor cursed under his breath. Beside him, M released a heavy sigh of frustration.

"Whatever. Don't worry about it, we're having a party tonight, bro!" Nathan crowed from the back. "Go to the end of the street and turn right."

Connor followed the simple directions..

Luckily, Nathan was committed to the weed and he wasn't as easily distracted as usual. In 5 minutes time, they stopped beside a tall high-rise of apartments.

It was familiar. There was nobody in the courtyard, but Connor remembered a group of black guys hanging around the last time they'd been by.

"I'll be back in a few," Nathan said. He got out of the SUV and slammed the door. He cut across the courtyard and slipped inside one of the buildings.

Connor sighed. He let his eyes shut and then slowly lowered his head until his forehead rested against the leather of the steering wheel.

"Do you think the weed will calm you down?"

Connor laughed in surprise. "Probably," he said.

"We haven't smoked in a while… I miss the feeling," M said.

Connor turned his head and peered at M from the side. "Whatever happened to Michael? You haven't had a seizure in a while. You haven't been bothered with any weird memories or anything."

"I guess not," M said softly. He rubbed his smooth, rounded chin as he thought. "He's been almost completely silent," he said. "I can't remember the last time I heard him complaining about something… I thought maybe he was just tired of being ignored, but maybe something happened to him."

Connor frowned. "Maybe he gave up. Maybe he resigned himself to a life of alien enslavement."

M lowered his eyes. There was a long stretch of silence and Connor looked out the window, searching desperately for any signs of Nathan's return. "I want to smoke, too," M said suddenly and Connor sat up and glared at him.

"It'll hurt the baby," he snapped.

M hung his head.

Connor was instantly furious with himself. M was right. He was an asshole and he didn't care how he treated anyone.

He took a deep breath. "I wouldn't pick up the habit of smoking regularly, but if you really want to, then have a little. I don't really think there's any proof that weed fucks up a baby anyway. That's just some old-fashioned opinion."

"Why is it old-fashioned?"

"Because a million years ago they made a horror movie called Reefer Madness. It was a warning about the dangers of weed." Connor chuckled darkly. "It was a bunch of bullshit. Today, they use marijuana as an alternative treatment for a lot of different medical disorders. It actually helps people."

"It helps you," M agreed. "And it used to help me a lot with the seizures."

Connor nodded. "You'll probably be fine." He rolled his shoulders and tried thinking calming thoughts… He wished he didn't feel so amped up.

"Nathan's coming," M said and Connor looked out the window to see it was true. The teenager charged across the courtyard with his stupid hat pulled down low. He looked like a kid with a pocket-full of stolen candy.

Connor prepared himself for whatever bullshit Nathan would say or do next. He just knew he'd do something.

Nathan jumped in the back. "Let's roll!"

Connor took that as order to drive aimlessly down to the beach. It was just past 4:30 in the afternoon, but the roads weren't too busy. Nathan was busy in the backseat, however, rolling them a blunt.

He split the cigarillo open with his thumb nail and poured the tobacco out into the plastic wrap it had been packaged in. He pulled a fat sack of weed out of his pocket and held it up to his face, inspecting it.

Connor was so glad the back windows were tinted for privacy…

The teen broke up a bud of weed and started to roll it tightly in the cigar wrap. "Do you know when your friends are showing up with the beer?"


Nathan cursed. "We should really get home so I can clean up and change before everyone shows."

"It's not everyone. It's just Marcus," Connor said. "You've already met him. Remember."

"Vaguely," Nathan said. "He was with you when you came to pick up the dog or something. When you were living across town, in the slums."

"The slums?" Connor laughed bitterly. "Fuck you. You should see where I grew up. Marcus' place is nice."

"Whatever." Nathan finished up on the blunt. He stuck it between his lips and used one of the new lighters to get it burning.

"Jamie texted me a little while ago," M spoke up when Nathan fell silent, holding onto a mouthful of smoke.

"Yeah?" Connor raised an eyebrow.

"Julie and Hannah found some leftover hamburger and a couple extra bags of chips in the laundry room. I guess Bradley volunteered to cook on the grill."

"Thank God," Connor sighed. He didn't want to get stuck manning the grill at another stupid party. Too much pressure.

In the back, Nathan sputtered and coughed out a huge, skunky cloud of THC. He passed the roach over the front seat to Connor and finally, Connor got a few moments alone with the blunt. He got a nice buzz going before he handed it off to M.

"Whoa, he's gonna smoke? I thought he was pregnant," Nathan said.

M had the blunt between his first two fingers, poised to smoke, but he hesitated now. The tip just inches from his lips.

"Shut up." Connor flipped Nathan off over his shoulder. "Mind your own damn business."

"I thought Jamie was brainwashing him. She's totally against using drugs while pregnant."

"Drugs are one thing," Connor said conversationally. He suddenly felt very relaxed. He flexed his hands on the steering wheel and leaned back comfortably in his seat. "Weed is another thing entirely. It's completely natural and its medical benefits far outweigh any of the side effects. The worst, of course, being the munchies."

Nathan chuckled. "You're preaching to the choir, bro. I'm pro marijuana all the way. It's Jamie that has the problem. That's why I mentioned it."

M made a face. "Jamie and I are good friends, but she doesn't control my thoughts," he said. "I'm perfectly capable of making up my own mind."

Nathan snorted and dropped the subject as M took a long draw off the blunt.

Connor had seen a sign a few miles back for a public beach and as he saw the indicated exit ahead, he carefully signaled and got off.

They got to the beach in one piece. There was a narrow entrance leading into a large parking area. Connor parked as far from the other cars as he could, then the three of them started passing the smoke back and forth.

"Do you think we have time to walk down to the water?" M asked after a couple rounds.

"It'll only take a minute or two," Connor said. He smiled indulgently at the little blond. "Let's check it out."

Connor and M left their phones behind in the Hummer when they got out. M immediately started running for the waves. His excitement was uncontainable. Connor laughed and kept up a measured, but quick pace. He wasn't in the mood to do any running.

Surprisingly, Nathan lumbered after them, sinking his hands into his pockets. Connor was pretty amazed to see him following along, but paid him no mind.

