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Arcum Nights - 2. Chapter Two

Prince Kieran was drenched in sweat, but he barely even registered it. He kept his eyes locked on his trainer, Croft, watching his every move, trying to predict the next spell that’d come whizzing his way.

He was getting better at anticipating attacks. He could feel the subtle differences in each incantation. He could literally taste the wild electricity of the magic.

Croft’s right hand twitched, then his aura shifted. He smiled, and it was obvious he was staging a new attack, the cutting curse, Kieran identified just from the shape of the spell’s energy. In the split second before Croft released it, Kieran decided he’d dodge instead of wasting his magic on a counter curse.

Croft charged forward than with a slashing gesture, he brought his arm down and released the spell. A dozen, ghostly, razor sharp swords appeared and rushed directly for Kieran, but he was prepared.

Kieran threw his weight to the left, avoiding the first two swords, then quickly twisted in the opposite direction, dodging a few more. He spun around, leapt into the air, then kicked his legs apart as a couple blades hurtled between them, then he landed flat on the floor and let the remaining swords fly right over his head.

“Good,” Croft said, his voice booming around the large, empty training room. “Your dodging skills are really improving. I’m impressed.”

“My father says I’m the most powerful wizard in the family,” Kieran said, raising his chin pridefully. “I bet he wasn’t nearly as strong as me when he was my age.”

“No. He wasn’t,” Croft said, stroking his short white beard with a look of contemplation. “I remember, I trained him myself. Almost 50 years ago now.”

“Uh-huh,” Kieran said, uninterested in his trainer’s reminiscing. He’d just wanted to make a point. He was better than everyone else. He was special. He was exactly the kind of prince Arcum needed right now and he was totally full of himself.

Of course, Prince Kieran was full of himself for other reasons, as well. Besides his stellar skills in combat, he was devastatingly handsome and he was very much aware of it.

Standing at a cool 6’3, nineteen year old Kieran was muscled and extremely well built from his years of intensive training. He was blond, like his father, and though he kept his hair short, he let it grow longer in the front so a shock of platinum was always falling into his vibrant green eyes. He knew it made him look devilishly sexy, so he refused to trim it back no matter what his father said.

“Well,” Croft said, smoothing out his robes. “How about one more round before we call it a day?”

“Only if I get to go first,” Kieran said.

Croft stepped back with a bow. “By all means. Start us off.”

Kieran’s expression turned serious and he took a defensive stance, spreading his legs, bending his knees, and bringing his hands up. He thought he’d try something different, something sneaky. He conjured up a massive swell of magic, and held it loosely in the palm of his hand. Just as he was about to release it, he changed the energy and shot off several rapid-fire jinxes. They were less destructive than curses, but they could be a great distraction in a fight if used correctly.

Indeed, Croft had been expecting a single curse, but now he was suddenly dodging five different jinxes coming from all angles. He dodged, he cast a counter curse, then he ducked out of the way again only to get blindsided by the dancing jinx.

“Damn you!” Croft cursed as his legs started to jig. His top half wasn’t affected and he looked ridiculous doing tap dances while he continued to glower.

Kieran laughed. He loved beating the old man. It filled him with a deep sense of satisfaction. It hadn’t always been like this, of course. Ten years ago when Kieran had started training, Croft used to wipe the floor with him. But things were different now. Kieran had grown into his power gracefully and was clearly at the end of his training. He was just too powerful for the old man now. He had nothing more to teach him.

Croft finally cast the counter curse and his dancing jig ended. “Again,” he said, trying to look cool, but failing miserably. The old man’s face was flushed with exertion. He looked like he was seconds from passing out. And this was all from the dancing jinx.

Kieran shrugged. If Croft wanted to die at his hands, then so be it. It wouldn’t be his fault after all. Croft’s the one who’d asked for it.

Kieran dropped into his defensive stance once more and quickly selected his next spell. He really wanted to test Croft’s reflexes, so he thought of the most devastating curse he knew. Instant death. It was an unblockable spell and no counter curse existed. If Croft didn’t properly identify it, if he didn’t dodge in time, he’d die right on the spot.

Kieran was seconds away from casting the spell when the doors to the training room glided open. He grit his teeth and swallowed down the nasty spell, ending the threat and giving himself a belly ache all at the same time. “What the fuck!” he roared at the mystery intruder. “I could have killed you!”

A small, round face appeared in the doorway, and big soulful, brown eyes stared back at him. Kieran sighed.

