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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 3,886 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This is tagged MATURE! For the reason that it is easier for me to just say, yes. My stories have, sexual situations, sometimes graphic violence, possible sensitive content. 
Only you know your own level of comfort. Please don't read if you don't feel comfortable.

Two for One - 10. Chapter 10

And the next chapter for your enjoyment!

“The numbers look good,” Said Rachel as she handed me a Tablet at the Galley table. A fast look and I nodded.

“Yes, they do. Better than I originally thought.” I said as I looked at the Bridge repeaters again. Brandon was doing good, but he only needed to follow a course back to the Station. I would be up to dock us. I grabbed the Tablet again and worked out a fast distribution and fired off the credit vouchers to my crew. I would divvy up the last load later. Once we hit the Docks I had to unload and then shift location before I run. Literately run, at this point, over to the Dock the Naomi Maya is pulling into. My beloveds are expecting me to be there. And I will. I swallowed my last bite of my snack and cleared my space before heading up to the Bridge. Up was incorrect. Out the open hatch and walk 5 steps. Walla. You’re in the middle of the Bridge.


* * *


I was just in time as I walked into the Viewing Gallery just before the Bow crossed the threshold. I smiled as I had the armorplas viewport set to display the Bridge and I did a quick scan to find my beloveds. Camile had the Conn as she gave the commands to the Helm and Roman was sitting at a station. Not sure which one. But a quiet word from someone and they both smiled in my direction. I smiled back with a small wave. They even seemed surprised I was here, as it was 05:35 hours. They were early, but I kept tabs on their progress during my late-night watch last night. I was going to take a nap in their quarters before our 0700 breakfast.

Smiling, I opened my arms as the two of them crashed into me as I cleared the Lock hatch and logged aboard. Watch Standers on duty chuckled. Hugs and kisses followed with whispered words of we missed you and declarations of love before they led me off to their cabin and promptly pushed me into bed.

“You’re tired baby.” Said Roman as Camile finished with, “You need to rest up for later.” I smirked and hugged them both again, excepting their kisses before they pulled away and went back to work. I wasn’t sure if the hatch had closed behind them or not, as I was already asleep.

06:45 hours. I felt the bed move and someone. No. Two someones had climbed on top of me. Kisses adorned the back of my neck. If the respective weights didn’t tell me, the actual kisses did. Camile was on my right and Roman was on my left.

“Time to get up, sleepyhead.” Purred out Camile in my ear. Which caused me to growl out a moan before I lifted myself up and had to change the position of my arms as they snickered behind me. Once in position, I lifted, forcing them to roll off as they laughed openly now. I stretched out my arms before I gave them my slightly lifted corners of my mouth as I dropped. First onto Roman and forced my tongue into his mouth. 15 seconds later, I lifted and dropped onto Camile as she tried to slip away. She received the same treatment as Roman. When I raised myself the third time, I smiled as I looked down at them and their twinkling eyes.

“Good morning, my beloveds. Thank you for letting me sleep for an hour.” I said as I lifted off the bed. Holding a hand for each of them. “Would my girlfriend and my boyfriend care to escort me to breakfast?” I asked. My wanting expression telling them it was what I wanted most from them right now. Because I wanted them to hold me as we walked. Because I was hungry. Because the sooner we ate with their parents. The sooner we could slip away and I could hold my two loves again.

“Of course we would escort our boyfriend to breakfast.” They both said in unison with each other.

Roman asked, “And we have lunch with your family.” To which I nodded. Then Camile asked, “Dinner with you, on the Station?” I leaned in and kissed the top of her head and then leaned the other way and kissed the side of Roman’s head.

“Yes. Then I have a room for us for the night. I’ll have you back in time for breakfast with your parents.” I whispered seductively as we passed a crew member. Camile squeezed my hand and Roman moved closer so he could lean into my body. All too soon we were at their parent’s cabin. They stopped, and each kissed me before they opened the hatch and led me in.


* * *


We walked around the outer viewing platform that wrapped around the top of the station. My beloveds were quiet as they leaned into me. They were communicating again.

“Can I be a part of this conversation?” I asked softly with laughing eyes. They both looked at me sheepishly.

