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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Silver Spoon - 1. Chapter 1

John Winston III was incredibly wealthy. As the saying goes, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Both his parents could trace their ancestries back to the Mayflower, or at least, close to it. When Johnny was only three years old, both of them were tragically killed by an avalanche, while skiing in St. Moritz.

The administrators of their joint and separate estates chose not to sell their town house on Central Park West. Instead the house was rented out, and always showed a small profit for Johnny’s trust. He would inherit the house on his twenty-fifth birthday.

After the death of his parents, Johnny went to live with his mother’s two aunts, who had never married. They raised him with love and care. Each of them was equally as rich as Johnny’s mother had been. Careful investing, and innate frugality, more than tripled their net worth in their lifetimes, and Johnny was their only heir.

The only other relative Johnny had was his father’s kid brother, who was equally as rich as Croesus. Uncle Clayton was only twenty-four when Johnny was orphaned, and he never married. Johnny was his only heir. Many people considered Uncle Clay to be slightly askew from normal. When he was old enough, Johnny spent a month every summer at Uncle Clay’s summer estate in East Hampton It was always the best time of Johnny’s year.

His aunts were religious and very puritanical. Uncle Clay was the exact opposite. During his stay, the summer house was always full of young men in various stages of undress. Often at the pool, the men would be nude. Uncle Clay sometimes joined them in nudity. It was the first place that Johnny experienced the sight of erect cocks, and where for the first time, he saw the difference between one that was circumcized, and one that was uncut.

Every evening Clay got Johnny ready for bed. He would bathe him and tuck him into bed, sometimes in pajamas, sometimes in underwear shorts, and sometimes naked. Johnny never questioned him about that, but he constantly questioned him about what he observed around the house. Uncle Clay was honest in answering all of Johnny’s questions. It was he who taught Johnny about circumcision and erections. When Uncle Clay spoke of these matters, Johnny would find his own little weenie plumping up. Uncle Clay assured him that it was perfectly normal, so he went to bed without a worry.

Most of the guests were only around on the weekends, but Uncle Clay had a special friend who was there all summer with him. Billy Freemont was an evangelist, who took the entire summer off from his preaching duties, and tent revival events, to concentrate on the business end of his campaign. There were seven bedrooms in the house, and young Johnny did not find it strange at all that Billy shared Uncle Clay’s bedroom and standard sized bed. After all, they were best friends, and best friends had sleepovers, didn’t they?

Johnny was about eleven, when his sexual education reached a level where he became aware that Uncle Clay was probably gay, and that his friend Billy might be more than a friend. Johnny found that very titillating, and devised ways of getting his aunts to let him spend occasional weekends with Uncle Clay in his city home. In his uncle’s home, he was free to walk around the house naked, and he never had to go to church on Sundays, unless Uncle Billy (he called him uncle now) was preaching nearby. His aunts considered Uncle Clay to be a bad influence on Johnny, but they felt he needed a father figure, and so they allowed him to visit on the occasional weekend, which after awhile became every weekend.

Shortly after his twelfth birthday, during a weekend at Uncle Clay’s town house, Johnny had his first wet dream. It was wonderful and scary at the same time. At first he thought that he had wet his shorts, but upon examination, it was obvious that the sticky fluid was not pee. Uncle Clay had no visitors that weekend, so Johnny cleaned himself up and went into Clay’s room. He desperately wanted to ask him about this strange phenomenon. His uncle was sound asleep so he crept into bed with him, intending to ask him about it in the morning. He hunkered up to his uncle and he too fell sound asleep.

When he awoke, he was alone in bed. He went back to his room, showered and dressed. He could smell breakfast aromas coming from the kitchen downstairs. He rushed down to find his uncle in the dining room reading the Sunday paper, and being served by the butler. Without a word, he sat down at the table, and the butler served him as well. Nobody said anything. Finally Uncle Clay put his hand on Johnny’s and asked, “What were you doing in my bed last night, sport? Is everything OK?”

As best he could, Johnny described his wet dream to Uncle Clay. It was difficult to describe the physical and emotional feelings it aroused in him, but to Johnny’s surprise, Uncle Clay made it easy for him. His uncle seemed to know exactly what he was talking about, and what he had experienced. Johnny was more surprised at what happened next. Uncle Clay stood up and grabbed Johnny in a ferocious bear hug. He literally took Johnny’s breath away.

“You are becoming a man now,” Clay beamed. Then he sat down again and said, “Let me explain what is happening to your body.”

Johnny had already experienced erections, so if he expected some sexually explicit narrative, he was very mistaken, and sorely disappointed. Uncle Clay could not have been more clinical. He described the changes occurring in Johnny’s body, and how these changes were part of his maturing process. “The fluid you ejaculated will someday join with your wife’s egg and make a baby,” he told Johnny.

“How does that happen?” the boy wanted to know, so Uncle Clay carefully explained how an erect penis could be inserted into a vagina, causing an ejaculation.

“How can I keep from messing up my bed if I have another wet dream? I sure don’t want to wear diapers.” Uncle Clay took a deep breath, and as clinically as possible, he described masturbation to his young nephew. He used a banana to illustrate.