“What are you doing here Des? I don’t finish training for another five minutes.”

“I didn’t mean to intrude.” Desmond, Kieran’s little brother, finally stepped into the room. “I was simply observing.”

“Did you like what you saw?” Kieran asked, smirking. He wondered if Desmond had sensed the death curse he’d just barely avoided seeing in action.

Desmond gave Kieran a weird look. “I didn’t see much.”

“Oh. Well, you missed the show,” Kieran laughed.” I just had Croft here dancing the jig.”

“Alright, alright,” Croft said. “I assume you want to wrap up early?”

“Might as well. I already beat you like five times today,” Kieran sneered. “That must be a record.”

Croft frowned a bit, then he turned and reached out for his traveling cloak. It lifted itself off the rack near the door and flew across the room into his hand. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Kieran,” he said, then he strode from the room.

Desmond glared at Kieran the moment they were alone and Kieran huffed. He felt like a little kid again. Desmond was always lecturing him on doing the right thing.

“What?” he snapped. “What’s that look for this time?”

“Were you trying to murder that man?” Desmond asked. “I came in because I could sense the death curse from all the way down the hall.”

“Pfft. Croft? He’s been training warriors for like 90 years. If he can’t handle himself by now…”

“You’re sick, you know that?” Desmond said, shaking his head, but Kieran just laughed.

“I was just playing around,” he said. “I wasn’t actually going to do it.”

“For some reason, I don’t believe you.”

Still laughing, Kieran approached his brother with his arms outstretched. “Oh Cian. I always miss you when you’re away, then you have to show up again and ruin it.”

Desmond rolled his eyes but the two of them embraced for a few moments. Their relationship was a love/hate affair, but generally they got along alright.

“So, what are you doing here, anyway?” Kieran asked, pulling away from his brother. “I thought you were too busy running Heimdall’s errands to visit.”

“I do more than run errands, you know,” Desmond said, crossing his arms. “I was studying religious texts most of the morning.”

“Ugh. Boring.”

Desmond glared at Kieran. “Yeah. I have no idea how you want me to respond to that. You know I’m Heimdall’s apprentice.”

“Duh. You think I forgot?” Kieran laughed. “I’m just fucking with you.”

Desmond continued to glare. He was only fourteen, but already he was starting to resemble his old master, High Priest Heimdall. They both wore the same blue robes, had their hair in long braids down their backs, and they both had the same, stern expression in their repertoire and used it freely whenever Kieran was involved. It was the very look Desmond wore now, in fact.

“You never answered my question,” Kieran said just to change the subject. “What are you doing here? Is something up?”

Desmond’s expression smoothed. “Dad needs to talk to you,” he said. “And I’m here to mediate.”

“Wait. What?” Kieran frowned. “What does he want to talk about?”

Desmond smiled thinly. “I think I’ll wait for dad to explain.”

“Oookay.” Kieran casually pulled his sweaty tunic off and let it fall to the floor. A maid would take care of it later. He gestured to his rucksack hanging from the coat rack and it drifted to him slowly. Inside was a clean set of robes. Kieran shrugged into them. “Let’s get this over with, I guess.”

Desmond nodded.

The two brothers exited the training room and took the stairs down to the throne room. The corridors were busy with activity as maids and servants went about their daily chores, and the brothers got more than a few surprised glances, hurried bows, and curtsies as they strolled past.

Kieran was smirking by the time they reached the throne room. He loved attention and he’d gotten more than a few second glances from the pretty young maids on duty. He wasn’t technically allowed to, but he’d messed around with at least two of those girls in the past.

Anyway, Kieran was feeling confident and pretty good about himself when Desmond stopped him at the doors and pulled him aside. Kieran frowned down at the younger boy. “What are you doing?”

“I just wanted to say that whatever happens in there, I love you, and so do mom and dad,” Desmond said in a serious voice. “No matter how bad things may seem, we’re here for you.”

“Um okay?”

“Just… I know this will be a lot to take in, but be strong. You can do anything, brother. You can do this.”

“Do what?” Kieran snapped. “What the hell are you talking about? What are you trying to prepare me for?”

Frustratingly, Desmond zipped his lips and fell quiet. He gestured towards the doors and with a huff, Kieran pushed past him and shouldered into the throne room.

Inside, Lachlan was pacing back and forth in front of the throne. He stopped and looked up the moment Kieran entered. “Ah, Kieran, my boy. Come closer. I’ve been waiting for you.”