“I am…” they started, then both stopped and looked at each other. Roman broke the gaze first. “We are sorry, Marc. We were talking about me, you, Camile. How we might work. What did we really want? What could we be to you? What could you be to us?” He said as he hung his head.

“We should be talking to you, Marc. Not just each other, but that is what we have always done.” Said Camile.

“Then let’s go down to our suite and talk. Being Bonded has to work for all of us or the people involved, anyway.” I said just as softly as I spoke before. I wasn’t mad and I know they were best friends as well as siblings. They really had just each other most of their life, if I understood their history correctly. “Besides. Should we decide to Bond. Your parents already approve of your Bond Mate.” I said with a humorous tilt to my voice. Which made them smile at each other before they smiled at me.


* * *


I felt the arm trying to pull itself out from under me. Lifting slightly, they were able to pull it out, only to remain tangled in the arms, legs, and sheets with the rest of us. I rolled and lifted completely up to help Roman, as he had that look that said he was going to piss in the bed if he didn’t move now. Seconds later, we could hear the stream of water hitting the toilet in the head. Just hearing that stream of water made my own body decide it was a good idea. Following Roman, I stood next to him as I relieved myself, too. We both heard the sigh come from the bed as Camile got up.

“Hurry. I need to go too.” She said in an agitated voice. Roman snickered before he said. “We’ll definitely have more than one head in our home, Cam.” I nodded as I followed out behind Roman and Camile came in.

Looking at the time, I sighed, “We might as well get up and moving. Did the two of you want to wear your new armor to break it in?” I asked as I pulled on my underwear and ship tee before I slipped into the shipsuit.

“Yeah, we should.” Said Camile as she exited the head. “You’ll help with the connections, Marc.” She asked, smiling. It wasn’t hard, but I was used to it. And this was just the catheter connection. Nothing like my powered armor and it’s two connections because you just will not get it off fast enough when you really need the head. Ever. Proof of which was when one of the kids in my class crapped inside his trying to get it off. Just because he wanted nothing up his ass. I reached over and grabbed Roman’s dick, looking up at him. He smiled, but his eyes kept darting down to my hands. His dick in one, the catheter in the other. I leaned in and kissed him. While my lips distracted his eyes, my hand moved, and he sucked in a breath as he stepped back, glaring at me.

“Did it hurt?” I asked knowingly.

“No. It was ice cold.” He said tersely.

“Then my love. Warm it up before you insert it. Besides. This is combat training. Not sexual explorations.” I said with a lopsided grin as I turned to Camile. She, in turn, had hers warmed already, and I reached down as I kissed her. She lifted on her toes as she pulled away from me.

“Marc. We don’t have time.” Camile hissed as she pulled my fingers out of her vagina.

“Fine.” I huffed out as Roman was laughing. My other hand moved, and she shifted slightly as she tapped the suit controls and nodded at me. I leaned in and kissed her properly this time.

5 minutes later, we had their gear and were headed for the Naomi Maya. After a nice breakfast with their family, we said our goodbyes with passionate kisses, hugs, and whispered words of love. By 07:45 hours I was walking off the ship alone and heading for a meeting I needed to be at with my family as the Naomi Maya departed the station again for a short run. They would be back Tuesday afternoon. Wednesday, the Bennett's were supposed to arrive. If their schedule holds. I still haven’t heard from Christopher.


* * *


“Low Point Station Control, this is Mini Borer, Marc Alexander commanding. Request permission to depart. Destination group eleven ring seven. Five souls aboard.” I said as I shifted us off the Dock. Brandon was in the right seat, with Rachel behind me. Tom had Seiko with him back in our tiny Engineering Compartment. Dreams of having a real miner. A Mauler. Continue to float in the back of my consciousness.

“Good afternoon, Marc. You’re clear to depart all the way out to the mining area. Lots of Hauler activity over on the primary side, if you are headed that way. Enjoy your fun,” said the controller.

“Thank’s Ishta. I will see you in a few days. Alexander out.” And with that, I maneuvered us out past the other ships on the dock and crossed the threshold, heading towards the Jump zone for our micro-Jump.

The slight stomach lurch signaled we had just dropped out of Jump when Rachel began talking to the Mining Boss. Seconds later, new screens came to life next to me with the latest scan and probe data.

