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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

D for Dylan - 20. Chapter Twenty

Extremely graphic descriptions of sex in this chapter. Strictly 18+.

When the bright rays of early afternoon sun broke through the slit of Liam’s heavily curtained windows and woke me up, it felt like I was freshly ran over by an 18-wheeler semi truck. Every single muscle was sore and I was still exhausted and beat up, despite getting over nine hours of sleep.

It took me a hot second to recall where I was, and how I got there. One rollercoaster of fucked up flashbacks from last night quickly got me up to speed, and I groaned, feeling miserable. A simple act of opening my eyes took forever and when my vision adjusted to a set of much brighter surroundings, I wished it had taken me even longer. Sleeping in contacts was something I absolutely hated, but last night left me with no choice. The disgusting feeling of a foreign body glued onto my cornea left much to be desired, but unfortunately for me, it wasn’t the only foreign body I found myself with, upon waking up.

The entire left side of my face was pressed flat against the most uncomfortable pillow on earth. It was hard, it was warm and flat, it was a little sweaty, it transduced a heavy heartbeat and it left a huge red mark on my cheek once I separated from it. I glanced over at Liam and groaned again. He was laying on his back, his right arm wrapped around my shoulder, as I was resting on his chest, hugging him.


I rubbed my cheek and wondered how exhausted could I have been to actually black out on his chest for so many fucking hours. The cutesy-daisy morning wake up scenes like this would only work in stupid romantic comedies - in real life people drifted away from each other in their sleep like feral cats from water, but something about that clearly went awry last night. I lifted my leg from the pincer grasp of his hairy lower extremities and promoted myself up on my elbow, battling sudden dizziness.

The room reeked of our combined sweat. I didn’t know what was up with air conditioning in Henderson mansion, but something was clearly off. Liam was quietly snoring, the corner of his drooling mouth twitching as it always did. I guess some things about him haven’t changed one bit.

I hardly got our damp, naked bodies to separate without waking him up, and sat on the bed to take a deep breath and process what happened. The pinkish imprint of my sleeping silhouette was clearly visible on his torso and I swallowed, glancing at his hard abs. Even in his sleep - a state of complete serenity and relaxation, the muscles on his stomach looked like they were carved out of a mountain. Six perfectly shaped cubes, ending at the V-shaped valley of his trimmed dark pubes, leading all the way down to…


Of course.

Having no further desire to remain in the tempting company of his tremendously seductive body, I decided to ditch half-naked Liam Henderson and his enormous morning wood for a nice cold shower, to clear my thoughts.

I yawned and followed my muscle memory to Liam’s restroom, closing the door. The interior of his bathroom was very strikingly lavish. The room was spacious and well-decorated, there was a hot tub in the corner, a walk-in tropical shower along the entire left side of the room, as well as a floating vanity with two separate sinks. They always came in handy when I was sleeping over at his place - we used to compete at who’ll be the first to finish brushing their teeth. I always lost, and the mirror next to Liam’s side was sprayed with so much toothpaste, that his poor mother had to spend half an hour each day, scrubbing it off.

I smiled at those memories. We used to be such fucking dorks.

Walking inside the shower area I turned the faucet and stood under the rain. I felt the tension in my shoulders dissipate, took a deep breath and finally relaxed, trying not to dwell on my thoughts.

It didn’t work. I did relax, but treacherous thoughts still creeped in like a snake on a bunny.

Jake didn’t just kill his boyfriend. He killed Jessica’s brother. That’s how she knew.

An avalanche of conflicting thoughts was threatening to overheat my brain. How was she so fucking calm and unbothered, when she told me about it that day?.. I knew that Jessica was ruthless, but it was her own brother…

What made sense, however, was that Liam probably never told her. Heck, he just recently found out himself. I felt a little guilty for blaming it on him, I guess I should’ve known better.

Regardless of the circumstances of it all, it seemed that Daniel’s family knew about what happened and had no significant troubles accepting it. Did Shanice pay them off? Was De Costa family tied into their inner circle much deeper somehow? This tangled mess started to resemble a storyline from Sopranos. My ex-best friend and his ex-girlfriend were mafiosos, my boyfriend was a mafioso and a cold-blooded murderer, and at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if my own mother turned out to be a mafioso too, because why not?

One thing was becoming painfully clear.

I needed to break up with Jake.

The scene from surveillance camera footage popped in my mind, as I thought about it. Daniel’s last words had only started to haunt me. What could he possibly have said, to make Jake snap like a rabid dog and beat him to death?

‘Let’s break up.’ I imagined his words.

A chill ran down my spine at the thought. However I will choose to approach my separation from Jacob Williams, I will need to be extremely careful.