Kieran stepped further into the room. He could feel Desmond following behind him and he jerked a thumb over his shoulder at the boy. “Why’s he here? What the fuck is going on, dad?”

“I ah…” Lachlan blinked. “Wanted him here as a support. I need to explain some things to you, Kieran, that you aren’t going to like.”

“You are?” Kieran stopped a few paces from the king, his eyes widening with horror. His hair fell into his face and he brushed it aside impatiently. “What about?”

Lachlan pointed to the empty space before them and a trio of wooden chairs appeared. “Have a seat,” he said, taking one of the chairs for himself. He sat with a deep sigh, waiting for his sons to join him.

Already uncomfortable, Kieran took the chair closest and sat right on the edge, his knee working up and down with nervousness. He glanced at his brother when Desmond sat beside him. The younger boy looked totally serene, the little bastard. Kieran started to worry, what the fuck was going on here?!

“I guess we should start at the beginning,” Lachlan said after a moment of tense silence. “Do you remember when you were five and the princess was picked?”

“Barely.” Kieran shrugged. “So, this is about the princess?”

“Yes,” Lachlan said. “And it’s about your future, too.”

Kieran raised an eyebrow. “My future?”

“Yes. Your future.” Lachlan cleared his throat. “As I was saying, you were five when you found out you weren’t going to meet the princess. You were inconsolable.”

“Pfft.” Kieran laughed. “Well, we all know I got over that real quick. So, what’s the problem? I’m supposed to meet her next year, right? That’s when I’ll be crowned.”

“Well.” Lachlan folded his large hands in his lap and his expression became pinched. “I’m afraid I lied to you, Kieran. We know the identity of your future intended. Your mother and I… even Desmond, here.”

“Wait.” Kieran furrowed his brow. “You do? What’s with the secrecy then? Why haven’t I met her yet? What the fuck is going on?”

“Kieran… when Heimdall performed the birthing rituals that night, 15 years ago, none of the girls were selected. The sole boy, however….”

“What did you just say?” Kieran deadpanned. Surely, Lachlan hadn’t just said…

“The princess is a boy, Kieran. Cian has decreed it,” Lachlan said firmly. “My advisor tells me he’s called Rory.”

“Rory?” Kieran made a face. What an awful name.

Lachlan snorted. “Indeed.”

“Kieran.” Desmond laid a hand on Kieran’s knee. “I warned you this would be a lot to take in.”

“Fuck off.” Kieran shoved Desmond’s hand away. “Why didn’t you tell me.”

Desmond lowered his dark eyes. “I couldn’t. Heimdall made me swear to secrecy.”

Kieran turned to his father, his teeth clenched with frustration. “You guys have been keeping this from me? This whole time?”

Lachlan sighed. “I saw no point in telling you. It would have only made you unhappy.”

“Unhappy?” Kieran scoffed. “I’m fucking pissed, actually. I’m not marrying a boy. No fucking way!”

“Kieran, the reason we waited so long to tell you is because Heimdall and myself have been looking for a solution,” Lachlan said. “Or at least a compromise.”

“You found something, right?” Kieran asked. “Because there’s no way I’m going through with this.”

Lachlan leaned back in his chair. He looked weary. “I’ve been thinking about ways around this princess nonsense since the moment I found out,” he said. “Your mother, when she found out there was no princess lined up for you, she got pregnant again almost at once. That was her solution.”

“A fat lot of good that did,” Kieran sneered. “Desmond’s dumb ass got picked to be a high priest the second he was born.”

“Um, I’m sorry?” Desmond said, but he was hiding a smile.

“Yes, well, your mother was devastated when it happened,” Lachlan said. “We had two sons and neither of them would ever procreate. It was a hard fact to accept.”

“Why do we have to accept it?” Kieran asked. “I mean, Desmond can’t do anything, he’s happy being Heimdall’s little bitch. But I mean, is that really the only solution you could think of? Seriously? Why can’t we just…have this Rory killed off?”

“Because Cian would be angry,” Desmond said immediately.” You can’t kill your bride-to-be, Kieran.”

“No. But maybe our enemies can,” Lachlan spoke up and Kieran turned to him with interest.

“What’s that?”

“Father… no,” Desmond started, but Lachlan cut him off.

“Heimdall’s under the impression that to keep Rory away any longer would bring us even less favor with Cian,” Lachlan said. “He’s already said on several occasions that the God is unhappy his choice has been neglected. So, we have to bring the boy here. Now.”

