Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Please Note: This story contains the use of "Alien words". The Earth term will be explained at the bottom of each chapter if it is the first time of it's usage.
Please note: This story deal with drugs, rape, sexual scenes and and extremely coarse language
Purity - 23. Chapter 23
Adam watched from the observation room as a small podling hovered into the hanger bay after the Tomleek had successfully blown off the main doors using its plasma rail. He had had to shield his ears as the terrifying noise and spectacle of storage tubs, ship inventory, and computer equipment was blasted out into space. Not to mention how odd it looked when two one-hundred and fifty-ton doors whizzed off into the abyss like they were made of paper. It seemed like they had either forgotten the bay needed to be depressurised or there was no other option, Adam mused.
As the craft came to a halt, it powered down its engines. Moments later, the rear hatch opened, revealing four waiting Puritans who walked off in heavy spacesuits. One Adam noted was carrying a spare which he presumed was for him.
The Tomleek officers walked into the airlock and closed the door before unlocking the inner entrance greeting Adam. His relief was palpable, the Puritans being the first sign of real-life he had seen since waking from his operation.
"Adam of Earth, what is your condition?" One of the Puritans asked, looking at the blood-stained bandage wrapped around his midsection.
Adam looked down at his covered wound. "There was a pipe in there. I pulled it out. It hurts a little, but I feel, well, sort of okay."
Another officer carrying a small case stopped by Adam and took out a small flexipad. "Your incision is clean, but you require medical attention to close the wound. We will commence this back on the Tomleek. Will you please take this protection suit and conceal yourself in it?"
The man carrying the suit stepped forward and passed it to Adam, who untied his robe and dropped it to the floor. "It's kind of heavy," he remarked before trying to find the zip. It was soon apparent that he needed assistance, so the officer who examined him helped open up the suit for him. In contrast, 2 others started to leave the room.
Adam twisted his neck and followed them with his eyes. "I don't think there is anyone alive. I haven't seen anyone." The 2 men nodded but said nothing.
"They will be collecting the equipment used for your operation Adam," said the Puritan, who up until this point had not spoken.
"My friend, Lord Relshek, when will he be collected?"
"The Commander will be sending a small team of engineers to make sure there is no danger to the ship in the medium term. Only then can we extract our dead."
"What will happen to this ship?"
"It depends on the final damage report, young Adam. After that, she will either be sent back to dock for repairs or scrapped."
Adam looked horrified. "If you scrap this ship, then the Silga have won. My friend died on this ship… so many brave people died on this ship. You need to save it in memory of those people."
"Earthling, we admire your opinion, but the decision will be down to Space Operations, not the men who fought the fight. Now come, we need to get you back to the Tomleek for assessment.
On the Tomleek, Commander Moorabak smiled as Adam made his way onto the hangar bay surface. He followed him with his eyes until he had come through the airlock with the four other crew and stood before him, tightly concealed in his spacesuit.
"Adam, my child, what you did out there on your own is nothing short of amazing!"
"Thank you, Lord Moorabak. All I kept thinking about is getting off that ship, but now…." Adam trailed off.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, I just feel a little sad. Part of me feels like now I have left that ship, Relshek is all alone."
"My son, Lord Relshek is with the Leshta now, he is at peace, and his work here is done."
"The Leshta?"
"The Leshta is thought to be an ancient spirit who sits at the centre of our star and gives heat and light to our people. When our son started to expand through age, many Puritans believed that Leshta was with child through conception and a new dawn would be upon us on Purity."
"So what happened?"
"It depends what you believe, Adam. Through necessity, Puritans have become a heavily scientific race, and the room for such fantastic beliefs has faded over the years."
"But you believe in Leshta?" Adam asked, confused.
"I draw comfort from the legend, Adam. Science tells us that our star is larger now than in the past because it is ageing rapidly due to its mass. However, it is a little more comforting to think that Leshta is holding all those we have lost over the doons in the centre of our star as spirits, right?"
"I guess."
"Anyway, enough of legends, we must fix you and then we will talk in private."
"Yes, Adam, there is much to discuss."
Again, Adam was left confused and just nodded politely while being led out of the Tomleek's port side observation lounge and down a corridor to the medical bay.