There were people scattered up and down the beach on blankets, towels, and chairs. M ran past them all, kicking his sandals off as he got close to the shore. Connor picked them up as an afterthought. His eyes were glued to M, watching as he splashed waist-deep into the waves.

M wasn't the best swimmer and Connor was ready to call him back, but before he could, M fell back into the water and floated like a log on the surface. He bobbed up and down like an inflatable raft. Connor laughed and beside him, Nathan came to a stop and snorted a little, too.

"Looks like he got better at swimming," Nathan said. "Wasn't it just yesterday you were teaching him how?"

Connor grunted. He'd just been thinking that same thought….

"Did you guys leave your phones behind?" the teen whined and Connor was rudely shaken from his memories. He turned and glared at his punk-ass brother.

"If we hadn't, M's would be a little water-logged at the moment," he said.

Nathan made a stupid face. "But how is Jamie going to get ahold of us if you guys left your phones?"

"Pfft," Connor sneered. "She knows we're with you, right?"

"I--I guess."

"Well, you'd better text her," Connor said enthusiastically. "So we can get the latest party updates without the slightest interruption."

Nathan frowned, but he pulled his phone out and sent off a quick message.

They watched M swim around for a couple of minutes while the blond giggled, clearly enjoying himself. Connor was warmed by his carefree demeanor. He had the unnatural desire to do something spontaneous, like ripping his shirt off and jumping in after M… But he didn't. He could feel Nathan's impatience growing beside him, like a large shadowy beast. If he ignored it, he feared he'd lose his damned head.

Nathan's phone made a noise. It was a five second bit from a song, some girl singing 'Bitch Please' in a sweet, high-pitched tone. The teenager tore his phone out of his pocket and checked the screen.

"Bradley's starting the burgers," Nathan read off Jamie's text. "She said nobody's showed up yet, though."

"See," Connor said. "We're not missing anything."

"But why would Bradley just randomly start making the food?"

"Maybe everyone's hungry," Connor pointed out. "Maybe they're sick of waiting, too."

"Oh, let's just go home already!" Nathan bitched. "I'll roll us another blunt," he offered. "C'mon. Please."

Connor huffed. "Whatever Nathan. Go back to the Hummer. We'll meet up with you."

Nathan made a sound of displeasure, but he walked off without a fight.

Connor watched him go for a moment, shaking his head. That kid had more mood swings than anyone Connor had ever met. He scowled, spat in the sand, and turned to call M back to land.

The little blond seemed reluctant to return. He studied Connor sadly as he swayed up and down with the current. He didn't move at first, but then he started to drift back to shore.

Connor watched with amazement. The blond had gotten worlds better at swimming… He moved fluidly through the water like some sort of sea serpent.

M reached shore and he stepped out of the water gracefully. His skin glowed and his eyes sparkled magnificently. His white-blond hair lay against the soft curve of his cheek and as Connor stared at him, the boy brushed the hair behind his ear.

He smiled a little. "What?"

Connor glanced down the blond's body and came at him in an instant, putting an arm around his wet shoulders. The boy's wet top clung to his stomach… showing his pregnancy off in the most obvious way possible.

"Let's go," Connor said, avoiding the gazes of a hundred different beach-goers. He didn't know if people were looking at them or not, but he didn't care. It didn't matter. Him and M would go on with their lives one way or another, whether they were given the evil eye or not.

Thinking fast, Connor slipped M's sandals up on his wrist and then scooped the wet boy up into his arms.

M laughed. "Connor!" He giggled, flinging water from the ends of his long hair and into Connor's face. Connor wiped it off on his shoulder. He smirked and M giggled some more and kicked his legs.

"Where are you taking me?" M cried.

"Back to my bed," Connor said under his breath. "You're so beautiful, M."

M blushed. His voice seemed to become lodged in his throat and he didn't ask any more questions. He fell silent and hung onto Connor tightly.

When they got back to the Hummer, Nathan was up in arms.

"Connor! You got a text when you guys were walking back!" he yelped.

"Oh yeah?" Connor paused to help M into his seat. He boosted the blond into the SUV, waited for him to get adjusted, and then he shut the passenger door. Then he walked around to the drivers side and got in.

"I checked your phone already," Nathan said frantically as Connor got himself situated up front. "It was that Marcus guy. He says he'll be by in a half hour. We have to go!"

"Did you get that blunt rolled?"

Nathan scoffed, but he promptly handed the roach over the seat. Connor stuck it between his lips.

"You heard Nathan, M, we've gotta hit the road! It's party time!" he said sarcastically. The blunt wobbled between his lips and he grabbed it between his thumb and forefinger and took a deep hit. "Hold this, babe," he said, handing the weed off to the blond.

He whipped them out of their parking spot and sped to the narrow lane that served as the lot's sole exit.

"Cut it out with the crazy driving," Nathan snapped. "You're not impressing anyone."

"I thought we had to hurry," Connor taunted.

"But you don't have to kill us on the way!" Nathan yelled over the sound of gravel spitting up under the SUV.

Connor laughed and pumped the brakes. They skidded to a halt about a cars length from the road. He looked around at his little brother and told him to: "Fuck off!"

Nathan shut his mouth and leaned back in his seat.

"Shut up and hold on," Connor grunted. "I'll get us back as fast as legally possible, you fuck."

M silently passed Nathan the blunt and the teen took it without looking. His eyes were locked on Connor's in the rear view mirror.

Connor looked away at last, disgust curling his lip. He pulled out of the parking lot and sped down the road. They were back on the highway in minutes and going a nice 75 mph back to town.

Nathan had finally relaxed in the back seat. He smoked for a bit and then handed the blunt to Connor, touching his shoulder and then stretching his arm out so Connor could pluck it from between his fingers.

When he finally had the blunt, Connor kept it for a long time. He puffed and puffed and willed the stress from his body as best as he could. When he finally passed it to M, the blunt was a tiny nub.

"Thanks," M said, looking down at the little burning roach pinched between Connor's fingers. He took it from him carefully.


They got back to the house in 25 minutes.