As I minded my own business, rinsing my hair and washing soap from off my shoulders, my inner thoughts were rudely interrupted by a 6’5” frame of a half-naked Liam Henderson, nonchalantly entering the bathroom as if I wasn’t even there.

“Um… Excuse me?” I called out, barely overpowering the sound of the running water.

“Good morning!” he said with a hoarse voice, rubbing his swollen eyes. “Sorry, I have to take a leak…”

He approached the toilet, lifted the lid and I barely turned around as he pulled his junk out of his black boxers, to urinate.

“What the fuck…” I whispered quietly and more to myself, stepping back under the shower to cancel out the sounds of his abhorrently loud urination.

“Ohh…” he moaned. What a fucking pig.

The very fact that he was comfortable enough to walk in on me naked and start pissing in front of my eyes like we were a fucking couple, married for 25 years, was annoying as fuck. He finished off, tucked himself back into his boxers and flushed, scratching cockerel on his head.

His hair was a mess. Unlike me, Liam looked like one of those assholes that had just woken up from the most perfect sleep. He had those tell-tale skin marks, puffy eyes, that stupid smile with a raspy voice…

And a semi in his boxers.

He quickly brushed his teeth, stretched and yawned. Scratching his cheek, he took a deep breath and looked at me.

Another stupid smile came through on his smug physiognomy, as he walked towards the shower cabin. I stepped away from the stream, wiped my face and saw him appear in front of me.

His eyes looked me over, from my feet to the top of my head. Absolutely fucking shameless.

“Are we doing it again?” I asked.

He smiled, hooked the rubber band of his boxers with his thumbs and brought them down in a single swift motion. His huge phallus unrolled like a pretzeled snake and whipped him in the thigh.

The capital “D” on the right side of his groin had now appeared much more aesthetically pleasing - the skin around it wasn’t as red as the last time I saw it. Only now I realized that he must’ve tattooed it pretty recently.

“You mind if I join?” he asked.

“I don’t care, it’s your shower.” I sighed, handing him over the bottle of shampoo.


He stepped under the water and started rinsing off. I walked back a little to give him space. As he shampooed his hair and rubbed body wash across his armpits and groin, the climate in the that cabin became a bit too hot and steamy, and I was growing suspicious that hot water had nothing to do with it.

I sat on the marble ledge. There wasn’t really anything else in the plane of my sight, except for him. 19-year-old Henderson junior was standing a few feet away from me, bare-ass naked, water running down his perfectly shaped body, streaming along his huge biceps, triceps and pecs, flowing down the arch of his spine, dribbling along his powerful, hairy legs.

He had a very well-defined pair of dimples of Apollo on his lower back, right above his smooth asscheeks. Oh, and then there was his huge dangling dick, of course, framed by a pair of balls the size of two small lemons.

“You like what you see?” he asked.

“Sure.” I yawned, getting up from the ledge.

“You know you can always have it, right?” he asked, as I joined him under the water.

“No thanks.”

“Come on…” he uttered, leaning closer and forcing my back gently against the glass wall.

Our bare stomachs touched, he hugged my cheek with his hand and rubbed my lips with his thumb. The column on his penis grazed my dick and pressed into my thigh. I parted my lips, his thumb slipped inside my mouth and I immediately I fixed it with my teeth.

“Ouch.” he faked, as I spat out his finger.

“You’re playing with fire, Liam.” I warned.

“I’ll take my chances.” he replied, pressing his forehead into mine.

I felt heavy pulsation of his cock, filling up with blood and lodging itself into the fold of my groin. He kissed the side of my face, running his tongue all the way down to my ear. I remained motionless, curious to see what he’ll do.

A split second later our lips touched, he tilted his head and pressed his warm, wet mouth into mine. His arms slid underneath my back, he lifted and pressed me into the wall, as my limbs wrapped around his muscular spine on reflex. A soft suction held our lips pressed up, as he ravished me. Cool, slippery tongue filled my mouth and rubbed against mine, fighting it, sliding and licking my molars and gums, as I tasted the remnants of toothpaste stuck between his teeth.

Soft, slurping sounds of our deep, tongue-filled kiss were buried in the waterfall, as pressurized droplets grazed our lips, showering our faces. He kissed me with hunger. His starving mouth moved on my chin and trailed down my neck with wet kisses. My hand was on the back of his head, pressing him closer, as he devoured me, refusing to take his lips off my skin.

“Oh fuck…” I gasped, when he wrapped his mouth around my nipple and sucked on it.