“Thanks Rachel.” I said as I turned the helm over to Brandon and started my search.

It took 10 minutes of fast searching before I found what I was looking for and tapped out a new course after I highlighted my target. Sending it all over to Brandon and he changed our course, taking us into the asteroids towards our target. I watched as he maneuvered us around the various floating mountains until we approached my preferred target. A few close scans of the three I was looking at and I decided the one I had targeted was the best. It was also the correct size to keep us going until it was time to leave. 45 hours from now I would be back on station to greet my beloveds when they arrived. The 42 hours of mining would be good enough to cover my costs for this coming month. Anything else we mine in the next two weeks would be pure profit after the costs of crew and consumables.

“Let’s see if I was right again.” I said as I double checked we were locked at station keeping. A quick scan of the sensors told me where all the other ships out here were and would be no danger to us or us to them before I shifted to the mining station and brought the Mining Lasers to life. A few minutes to warm them up and I locked them onto our chosen rock and let them do their job as I increased the power. Seiko had popped in and was running the scans of the incoming material as she passed the sample tests over to me, pronouncing them good. I heard the metal on metal clang and chuckled.

“We should fix that at some point.” I called back to the muttering I heard in the galley from Tom.

“If I recall correctly. I suggested the last time we were out, but you had other repairs for me and Rhasta.” Tom said good-naturedly.

“You did. Three times, I think. Now we’ll add it to the priority list.” I said with a smile, as he had indeed suggested it. I just classified it as an annoyance for that moment as I was concerned about the other repairs more. Now I can get to the, it would be nice if, list and the slightly off rack in the galley cabinets is really just an annoyance. One that will be nice to have fixed. I heard some moving of items in the galley before I heard two loud bangs followed by the distinct sounding arc of a plasma welder. A whiff of molten metal later, and Tom came forward with a drink in his hand.

“That should solve that for now. Probably need to replace the rack at some point, but I don’t think we’ll have any more avalanches out of it.” Said Tom triumphantly. Which made me snicker.

“But. We’ll have to cut it out now. Best to leave it unless something else happens.” I said.

Tom shrugged, “Work’s for me. Besides. Now that we have time. How is the Triad holding up?” He said with a twinkle in his eyes. Which caused Rachel to get involved.

“I see the Cohens have a new advertisement.” She said innocently as it popped up on the Holo viewer, to the astonishment of everyone as they watched me and the twins kiss while looking at our rings. Rachel turned to me, waiting for me to explain. Seiko had her hand covering her mouth as she tried not to laugh. Brandon was making like he was busy navigating the Mini Borer and Tom had raised eyebrows and that look he gets when he was thinking. “So…” Rachel prompted when I didn’t spill fast enough.

I sighed. A long, drawn-out sigh of resignation that Rachel wouldn’t let this go the entire trip. “I might be running them through the list.”

“Really!” Rachel practically squealed. Which made more than just me wince at the high pitch.

Tom patted my back and made for an escape back to the galley where he would be able to hear us, but not be subject to high-pitched exclamations that were sure to come in the confines of the small Bridge.

“Chicken,” I mumbled as he departed.

“Smart.” I heard in return.

Brandon decided he needed to retreat too as he excused himself to the galley while Seiko busied herself at the Engineering Station.

“Maybe.” I said, as Rachel waited patiently for me to continue. Both she and Tom have heard of the dreams I have of my mate and the twins don’t fill the image. “They are friends with benefits, or were, until I agreed to date them formally. As such, when we were up at the Guild’s Meeting, they were receiving too much unwanted attention, and I marked them with the rings.” I said.

My hands were almost at my ears before the next high-pitched squeal. I heard both Brandon and Tom snickering in the Galley. Before Rachel launched into a series of rapid-fire questions that had Tom laughing so hard he had to leave the Galley. “Thanks Tom. I’ll remember this.” I yelled as he made his way down the passageway. Waving back at me as he went.