Kieran frowned. He knew from his diplomacy classes that Arcum’s war ventures had not been ideal these past few years and that there had been a steady decline in warriors as the seasoned hands were picked off by the enemy. He’d always kind of thought Cian was waiting for him to be crowned, then Kieran could come riding in on his white horse and lead the troops to a spectacular victory. But, maybe this deep dark secret had something to do with things as well. “Okay,” he said. “Then what?”

“Then, we train him up,” Lachlan said. “We give Rory the best magical schooling available, marry you two off as Cian requests, then we send him into battle to die.”

“Dad!” Desmond glared at the king. “You can’t do that! Cian’s will is not to be tested.”

“Shut up,” Kieran snapped at his brother. “I’m not going to be tied down to some… random guy for the rest of my life. I don’t deserve that.”

“And who’s to say this wasn’t Cian’s plan to begin with?” Lachlan said. “I heard the boy had an outburst of untrained magic a few days ago and nearly killed a group of his fellow peers. The boy’s strong. Maybe his death will bring peace back to the lands.”

“And once he’s 6 feet under, I can remarry to a proper lady and have kids of my own,” Kieran said. “Yeah. I can see this working.”

Desmond shook his head. “I don’t see this playing out well for any of us.”

“Shut up, Des,” Kieran said, just as Lachlan told him to, “Keep quiet boy.”

Desmond folded his arms and frowned.

“Nobody in the kingdom can find out about this,” Kieran said, turning back to his father. “If this gets out, everyone will laugh at me.”

“Indeed,” Lachlan said. “We’ll have to find a girl willing to pretend she’s the princess for public outings and other royal events. And if the two of you end up liking each other, perhaps a real marriage can be arranged after… after your other obligation is finished.”

Kieran nodded. “That sounds fair.”

“Sounds like a recipe for disaster,” Desmond muttered under his breath, but the king and the prince weren’t listening.

“Where is Heimdall anyway?” Kieran asked. “Shouldn’t he be here right now if he’s so worried about everything?”

“He’s visiting the boy,” Lachlan said. “And I’m sure that little urchin is counting his lucky stars right about now.”

Kieran laughed. The poor, stupid little village boy. He had no idea the kinds of plans they were making for him.

“Rory will be arriving in a few days,” Lachlan said. “But even still, his true identity will remain a secret. I expect you to keep this private.”

“Of course,” Kieran said. “Who would I tell anyway? The maids?”

“Speaking of the maids,” Lachlan said in a serious voice. “You’d best get your fill of them now, because once you and Rory are married, you won’t be able to sleep outside of the marriage bed.”

“Seriously?” Kieran asked. “Wow. That sucks.”

Lachlan nodded, his expression grim. “I’m sorry we have to deal with this, son. I never wanted this for you.”

“Yes, but if we follow Cian’s will, things should work out,” Desmond spoke up, trying again to rally some biblical support. “I am only just beginning to see the love and compassion Cian puts into everything he gives us. It’s only when man strays from his will that disaster strikes.”

Kieran rolled his eyes. “Whatever, Des. This is my life and I control my future. Not Cian.”

Desmond nodded shortly. “If that’s how you see it.”

“It is.” Kieran turned back to his father then. “Are we done here? This has been a blast, but I’m ready for a bath, I’m hungry, and I’ve got homework to finish.”

“Of course, son,” Lachlan said.” Go on about your day.”

“Excellent.” Kieran stood and made his exit. He was more than a little surprised when Desmond got up and followed him out, but he waited until they were alone in the hallway to confront him. “I can’t believe you,” he said, whirling on the younger boy and Desmond backed up against the wall, his eyes wide.

“What? That I didn’t break code and tell you?” he asked. “You know I wanted to, right? I literally couldn’t. Magic was keeping me quiet.”

Kieran growled. “It feels really fucking great finding out my entire family has been keeping things from me. Things that directly affect my life.”

“I just want you to know that avoiding this fate won’t be as easy as dad makes it seem,” Desmond said. “Cian picked this boy for you, Kieran. He has a plan for you and it’s something much greater than what you have for yourself.”

“Don’t patronize me,” Kieran snarled.

“I’m not. I’m simply telling you that even though it may seem strange now, later, everything will be much clearer.” Desmond closed his eyes briefly, basking in invisible waves of affection Cian sent his way. Kieran unkindly thought his brother looked like a fool.