My nipples had always served as one of those trusty sources of my deeply-rooted teenage insecurities. They were insanely sensitive for a guy and I cursed myself, realizing how easily I’ve just made it obvious to Liam. His surprisingly skillful tongue massaged my areolae, suckled on my puckering nipples, randomly switching from one to another, as I moaned, keeping my hand on the back of his head.


He sprung back up and surprised me with the famished look on his face. His deep green eyes were burrowing straight down the barrel of my soul, swollen red lips dripping with spit and water, nostrils flaring as his chest rose and descended rapidly.

He had a look of a lucky man standing at the gates of heaven.

“We should stop…” I whispered.

Another passionate kiss followed. Another desperate, hungry deep-tonguing assault on my mouth. He acted like a starving animal, tasting the deepest corners in the back of my throat, as if he was too scared to let go, terrified that he won’t get another chance. His hands caressed my wet back, his throbbing erection lodged in the valley between my parted asscheeks.

“Liam…” I gasped, breaking free from captivity of his sensual lips. “Stop…”

I wrapped my hand around his neck, choking and pushing him away, and he parted from me with a look of a kid who was just robbed of his most favorite toy.

“We can’t…” I exhaled.

“But you can’t be with him…” he panted.

“I won’t be…” I wheezed, catching my breath. “I’ll break up with him…”

“Dylan...” he gasped happily, breaking out of my grasp and diving into my neck.

I groaned and arched my back, opening my neck for his assault. He wasn’t a gentleman about it. His large teeth were tapping gently on my skin as he lapped and sucked on it, leaving wet trails on his way back up to my lips.

“That doesn’t mean… that I’ll be with you…” I gasped.

Not immediately, but my words cooled him off and he gave me a very disturbed look.

“I love you…” he hissed through gritted teeth, grabbing my face in both hands and pressing me harder into the wall. “I fucking love you, don’t you get it?!”

I could see angry tears forming in his eyes, as he frantically looked in mine, trying to find something that simply wasn’t there anymore.

“I’m sorry…” I whispered. “I don’t feel that way about you. Not anymore…”

He gasped in drunken disbelief. He knew I wouldn’t lie. He knew I wouldn’t be able to, not in a situation like this, where we were both vulnerable and honest with each other, for the first time in years. Pressing our foreheads, he desperately tried to find a tiniest thread, the smallest possible hope that there was still something hiding in my eyes, but there was nothing.

“Dylan…” he whimpered, on the verge of breakdown.

“I will hurt you, Liam.” I warned.

“You won’t!..”

“I will.”

“I don’t care…”

“You have feelings.” I explained. “You’ll always hope for more…”

“Dylan…” he sobbed.

“… and I’ll never give it to you.” I continued. “So please don’t hold your breath.”

He kissed me again. Much gentler this time.

“How could I fuck it up…” he cursed at himself, shuddering, pressing his face in the nape of my neck.

I brushed his wet hair.

“I can’t live without you.” he murmured.

“You’ll be okay.”

“I won’t…” he sobbed. “Please…”


“I’ll do anything…” he begged. “I’ll go to therapy. I’ll figure my shit out, I swear…”

“That won’t help you, Liam.” I said. “Not with this.”

The grip of his muscles relaxed, and he slowly lowered me back down on my feet. He was devastated, but I had to be honest. I couldn’t tease him like this. It was too cruel and unfair, regardless of how much he deserved it.

I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a spare towel from the rack. He was watching me dry myself, I ignored his gaze, picked up my underwear and walked out.


He was hyperventilating, almost panicking as he barged in the room and saw me sitting on his bed. The water was dripping down his naked body on the carpet. His eyes were red, hands were clenched in fists.

“You want me, don’t you?” he wheezed, wiping the snot from off his nose.

“What?” I asked.

“You wanna fuck.” he said. “Right?”

I took a deep breath and looked him in the eye, trying to figure out if he was serious. Since we were being honest, I saw no point in hiding the obvious…

“Yeah.” I said. “We’re graduating in a few months, so hopefully I’ll never see your face again...”

I leaned back on the sheets and glanced at the ceiling fan. He must’ve turned it on when he woke up. The breeze in the room was getting a little chilly, fraying the ends of my hair.

“Would’ve been nice to get you out of my system though.” I uttered, in a dreamy voice, as if divulging my own secret to myself.

“Good. Perfect.” he nodded. “Let’s do it.”

I raised my eyebrows.

“Liam, it’s not fair to you…”

“Don’t worry about me.” he snapped. “I’ll be alright.”

“It’s a bad idea.” I said.

“I’ll take my chances.”

“I’m telling you, you’ll get hurt.” I warned, serious as a fucking heart attack.

“Then I’ll get hurt.” he accepted.

Now it was my turn to shamelessly look him up. He wanted this, didn’t he?