“If you relieve yourself that way, you probably won’t have any more wet dreams. I do it all the time. Most men do. It’s perfectly normal, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Trust me. It won’t cause you to grow warts on your palms.” That having been said, he laughed his sides off.

Johnny was fascinated by the whole conversation, but it took a few days of thinking back on Uncle Clay’s lesson, and a thorough search of the subject in his Encyclopedia Britannica, before he was fully cognizant of the awesomeness of being on the brink of his sexual life. By now he was convinced that Uncle Clay was gay, and that Uncle Billy was a special friend. He also searched the encyclopedia to learn whatever he could about homosexuality. While reading about the subject, he popped a good-sized, nicely hardened boner. He started stroking himself (as Clay had instructed), and before he knew what was happening, he had his first orgasm by masturbation. He was unprepared for it, and had a lot of cleaning up to do. He wanted to telephone Uncle Clay and tell him about it, but decided to wait until they were alone. That very weekend Uncle Clay was going to open up his summer home for the season, and Johnny was going with him. Better yet, Uncle Billy would not be joining them for another two weeks, and no company was expected during opening weekend, so they would be alone.

He and Uncle Clay sat in the back seat of Clay’s chauffer driven limousine on the way to The Hamptons. Johnny wanted to tell his uncle all about his first masturbation experience, but Clay kept speaking to the driver all through the trip, and he had no opportunity. It wasn’t until after dinner, when he and Clay were sitting on the veranda, enjoying the cool early summer breezes that Johnny told Clay about his first real orgasm, and how wonderful it felt.

“I told you that it was an awesome experience, and now you won’t have to worry about wet dreams. Do it as often as you would like while you are out here with me. And by the way, guys call it jerking off or whacking off. You might hear me doing it while you’re here. Just ignore me.”

That’s how the days went when Johnny was with his uncle, either in East Hampton or in the town house. The years passed and Clay was always ready to answer Johnny’s questions as honestly as he could. Johnny just couldn’t seem to get up the courage to ask Uncle Clay about his relationship with Billy, or just simply to ask him about his sexual orientation. It seemed to be the only taboo subject between them, or maybe it was taboo only on Johnny’s part.

When Johnny was fourteen, one of his aunts passed away. She had breast cancer, which had spread throughout her body. She suffered great pain in the end. Everyone said that it was a blessing that she passed. His other aunt could not seem to go on living without her sister, and she died a year later. Shortly after his fifteenth birthday, Johnny went to live full time with his uncle.

This time he instructed the executors of his aunts’ estates, who also were overseers of his parents’ estates, to sell his aunts’ town house. As they had aged, they had allowed the mansion to fall into disrepair. Johnny knew instinctively that one day he would move into his parents’ home. It was always being improved to keep it rentable. He had no desire to inhabit or renovate his aunts’ decaying residence.

Johnny spent the summer, after graduating high school, with his uncle in East Hampton. He was eighteen now, and would be off to Harvard in September. On the first night out, the two men were enjoying a gin and tonic on the veranda.

“I need to ask you something, unc,” Johnny suddenly spurted out, “before I lose my nerve.”


“Are you gay?”

Clay broke out into laughter. “Isn’t it obvious to you? What took you so long to ask me? I’m not ashamed of it, and I have never hidden anything from you.”

“I was just plain afraid to ask. I’m sorry.”

“Why are you asking now?”

Johnny hesitated a long time before answering. “I’m thinking I might be gay myself, but I’m not sure. I’ve never been with anyone, male or female. How do you know if you’re gay anyway if you are still a virgin?”

“Do you jack off, like I taught you to do years ago?”

Johnny snickered. “Several times a day.”

“What do you think of when you are approaching your climax?”

“How good it feels.”

“Yes, yes, but I mean who do you fantasize you are making love with?”

“Well it’s usually one of my male teachers, but once in a while, a girl. I never fantasize I’m with any of my buddies. In fact, I wouldn’t want to be. I’m not attracted to anyone I know.”

“Sounds like you desire older men. It also sounds like you might indeed be gay. How would you feel about it if I fix you up with one of my guests this weekend? They are all a little older than you.”

“How would I feel about it? Look!” Johnny was pointing to his magnificent eight inch hard on which was tearing at his jeans.”

“I’ll take good care of you, my gay nephew. You’ve made me very happy tonight. Our bond is closer than ever. We are brothers now, as well as nephew and uncle.” Clay did something then that he had never done before. Instead of kissing Johnny on the forehead or the cheek, he smacked a closed mouth kiss directly on Johnny’s lips. Johnny loved the feel of it.

“Uncle Clay, how do you know if someone you are with likes you, or if they like you for your money?”

“That’s a good question. Your Uncle Billy fell in love with me before he had an inkling as to how rich I was. Let me tell you about it.”

Copyright © 2024 chris191070; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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6 hours ago, HARRYWALTER said:

Hm The comments seem to getting longer than the chapter!

That's quite possible.

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4 hours ago, Al Norris said:

@chris191070, this is the first story of yours that I'm reading.

Nice setup. Looking forward to binging a few chapters! 😁

Thanks 😄

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