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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

To See You - 4. Chapter 4

Jamie, finally pulled over and parked right in front of Nicholas house. This time, Jamie got out of the car as opposed to the last time he was there and Nicholas ran out before he could say goodbye. He noticed that the driveway was empty and Jamie was secretly glad. He wouldn’t have to meet Nicholas’ mum right now.

Getting close to the front door, Jamie decided that it was time to break the quasi silence between him and Nicholas that had lasted since they left the coffee place. “It’s a nice place you guys have here,” Jamie said.

Nicholas shrugged at the comment. “Thanks, but it’s really my mum’s employers that found this place for us when they transferred her all the way here.”

Once inside, Jamie noticed that Nicholas and his mum had just moved into the house. There weren’t boxes laying everywhere, but the house was barely decorated and the paint on the wall certainly didn’t match the furniture. His eyes immediately spotted the pastel colored wallpaper in the dining room.

“Nice wallpaper!” Jamie said ironically.

“Oh you think! You can have it if you want,” Nicholas answered back. “It was already there when we moved in, we haven’t had the time to exactly put things to our liking.”

As they entered the kitchen, Nicholas took an empty glass and asked “Do you want something to drink?”

“Nah, I’m good” Jamie answered.

Nicholas proceeded to get some coke. Then they made their way to Nicholas’ room.

When he entered the room, Jamie felt like he was in a completely different house. The walls were freshly painted, different frames hung on the walls. It was smaller than his own bedroom and, unlike Jamie’s, it didn’t have a TV but Jamie found the room rather nice and cosy.

Nicholas went and sat on the bed, leaving the desk chair for Jamie. Jamie was too occupied at browsing through Nicholas’ stuff to sit down. He was transfixed at one picture. It was a family picture; both of Nicholas parents along with Nicholas and next to Nicholas was another boy who looked just like Nicholas only a little younger.

“Nicholas, you didn’t tell me you had a younger brother!” Jamie said accusingly. “Where is he?”

Nicholas rapidly realized what Jamie was talking about. “He stayed in Montreal with dad.”

Jamie dropped the topic there and sat on the chair. For the next hour or so they talked about stuff they liked, movies, singers and all those little topics. They went on the internet and watched countless of video on Youtube, some funny, some just plain stupid.

Jamie certainly was having a good time. He found that the more he was getting to know Nicholas, the nicer he was becoming. Also, he could swear that he could feel that his new buddy was slowly lowering his guard and exposing his true self.

Nicholas, over the past few years, always made the point of keeping his private life far away from others. There might have been many people that considered themselves his friend, but very few Nicholas actually confided his secrets to. He had already decided that if he kept quiet, it prevented him from getting hurt. The last time he had opened himself up to others, and shared his feelings, it had caused his current situation. When he arrived with his mum in this new location, he felt like he was given another chance to make things right. This time, he made the promise to himself that he wouldn’t ruin it.

Over the course of that afternoon, Jamie learned all about Nicholas’ little brother Evan, who was two years younger. Nicholas told Andrew about how Evan and him used to hang out with the same group of friends. Jamie was actually surprised to learn that Nicholas did have a lot of respect toward his mother. Also it seemed like Nicholas was relatively close to his aunt, the one he had talked about a few days earlier at work.

Nicholas realized that since they had gotten back from work, he was getting more and more comfortable talking with Jamie. There was a little something about Jamie that made him earn his confidence. More than once Jamie had knocked on the door of Nicholas’ secrets and up until then Nicholas had always simply brushed the matter away hoping that it wouldn’t come back. But of course he knew better, Jamie was persistent.

“Why hasn’t your dad and your brother moved with you and your mum?” Jamie asked.

Somehow, it didn’t come as a total shock to Nicholas that Jamie would ask that question. “When my mum applied for the transfer, it was planned that they’d come too. But then, we ran into some troubles. My mum and dad weren’t exactly agreeing as to what to do. Because of that, my dad decided not to come and he wanted Evan to stay with him. So it’s only me and my mum.”

Jamie took notice of a repulsed grimace on Nicholas’ face when he mentioned his father. “And Evan had to stay with your dad?” Jamie asked.

Nicholas thought that question over for a few seconds. “He didn’t have much choice. When dad decided that he wouldn’t come, he made sure that Evan would stay with him. He said that it would be better for Evan.”

“That must be hard for you. You were kinda close to each other,” Jamie commented “And how are things going with your mum here?”

Again it was so obvious to Nicholas where Jamie was going with that question and he was starting to get annoyed to hear the same question over and over again. He decided that this time he’d try to say a little more without giving away too much. “Well, she’s really glad to be here with me and all, but she still holds me somewhat responsible for the fact that dad and Evan didn’t move with us. She misses Evan very much.”