“Just sex?” I asked. “No strings?”

“No strings.” he nodded.

“We just fuck.”

“Yeah…” he whispered. “We fuck.”

“Okay.” I smiled. “Sure. Why not.”

“Good.” he exhaled.

A business transaction. Plain and simple.

As he walked over to the bed, I felt my heartbeat picking up. Frustrated and horny, he moved with an airiness of a dangerous panther, dark green eyes dead set on his target, muscles tensed and ready for a swift attack.

“You’re wet.” I said, crawling back from him, as he leaned over me, pushing up against the edge of the mattress.

“You’ll get used to it.” he said.

Without wasting any more time on useless chitchat, he climbed the bed and mounted me in a single jump, forcing me to gasp in shock. The full-body contact of our naked skin felt electrifying. It was dense and wide, chest-to-chest, stomach-to-stomach. Pins and needles ran through my shaking limbs as he laid on top of me and forced us to intwine like a couple of snakes.

“Oh fuck…” I whimpered.

He maneuvered our bodies towards the center of the bed, sliding his hands across my lower back and groping my ass.

“Oohhh…” he moaned, forcing our pelvises to smash flat and start grinding.

His huge dick got sandwiched between us, rolling and sliding across the tightness of our pressed-up bellies, smearing precum all over my bare abdomen. His velvety cock head shamelessly rubbed my sensitive skin, leaking and lubricating the space between us. His muscular chest was grinding onto my nipples, forcing me to gasp. He dove into the side of my neck and started lapping on it like a starving dog begging for a treat.

I tried my best to fight hot waves of euphoria, spreading across my veins like heroin. The pulsating warmth in my groin started spilling, beating in sync with my heart. I was wrapped around his naked, muscular body from every singe side, caged and trapped, enveloped in his shockingly intimate embrace.

“Mmmpphh…” I groaned through the kiss, choking on his fat tongue.

The crunch of his expensive, well-starched bedsheets sizzled in my ears as he slowly rocked his body on top of mine, rubbing my decently-sized boner with the underside of his wrist-wide member. My hands slid down on the mounds of his ass and I squeezed his soft cheeks, which prompted him to groan and kiss me harder. His smooth, clean-shaved scrotum was pressed up against mine, our arms wrapped around each other, sliding across shoulders and backs, groping thighs, asses and necks as we hungrily explored each other’s naked bodies.

He was drooling, I had to swallow his spit, struggling to breathe from how fucking deeply we kissed. The water evaporated off his hot skin in minutes and a tiny layer of sweat perspired on his back, causing my hands to slip on his muscles. When our lips finally broke the vacuum and parted, I glanced to the side and caught our reflection in the wardrobe mirror.

“Oh fuck…” I gasped, as he sucked in my earlobe.

It felt fucking surreal, like a glimpse through the window into one of the wet dreams I used to have back when I was thirteen. Seeing myself in bed with the guy I crushed on for most of my life was seriously fucking with my brain.

“Dylan…” he moaned, kissing my cheek.

He hunched over me and slid his arm all the way down my back. His fingers came in contact with the sensitive rim of my smooth, hairless hole, forcing me to cross my legs tighter on his lower back. A lighting strike sent my spine into a whiplash, when the soft pads of his fingertips rubbed my anus. My head went spinning, heart started racing in a gallop.

“Oh shit…” I shuddered, glancing at us in the mirror.

Having figured out one of my biggest weaknesses, he was sucking and biting on my nipples, brushing his wet tongue across my chest, grinding into me and fingering my hole in circular motions. All at once.



I had to give him credit. For a guy that knew nothing about gay sex, Liam Henderson was masterfully pushing every single one of my buttons. Dylan Moore staring back at me from the reflection looked like a fucking tomato - entire body flushed red, like a boiled lobster on the plate. Liam looked like a tiger, chewing away at his kill, head diving sharply in my neck, taking jabs at my chest and sides of my ribcage, all while rocking our tightly locked bottoms on the crumbling grey sheets. Tears beaded off my lids as I shut my eyes and whimpered, feeling the giant slab of his cock burrowing wet trails between us, pooling his precum in the dimple at the center of my upper belly. His fingers slipped inside my ass and there was no turning back anymore.

My head was spinning from his exhilarating scent and the sounds of our naked bodies grinding and slapping against each other, as our muffled moans echoed throughout the room.

When he stood on his knees, separating our stomachs and exposing the sweaty, sticky mess we’ve made, I almost died of embarrassment. He smiled at me, flashing his big pearly canines. His huge, swollen dick was dangling right in front of my face, throwing shadow on my belly.