Connor was incredibly proud of himself. He pulled into the driveway with a massive grin on his face.

Nathan threw open the back door and jumped out while the Hummer was still moving. He skidded across the white-paved driveway and ran through the grass, around the house, and into the back.

"Fucking retard," Connor sneered. He pulled into the open garage and parked.

"Connor," M started.

"Just stop," Connor hissed. He took a deep breath and looked around the interior of the vehicle for anything he might have left behind. He glanced in the back and did a double-take.

Nathan's baggie of weed and the lighters and wraps were all abandoned on the far back seat.

Connor risked.

"That kid is a lost cause, I swear to God," he muttered as he collected the drug paraphernalia. He rolled everything up and stuck it in his pocket. "He's fucking hopeless." He got out of the Hummer and headed inside through the laundry room. M was behind him.

Surprisingly, there was nobody in the kitchen. One of the cabinet doors had been left open. Shelves of plates and bowls were inside.

Connor crept through the silent kitchen and into the hallway. He peeked through the living room doorway and saw the back patio flourishing with activity. He peered out at Jamie and Nathan and Hannah, when he spotted Marcus, his afro big, fluffy, and touchable…

Connor was halfway across the room before he realized what was happening. He went with it. He slid the back door open and was immediately hailed by his friends. Jamie and Hannah smiled at him… Bradley sent him a neutral sort of nod… Marcus turned and stepped closer to greet Connor and as he did, Connor noticed a second guest, a red-hair and braces kind of guest.

"Hey man, nice to see you again," Marcus said, going in for a hug.

Connor allowed it, but remained stiff. He looked over Marcus' shoulder as the awkward embrace continued and met Rose's wide blue eyes.

"I just saw you the other day," Connor said when Marcus finally released him. "We met at the bar."

Marcus waved Connor off. "That wasn't anything. You were in and out in under an hour!"

Connor frowned. "Sorry?"

"It's cool, it's cool," Marcus chuckled. "We'll just have to make up for it tonight."

Connor's skin suddenly got tight all over. He wanted to itch his face and arms, but he curled his fingers into his palms, cutting the tender flesh with his nails.

Rose stared at him from across the patio. She stood with Nathan and Jamie, looking pretty hot in a frilly, baby blue swimsuit coverall. Her thin legs and arms were exposed, as was her unimpressive cleavage, covered in freckles… But Nathan looked at her like she was a supermodel or something. His eyes were all over her

"I hope you don't mind. I brought Rose along," Marcus said. He made a face for Connor's benefit, but Connor didn't appreciate it. "You're mom cleared out of the house the moment we arrived… Looks like we've got the place to ourselves."

Connor quirked a brow. Hannah noticed, and she quickly filled him in from her spot next to Bradley's grill.

"Julie's staying in the city for the night. She's trusting us to be adults and to act responsibly," Hannah said, her voice raising as she addressed the patio in general. Nobody seemed to be listening though…

Connor tried not to laugh at the look of discouragement on Hannah's face. He chewed the inside of his cheek to kill the urge completely. "So, where's the beer?" he asked.

Hannah's nose wrinkled up. "You don't drink… You hate alcohol." She glared at him, worse than his own damned mother… "You should really think about avoiding it, Connor. You're genetically predisposed to alcoholism. Your father—"

"Is none of your damned business!" he growled. "Fuck off, Hannah!"

He turned away from the girl and her nagging. He caught looks of discomfort and amusement on everyone else's faces. He was some kind of interesting specimen… They were all watching him.

Connor growled bitterly and shoved his way through the throng of people and towards the grass beyond the patio.

What had he been thinking? Connor and social activities didn't mix. Ever.

He was in luck, though. There was a cooler in the little garden. It sat in the shade of the house.

Connor went to it immediately and popped the lid. There was a mix of different beers inside, sitting in ice. There was normal stuff like Yuengling and Budweiser, but there were some tall cans of brightly colored alcohol too. Connor picked one up. It was the infamous Four Loko Fruit Punch.

Connor wasn't in the mood to save anyone now. He just wanted to get drunk. He cracked the Four Loko open and started to chug it. The taste was awful.

"That was awkward," Marcus said and Connor nearly choked up his drink in surprise. He whirled around. Marcus stood on the edge of the patio, smirking.

"Where you there the whole time," Connor asked sharply. "Just over my shoulder…"

"Uh, no?" Marcus snorted. "I walked over here when I saw you had a Four Loko."

"It's disgusting," Connor said, but he was almost done with it.

Marcus laughed. "I'll probably have one in a while, but I thought I'd try to eat something first. I think that lovely lady handling the grill is making burgers."

"Lovely lady?" Connor scoffed. "She's a dyke, man. No use beating around the bush."

Marcus sputtered. "No kidding?"

"Nope," Connor said. "I'm not kidding."

Marcus started to look uncomfortable again and Connor quickly finished his Four Loko. Then, before he lost the nerve, he grabbed another one from the cooler. It was a different flavor, though Connor didn't bother to actually read what the labeling said, it was a different color and everything.

He opened it, and started drinking it down.

And so, the party began, gimp-footed and limping over the start line. Marcus went to grab something to eat and Connor was left on his lonesome by the cooler, knocking back cheap alcohol.

He relaxed as everyone lost interest and went on with the party. Nobody else was drinking yet, only Connor, so he was safe from anyone invading his secret hideaway by the cooler.

M and Jamie already had burgers and chips and they sat with they feet in the pool as they ate. Marcus was deep in conversation with Hannah and Bradley. The three of them stood around the grill while Hannah made Marcus up a plate. When she handed over the burgers, that seemed to start a whole other conversation where Marcus said a bunch of charming things and Bradley actually ended up blushing…

Whatever, Connor thought impatiently. Bradley was still a lesbian… No matter how many times Marcus got her to blush…

The last small group was Nathan and Rose.

Rose sat primly on the edge of one of the lounge chairs while Nathan stood over her, towering over her small frame. Rose had a single burger and a tiny helping of chips. She ate slowly like a bird pecking at seeds.

Nathan watched Rose with an unhealthy sort of interest. He was taking to her in a slow,deep tone and Connor frowned at him.