By the time Rachel was done, she had practically planned the Bonding Ceremony for the twins and me. Luckily, it was time to drop the first load and realign the Mining Lasers as she called our Hauler in. Brandon and Tom had headed off to catch some sleep before their watch as Rachel and Seiko stayed up with me. Seiko even made our meals and called us into the Galley when they were done. Just tapping buttons on the food replicator as you tell it which meal you wanted, but it was the thought that counts. She had them on the table with our drinks when we came back. We can hear the Bridge alerts from here if needed, and I had the Bridge repeaters up on screen to watch as we ate. Talks turned to more sedate questions like, What’s it like to date twins? Who is the primary? Do they get jealous of each other if one gets more time than the other?

We had a good run, and Brandon was bringing us into the unloading hangar to drop our last load of ore as I worked out the credit vouchers. As always, I divvy up this last load after I have taken care of other business. Less than an hour later, we are saying our goodbyes and heading out in different directions.

I swung through my quarters for a hot shower and change of shipsuit’s before I drop by the family office. Checking in with my parents and joining them for lunch before heading back to my quarters and taking a short nap to catch up on my lost sleep. No sooner had I dropped into the bed than my Link chimes. I smiled as I think it might be the twins as I lift my wrist to look. Smirking as I sat up and moved to my desk before excepting.

“Hello Marc. Are the twins there?” Asked Christopher Bennett in the Holo.

“Should be back in.” My eyes dart to the chronometer. “About two hours. Are you arriving today too?” I asked nonchalantly.

“Tomorrow. Midmorning it looks like.” He said and paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. “I would like to take you up on your offer for the four of us to sit down and talk.” He asked cautiously.

I thought about that for a few seconds. He might be wondering why I changed my mind. He might think something is going on.

Letting the smile cross my face. And, surprisingly, it was genuine as I spoke,

“Good. We were hoping you would. The twins have moderated my anger enough to convince me it would be better if we talked it out and had some form of forgiveness. They will be happy.” I paused to invite comment.

“I would like that, Marc, and not just because my family demands it of me, either.” He said. I gave him a friendly nod.

“Then your family wouldn’t mind if we were in the hangar for your arrival and kidnapped you for an early lunch or brunch once your Lock and Docking Clamps are set?” I asked happily. Christopher gave me an actual smile as he looked to the side and I could tell he was tapping out commands and looking at the information.

“It looks like we are still on for 10:35 hours docking. Figure by 10:45 I would be able to sneak off. Would that be OK with the three of you, Marc?” I looked to the Tablet and then swung my head to look at the Chronometer again as I did the math. My head making a slow nod.

“That should be good, Chris.” I responded and his face lit up with happiness that this whole mess might be ending. “I’ll see if I can get us into that restaurant up on the 0-4 level. Luka’s? They have good pizza, if that sounds good.” I added with a questioning smile.

“Yes. That would be great, Marc. Thank you.” I nodded.

“Then I will make those arrangements and let the twins know this afternoon. I’ll see you when you arrive, Chris.” Again, I used the short version of his name like I did when we were sleeping together.

“Sounds good Marc. I’ll see you all then.” He said excitedly and closed the Link.

I smiled as I tapped out a fast message to my Dad and sent it along with a recording of the Link to him. Once finished, I laughed softly before I dropped back onto my bed after I set my alarm for 90 minutes before I remembered what else I had to do.

It only took 5 minutes to connect with the triad and a very mussed up head of red hair popped up in my Holo view.

“Marc. Hello.” I snorted.

“Did I catch the three of you in a compromising position?” I asked as Janek and Hugo’s heads popped in next to Rory’s.

“You did it on purpose just to see us naked.” Said Hugo, which made me roar out a laugh. Rory is obviously rubbing off on him, too.

“Possibly, little brother. Possibly. What I really wanted to know was did you get your orders yet?” Janek gave me the look.

“So, you did just want to see us naked. You only had to ask. Not like you don’t have access to our orders,” Janek said.

“And are you coming to pick us up or bringing us there?” Rory paused, “I ask because Janek and Hugo said if you were single, it was all right for us to sleep together again.” Which made me laugh again.

“I don’t know yet and I am still dating, but I’ll keep that in mind for when I am not. Is that satisfactory?”

“Ah no. Now he’s just going to try to break the three of you up and we haven’t even met them yet.” Said Janek in all seriousness. Which caused me and Hugo to laugh while Rory was trying the puppy dog eyes on me.