Despite the working ceiling fan, it was hot like in a furnace. Never taking his eyes off me, he crawled back on his knees and grabbed the root of his dick.

“What are you…” I gasped, as he slapped me in the groin with his fucking cock.

I covered my face in shame, he let out a chuckle and hit me across my dick and belly with his massive member. It felt heavy as fuck, he pressed it down, burying my cock underneath it, and I watched in disbelief how his enormous fucking shaft ended just a few inches below the edge of my sternum.

“What the fuck…” I writhed, instinctively crawling back away from him.

He wiped the sweat from off his forehead and smiled. What was he going to do? He wasn’t seriously thinking of…

The answer to my dreaded question arrived pretty much immediately, as 19-year-old hunk rocked back and pressed the leaking head of his porn-star cock into my sensitive sphincter.

“Whoa-whoa!” I gasped in protest, catching my breath. “Oh no, big boy… You’re not getting in there!”

I felt the rims of my sensitive hole twitching against the moist, cool mushroom of his velvety glans, as they kissed. His drunken gaze instilled me with no trust whatsoever.

“Liam…” I hushed. “Back off…”


“You’re not putting that thing in me.”

“Why not?” he asked, smiling at me in slight confusion.

“Because I don’t want to die.” I exhaled, raising my eyebrow. “Are you serious?”

“But I thought you…” he gasped, catching his breath. “I thought you wanted to…”

“I do, but…” I said, throwing a terrified glance at his throbbing member. “Not now. I’m not ready, I need to prepare...”

Liam laid back on me and locked my shoulders with his elbows. We kissed a few more times. He pecked my eyebrows and my nose, kissed me in the cheeks and forehead.

“When?” he whispered.

“I don’t know…” I said. “A week?”

“A week?” he whined.

“Fuck you! Two weeks! Have you seen that thing?” I lashed out.

He laughed and hugged me tighter, pressing his forehead into mine.

“It’s fine, I’ll wait...” he said, planting a wet smooch on my lips.

“Okay… Fuck…” I groaned. “What did I get myself into?..”

“Don’t worry, you’ll like it…”

“Fuck you…”

“I’ll be gentle.” he uttered. “We’ll take it slow…”

“Easy for you to say, asshole.” I chuckled anxiously.

“You’re so fucking cute when you’re blushing…” Liam exhaled, looking me in the eye.

“Oh fuck off! Mmph!..” I cussed, but he shut me up with another kiss.

He was enjoying this, and it was starting to get on my nerves. The head of his cock massaged my quivering hole and I groaned through the kiss, moving my hips in rhythm with his motions. My body did a shit job at concealing how much it enjoyed being in his arms - he was reading me like an open book, consuming me like a fucking dish on a tray.

“Liam…” I shuddered, breaking away from his assault. “How about…”


“How about you finally show me what the fuss is all about?” I dared, unable to hide my smile.

“What?” he asked.

“Is that really all you’ve got?” I asked, grabbing his cock.

“Whoa…” he shuddered, as I gave him a few strokes.

“What is it?” I asked. “I thought you’d be more interesting.”

“What?” he repeated.

It took him a second to finally get insulted.

“You think it’s just my cock?” he smirked.

“Looks like it.” I teased. “Who knew Liam Henderson is so fucking boring in bed.”

“Oh, you’re on…” he roared.

I instantly regretted provoking him, as he slouched back, sucking and kissing my neck and my chest, leaving hickeys around my nipples and burying his face in my abdomen. He spent a few moments kissing my surgical scar and I gasped when his tongue slid inside my belly button.


He took both of my thighs in a firm grab and brazenly folded me in half, forcing me to yelp.

“Glad to see you’re still very bendy.” he grinned.

“Fuck you-oohh!..”

I looked down and my mouth turned into an “O”. I shuddered, losing my breath, witnessing something absolutely fucking unbelievable.

Liam Henderson parked his face in the cleft between my parted asscheeks. His nose pressed into my scrotum, his eyes staring right at mine.

“Oohh fuuuck…” I wailed, piercing the pillow with the back of my head.

His big, wet tongue licked my twitching hole in a wide, confident stroke. I felt his lips grazing my sensitive rim, his hot breath tickling my skin.

“Liam… Liam!

I grabbed the sheets and twisted them, tearing the fabric. My toes curled, I bit my lip and watched my flat stomach come up and down in spasms, as he started eating my ass. His arms were holding my thighs pressed down, cutting blood supply to my legs, as he buried his face deeper into my ass and scratched the fuck out of my sensitive skin with his bristle. His tongue was punching into my hole, sliding inside and rotating in circles, teeth tapping down the edges of my spastically contracting sphincter, lips holding my anus in a fucking vacuum seal, as he was frenching with my hole the exact same way he just did with my mouth.