Nathan wasn't doing anything wrong per say, but Connor just thought maybe he should go over there real quick and remind the obnoxious teen he had a pregnant fiancé.

Connor finished his second Four Loko and strode over to his little brother and his ex co-worker. Liquid courage flowed through his body.

"Hey," Connor started. He stumbled a bit closer to the two on/by the patio chair and smiled awkwardly at Rose. "Hi."

"Uh, hi," Rose said. Her cheeks pinkened instantly. "You look really good, Connor," she said.

"Naw, I look exactly the same," Connor said. "I haven't been doing anything… Nothing at all," he said moodily.

"Unemployed suits you, then," Rose said with a quirky little smile. She hadn't picked up on Connor's underlying depression at all. She was joking with him.

"Yeah. I guess so," Connor said lamely. "I mean, it's the only regular thing I've got going. My continual unemployment."

"Me too," Nathan said loudly. "I just lost my job the other day."

"That's no good," Rosie said lightly. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"I didn't just lose my job," Nathan said dramatically. "The car wash where I was working had an explosion and the place flooded. It was on the news and everything."

"I don't think I caught that story—"

"I've got it recorded on the DVR," Nathan said helpfully. "We can watch it later, if you want."

"Maybe later," Rose said. Her gaze was focused on Connor though and he suddenly remembered he'd been standing here for almost two whole minutes, and he still hadn't gotten to the reason he'd walked over here to begin with.

"Nathan," Connor started slowly — he felt so damned slow for some reason. "What are you—"

Nathan gasped out loud. "Connor. Fuck. I left all our smoke in the Hummer!"

Connor's back pocket burned. Smirking, he reached into it and removed the paper bag from the SUV. He handed it over, smug as shit.

"Oh," Nathan said. He took the bag and kind of weighed it in his hand. He seemed satisfied.

"So, shouldn't you be sittin' with your pregnant fiancé right now?" Connor slurred. He swayed a little and caught himself on the edge of Rose's lounge chair. She gasped and moved out of the way as Connor righted himself and sat down heavily. He coolly pushed his hair out of his eyes. "She looks awfully lonely to me."

"Fuck you, why aren't you with your pregnant fiancé?" Nathan taunted. "And what the fuck did you drink?" He looked Connor up and down, his brows furrowed in thought. Then he laughed. "And where can I get some?"

"I had two Four Lokos," Connor said, holding up two fingers than fumbling to hold up four. "I wouldn't recommend it," he chuckled.

"Those things are pure alcohol," Rose said with a shudder. "I can't even get through one. How did you drink two? You've only been here for a few minutes."

Connor laughed again. The alcohol was kicking in. He could feel it… "I was determined," he said.

Nathan laughed too and clapped him on the shoulder. "Where's the booze, bro?"

"Fuck," Connor shrugged Nathan's hand off his shoulder. "Over there. In the cooler."

Nathan peered into the shade of the house. The cooler was hidden off to the side, staying out of the way until later. The teen was just as determined as Connor had been though, and he snuck off to grab a drink.

"You have a pregnant fiancé?" Rose asked once they were alone. She fluttered her pale lashes at Connor and instantly, he felt uncomfortable under the girls unwanted attentions.

"We're not getting married," Connor corrected. "But pregnant. Yeah. That. We're pregnant."

"That's… unexpected," Rose said cautiously. "Marcus said you were gay."

Connor swallowed. He wondered how much Marcus had told her. If he'd told her about something as private as Connor's sexuality, what else could he have mentioned?

"Is it that girl over there? The blonde?"

Connor followed Rose's finger. She was pointing at Hannah.

Before he was forced to answer, Nathan returned with two more Four Lokos and a Summer Breeze wine cooler.

"Here you go," Nathan said, handing Connor a Four Loko.

Connor glared at the teen, but he took the drink without causing a fuss. He opened it and sampled yet another new flavor.

This one was the grossest yet…

"Oh, no, thank you! I'm going to hold off on the alcohol for now," Rose said when Nathan tried to give her the wine cooler. "I'm still eating," she said and somehow, she was. She had nibbled through half of her burger and maybe four chips. "Maybe later, once my stomach settles."

Nathan shrugged. "More for me than," he said practically. He chugged the sweet wine cooler down first and then turned to Connor with a gleam in his eyes. "Race you to the bottom?"

There was no way Connor was going to nurse this disgusting beverage all night… He tipped his drink at Nathan…

Challenge accepted.

They downed their cans at the same moment and for a couple seconds, the sound of gulping and swallowing was overwhelming and gross, but Connor managed to finish first. He chugged the dregs of his peach flavored drink in a single, huge swallow, then dramatically crushed and threw his can across the patio. It skidded across the stone pacers and bounced into the grass. "Fuck you! I won!" he yelled. He jumped up and ruffled his hands aggressively through Nathan's short hair.

The teen ripped away from Connor, scowling like the poor little loser he was.

Connor laughed at him and spun around to see how far he'd thrown his can. He must have gone too fast though, because suddenly, his head was reeling. He fell back against Rose and continued to laugh at the pouty look on Nathan's dumb face.

Connor couldn't sit up straight. He struggled to get out of Rose lap unsuccessfully. He felt like he was running out of air, too. His head felt light and floaty.

"Rose… Help!"

The redhead giggled and helped Connor into an upright position.

"Are you OK?" she asked.

Connor groaned. In the upright position, his head spun even faster and he felt like he was going to puke. He swallowed down his rising bile and he rubbed his pounding, woozy head. He thought vaguely that he should find some water, but then the thought was gone.

"Shit." Nathan leaned over and peered into Connor's eyes. "I think maybe you need some green."

Connor moaned.

It took maybe an hour before Nathan pulled out the weed though. The teen ended up drinking another can of beer with Rose and then he went to grab some food.

Rose and Connor stayed in the pool chair. They were sharing it somehow, with Rose's legs on either side of Connor. He wanted to get up, he wanted to go upstairs so he could lay down, actually, but he also didn't want to move.

Hannah came over at some point and glared down at him.

"Are you trying to prove me right?" she sneered.

"Leave me alone," Connor whined.