On Earth, Brandon walked along a busy street in the middle of a lunchtime rush. Walking as briskly as he could without bumping into anyone, he came to a stop outside a nondescript building and headed for the glass door. Inside contained a dull grey reception area dominated by a double staircase which he proceeded to climb. At the top of a landing were two brown doors. Stopping briefly to scratch his face, he tried to remember which one he needed before sighing and knocking on the left one.
He could hear heavy footsteps from behind the door and then a click before it opened. Inside revealed a frowning woman, around twenty years old, in a loose flowery dress. Her hair was tied tightly back, and she wore sizeable cheap-looking gold hoop earrings.
"Hi Debbie," Brandon said timidly.
"In the flesh!"
Debbie Landers poked her head out and looked both ways before focusing her gaze back on Brandon. "It's been a while," she stated, looking confused as to what he was doing here.
"Eight months, two weeks and an odd number of days. Are you going to invite me in?"
"I keep expecting your lovely parents to pop out from the shadows. What's going on? You're making me nervous just turning up here."
"Actually, I know this is going to sound really bad, but I actually need a favour."
Debbie's face turned to one of scorn. "Hang on; tell me I just heard you right. After what's happened, you want ME to do YOU a favour?"
"I promise it won't be boring." He replied, forming a nervous smile.
"Oh my god, you are actually serious, aren't you," she said before starting to close the door. Brandon stuck his foot in the quickly closing gap.
"Wait… please."
"Get your foot out of my door and fuck off. You have a nerve, d'you know that?"
"Look, how many times do I have to say I'm sorry? You know I had no choice."
"Brandon, I don't even want to talk about it anymore, it's in the past, and I want it and you to stay that way."
"Debbie, I get you're still angry and probably always will be, but-"
"You bet I am!"
"But I need you to hear me out with this."
Debbie opened the door slowly and softened her expression. "Since you are being so persistent, then I guess it won't hurt to listen, but after what's happened, this had better be good!"
"Can we uh… can we not do this in the corridor?"
"You want me to invite you into my apartment as well?"
"Debbie, I appreciate you want me to work hard for your time, and I appreciate how angry you still are, but I don't have anyone else to ask and-"
"Just come in, and if you want a drink, you can make it yourself!"
The woman stepped to the side, and Brandon walked in. She closed the door and followed him through to a lounge Brandon seemed familiar with.
"I see you still have the throw I got you?"
"Quit the small talk and get on with it Bran, I have things to do and 2 clients to meet in a couple of hours."
"Look before I do, I just want to say-"
"I don't want to hear it, Brandon, I've heard it all before, from you, from your parents, and quite frankly, I am bored of it now!"
"Bored maybe but not over it, right?"
"Over it… fucking over it? Of course not. Your fucking parents made me abort my child."
"OUR child!"
"Well, you didn't have much to say about it at the time when I had to sit in that clinic with a fucking vacuum pipe up my vagina, ON MY OWN, I might add."
"Debs, I was scared. That night, I… I was drunk and-"
"Oh, so that's okay then? Silly little Brandon has too much to drink and can't keep his dick locked up, so he gets his friend pregnant and then hides behind mummy and daddy when it turns out that this was a real person you helped create and were too chicken shit to accept the responsibility."
"I've grown up since then!"
"Have you? Those fucking parents of yours still… STILL claimed you were the innocent party even after I told them how irresponsible you had been. Telling me the fucking condom broke when you weren't even wearing one. I mean fucking hell, Brandon!"
"Are you finished?"
"Well, how do you want me to react."
"I lost a child too that day, you know!"
"Oh, this is priceless! Brandon the victim, Brandon, the poor boy. There there, Mummy protect you, Daddy console you. While I was getting that abortion, all I was to you and your parents was a dirty little secret, and you know why? Because I was just the fat girl with no rich family and no future."
"Debbie, please!"
"Five hundred pounds they offered me, do you know that?"
"Your fucking parents, that's who! Five hundred pounds to keep my mouth shut and get rid of my child. Things will be tough for you, they said. You'll get no support from us, they said. Brandon doesn't need this responsibility so young, they said."
"I'm sorry, I didn't know about all this. I thought… I hoped you would be…."
"Over it? Past it? No Brandon, something like this, and the treatment I got from your folks as a bonus, no, that stays with you."
"Can you forgive me?"