My aching dick was begging for attention, I tried to grab a hold of it, but he didn’t let me. He was fucking strong, exerting full control even in this position. I could see his eyes watering, he groaned through his stuffed mouth, ravishing my hole like the most delicious meal. Billions of nerve endings firing and shocking my body, introducing me to pleasure I never knew existed.

What the fuck…

Writhing on the bed like a snake on a frying pan, I wondered if his talented mouth was trained on all the fucking pussy he ate though the years. Whatever it was, I wasn’t going to complain.

His eyes were red and teary, tip of his nose tickled my balls, as I struggled to bring down my moans. Labored breaths helped cope with suffocating euphoria, turning my skin into a minefield of barbed wires.

A few minutes later, after getting intimately familiar with the taste of my ass, he finally slid his tongue out of my puffy anus and started kissing my butt cheeks. My hand landed on his head and I watched myself grab his hair and push him down. He was drooling, thin snot running down his sweaty nostrils, as he brushed his tongue all over my glutes and bit them with his teeth, leaving red scratch marks with his bristly cheeks.

“Oh no…” I gasped.

Nothing could’ve prepared me for what Liam Henderson did next. I lost my fucking mind, watching him bury his face in the fold between my scrotum and my thigh. He kissed my balls, sucked each of them into his mouth, then wrapped his lips around the head of my cock.

“Aaahhh!.. Oooh fuck… I gasped, hitting my back against the pillow.

Tears burst out of my eyes. He was driving me insane. I was on the verge of the most calamitous orgasm of my life and that prick wasn’t showing me any signs of mercy. His warm, sucking mouth swallowed my dick halfway down, his arms still holding me in a body lock, my clenched fist pulling his hair as he moved his lips up and down on my over-sensitive boner.

“Hha… Liam…” I whistled. “Liam I’m gonna… I’m gonna cum…”

His big paw moved up on my belly and he pressed it down, massaging my contracting abdominal muscles and maintaining his movements. My legs broke free and I instinctively wrapped them around his neck.

“Aaaahh! Aaaahhh fffuuck!”

It felt like I was hit with a tsunami. The blood chilled in my veins, agonizing breaths burned my airways, a grimace of a gruesome orgasm got stuck on my face. I was shaking, jerking in seizure-like spasms, whistling and grunting, watching him swallow me whole, as his fingers pinched my nipples and rubbed my prostate from inside my hole.

As embarrassing as it was, I broke down in tears as soon as the orgasm subsided. Liam finally released me, and I covered my eyes in shame, shaking and curling up to a fetal position.


I tried to crawl away from him, but he got up to me within seconds. He crushed me into a hug, stroked my hair and kissed me all over my face, trying to calm me down.

“You wanna hear a funny story?” he whispered in my ear.

I nodded, still whimpering, hiding my face in the sweaty fold between his shoulder and chest.

“I popped my first boner when you were sleeping over.” he uttered.

“What?” I snuffled, wiping my tears.

“Yeah…” he chuckled. “I was a late bloomer, I think I was 13. You were sleeping in here with me. I woke up in the middle of the night, humping you from behind.”

“You asshole…” I giggled, imagining how awkward it must’ve been for him.

“You slept through it though.” he said. “I freaked out so much, I thought you were awake.”

“Nah, I would’ve remembered it.”

He pulled my face out and wiped my tears with his thumbs. He kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his sweaty back, pressing my face into his chest. I took a deep breath, finally calming down.

His erection was poking me in the belly. There was a heat radiating off of it.

“I think you’ll kill me with that thing.” I exhaled, wrapping my hand around his mid shaft.

“I hope not.” he chuckled, dipping his face into the angle of my neck.

I used a hefty portion of my strength to bring his penis into a standing position, looking at it with a gentle touch of despair. It was heavy and hard as a rock. It was motherfucking huge. It was going to kill me.

“Okay…” I sighed. “Let me see what I can do.”

Copyright © 2020 Avogadro1001; All Rights Reserved.
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"The room reeked of our combined sweat. I didn’t know what was up with air conditioning in Henderson mansion, but something was clearly off. Liam was quietly snoring, the corner of his drooling mouth twitching as it always did. I guess some things about him haven’t changed one bit. 

I hardly got our damp, naked bodies to separate without waking him up, and sat on the bed to take a deep breath and process what happened. The pinkish imprint of my sleeping silhouette was clearly visible on his torso and I swallowed, glancing at his hard abs. Even in his sleep - a state of complete serenity and relaxation, the muscles on his stomach looked like they were carved out of a mountain. Six perfectly shaped cubes, ending at the V-shaped valley of his trimmed dark pubes, leading all the way down to…"

OMG “poor” Dylan. It must have been like waking up on the set of a Raging Stallion, Falcon or Hot House porn shoot. Just be thankful Jessica’s wet knickers were not anywhere near by.