Hannah shook her head. "You need to eat something. It'll help sober you up."

"I'll puke," Connor warned and Hannah turned and walked away.

Rose laughed as they were left alone again on their pool chair. Connor could feel her body vibrating against his. "It seems like she really loves you," Rose said.

"Yeah," Connor muttered. "It's really annoying. I wish she'd stop."

Rose laughed again. "I'm sure you don't mean that."

"I do," Connor said darkly and Rose stopped laughing.

Maybe five minutes later, Nathan showed up with two burgers on a paper plate. Marcus was right behind him and Nathan turned to size him up.

Marcus gave Nathan the briefest of looks and then he was pushing past the teen like he wasn't even there.

"I see my girlfriend has been keeping you company," the big man said to Connor in a rumbling, presumptuous voice. "She's real sweet like that. Caring."

Rose laughed nervously. "I don't think he can move."

"Doesn't look like it," Marcus said. He frowned at Connor. "I thought we were going to hang out, man."

Nathan finally pushed through Marcus' protective barrier. He held the burgers out like they were some kind of prize.

"Hannah sent these over. She said you needed to sober up." Nathan winked.

Connor moaned again. "Nooooo," he said.

"No?" Nathan elbowed his way past Marcus completely and sat on the other lounge chair. He set the plate of burgers beside him and pulled the rolled paper bag from his back pocket. "How about that blunt? Maybe you'll get the munchies." He opened the bag and started the process of breaking down the flavored cigarillo.

"You're the guy with the kush?" Marcus asked.

"The one and only," Nathan said cheerfully.

They all watched Nathan roll a blunt.

"That looks like good shit," Marcus said in admiration.

"Pfft. I only buy the good shit," Nathan said snobbily.

Connor got first dibs on the smoke. Nathan helped him light the blunt. The smoke got passed around the little circle four different times. Rose didn't turn the weed down like she had the alcohol and of course, Marcus was game for a little smoking.

Connor slowly started to feel less sick as he smoked and listened to the group's chill conversation. He even ate his cold burgers after a while. He didn't have much to say, but luckily, he also didn't feel pressured to participate. It was Nathan that was talking a mile a minute, trying really hard to look cool.

Eventually, it started to get dark. Again, Connor remembered the porch lights. They were probably sitting out in the mailbox by this point.

Nobody cared though.

Not even Connor.

There were lights on inside the house, illuminating the porch, and everyone was clustered around the pool and its iridescent glow.

Jamie and M had decided to take a dip at some point and they were in their t-shirts and underwear, swimming laps in the deep end.

Connor got lost in the hypnotic rhythm of M's slim legs slicing through the clear pool water. When he got close to the underwater lights, his skin turned a liquid gold under the glow. Again, Connor was caught up in M's otherworldly beauty. His heart beat a little faster…

There's wasn't much else going on, unfortunately. As Connor had predicted, the party was a low key one. Barely even worth mentioning.

Besides the pregnant swimmers in the pool, Connor, Nathan, Marcus, and Rose formed the main body of the event. Hannah had slipped inside sometime after their last conversation and Bradley sat silently by the pool, a bottle on water on her knee. She watched the proceedings with a hawks eye.

Connor was enjoying the weed and his alcohol buzz had mellowed out enough for him to at least handle it. He was exhausted and regretted most of the day, but there was nothing he could do now. He was here with his friends, drunk, high, and totally out of his element.

Marcus and Rose traded stories about coworkers at Bayside Landscaping. Most of the names were foreign to Connor. He didn't remember anybody he'd worked with. It had only been a month or so ago, but it felt like years had passed since he'd been fired.

Nathan laughed at every joke and tried to relate to every punchline. He very obviously didn't fit in with the working class, but he kept trying to wedge his way into the conversation nonetheless.

Finally though, the conversation turned to more personal matters.

"How are things with M?" Marcus asked casually. He pointed his chin out towards the pool. "He looks bigger than I remember."

"M?" Rosie giggled. "Who's that?"

"That blond boy in the water," Marcus said. "I told you, Connor's gay," he stage-whispered.

Rose looked at Connor in confusion. "But what about the girl that came by earlier? Hannah?"

Connor shrugged. "She's an ex," he said lazily. "I tried to be straight for awhile."

Rose stared at Connor in horror. "She's pregnant with your baby though."

Marcus raised his eyebrows. "You're having a baby?"

Nathan gazed at Marcus and Rose in amazement. "You guys haven't heard the story yet?"

"Shhh! No!" Connor hissed at his loud-mouthed brother.

Marcus and Rose looked even more interested now and Nathan grinned and went with it, the little fucker.

"M's an alien and he's carrying Connor's baby in this weird, accelerated male-pregnancy thing," Nathan blabbed. "Oh, and they're being stalked by this crazy Predator guy and I guess he's to blame for my car wash exploding and then mysteriously closing up shop."

Rosie licked her thin lips. "Predator? Like the movie Predator?"

"Totally," Nathan said.

"Fuck off, no!" Connor spoke over the obnoxious teen. "He's the same species as M, but he's rogue. He's on a different mission than M, and it's an evil one."

"I think it's the other way around," Nathan said smugly. "M wants to breed and live a life of human luxury and the Predator guy wants to like, save his dying race or whatever. M's the selfish one."

Connor kicked angrily at Nathan's pool chair.

"Quit!" Nathan cried, his eyes widening.

"Take it back," Connor said through his teeth.


"Take it back! M isn't selfish!"

Nathan curled his lip and looked down his nose at Connor. "No," he said. "You can't make me, either."

Connor saw red again. He lost control of his body and when he started kicking the leg of Nathan's chair once, twice, three times more, there was no way he could stop himself.

Nathan screamed and he jumped up as the chair leg split under the force of Connor's boot. The chair crashed hard onto the patio and suddenly, everyone was looking at Connor.

Marcus and Rose stared at Connor wide-eyed, their expressions full of shock. Jamie and M watched from the edge of the pool. M's deliciously toned arms anchored him to the edge. Bradley was standing up in the back, her dark eyes vigilant and unwavering.