Debbie sighed. "You know, I think deep down I did that a long time ago. I knew you were stupid. I know you were young. But, christ, I mean, I was surprised you could even ejaculate, let alone know how to have sex."
"You were my first,"
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?"
"No, I just don't know what to say."
"You know I always wondered if you would ever come and see me again. I always had this plan of what I would say to you. So, yes, I think I have forgiven you, but all that I have said today, you had to hear it because I have suffered Brandon, and you haven't."
"Do you want me to suffer?"
"I did, once."
"And now?"
Debbie shook her head and sighed. "No, of course not! I just wish you had had the balls to stand up to your mother and father and tell them to butt out!"
"I know, I was weak… I was all those things you said I was then and am now, and I'm so sorry for what happened. Not just from me but what my folks did and said."
"Yeah, well, it's done now, and I've tried to move on."
"Did you ever tell anyone?" Brandon asked softly.
"About us?"
"About the abortion."
"Are you kidding? I was too ashamed."
"Jesus, I've been a dick, haven't I!"
"You said it. Anyway, I feel better now I have said my peace. And you're right; it looks like you have grown up a little since we last spoke."
"I have, and I am even allowed out after dark now!" Brandon announced, trying to be comedic, but Debbie was not impressed.
"So, are you just going to stand there looking like a lost sheep, or do you want to make us a cup of tea and tell me why I am giving you the time of day?"
"Oh, sure, I can do that. I think I still remember where everything is."
Adam hopped off the medical bed and inspected the area on his body where he had pulled the tube from. A Puritan medical officer had closed the wound using a laser tool before coating the area in what looked like candle wax.
"Your body and the substance I have applied will help heal you in a few moons, Adam."
"Wow, thanks, and the pain has gone."
"This is not what you wanted?"
"Of course, I was just surprised, that's all."
The Puritan walked over to an intercom and informed Commander Moorabak Adam was ready to leave before directing him out of the medical bay.
"Follow the corridor down to the elevator and select deck five. The Commander will be waiting for you."
"Sure," Adam replied, heading out towards the lift. As he walked, a stretcher came past with an injured officer on it, bringing Adam back to the reality that the war with the Silga had not long been over. He did, however, note that the damage to the Tomleek was much less severe than that of the Selsha.
Adam arrived at the elevator and stepped in, pressing as instructed, deck five. Moments later, he felt it stop, and the doors opened.
"Adam," Commander Moorabak greeted him with a bow. "Will you join me in my quarters?"
"Sure, is everything okay?" He asked the Commander, wondering what was to be discussed.
"Everything is as well as to be expected, Earth child."
"Is Castro okay, my partner?"
"He is well, yes. But, Adam, please do not be concerned. There are just topics I need to talk to you about that are of certain secrecy, and my quarters are the safest place."
"Okay, I'm sorry, I just…."
"You feel apprehensive, I understand. You have been through a huge ordeal Adam, and it will take time for life to settle for you."
They arrived outside the Commander's living quarters, and Moorabak opened the doors. Adam walked in, seeing that there were items and personal effects all over the floor, some smashed.
"Please excuse the untidiness Adam, you understand that the clean-up was not high on my priority list."
"Kinda looks like my room used to when I was a young kid on earth."
"I think I understand… you are saying you were an untidy child on your planet?"
"Something like that."
Moorebank went over to a table and collected some parcels before bringing them back over to Adam. "It is not much and maybe not to your liking, but I have prepared some simple Puritan food for you to eat. I thought you may be hungry as I am informed Homo sapiens eat regularly."
Adam smiled at the Commander's thoughtfulness. "I am a little, but I can eat later. Thank you though, it was kind of you and your crew to think of me."
The Commander bowed. "Would you like to take a seat?"
Moorebank sat down in a comfortable seat opposite Adam and then shocked him by removing his mask. "There, a little less formal, wouldn't you agree?"
"You're different," Adam remarked, shaking his head and smiling.
"In what sense?"
"I dunno, I can't put my finger on it; you just seem less… uptight?"
"Am to assume you are talking about the ways of our people?"
"Yeah, I guess."
