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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

A Journey to Egypt - 4. Chapter 4


The following morning, Reginald and Alexander woke up refreshed and eager to continue their adventure. After a hearty breakfast, they set out to visit the sights of Alexandria. They aimed to find and explore the Temple of Sarepis, the Serapeum. They stopped at the hotel desk, and the same lovely clerk from the night before gave them a simple map showing how to get there. The temple was about three kilometers away and would be an excellent walk to develop their land legs after their trip. The map showed a brief walk along the harbor to a street leading to the temple.

Walking the ports’ docks, they gazed at the bustling harbor, imagining the scenes of ancient times. Reginald’s eyes were fixed on a particular spot in the harbor, while Alexander animatedly described the grandeur of the Lighthouse of Alexandria. Reginald’s mind wandered, conjuring a vivid image of the lighthouse standing majestically in that very spot. He could almost see its towering structure, feel the warmth of its guiding light, and hear the distant echoes of ancient sailors. His head tilted upward, following the imagined ascent to the lighthouse’s peak. Just as the vision reached its zenith, a voice pulled him back to the present, dissolving the fantastical scene.

"Reginald….Reginald!" Alexander was trying to get his attention. “This is the street we must follow to get to the Serapeum."

"Sorry, Alexander. I got lost in my mind trying to picture the Lighthouse of Alexandria." Reginald spoke quietly. "Let's follow the map and discover what it is like to live here."

Walking through a few neighborhoods filled with various homes and people, they talked and wondered if they were walking over the remains of some ancient marvel like the Library of Alexandria, Roman baths, or an ancient center of learning. Reginald and Alexander had been traveling along the road for about a kilometer when Reginald stopped suddenly and stared at a large, empty field slightly raised like a mound.

Alexander watched as Reginald's eye's glazed over and felt great concern for his lover. Was Reginald sick? As Alexander thought this, he suddenly felt comforted and decided to wait and watch. He saw Reginald's head moving as if looking at many different places. The expression on Reginald's face was filled with wonder, amazement, and joy.

As quickly as he had stopped here, Reginald turned to face Alexander. "Did you see?" Reginald asked.

“I saw you looking at a field,” replied Alexander. “What did you see?”

"My mind must have gone on a trip again. I saw a Roman theater that looked very real standing where that mound was in the field. Though small, it was impressive, with a semi-circular portico of beautiful columns and elaborate frescoes. The orchestra floor was made of white marble and red granite. At the back of the proscenium was the seana with intricate carvings, columned porticoes, and statues that seemed to come to life in the morning light. It was a stunning piece of architecture with lovely detailed reliefs adorning the walls, a testament to the skill and artistry of the ancient builders."

"Are you feeling well, or should we continue?" Alexander inquired.

"You probably think my rambling is because I am vexed by the sun and heat," joked Reginald.

"Your words were beautifully enthralling, and I only felt their truth. They felt like you were revealing the truth of the past," Alexander responded sincerely to his intriguing lover.

Reginald hesitated before replying. He didn't think it was time to reveal an old secret from his childhood to his remarkable lover, Alexander. "I guess we should head onward to our destination. I do hope there will be no further interruptions." They walked down the road to a place that turned right and continued to the temple.

The Temple of Serapeum was one of Alexandria's most renowned historical sites. It was a daughter annex to the Library of Alexandria and one of the most sacred sites in Greco-Roman Egypt. It was unfortunate that it had been completely destroyed and looted of all the beautiful artifacts that made it the rival to Capitoline Hill in Rome.

One of the temple's most striking features was Pompey's Pillar, a massive granite column dedicated to Emperor Diocletian. No one was sure why it was currently named for Pompey, who had died long before the column was erected. The base and column had initially supported a large granite statue of Diocletian.

To reach the Serapeum, Reginald and Alexander embarked on a climb up the hill, their steps echoing on the ancient stone pathway. The journey was steep, but the anticipation of seeing the historic site spurred them on. At the summit, they were greeted by the sight of a grand pillar, a remnant of a once larger structure. This pillar, resilient through the ages, stood proudly at the entrance of the temple complex, marking the beginning of a majestic stairway that led to the heart of the Serapeum. The pillar’s enduring presence was a testament to the architectural prowess and spiritual significance of the ancient temple, inviting all who approached to step into a world of history and reverence.