Connor heard the distant sound of static and in an instant, his body seized up. He folded into himself, whimpering in a frantic kind of panic.

"Connor?" Marcus and Nathan asked at the same time.

Connor wasn't capable of answering though. He arched backwards dramatically as a terrible pain exploded behind his eyes. He felt his head hit the pavement, but it was a distant feeling. He could literally feel his soul leaving his body… It was being sucked out of him and stretched across a million miles of unending space. He screamed over and over again for help, for M… but his pleas were never met. He suffered endlessly in an infinite amount of time in his mind…

Suddenly, Connor blinked and he was looking up at a dark, cloudy sky. Then, blond hair and a familiar face full of concern crowded his view.

"Connor!" M cried, tears streaking down his flushed cheeks. "Can you hear me?!"

A terrible metallic sound ripped through the air. M flinched away and covered his ears.

Connor sat up unsteadily. The terrible sound faded into a dull roar and Connor shook his head and blinked a few times as spots danced in his vision. He took in the scene around him.

M knelt beside Connor, in the ruins of Nathan's pool chair. He had his ears plugged and his teeth clenched tight.

Marcus and Rose were in the grass nearby. The big guy lay over top of the tiny redhead, protecting her. Both of them tried frantically to block out the roaring sound as it began to climb in pitch.

Connor was still unaffected. He was actually able to pick out some sporadic, muted barking trying to mix with the alien sound. He turned to look at the house.

The dog was inside, at the back door, scratching and barking frantically at the glass to be let out. His ears were pinned back and he whined in pain, but he fought as if his life depended on him being freed into the backyard.

Fuck, this is so bad, Connor thought. This had "the agent" written all over it.

Connor's head had nearly exploded from the static sound a few minutes back, but he was over it now. He looked nothing like the others.

Nathan and Jamie crouched under the table. They had their hands over their ears, but yet, they still cringed as if their eardrums were close to bleeding.

Lastly, there was Bradley.

Good ole' Bradley…

She was down on one knee, her left hand plugging one ear and the other pressed against her shoulder. This left her dominant hand free and it hovered, poised to strike, near her belt. Her face was screwed up in pain, but she kept a clear sight of the area at all times.

Connor suddenly remembered he'd asked her to be the security detail tonight… He remembered Bradley agreeing and remembered her mentioning a gun…

Connor hoped she had it on her…

In the distance, maybe four blocks back, the lights suddenly blinked out. Row by row, the streets and the houses on them were pitched into blackness.

When the house and pool lights suddenly went out around them, everyone screamed and yelled.

Connor was silent. He scanned the darkness as his head throbbed with a dim pain.


A dark figure stalked through the grass, whisper quiet.

Connor yelled out wordlessly, pointing at the intruder as he rapidly approached. He already knew who it was, but no intelligent words were coming out of his mouth. He tried to stand up, but his knees gave out and he fell back against the pool chair.

M was up in an instant. "Hey!" His voice shook. Connor crawled across the rough patio stones to be closer to him. He cowered on his stomach, like a fucking bitch. "I see you!" M yelled. "What do you want?!"

The figure stopped on the edge of the lawn. It stood unnaturally still.

The back door slid open with a bang and the dog burst outside.

"Jack! No!" Connor yelled and by some stroke of luck, the dog didn't run at the enemy. He stopped just a few paces from the humans, his hackles raised, his teeth bared. He snarled at the stranger, but he kept his distance.

"Guys?" Hannah stumbled outside, her phone held in front of her with the flash on. "I don't know what's happening. I woke up and the power was out—"

Bradley swooped in and tackled her to the ground. Hannah shrieked as she lost her footing. Her phone flew out of her hand, too, and plopped straight into the pool.

"My phone!" Hannah cried.

Bradley shushed her, but when the agent started to laugh, the sound of it killed all conversation. The sound was raspy, mechanical, clearly not human.

Connor shivered and tried to get up again. He struggled to his feet. He had to hold onto the chair, but he was standing again.

"You surround yourself with all these interesting humans, Michael," the agent said, his lecherous voice slithering around Connor, speaking directly into his ear…" I wonder, " the alien drawled. "What would you be like without your little friends?"

"I love and need my friends," M said loudly. "I'll never be without them if I can help it."

The agent laughed again. "You wear them like armor."

"You'll try to take me if they aren't around—"

"I can take you whenever I want," the agent said in a deep voice.

"Yeah, but you won't," M said, a lot more confidently than he looked at the moment, standing completely vulnerable before the enemy, tiny and fragile-looking. "You're trying to follow the rules. You don't want to risk being exposed."

The agent hesitated. "Rules?"

"Don't act like you don't know!" M cried. "The rules are the only reason you haven't swooped in and taken me! And the only time you tried, I surprised you! I fought back!"

The agent stepped closer and in an instant, Marcus rolled in front of Rose and whipped his cellphone out. The flashlight was weak, but it was enough to throw the agent's pale, angular face into light.

Rose screamed. She leapt up from the ground and stumbled and tripped in her haste to get away. Bradley waved her over and caught her around the middle. She helped the poor girl inside and to safety.

Hannah was gone… Connor had a feeling the ex cop had taken her inside, too.

She was looking at Nathan and Jamie now… The two teens were completely oblivious though. They stared in a mesmerized horror at the agent's face. They didn't have eyes for anything else.

The agent had regrouped in the few seconds Connor had let the alien out of his sight. He adjusted his brimmed hat just so and grinned hugely. The bad lighting made his expression extra menacing.

"You're right, I guess I am trying to avoid a battle," the agent said at last. "But your humans aren't what's keeping you safe. In my opinion, I think they're standing in the way of greatness."

Nobody moved. Everyone waited with bated breath for the other shoe to drop. Finally, M swallowed. "What?" he asked in a little voice.

The agent smirked and took another step forward. Marcus nearly dropped his phone, but he saved it at the last second and he backed up to stand behind M and Connor.

The agent gestured to the group as a whole. "As much as you love this human experience, so will hundreds of others… You're being selfish to keep all the joy you've found on this planet to yourself."