Moorebank chucked. "My fathers were philosophers. They took great interest in the ways of other cultures throughout the galaxy. When they were around, Purity was in the first stages of space travel, and we were being visited by other races and planets. It was a wonderful time, I heard. One of the things that were passed onto me was the act of trying to take the strengths of all races we meet and try to be the best individual you can be. Some years ago, one of our science ships visited Earth. Although they did not land on the planet, we monitored your species, and I took a keen interest in your kind. I like to think I have adapted to many cultures that I perceive to have good ideas about acting and presenting themselves. Purity is very disciplined, and it's hard for our people to have fun like I have seen some other species have."
"Wow, you sound like you have had quite the life."
"I have young Adam, but the most surprising thing you people on Earth might be wrong on is how similar we all are in the universe. Granted, some will look different, talk different and perhaps act differently, but we all have to eat, build homes, work, travel, communicate. So this notion that finding life will automatically mean it will be on the other end of the spectrum to your own species is, in fact, false. As I said… that is what surprises me each time we meet a new species."
"I could listen to you for questions and questions!"
Moorebank smiled warmly. "So, how do you feel?"
"Pretty good, considering."
The Commander adjusted his body into a more relaxed pose and took a deep breath. "Now, about what I wanted to discuss with you."
"Adam, there are things I am going to reveal to you that must not be shared with anyone else, and for the time being, that even means your life partner Castro. Do we understand each other so far?"
Adam nodded. "Yeah, sure, but-"
"There are also things I am going to reveal to you which you may find shocking at the least and unbelievable in the extreme. However, as I sit here in front of you now, I want you to know that as a true Puritan, I speak only the truth."
"Okay, now I'm getting worried."
"This is an acceptable response, and there are some things that will leave you worried still after since I will not be able to justify why you shouldn't be."
"Okay, hit me with it,"
"Oh Adam, there is more than just an IT."
Adam bit his bottom lip and frowned as he looked at the Commander. He was trying to gauge the expression on his face. It looked somewhat a mixture of fear and apprehension but with almost a hint of subtle joy.
"Adam, part of my role as a flagship Commander, is to help space operations recruit. So I get to travel all over our world, and I see and hear many things."
"Right, okay."
"Adam, Purity wants change. Unfortunately, many people see Grand Master Telstrek as past his time. However, due to the laws and culture of our planet, few dare to speak out as the punishment for decent against the High Council is termination. What my travels have recently revealed is that quietly the movement for change is gathering pace."
"Are you going to tell me there will be an internal war?"
Moorebank chuckled. "Oh no, Adam, our planet is much too disciplined to fight amongst itself."
"So what then?"
Moorebank sighed. "Remember when you came onto my ship, and I told you about Leshta, the spirit at the centre of our star?"
"Well, what you have not seen since you came is here in the rural south of the planet. Much like your planet, we have different areas of subspecies. Over time these subspecies have moved around the planet and mixed. Hence the masks we have to wear because of the hormonal drive that leads us to want to procreate regardless of species. Anyway, I am drifting. I am trying to say that the south of the planet is inhabited by… shall we say more simple Puritans who lead a simpler life. Much like your continent of Africa, if I am correct?"
"Yeah, I get you."
"Right, well the Southern people, because of their customs and ways, still very much believe in Leshta, much like Africa on Earth is still very much religious, more so than perhaps a more established areas would be... Especially those areas deemed advanced in science."
"The fact is, Adam, because of what you have done for the planet, and the very nature of the story explaining how and why you got here, these southern Puritans see you as a higher being."
"A higher being… you mean like a God?"
"A God? I do not understand this term."
"A God on earth is our version of a higher being depending on what you believe."
"I see, okay then, so yes, they see you as a God if you wish to use an earth term."
"Well, that's pretty cool," Adam said, looking immediately proud of himself.
"Another fact is that the southern population make up sixty-seven per cent of the planet's population which can have significant implications when the planet goes to a world vote."
"A world vote?"
"Yes, Adam, Puritans are required to engage in a world vote when a new Grand Master is chosen. It is the only time when the planet's people have power over the destiny of their lives, so everyone is encouraged to take part."
"But how does a whole planet choose a single person to lead?"
"There will be more than one candidate, Adam, and we have what are called Kanatoths. These Puritans go around trying to convince large swaths of Puritans in their area to vote for their candidate by giving them an explanation as to why they should be voted for. Then, soon after, there is a huge feast and on the first moon after the world vote begins."
Adam sat there looking bewildered. "Sorry, but Lord Moorabak, why are you telling me all this?"