“Is that what Heimdall’s been teaching you?” he snorted. “You sound like a lunatic.”

Nothing fazed Desmond, however, and he smiled softly at the jab. “Have faith, brother. Everything’s going to be alright. Cian works in mysterious ways, but he has your best interests at heart. Try to remember that.”

With a scowl, Kieran shoved Desmond into the wall, hard. “Just leave me alone. I’ve got other stuff I need to tend to. I don’t need you following me around all over the place.”

Desmond smiled softly. “I’ll say my goodbyes then.”

Kieran glowered at the younger boy, then shoved past him and started for the stairs. He didn’t turn back until he was several flights up, and luckily, he found he was alone.

The prince made his way to his quarters up in the east tower. He loved living on this side of the castle, because it was quiet and his parents steered clear of the chambers. Kieran was his own little king up here. He was in charge of everything on this floor.

When Kieran strode into his lavish bed chambers, he immediately started to strip. As an afterthought, he sent out a summons for a maid. He was getting a bath first and he’d most definitely need some female assistance.

He was standing naked in his bathroom when the girl arrived. He didn’t know her name, wasn’t even sure he’d seen her before, but she was dressed in a simple black dress with a white apron in front so she was most certainly a maid. She was staring at his large cock, as well, looking a bit scared, and Kieran wondered if the other maids had filled her in on her duties.

Kieran stretched his arms out, carelessly displaying his nude body to the nameless girl. “Wash me,” he said and the girl turned to get a cloth.

Kieran’s mind wandered as the girl soaped him up. He’d done this to get his mind off the upsetting situation at hand, but he couldn’t stop thinking about the little village boy, Rory.

Long ago, when Kieran was young and stupid enough to believe in true love, he’d begged his mother to tell him stories about the youth she’d shared with his father. Gemma and Lachlan had had a whirlwind romance. They’d fallen in love as children and even after 40 years and two kids, their hearts still beat for one another.

Back then, Kieran had longed for his own princess whom he could lavish with love and attention. He’d been so excited to meet the girl he was destined to marry. He remembered dreaming about it obsessively every night.

But then everything had changed. No princess had been revealed and little Kieran’s hopes had been dashed.

Over the years, Kieran had gotten over it. He’d discarded the old fairytales of true love and started lusting after pretty maids instead. But even still he'd hung onto his childish dreams and in the back of his mind, after every meaningless fuck he had, he longed for someone of his own to hold and love unconditionally.

Kieran had this weird thought in his head. What if Desmond was on to something? What if Cian had picked Rory for a reason, and not because he was strong. What if Kieran really was supposed to fall for a boy?

“Hey! Watch the teeth,” Kieran growled down at the maid. The girl had moved on from the soap and was now rinsing him with the cloth. She’d gotten distracted though and was on her knees with a mouthful of princely cock in her mouth. She’d looked pretty intimidated at first, but she was getting the hang of it. “There. That’s better,” he said, stroking the girl’s brown hair. She could only get half of his cock in her mouth, but Kieran wasn’t complaining. In fact, his mind was already wandering again, imagining what little Rory looked like…

Soon enough, Kieran came down the girl’s throat. He was left pleasantly satisfied, and he let the maid finish drying him off before he went back to his bedroom. There, the girl selected another set of red robes for him to wear. He was getting into them when there was a sudden knock on the door. Kieran gestured to the maid and the girl hurried to answer it.

Queen Gemma stepped into the room, looking incredibly regal as usual. Her long, emerald green gown matched the tone of her eyes perfectly and her crown and many other intricate pieces of jewelry adorned her body artfully. “Kieran,” she said softly.

Kieran finished buttoning his robes with a simple spell. “Mother,” he said in acknowledgment, then turned to the maid and dismissed her with a wave. The girl curtsied, then ducked quickly out of the room.

Once they were alone, Gemma took one of the leather chairs in front of the fireplace. “I need to talk to you.”

“Oh Cian.” Kieran threw himself in the chair opposite. “Please tell me there isn’t another secret you’ve been keeping from me,” he said dramatically. “I don’t think I can do this twice in one day.”

Gemma smiled. “Your brother just stopped by. He said he and your father had finally told you.”


“You seem to be taking it well.”

Kieran laughed. “That’s because I just made use of that maid. She was definitely helpful.”

Gemma cringed. “I could have done without that knowledge, I think.”