M frowned in confusion and the agent clarified himself immediately. "You're the only one who can control your host, Michael," he said "I've been on this planet for many decades. I've watched our kind be killed by their hosts over and over. I survived, but only just. I've lost so much of myself, of my memories… I don't even know who I am anymore." He smiled crazily. "You, on the other hand have conquered your host and you live a dream life. You have a young, attractive body, a mate and soon, you'll have a child."

M lifted his chin. "I don't care if you think it's selfish. I promised to protect these humans. I won't help you put more of our kind into their heads. We should consider ourselves lucky to be alive. Mother picked me out of a hundred other souls. I may not deserve it, but this live is mine and I'm going to do my best to live it to the fullest. "

"You should seriously reconsider."

M laughed shortly. "No thanks. What's your idea again? That I give up everything and surrender myself to the betterment of our race? I'd rather not."

The agent continued to smile. The expression hadn't wavered once since the conversation had begun. It was fucking creepy.

"I don't have any use for you while you're carrying a child," he said loftily. "I too have an interest in seeing the outcome of your pregnancy."

"Great." M rolled his eyes.

"It is great. Because once the baby is born I'll be putting my full efforts into convincing you to come to me willingly."

"I'll never agree!"

"I think you might," the agent said. "You might once your humans have abandoned you."

"Fuck off," Connor growled. The agent's eyes snapped to his face, the dark irises penetrating deep into Connor's mind and his soul. "We're not going to abandon him."

"Hello there, Connor," the agent said cheerfully.

Connor glared hatefully at the alien.

"Connor here knows what I'm talking about," the agent said. "You met one of my new associates the other day. How did you like him?"

"I don't know what you're talking about" Connor snapped, but suddenly he did. "Wait… That creepy old man? At the car wash?"

The agent laughed again. It sent chills down Connor's spine. "He's a new experiment of mine. I've been studying human anatomy for years and I've finally figured out how to implant souls into human hosts."

"What hosts?" M gasped. "What souls are you using and where are they—"

"I just acquired a large stock of freeze-dried souls for testing," the agent announced proudly. "Your Mothership was full of souls, useful equipment and research—"

"No!" M cried out, but the agent barely even paused.

"Your Mother compiled a lot of mundane information. It's already been invaluable though," the agent continued. "And once I figure out how you control your host completely, I'll be able to present my findings to the homeland and I'll be celebrated. We'll be celebrated."

"So… you're putting souls in humans and calling it an experiment?" M asked, a vague kind of horror creeping onto his normally cheerful expression.

"Yes," the agent said. "I've been carefully selecting my human candidates," he said plainly. "Most of them are homeless drifters. They're people no one notices alive or dead…"

"You can't do that," M said slowly, shaking his head. "And the souls! You're killing them aren't you?"

"Well, I'm not killing them. The human hosts are killing them," the agent said smartly.

"You're a murderer," M said and the agent promptly bowed. He laughed again and everyone shifted uncomfortably, fearing for their sanity and safety.

"I'm being kind, Michael. I'm giving you time to decide," the agent said in a powerful voice. "I'll have better success extracting you from that body if you are willing," he said and Connor growled just as M gasped in utter disgust and shock. "As soon as that baby is out of you, I'll start taking your humans from you," the agent said. "If you make me, I'll take every last one of them. And then I'll snatch that baby from you, too." He grinned maniacally. "I need your help, Michael. I'm not going to let you or anyone else stand in my way. I'm going to conquer earth and present it to the homeland with a bow on top."

Bradley hissed close behind Connor: "Jamie!"

In the corner of his eye, Connor saw Jamie crawling out from under the patio table. Nathan was grabbing at her, trying to get her to stay.

"Jamie," Bradley hissed again and suddenly, a rush of light flew over Connor's shoulder. It crackled, sizzled, and then surged with an amazing spike of energy.

It disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared and Connor blinked as the world was plunged into darkness once more.

His eyes adjusted and he jumped back. He couldn't believe what he was seeing…

Nathan started to whimper and Bradley yelled for him to run to her! That she would get him to safety! She was guarding the back door and indeed, she had a shiny black pistol in her hand.

"What's everyone standing around for! Get inside people!" Bradley yelled, pointing the way with the end of her gun.

"What did you do to her!" M screamed and Connor realized he wasn't seeing things. Jamie was face down beside the pool, completely unmoving.

Marcus made a run for the back door and Bradley shoved him roughly through the opening before taking her stance in front of the back door once more. She clutched her pistol tightly and her eyes were sharp.

The agent laughed. The sound of it echoed through Connor's head, setting his teeth on edge. He reached down wildly and grabbed a piece of the snapped pool chair and he hurled or as hard as he could at the alien invader.

The agent only laughed harder.

Bradley herded everyone inside while Nathan blubbered and cried for Jamie.

"Connor! Help me out!" Bradley yelled and Connor turned from the laughing villain and saw the ex-cop hunched over Jamie's body.

He looked frantically towards M.

The blond boy stood tall and proud. His jaw was clenched, his beautiful green eyes were wet, and his hands were curled into balls. He looked like some kind of hero though…

Slowly, he started towards the agent. He stepped into the grass barefoot, his legs bare and vulnerable. He stopped a few feet away from the alien invader and waited for the laughter to stop.

Connor suddenly realized he was alone on the back patio. Behind him, Bradley had managed to lift Jamie onto her back, fireman-style. Her face was red and her pistol was tucked uselessly under her belt.

"Leave them, Connor!" she yelled as a sudden wind powered down the narrow strip of land bordering the bay. There was another flash of light and Connor spun around just in time to see M fly at the agent.

Connor screamed and he limped into the grass, but before he could get any closer to the blur of motion and light surrounding M and the agent, an electric field shot up from the ground and enclosed the battling pair in a dome.

Connor wasn't fast enough to stop in time. He ran into the blue, shimmering shield and he felt a bolt of electricity stab through his body.

He was thrown backwards and he landed flat on his back, his head connecting sharply with the pavement. He lay still for a moment, his ears ringing and the skin on his arms and the backs of his legs stinging with a dull pain. He was all scratched up and bleeding from more place than one.


His name sounded clearly through the rush of wind and energy. He picked himself up and dragged his body through the sliding glass door.