"Because Adam, I believe with almost certainty that Southern Purity is going to vote you in as their Grand Master candidate." The Commander announced straight to the point he'd been obviously building to.
Adam almost choked his tongue loose. "ME?!"
"They see you as our savour Adam, our God as you described it."
"Well, get people… these Kanatoths, to tell them I'm not a God, tell them I'm just a boy from Earth that did a good deed and in exchange got well again for the trouble… I can't be fucking voted in that's…."
"I did warn you."
"Well, I can turn it down; that will prove I am not a God."
Commander Moorabak reeled back, his posture suggesting he was shocked. "The Puritan scrolls of the Elders state that a chosen one has never refused the position, Adam. It is just not part of the Puritan way. Another urgent thing I need to reveal is that if the people win the courage to move against Grand Master Telstrek, then you could find yourself taking his place one moon after his removal."
Adam got up and paced the room, now sweating. "I'm sorry; I can't take this all in. I mean, I'm from Earth, I'm not even one of your kind…I'm not a Puritan, that must count against me, and I'm hoping it bloody does!"
"There is nothing in the scrolls as far as I am aware that says an outside race cannot lead Purity. After all, it is the will of the people, and Adam, the whole of Purity, love you. They talk about you. They wish to know more about who you are… aren't you just the least bit excited by this?"
"No, right now, I want to soil myself. And please don't tell me YOU are excited by this?"
"I am worried for you, Adam, as I know the weight on you will be great, however, you are a strong, kind and intelligent soul, and I think you may be just the radical change this planet needs."
"Lord Moorabak, I am sixteen years old… on my planet; people don't lead other people until they are in their fifties."
"This is old age on earth, yes?"
"Well, not old but not that young either… look, the point is I know nothing about running my apartment down on the planet, let alone the whole of Purity!"
"Adam, if you do get chosen, you will have the high Council to advise you; that is their job. Even the Grand Master currently in power is not expected to know everything."
"Yes, but I fucking bet he knows more than me… my God, I think I am going to freak out!"
"Would you like a sedative, Adam?"
"It might be an idea!"
"Adam listen, Purity needs a good story right now. A story of hope after the declining years of our planet. We are militarily weak, a fact our enemies are aware of. We have a disease that is currently turning Puritans off procreation. We have ancient laws that conflict with our need to push further with our science. We need to build more, invest in more, be proud again, be strong again. But, most of all have a purpose again, and we need a young, optimistic, caring, strong and forward-thinking person like you to take us there. Puritan or not!"
Adam got up and paced a little, his mind fizzing. "If I was in power, the first thing I would do is get rid of those damn masks," he said, half-jokingly, to make himself feel somewhat calmer for a moment.
"Then make that happen; you'll have that power, the power to decide research."
"Why don't you lead? You seem to know what the planet wants."
"Because apart from Commanding a Ship, Adam, I am an unknown on a planetary level. But you Adam, everyone knows you, and to become a Grand Master, people need to know you or your voice just gets buried in amongst all the others."
"So much to think about," Adam mumbled.
Commander Moorabak smiled. "Ahh, we are moving off now, back to dock, look."
Adam stopped pacing and looked out of a small porthole in the Commander's quarters, keeping his eye on the totalled Selsha close by.
"How will they move that big ship?" Adam asked, pointing to his last location.
"She will probably be towed back."
"I hate the Silga. I hate them with all my heart." Adam hissed, his face contorted.
Moorabak dove to his feet and grabbed hold of Adam passionately. "Then DO something about it!"
He let go and turned away. "Adam, there is more to discuss. Please, come and sit down."
"You drop all this on me, and still there's more?"
"I will admit, I was rather hoping this next part would fall to Relshek, but I gave him my word that if anything happened to him, I would be honest with you."
Adam looked confused and frightened once more, wondering what had been discussed between the two of them. "You know, the more I think about it, the more I can't help feeling he knew he was going to die somehow."
"You might say, Adam, that Lord Relshek faced an impossible satisfactory outcome. He had to make a choice… keep you down on the planet where you would have likely been apprehended and handed over to the Silga, or bring you up to one of the strongest ships we had and face the Silga head-on. I think if you look at the choice he made, it was the right one. More importantly, Relshek always told me that if ever the day came he died in space he wanted to die doing something worthwhile. The operation performed on you to help save the planet he loved from a horrible affliction would have been a worthy candidate for something Lord Relshek thought was worthwhile."