“That being covered. Are the three of you ready and when are you returning, Hugo?” I asked. He gave me an apologetic smile.

“Sorry Marc. I had a few days and figured you wouldn’t mind. Tomorrow I will be back.”

I smirked. “And has it been determined? Do I need to spank you?” That caused Rory and Janek to laugh as Hugo blushed. “That’s what I thought. OK. I’ll talk to you later.” I said as I disconnected the Link and closed my eyes for a nap.




Rory and Janek had looked at each other after Marc disconnected. Janek snorted, then looked at me. The look that Rory and Janek gave me told me I had made a mistake.

“So… You snuck out on Marc again. After all the trouble he has gone through to bring us together. Maybe he’s right and you need to be spanked.” Said Janek as Rory had moved around behind me. The first smack across my bare ass made me jump away from the two of them.

“I don’t know where you think you are going to hide,” Said Rory as he grinned at me before stepping forwards. I turned to run and Janek bear hugged me as another smack hit my ass…

Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Marc and the twins are making progress communicating on their possible bonding. Just a concern that he knows he has a mate that he dreams about… seems like the plan to lure Christopher in is working. And the other trio is coming in about the same time.

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6 minutes ago, VBlew said:

Marc and the twins are making progress communicating on their possible bonding. Just a concern that he knows he has a mate that he dreams about… seems like the plan to lure Christopher in is working. And the other trio is coming in about the same time.

Thanks for the comment VBlew!

And it's all coming together.

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Two big positive situations.

Camile and Roman are happy and getting more comfortable with Marc and his intentions to be bonded

Marc has a friendly disarming conversation with Chris. He has no clue of what he will face. He expects to go to lunch with the three and work things out peacefully and  eventually amicably. Chris is going to be shocked.

Edited by akascrubber
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1 minute ago, akascrubber said:

Two big positive situations.

Camile and Roman are happy and getting more comfortable with Marc and his intentions to be bonded

Marc has a friendly disarming conversation with Chris. He has no clue of what he will face. He expects to go to lunch with the three and work things out peacefully and  eventually becoming friendly.

Thanks for the comment akascrubber!

Marc is very friendly. Always has a plan. Whether it is peaceful or not...

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I’m beginning to think Chris is not such a bad guy and maybe he is not part of his family’s smuggling operation. Anyway I am anxious to find out!

Marc and the twins seem to be getting closer and communicating better, but knowing there is a bond mate out there should make Marc cautious about bonding with the twins. If the trio continue to progress in their relationship, a breakup would be catastrophic . I hope they take their time and consider what life changes will be required for their bond to succeed.

Great storytelling!

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1 minute ago, gmc said:

I’m beginning to think Chris is not such a bad guy and maybe he is not part of his family’s smuggling operation. Anyway I am anxious to find out!

Marc and the twins seem to be getting closer and communicating better, but knowing there is a bond mate out there should make Marc cautious about bonding with the twins. If the trio continue to progress in their relationship, a breakup would be catastrophic . I hope they take their time and consider what life changes will be required for their bond to succeed.

Great storytelling!

Thanks for the comment gmc!

All the answers you seek are coming...

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Marc and the twins seem to be progressing in their relationship rather nicely.  I still am concerned how this will play out when he does meet his destined mate.  Of course, I guess if everyone is honest, upfront, and adult it will be okie dokie, yea right.  

Hope we get to see more of Janek, Hugo, and Rory.  I really enjoy their interaction with each other and with Marc.

Don't know about Chris, but his world is about to get rocked one way or another.

Let's hope nothing goes too wrong.

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2 minutes ago, centexhairysub said:

Marc and the twins seem to be progressing in their relationship rather nicely.  I still am concerned how this will play out when he does meet his destined mate.  Of course, I guess if everyone is honest, upfront, and adult it will be okie dokie, yea right.

I can see two distinct possibilities that haven't been discussed. First, Marc and the twins are bonded and when the fated mate turns up, he has also bonded. Second, Marc and his fated never meet.

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After the last few paragraphs of the chapter, I had to give the chapter a "Laugh" emoji, even though most of the rest was serious.

What do we know of Brandon's piloting ability?  Not a lot, yet.  Is he older than Marc by much?

Good chapter.

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