"The interior of his bathroom was very strikingly lavish. The room was spacious and well-decorated, there was a hot tub in the corner, a walk-in tropical shower along the entire left side of the room, as well as a floating vanity with two separate sinks" and "Walking inside the shower area I turned the faucet and stood under the rain. I felt the tension in my shoulders dissipate, took a deep breath and finally relaxed, trying not to dwell on my thoughts." 

I’d sleep with Liam just for the opportunity of bathing in such luxury.  

"I grabbed the sheets and twisted them, tearing the fabric. My toes curled, I bit my lip and watched my flat stomach come up and down in spasms, as he started eating my ass. His arms were holding my thighs pressed down, cutting blood supply to my legs, as he buried his face deeper into my ass and scratched the fuck out of my sensitive skin with his bristle. His tongue was punching into my hole, sliding inside and rotating in circles, teeth tapping down the edges of my spastically contracting sphincter, lips holding my anus in a fucking vacuum seal, as he was frenching with my hole the exact same way he just did with my mouth. My aching dick was begging for attention, I tried to grab a hold of it, but he didn’t let me. He was fucking strong, exerting full control even in this position. I could see his eyes watering, he groaned through his stuffed mouth, ravishing my hole like the most delicious meal. Billions of nerve endings firing and shocking my body, introducing me to pleasure I never knew existed. 

What the fuck…

Writhing on the bed like a snake on a frying pan, I wondered if his talented mouth was trained on all the fucking pussy he ate though the years. Whatever it was, I wasn’t going to complain."

OMG again, to the power of infinity. I challenge anyone to have withstood such an onslaught of ecstasy. The tongue of Gene Simmons, and the passion for, and skills at, eating arse like Cutler X, Drew Valentino and Derek Kage combined. Quick, call the fire brigade and an EMT, now sweetie now.

"I used a hefty portion of my strength to bring his penis into a standing position, looking at it with a gentle touch of despair. It was heavy and hard as a rock. It was motherfucking huge. It was going to kill me.

“Okay…” I sighed. “Let me see what I can do.”

With something that big entering the body of the much smaller Dylan who knows where “its” journey will end. Dylan could find himself literally talking out his arse. I hope he has good dental coverage. Perhaps Donna knows.


In all seriousness, it is hard (oh stop it @Cane23) to imagine how Dylan could “forget”, even temporarily, all the torment, both physical and mental, he has suffered at the hands of Liam, so that he could have sex with him. For all his insistence it will just be sex, I think there is still a stronger attraction to Liam than Dylan is prepared to admit, especially to himself. I fear Dylan won’t be able to downplay the sex post-orgasm as “just sex”. And who are we mere mortal readers to criticise him for that. Would we be able to resist a promise of such ecstasy, even at the risk of a total hysterectomy (OK well maybe not one of those, but perhaps something akin)?

Well @Avogadro1001 I have to wonder if you are not only an author on GA but also a writer/director/producer/photographer and fluffer for adult films. The Barbra Streisand of gay erotica, but can you sing? Has my comment made you all verklempt?

Edited by Summerabbacat
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6 minutes ago, Summerabbacat said:

For all his insistence it will just be sex, I think there is still a stronger attraction to Liam than Dylan is prepared to admit, especially to himself.

It’s possible. It’s probably very difficult to separate his past feelings from his present feelings. Throughout the story we keep seeing Dylan’s memories of their past friendship, of how great Liam used to be and how he was worthy of his love. Regardless of what he thinks, he still might be mixing those emotions. Or, maybe, he just wants to fuck him coz he’s done being a goody-two-shoes, he just went through another betrayal/crisis with Jake’s manipulative/murderous nature and thinks that love is overrated. That would be sad, admittedly, but we might be seeing a very cynical side Dylan is settling with.

13 minutes ago, Summerabbacat said:

Would we be able to resist a promise of such ecstasy, even at the risk of a total hysterectomy (OK well maybe not one of those, but perhaps something akin)?


14 minutes ago, Summerabbacat said:

Well @Avogadro1001 I have to wonder if you are not only an author on GA but also a writer/director/producer/photographer and fluffer for adult films. The Barbra Streisand of gay erotica (but can you sing?).