Jamie nodded that he understood what he was being told, but still waited for further explanation that ultimately didn’t come.

Sensing that Jamie was expecting more, Nicholas went on, “Sometime it gets to her that’s all.”

“That’s stupid, why would it be of your fault that your dad and bro’ didn’t move?” Jamie finally asked.

“Can we just not talk about that? I don’t want to explain all that right now.” Nicholas said hoping that it would be enough to drop the subject for a while. ”But other than that, things are alright and we like being here. If only we can finish getting settled one day.”

Jamie accepted that answer and decided that he’ll wait for Nicholas to tell more when he’s ready. They resumed playing on the computer.


Chris was more than happy when he finally got home from school because he knew he’d have the house to himself for a few hours. After dropping his bag in his room and getting into more comfortable clothing, he decided that he wanted to do something that he couldn’t do when others were around. He went in Jamie’s room and got behind the computer. Of course he could easily use the computer downstairs, but he couldn’t exactly access porn on that computer for fear of getting caught by his parents.

Chris first took his shirt off. He hadn’t dropped his pants for more than a minute when he had already opened a few pictures on Jamie’s computer. Over the past couple of days he had made an habit of looking at those pictures. Those pictures featured a very naked Andrew in more than one position.

In one of them, Andrew was on his bed naked and with his hard on, with both of his arms resting above his head on the mattress. From the picture, you could describe him having a better than average body, no real muscle definition but he certainly had no fat. His dark hair gave his warm smile a nice emphasis.

Chris reached out and grabbed his full grown dick and began stroking. For a moment, he pictured himself in that picture. In his mind, he was sneaking up on Andrew, trapping him and giving him no chance to escape. Then Chris would get on top of him, already naked, he’d lower himself on top of Andrew all the while gently kissing him and holding him tightly. Then he start slowly and sweetly sitting on Andrews’ wet juicy dick. His cock would warm Chris’ insides as it entered him.

The thoughts all became too much for Chris, and he soon got to the point where he simply couldn’t hold it anymore. He reopened his eyes and took one more look at the picture before the explosion.

“Shit!” Chris said to himself as he realized the mess he had just made. Not only was his left hand covered with cum, some of it got on the keyboard as well.

Chris stepped out of his pants which were still at his ankles and walked totally naked to the bathroom that he shares with Jamie to get a towel. With that towel, he cleaned up his hands and got back in front of the computer.

As he was cleaning the keyboard, he heard the ringing coming from the computer telling him that someone wanted to chat. He looked up and realized that naturally it was Andrew. Before answering the call he made sure that, even if he was still shirtless, his nakedness wouldn’t be showing on the cam.

“So, mista gets online and still doesn’t drop a line to say ‘hi’ to--” Andrew stopped as soon he realized that he wasn’t talking with Jamie as he thought. “Oh it’s you Chris. How you doin’?”

“Just chillin’, Jamie asked me to come and tell you that he’s won’t be there until later on, but he said that he will get on and talk to you as soon as he’ll be home,” Chris replied.

“Oh really? what is he up to?” Andrew said. He was touched by the attention that Jamie had shown to make sure that he wouldn’t be waiting for nothing.

Chris answered “Well apparently he was supposed to hang out with, guess who, Nick!”

“Oh, I’m sure we gonna hear about it soon enough, as he’s having a small fixation on him.” Andrew remarked.

“Did I detect a touch of jealousy?” Chris snickered.

“Absolutely not!” Andrew didn’t lie, he truly believed that Jamie’s interest in Nicholas was purely that of a friend being worried about another friend. In fact Andrew knew enough about Jamie that he gave Jamie his full trust.

At that moment another thing was piquing his curiosity, “Chris? What were you up to?”

Chris probably never thought faster than at that time “I just walked out of the shower,” he said.

Of course Andrew didn’t buy any of that. “It doesn’t look like your shower was effective. You look sweaty.”

Chris just knew that his lie wouldn’t hold, but he still tried. “What are you talking about?”

“Has someone ever told you that you’re not exactly a good liar?” Andrew answered and watched Chris start to blush before continuing. “What were you looking at?”

“Just some pics off the hard drive” Chris said sheepishly.

Now that was definitely all the confirmation Andrew needed, “Chris, you know that Jamie’s gay, right?”

‘Darn’ Chris thought, knowing full well that he just revealed himself by telling he was looking at the porn Jamie had, and blushed even some more.

Andrew went on “What were you doing looking at pictures of naked boys?”

Chris could swore that he had never felt more embarrassed than he was at that moment. He could feel the heat of Andrew’s stare through the computer as he waited for a response. The silence in the room was deafening. The situation certainly made him feel bad and he could certainly feel some tears building up inside of him.

“I’m sorry” Chris squeakily said.