"That's true; I'm only hoping it worked. I still don't know as all the guys I remember being with Christian… err, Relshek, are dead."
"I will receive a report soon, I am sure."
"So tell me what Relshek wanted me to know."
"Yes, it appears we have digressed a little. Lord Relshek told me that he took you down to the birthing chambers to find a mate."
"That's right, that's where I got Castro."
"Yes, Castro, and what a charming Puritan he is."
"So what about the birthing chambers."
"You will remember he was quite eager for you to go, he told me."
"That's right, he did get pretty insistent."
"The reason for that, Adam, is because there was always one pre-designed Puritan he had in mind for you. This was because, firstly, the individual he wanted you to create was soon due to be terminated due to his age. After all, he had not been claimed."
Moorabak finished his sentence and became quiet, almost nervous instance.
"You look uncomfortable. What was the other reason?"
"And secondly, because Castro is Lord Relshek's child."
Adam's body went numb, the room lost almost all of its sound, and the background seemed to fall away from him as he repeated Moorabak's admission over and over at speed in his mind.
"Relshek has a pre-designed child locked away in a birthing chamber?"
"Yes, Adam, and he knew with his career he would never be able to devote the time to bringing him up or being with him as much as…."
"As much as I would," Adam finished dreamily, looking off into space thinking. "That's why he got Castro off the ship!"
"I'm sorry, Adam?"
"It all makes sense now."
"What does?" Moorabak asked, frowning.
"When I woke up from my operation, I asked Optimus if Castro was on the ship, and I was told no. I was angry... angry because I thought he had left me, but it's clear, isn't it? Relshek must have forced him to get off the ship because he didn't want to lose his own son should the Silga destroy the Selsha."
"I think something like that would make more sense than your life partner abandoning you."
"Of course, and all this time, I have been thinking bad thoughts about Castro, and maybe it wasn't his choice. Anyway, that's beside the point. I still can't believe Castro is Relshek's son! Who is his other father?"
"That was never revealed to me."
"Oh shit! And does Castro know?"
"No, he does not."
"I'm not sure whether to be relieved or angry. So Lord Relshek had a mate?"
"Yes, they had a relationship a long time ago. The Unknown left on a long space mission soon after their Sperm had been infused, promising that they would both raise the child together when he returned, but once he returned, he was asked to go on another three doon mission. Unfortunately, Lord Relshek was busy with his own career, and so they left the child pre-designed until the day you chose to create him."
"And did Lord Relshek ever see this Puritan again?"
"Again, he did not reveal this information to me." But as you can imagine, with the link you now know Castro shares with Lord Relshek, you could probably understand the reason Castro was not on the ship when you awoke. I, however, was not aware that he had been sent down."
Adam cupped his forehead with his hand and shook his head. "I just can't take all this in. I mean, it's still hard to accept that I am light-years away from Earth, but then to have to digest the fact I might be seen as the next Grand Master and then that Relshek was the father of my boyfriend, I mean, who writes this stuff?"
"I don't understand that question, Adam."
"It doesn't matter, so what happens now?"
"The Tomleek will dock for repairs, and the ship will be evacuated. I will arrange for you to stay aboard the Conasta. It is a Science ship due back to the Puritas system in a few days. You will be safe there with Commander Zeka. I understand you know each other?"
"Zeka, hmm… yes, he was the Commander who brought me to Purity. I remember him."
"He is not yet aware of the situation regarding yourself and the Silga. However, we are due to meet for a briefing on his return. I am sure he will take you in until the political situation is a little clearer on the homeworld."
"What will happen if Master Telstrek stays in power?"
"It is unlikely that will happen, Adam. After the near defeat against the Silga, The Grand Master's position will be untenable. However, should in the unlikely event that this not be the case, you will still be able to return to the planet as Telstrek does not have an enemy to now hand you over to, does he."
"Jeez, what a mess. Won't I be in trouble, though? You know, for going missing?"
"As I said, Adam, people love you. If the Grand Master makes a move against you to enact punishment, it would be a hugely unpopular decision and the Grand Master's advisors would have made him very aware of that fact."
"Well, I guess I am damned if he does go and damned if he doesn't really, looking at the alternative."