Reginald and Alexander stood in the ruins of the Temple of Serapeum. Little remained. Reginald started describing what the temple had once looked like. "The Temple of Serapeum was one of Alexandria's most renowned historical sites. As we approached the temple, we would have been struck by its grandeur. The Temple of Serapeum was dedicated to Serapis, a deity that combined aspects of both Greek and Egyptian gods. The temple complex would have been impressive, with towering columns, intricate carvings, and statues that seemed to come to life in the morning light.

The entrance to the temple was flanked by two massive sphinxes, their enigmatic expressions watching over all who entered." Reginald and Alexander walked through the ruins of the grand entrance. The air was filled with reverence and history, as if the ruined walls of the temple held the secrets of the past.

As they explored further, they discovered collapsed tunnels and blocked doorways that hinted at the underground chambers that once housed countless scrolls and manuscripts. This was the extension of the world-famous library, a place of learning and knowledge where scholars from all over the world came to study and share their wisdom.

Reginald and Alexander spent hours exploring the pieces of rubble that remained of the temple, each new discovery adding to their sense of wonder and appreciation for the ancient civilization. The Temple of Serapeum was a place of worship for a god created by merging Greek, Roman, and Egyptian beliefs. It was a symbol of Alexandria's rich cultural heritage.

After exploring the Temple of Serapeum, Reginald and Alexander were both hot and tired. The sun had been relentless, and the day's excitement had taken its toll. They returned to their room at the Marhaba Hôtel to rest and refresh.

Upon entering their room, they were greeted by a luxurious bathroom with a large, inviting tub. The tub was spacious enough to comfortably hold two people, and the idea of a relaxing bath was too tempting to resist.

They filled the tub with hot water, the steam rising and filling the room with a soothing ambiance. The hot water enveloped them as they undressed and stepped into the tub, washing away the day's fatigue.

Reginald and Alexander took turns washing each other's backs, their movements gentle and caring. The soft light and the quiet sounds of the water heightened the moment's intimacy. They shared tender kisses, their lips meeting in a dance of affection and love.

They felt a deep sense of connection and contentment as they held each other in the warm embrace of the water. The day's adventures had brought them closer, and the bath was a perfect way to unwind and cherish their bond.

They took their time, savoring each moment of closeness and affection. The bath was a way to cleanse their bodies, nurture their relationship, and create lasting memories.

After their relaxing bath, Reginald and Alexander decided to head down for an early dinner. Later in the evening, they planned to visit the grand bazaar, where they hoped to enjoy Greek coffee and Turkish delight.

The hotel's restaurant was bustling with activity, and they enjoyed a delicious meal, savoring the flavors of the local cuisine. Once satisfied, they set out for the grand bazaar, eager to experience the vibrant atmosphere.

The sensory overload immediately struck them as they entered the bazaar. The air was thick with the heady aroma of spices, mingling with the scent of freshly brewed coffee and sweet pastries. Stalls lined the narrow pathways, each one overflowing with colorful goods. Beautiful carpets, golden rings, trinkets, and treasures were on display, tempting passersby. Reginald wandered through the bustling market, his eyes scanning the myriad stalls filled with glittering treasures. He was on a mission to find the perfect gift for Alexander. His gaze finally settled on a stall where a beautiful gold necklace caught his eye. The necklace was exquisite, with delicate filigree work and a pendant shaped like an ancient Egyptian scarab, symbolizing protection and transformation.

The shrewd but friendly merchant noticed Reginald's interest and approached with a knowing smile. Determined to get the best deal, Reginald engaged in a lively barter. His charm and persistence paid off, and after some spirited negotiation, the merchant agreed to sell him not one but two gold necklaces for a very reasonable price.

Reginald carefully selected a second, equally beautiful necklace with a pendant shaped like the Eye of Horus, symbolizing health and power. He imagined how the necklaces would look on Alexander, their golden glow complementing his friend's adventurous spirit.

With a sense of triumph, Reginald handed over the coins and received the necklaces, each wrapped in a soft, velvet pouch. He could not wait to see the look on Alexander’s face when he presented the gifts, knowing that these tokens of their journey would forever remind them of their adventure in Alexandria.