Oh, trust me, that’s the one and only thing I’m working on and/or have ever worked on, lol. I just like it a lil more graphic, I think there’s a fine balance where the novel/story can still survive and not turn into porn (although that balance is EXTREMELY tough to nail). I’ve read so much good stuff where the sex was brushed over or merely implied and underutilized. I think it can serve the story well, depending on how it’s used.
PS: I will never insult a living soul by trying to sing. 😉

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19 minutes ago, Avogadro1001 said:

Oh, trust me, that’s the one and only thing I’m working on and/or have ever worked on, lol. I just like it a lil more graphic, I think there’s a fine balance where the novel/story can still survive and not turn into porn (although that balance is EXTREMELY tough to nail). I’ve read so much good stuff where the sex was brushed over or merely implied and underutilized. I think it can serve the story well, depending on how it’s used.
PS: I will never insult a living soul by trying to sing. 😉

I think the graphic sex served this chapter very well @Avogadro1001, and not just because it was 🚬🌶️.

I found your comment "maybe, he just wants to fuck him coz he’s done being a goody-two-shoes" very interesting and intriguing. I thought something akin to this while reading this chapter as Dylan has only had sex with one man as far as we know and he took some time to arrive at that juncture. He appears to be very different from many others his age, particularly if you compare him to someone like jizz-saturated Jessica. His father was also a very poor role model and damaged Dylan's perception of himself as worthy and manly. Has he found sex liberating and affirming of his masculinity or is he now allowing himself the "luxury" of being a horny teenage male?

Dare I say Dylan may even be subconsciously (or better yet consciously) using Liam to rid himself of Jake, sort of like I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair with a "gay twist". 

Edited by Summerabbacat
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13 minutes ago, Summerabbacat said:

I think the graphic sex served this chapter very well @Avogadro1001, and not just because it was 🚬🌶️.

I found your comment "maybe, he just wants to fuck him coz he’s done being a goody-two-shoes" very interesting and intriguing. I thought something akin to this while reading this chapter as Dylan has only had sex with one man as far as we know and he took some time to arrive at that juncture. He appears to be very different from many others his age, particularly if you compare him to someone like jizz-saturated Jessica. His father was also a very poor role model and damaged Dylan's perception of himself as worthy and manly. Has he found sex liberating and affirming of his masculinity or is he now allowing himself the "luxury" of being a horny teenage male?

Dare I say Dylan may even be subconsciously (or better yet consciously) using Liam to rid himself of Jake, sort of like I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair with a "gay twist". 

I think it’s a very insightful opinion, @Summerabbacat. It’s tough to know what makes people tick. Dylan has been through a lot, and I think that some of the things we saw in this chapter might’ve been the way for him to process what happened the previous night. I’m referring to it in my latest comment to chapter 21, in fact. Trauma and pain make people do crazy things sometimes.

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4 minutes ago, Avogadro1001 said:

I think it’s a very insightful opinion, @Summerabbacat. It’s tough to know what makes people tick. Dylan has been through a lot, and I think that some of the things we saw in this chapter might’ve been the way for him to process what happened the previous night. I’m referring to it in my latest comment to chapter 21, in fact. Trauma and pain make people do crazy things sometimes.

I also appreciated your comment @Avogadro1001 regarding Dylan consistently mixing thoughts of the pre-violence Liam and the post-violence Liam. One thing I also observed which struck a chord with me was Liam's comment about him "popping his first boner" when Dylan was sleeping over and he was about 13. Is there a link perhaps between Liam's violent rages and the onset of puberty, apart from the obvious impact(s) it has seemingly had.

I'm going to "edge" myself and delay the "pleasure" of reading chapter 21 until tomorrow night. It is 11.25pm in Sydney, Australia, and I am desperate to have an early night to bed as today was a long and stressful work day, even though I worked from home as is my wont of late. 

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8 minutes ago, Summerabbacat said:

I also appreciated your comment @Avogadro1001 regarding Dylan consistently mixing thoughts of the pre-violence Liam and the post-violence Liam. One thing I also observed which struck a chord with me was Liam's comment about him "popping his first boner" when Dylan was sleeping over and he was about 13. Is there a link perhaps between Liam's violent rages and the onset of puberty, apart from the obvious impact(s) it has seemingly had.

I'm going to "edge" myself and delay the "pleasure" of reading chapter 21 until tomorrow night. It is 11.25pm in Sydney, Australia, and I am desperate to have an early night to bed as today was a long and stressful work day, even though I worked from home as is my wont of late. 

Please take as much time as you need @Summerabbacat. Chapter 22 will have to brew for quite a few more days before I post it, so edging might not be a bad idea at all. As far as Liam goes, sometimes I feel bad about making that promise to never again post a chapter from his point of view. It would’ve been so interesting to get a glimpse into his head, especially now.

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