The door shut with a bang behind him and Bradley stood over him, her eyes narrowed.

"You risked your ass for nothing," she snapped. "There's no way you can fight that guy head on. Jamie's out cold. You're lucky your conscious."

Connor looked around the room.

Jamie was draped across the loveseat, her eyes shut, her head lolled back on the armrest. She looked like she was dead. Nathan hovered over her uselessly, crocodile tears running down his cheeks.

The others were clustered around the dark room. Fear was a common expression, as was confusion.

Rose had a bit of dirt up the side of her porcelain face. Her dress was dirty and her makeup was smudged. She had a tight grip on Marcus' arm and the black man's hand and wrist were turning a bit white from her deathly clutch.

Marcus didn't have much of an expression on his face, but he stared Connor down. His eyes didn't leave Connor even once…

Hannah sat alone at the computer table, her arms wrapped around herself. She seemed kind of shut down… Her face was closed off and her eyes were shielded. The dog laid at her feet. He hid his muzzle between his paws.


"What the fuck just happened?" Connor asked. His voice broke partway through, but he was already getting up. He looked out the back window and cried out when he didn't see M. He didn't see anything. The backyard was dark and empty. There was no sign of the little blond.


"Where is he?!" Connor screamed at the top of his lungs. He ran back to the sliding glass, but he slipped on the rug there and banged his elbow against the door jamb. He yelped, but continued to move frantically to open the lock. Bradley was right behind him though. She slammed the door shut as soon as Connor slid it open and quickly secured the lock.

"Fuck you!" Connor hollered. He clutched his aching elbow and flew at the door again.

He had to find M. He had to help him!

"Stand down!" Bradley shouted. She cut Connor off before he could reach the latch. She caught him in a bear hug and they struggled against each other for dominance. Connor was winded in mere seconds. He was exhausted from the mental and physical anguish his body had been put through outside. He felt Bradley start to overpower him.

Finally, with an almighty heave, Bradley shoved Connor off of her and then swung her fist around and landed it solidly on his jaw.

Connor saw stars and he sunk to the floor before he fell. He sat heavily on his butt and glared hatefully up at the ex-cop as she flexed her arms and looked tough.

"Sit tight," Bradley said in a calming tone. "I think we should take Jamie to the hospital. Then we can worry about finding your boyfriend."

Connor pounded his fist against the floor. "What if he gets hurt?!"

Bradley held her hands out helplessly. "What can we do, Connor? I did what you asked. I remained vigilant. I tried to keep everyone safe."

"It wasn't good enough!" Connor cried. "We couldn't do anything! We just stood there and listened!" He sneered and then flinched as that pulled a sore muscle in his jaw. He rubbed his face… Fuck, that stung!

Bradley shrugged. She seemed tired all of a sudden and Connor folded into himself as the crushing weight of helplessness washed over his head.

Bradley smiled at him sadly then walked around him and went to check on Jamie. Nathan’s dumb crying filled the room, drowning out Bradley's cool assessment as she checked the girl's vitals.

"Hannah," Bradley called. She had to speak up to be heard over Nathan's blubbering.

Hannah looked up. She brushed some of her hair behind her ear and waited silently for Bradley's direction.

"Am I taking the Hummer or the Chrysler? I'm driving Jamie to the nearest ER."

Hannah bit her lip. "The Hummer might draw the wrong kind of attention," she said. "Take the Chrysler. The keys are up in our room, in my night table. I'll get them!"

She leapt up and hurried out of the room, disappearing into the dark house… Connor wondered if maybe someone should go with her, but he didn't say anything.

Once she was gone, Bradley slowly got up from her knees. Jamie was still unconscious on the couch… Connor watched the way her body was moved so easily; Bradley patted Nathan on the back and the two of them lifted the girl off the couch. Her body sagged between them. Her belly looked enormous and unnatural in the awkward position.

Hannah appeared in the doorway, breathing fast. She held the keys up so they jangled.

"Let's go," Bradley said and, still crying, Nathan helped the women carry his fiancé out to the driveway.

The living room was silent once the front door shut. It was just Connor, Marcus and Rose now.

"So, that was the stalker," Marcus said.

"Yeah," Connor said neutrally.

The small group fell into silence again.

Rose shifted from foot to foot and the sound of her rustling dress was nearly deafening in the quiet of the room.

Connor dropped his head into his hands and thought about getting off his ass. He couldn't find the motivation to do it though. He just wanted to sit here.

It was crazy, but he thought, maybe if he waited M would walk through the door...

Copyright © 2024 mastershakeme; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

Best line of the chapter:


That kid had more mood swings than anyone Connor had ever met.

Pot? Meet Kettle!!! :rofl:

So the MIB and M have gone somewhere... With that flash of light, I'm assuming up to the mothership. From the way the MIB talked, he didn't destroy the ship, just the AI. So that is the ship I think they went to.

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It is obvious the MIB did not destroy the mothership, just disabled Mother, that and his time on earth has not done him much good by his own admission....

What will we see or learn when M comes back...and as @drpaladin noted, M just may be carrying baby Michael...

Would a bullet have ended the MIB??? I have to wonder...

Jack is still my favorite...

Hopefully when this is all over Connor gets a personality transplant, quite frankly he's very tiring and as the story devolves around him, turning into a saga as to how many times Connor can prove himself a total A-Hole, one has to hang on to the slimmest thread of hope that he can change...

"Were you trying to kill us back there?" M asked the second they were alone. He rubbed his belly protectively. "You can't do stuff like that. You risked our lives for no reason!"

"I was hardly risking anyone's life," Connor scoffed. "Nathan just keeps pissing me off."

"Well, don't do it again," M said. "Seriously. When it comes to him, you act like you're a brat, too. You should listen to your own advice and grow up already."

Connor blinked. "Excuse me?"

"You've been pouting and moping around for over a week. Something is always pissing you off, so you're always in a bad mood. You treat your mom like crap half the time and you treat everyone else like they're lesser than you!"

Connor stared at M in shock.

"You're a good guy, Connor, but you're also an asshole a lot of the time, " he said heatedly.

Ya all think????

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