Now it was Andrew’s turn to feel extremely bad as he could see how Chris had gotten all worked up. “Woah! Chris, what are you sorry about?!? You’ve got absolutely nothing to feel sorry about.”

Chris felt his eyes burning as he tried not to tear up. “I was looking at your pics! I was jerking off to your pics! I’m horrible!”

Andrew answered him right back leaving no silence “Ohhhh, Chris don’t feel that way! you’re not horrible, actually I really feel honored.”

“Really? how come?” Chris let a small smile out.

“Well, it’s nice to know that people enjoy the beauty of my body, it’s fun to feel wanted.” Andrew snickered then added “and it helps to know that it’s cute teen that likes me and not just an old fart.”

Chris wondered for a few seconds whether or not he had understood Andrew. Had he really heard him right? Did Andrew call him cute? That was the question he had on his mind. ‘Clearly he was being nice’ Chris said to himself about Andrew’s comments.

“Say, Andrew, you’re not obliged to tell Jamie about this, right?” Chris inquired.

Andrew wondered about it for a moment, because he had taken the habit of telling everything to Jamie. If someone knew more about him, Brendan excluded, it was Jamie. He made sure to make a non binding agreement with Chris. “I won’t tell him. But tell me, I take it that you’re gay?”


“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. Don’t worry,” Andrew said, reassuring Chris. Andrew went on “I don’t know what your plans are if any about coming out. It’s obviously something that only you can decide when to tell and to whom. I’ll tell you this as your friend, you should come out to Jamie. But, like I said, it’s your decision to make and your decision alone.”

“Thanks Andrew!” Chris said feeling much better suddenly.

Then, Andrew stated, “Tho, maybe until you do come out to Jamie maybe you should clear up the history of your web browser and do the same for the recent documents history.”

All the worries that Chris was feeling all came back in a matter of seconds “You mean that he knows?”

Andrew went on explaining what he had discussed Chris’ computer habits with Jamie a few days earlier and that Jamie certainly had his suspicions. But, Andrew made sure to address the point that even if Jamie has his suspicions, that suspicions mean nothing until they are confirmed.

After having kind of a pretty serious conversation, Andrew wanted to lighten the mood. Also, ever since he learned that Chris was enjoying looking at his naked pictures, Andrew had a growing interest in Chris. It was mainly Andrew being horny that gave him that interest. That day, his interests have been spiked some more. “Ummm, you know, since you’ve seen my pics,” Andrew said carefully so as not to scare Chris away, “And that I flashed you the other day too.”

Chris wasn’t totally stupid and guessed where Andrew was going, but he didn’t want to make it easy for Andrew. “Yeah, what about that?”

“Well, since you’re already there, alone and very naked, you could perhaps get up?” At that point, Andrew could swear that it was 100 degrees in his room.

Chris certainly liked that idea, but decided that he wanted to see just how bad Andrew was interested. “I dunno if I should,” Chris said, daring Andrew to ask again.

“Ya, you should, it’s only fair, you do get to see me naked almost whenever you want,” Andrew pleaded some more.

“Wouldn’t it be wrong, you know, with you and Jamie, wouldn’t it be kinda like cheating?”

Andrew was fast to reply. “Oh no, it wouldn’t! I mean it’s not like Jamie doesn’t look at pictures of other guys. Really, it’s not the same thing as cheating.”

Chris was certainly growing happier seeing just how much Andrew wanted to see his body, “Alright I guess I could do this. Just like you said, it’s only fair.”

With that, Chris teasingly and slowly raised himself to the webcam so Andrew could see his whole body.

Andrew certainly loved what he was seeing and bit his lower lip as he watched Chris’ dick slowly grow hard. It took all of his will power not to reach down in his own pants and jerk off to that great sight.


Jamie and Nicholas had been playing games on the computer for a while when they heard a car pull into the drive way. Nicholas got up to look out of his bedroom window and saw that his mum was getting out of the car. Jamie looked at Nicholas and realized that his friend had gotten tense.

“Dammit, I didn’t know that she’d be home that soon,” Nicholas said. Seeing the worry on Jamie’s face and that he was in need of reassurance, Nicholas went on, ”Don’t worry, it’s alright really. She never minded me having people over. It’s just that I haven’t since we moved and well she’ll be all like ‘the house is a mess.’”

“Allo! Nick, J’ai vu un auto stationné en face de la maison, t’as de la visite?” Nicholas’ mum asked loud enough to be heard. (Hello! Nick, there’s a car parked in front of the house, do have you a friend over?)

Nicholas got up and was going out of the room to meet with his mum when he turned around for Jamie and said “C’mon, lets go downstairs for a while.”

As they arrived at the bottom of the stairs, they met Nicholas’ mum.

Copyright © 2011 FrenchCanadian; All Rights Reserved.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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