Kieran shrugged. “Well, you did ask how I was taking it. That’s how.”

“I’m afraid I’m not following you.”

“You can’t seriously think I’m going to go through with this, right?” Kieran asked his mother. “I mean, maybe I can put up with a sham of a marriage temporarily, but not long term. I’m not going to let the family name die with me, mom. I will find a wife and I will make heirs.”

Gemma blinked. “Your father said he’d found a way to get around Cian’s will. I wasn’t very hopeful, though.”

“Well, I’m feeling hopeful enough for the both of us,” Kieran said, smirking.

Gemma looked away. “Whatever you and your father are up to is none of my business.” She reached into a fold of her gown and pulled out a small vial. “I’m here to collect blood for the engagement rings. That’s my duty as queen.”

Kieran’s smile fell away.

“You were supposed to get these on your fifth birthday but I never got a sample from your… intended,” Gemma said. “When the boy comes in a few days time, I’ll have yours made.”

“Do I have to wear it?” Kieran asked as Gemma gestured for him to come closer. Reluctantly, he scooted his chair right next to hers.

“Yes. Of course,” Gemma said, and it was as Kieran had feared. “They’ll never get a chance to work if you don’t.”

Kieran spotted a silver band on Gemma’s left index finger. It was set with a small blood red stone. Gemma would be making a similar ring for him and Rory. “But I don’t want to share powers with anyone. I’m strong enough on my own.”

“It’s an important part of the marriage ritual,” Gemma said, then she drew Kieran’s hand into her lap. “I wouldn’t worry about the sharing of powers just yet, either. That’s something that happens over a long period of time.” A small, but very sharp knife appeared in Gemma’s hand and she pressed the blade to the tip of Kieran’s index finger. “Just wear the ring and be right with Cian. It’s what I’d do.”

“Yeah, I guess,” Kieran said, then winced a bit as Gemma cut into his flesh. A bead of blood appeared at the tip of his finger and Gemma replaced the knife with the vial and carefully collected it. “I just don’t want anyone thinking I’m gay for wearing it.”

Gemma smiled, then released Kieran’s hand. “Nobody will think that,” she said. “I’ll make it in a very masculine style. You’ll like it. You’ll see.”

Kieran sighed but he saw no point in arguing. The rings would be made either way. He stuck the tip of his finger into his mouth and moodily sucked the blood away.

“Well, I’ll leave you too your duties,” Gemma said then she got up and straightened her dress. “It’d be nice if you joined us at the dinner table tonight, we’ve missed you the past few days.”

Kieran shrugged. “I’ll check my schedule and see if I can.” But he already knew he’d be skipping again. The last place he wanted to be right now was anywhere that his parents would also be.

Gemma smiled and with that, she tucked the vial into a hidden pocket amongst her skirts then breezed out of the room.

Kieran watched her go with a gloomy expression on his face. He just wanted to be alone for once. He hunkered down in his seat and looked into the fire as he mulled over his conflicting thoughts.

Kieran’s mind was all over the place, but there was one thing he was absolutely sure about. He wanted to meet little Rory, soon, hopefully. Maybe once he did things would make sense and he’d be able to find his footing again. He didn’t like the unknownness of the boy and the prophecy surrounding him and he just wanted to be sure of himself and his future.

The prince settled in for the night and called a maid to fetch his dinner. After that, he spoke to no one for the rest of the evening. He was lost in thoughts about his intended bride. It seemed already young Rory had left quite an impression on him. Whether or not it was a good one, however, was still up in the air.

Copyright © 2024 mastershakeme; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

So Kieran has been informed about his bride Rory.

Interesting times ahead for Kieran and Rory.

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6 minutes ago, weinerdog said:

“Good,” Croft said, his voice booming around the large, empty training room. “Your dodging skills are really improving. I’m impressed.” So before Kieran dodging skills improved did he ....uh get hit by those razor sharp swords?🤔 BTW Kieran's plan to possibly kill Croft IMO puts him in the POS category.

Haha! Good point! Maybe I should change that spell 😅

And I was definitely trying to make Kieran an asshole, but maybe I went overboard with the killing curse.

Very good points... Do you feel like being a beta reader? No pressure if not, but don't expect perfection!

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Well, the sad part is after dodging all those swords, Kieran wasn't emasculated...

If they send Rory off the battlefield, don't be surprised to see him come back a hero...

Lastly, ignore the god(s) at your own peril...

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