The bazaar was alive, merchants calling out their wares, shoppers chatting, and children laughing. Reginald and Alexander had been warned that many children were thieves, so they kept a watchful eye on their belongings as they navigated the crowded market.

Despite the caution, they could not help but be enchanted by the lively atmosphere. They stopped at a small café, where they ordered Greek coffee was served with a lump of sugar and a selection of Turkish delights. The rich, aromatic coffee and the sweet, chewy confections were a perfect treat as they took in the sights and sounds of the bazaar.

As they sipped their robust and bitter coffee and enjoyed the soft, sweet treats, they marveled at the vibrant tapestry of life that surrounded them. Cultures converged at the grand bazaar, and every corner held a new discovery. It was a fitting end to a day filled with adventure and wonder.

On their way back to the hotel, a short, dark man dressed in Arab fashion stepped out of the shadows and approached them. He held out a small, intricately crafted golden scarab beetle, its body made of Moldavite, a mesmerizing green gem. The beetle's eyes were adorned with tiny gemstones that sparkled in the dim light.

"Would you like to buy this beautiful scarab beetle?" the man asked, his voice low and mysterious.

Alexander's eyes lit up with fascination as he gazed at the exquisite piece of jewelry. He was captivated by its beauty and the craftsmanship that had created it. Reginald noticed the look of admiration on Alexander's face and knew that he had to get it for him.

"How much?" Reginald inquired.

"100 pounds," the man replied, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Reginald hesitated momentarily, knowing it was a significant amount of money. But the thought of making Alexander happy outweighed any concerns about the cost. He reached into his pocket and handed over the money, receiving the precious scarab beetle in return.

Alexander's face lit up with joy as Reginald placed the beetle in his hand. "Thank you, Reginald," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "It's beautiful.”

Reginald smiled, feeling a warm sense of satisfaction. "Anything for you, my love," he replied, pulling Alexander into a gentle embrace.

“One more gift for you and me!”

Reginald turned to Alexander, a smile playing on his lips. “I have something for you,” he said, reaching into his satchel. He pulled out the soft, velvet pouches and handed one to Alexander. “Open it.”

Alexander’s eyes widened with curiosity as he untied the pouch and revealed the beautiful gold necklace with the scarab pendant. The intricate design and the way it caught the fading light left him momentarily speechless.

“It’s stunning, Reginald,” Alexander finally said, his voice filled with awe. “Thank you.”

Reginald’s smile widened. “There’s more,” he said, handing over the second pouch. Alexander opened it to find the necklace with the Eye of Horus pendant. His eyes sparkled with delight as he looked at the two necklaces.

As Alexander put on the scarab necklace. Reginald felt a deep sense of satisfaction as Alexander put the Eye of Horus necklace on Reginald. The necklaces were more than beautiful jewelry; they symbolized their friendship and incredible journey together. The moment was perfect, a memory they would both cherish forever.

As they walked back to the hotel, Alexander could not stop admiring the scarab beetle, its green gem glinting in the light. The purchase had been expensive, but the happiness it brought to Alexander made it worth every penny.

When they returned to their room, Alexander kissed Reginald as he looked at the scarab beetle! They then undressed and turned off the lights. The moonlight came through the windows, and they made mad, passionate love in that moonlight.

They got up early, the first light of dawn filtering through the curtains. After sharing many kisses, they dressed, put on their necklaces and headed down for breakfast. Alexander also made sure to keep his beloved scarab with him in a pouch tucked safely in a pouch tied to his necklace and hidden under his shirt. The hotel's kitchen prepared a delicious lunch with fresh fruit, dates, and a decanter of water.

With their provisions in hand, they set out to walk the streets once again. The journey was filled with anticipation. They had heard tales of catacombs buried beneath the city and exchanged the rumors they had heard about these eerie and facinating places. Once again Reginald stopped and Alexander wondered if spirit had left his body to explore the catacombs they had been talking about.

Reginald quickly returned to the real world and began to describe cool labyrinthine passages with intricate carvings adorning the walls. The catacombs were a testament to the ancient civilization's reverence for the afterlife, and the atmosphere was awe-inspiring and slightly unsettling for Reginald.

They asked a local passing by, who fortunately spoke English, where they were. He told them they were at Kom El-Shoqfa, which means "hill of shells" because of all the pottery shards littering the hill. They found a shaded spot under a date palm along side the road and spread a blanket and enjoyed their lunch, savoring the fresh fruit and dates. The palm tree shade provided a peaceful retreat, and they relished the quiet moments together, reflecting on the wonders they had seen and experienced.

When they returned to their room, Reginald and Alexander were shocked to find it completely trashed. Their belongings were scattered everywhere, and it was clear that someone had ransacked the room. They immediately called hotel security, who were equally stunned that such an incident could occur in their establishment.

The police arrived shortly after and began asking many questions, trying to piece together what had happened. Reginald and Alexander cooperated fully, but the experience left them uneasy and feeling violated.

After the police finished their investigation, Reginald and Alexander decided to leave the hotel the next day. They would take the train to Cairo, hoping to put the unsettling experience behind them and continue their adventure.

The following day, they woke up early and dressed, sharing many kisses to reassure each other. They went down for breakfast and had the kitchen prepare lunch for them, including fresh fruit, dates, and a canteen of water.

They checked out of the hotel and with their provisions in hand, they headed to the train station. It would take 5 hours and 45 minutes to reach Cairo, giving them plenty of time to relax and enjoy the scenic views they passed by on their journey.

Copyright © 2024 Albert1434; All Rights Reserved.
  • Love 6
With special thanks to my Editor and my Beta readers!
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Ah, a mystery unfolds. The scarab beetle would appear to have others' interest. Lots of description here, Albert. It was like being with them on a tour. Well done, sir. Cheers!

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18 minutes ago, Headstall said:

Ah, a mystery unfolds. The scarab beetle would appear to have others' interest. Lots of description here, Albert. It was like being with them on a tour. Well done, sir. Cheers!

I am glad you're enjoying Egypt:D

Edited by Albert1434
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I had a thought the scarab beetle might be stolen. It's probably worth a lot more than 100 pounds, which had to be a fortune in 1864.

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21 minutes ago, Lee Wilson said:

I had a thought the scarab beetle might be stolen. It's probably worth a lot more than 100 pounds, which had to be a fortune in 1864.

Only time will tell!

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Just now, chris191070 said:

I'm enjoying this journey through Egypt.

I am glad your enjoying the story Chris!

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This chapter caused me to work my Google search fingers often, to get a better understanding of Egyptian history and religious lore. New questions and mysteries have entered this story. 🤔 


Reginald hesitated before replying. He didn't think it was time to reveal an old secret from his childhood to his remarkable lover, Alexander.

Secrets, a trashed hotel room, and a mysterious merchant.


On their way back to the hotel, a short, dark man dressed in Arab fashion stepped out of the shadows and approached them. He held out a small, intricately crafted golden scarab beetle, its body made of Moldavite, a mesmerizing green gem. The beetle's eyes were adorned with tiny gemstones that sparkled in the dim light.

"Would you like to buy this beautiful scarab beetle?" the man asked, his voice low and mysterious.

More questions about what Reggie and Alex are going to experience as their adventure continues?  🧐  We shall see as it is unveiled.

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21 minutes ago, Flip-Flop said:

This chapter caused me to work my Google search fingers often, to get a better understanding of Egyptian history and religious lore. New questions and mysteries have entered this story. 🤔 

Secrets, a trashed hotel room, and a mysterious merchant.

More questions about what Reggie and Alex are going to experience as their adventure continues?  🧐  We shall see as it is unveiled.

Yes what could all this mean do you think?

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Quote from story listing;


Beneath the golden sun, four souls tread softly on the sands of time. Reginald, with his piercing ice-blue gaze, leads the pact alongside Alexander, whose eyes hold the depth of the Nile. Omar’s silhouette, a slender beacon amidst the dunes, and Kareem, a titan against the horizon, complete this band of brothers. 

It means that there are others to meet, and more to learn, before this tale starts to reveal itself   ❣️

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1 minute ago, drsawzall said:

Reginald has secrets and what the connection to the Scarab might portend?

We will have to see where all this may lead:yes:

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