"Get some rest Adam, I will let you know when we have docked. You may stay here if you wish?"
"Thank you, I do still feel fragile."
"Try not to think too deeply and stress your body. You have the support and love of millions. What more could a boy from Earth, as you put it, ask for?"
Commander Moorabak got up from his seat and requested the lights be dimmed. Optimus carried out the request, and Adam lay down, tucking his hands under his face. As much as his mind raced, exhaustion soon took over, and minutes later, he was asleep.
The atmosphere inside Debbie Lander's apartment had somewhat thawed as Brandon came out of the small kitchen and handed her a cup of tea.
"So tell me, what's my compensation for letting you screw up my day?"
Brandon sat down, placing his cup on a small coffee table to the side. He looked up at her. "I met this boy… around sixteen, and-"
"A little young for you Brandon, I didn't know you were a cradle snatcher?"
"Be serious, Debbie!"
"Hey, I call the shots in my own place. So you get that demand for free!"
"So yeah, I met this kid in Heidgate, and-"
"Heidgate? Who the hell lives in Heidgate for a choice?"
"Debbie, if you keep talking, you will never find out!"
She waved a hand at him before taking a sip of tea. "Go on, get on with it."
"Okay, so here it is in a nutshell. Adam is missing, has been for months, apparently. This kid… Sage, his name is, well they're friends, and this Sage is trying to find Adam too, as well as me."
"Adam's missing, right… carry on."
"Yeah, so this homeless kid from Heidgate has these memory issues, and I think he HAS issues in general."
Debbie sighed. "Well, Brandon, if you were looking for the top prize on how to confuse a girl, then you just won it hands down."
Brandon puffed air through his lips. "Look, there has been so much going on I just can't think straight."
"Well, you could start by telling me what your fucked up story has to do with me."
"He's got this eye thing going on; it's purple. At the University where my friend Sam goes, we have found this… this artefact thing, which will mean nothing to you but two of the professors at the Uni think it came from out of outer space, and this kid Sage right?"
"Well, he seems to know what it is but doesn't know why. THEN there were two occasions when he saw a vision in his head, an image, or… ahh I dunno, some shit like that. Then there was old man Fred who-"
"Wait, back up, who is 'Old Man Fred'?"
"Just some old geezer who lives in Heidgate. He thinks that Adam has been taken by these Aliens, and he was the one with the artefact until I stole it."
"You know what, Brandon, you keep some fucked up company, you know that? So I guess next you're gonna tell me Sam is from Mars on a visit."
"Look, Debs, I know this all sounds-"
"Don't make fun; I really need your help!" Brandon hissed.
"You haven't told me HOW so far. All I have heard is aliens aliens aliens, and not a lot else. So just get to the point!"
"Okay, okay! I want you to hypnotise this kid because me and Sam… or rather just me, think he might have some locked up memories that might be a HUGE piece of a puzzle I am trying to solve."
"Which is?"
"Which IS where my brother has gone!"
Debbie seemed to take on an unimpressed expression before folding her arms. "Brandon is this some kind of fucking joke because if it is, I'm not buying it!"
"Joke? No, of course not. Look, I need your help. Will you do it?"
"Brandon, it's not as simple as that, you can't just hypnotise someone, and they start spilling stuff. PLUS, there is only a twenty per cent chance people can reveal suppressed memories. But, I get the impression you seem to think it's easy."
"Debbie, I'll be honest, I don't know jack about how you do what you do, but I read it can be done, now will you do it?"
"Sure, I'll do it."
"At the going rate!"
Brandon dropped his head and spoke softly. "Which is?"
"Ninety pounds an hour."
"You fucking robbing bast-"
"What, you expected it for free, you snake! I should be charging you triple, either that or telling you to do one!"
"FINE! Ninety pounds!"
"Pleasure doing business; just tell me when and where."
"Well, uh, you see, I need to speak to him first."
"You mean he doesn't know?"
"Well, I wouldn't say he doesn't know, I just mean…."
"He doesn't know. Brandon, you will never change, do first, think later in all aspects of your life. That's you all over!"
"I'll get back to you, okay?"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The High Council Chamber on Purity,
Two Days Later
With news that Grand Master Telstrek had been… absent for the last couple of moons, Commander Moorabak, along with Lord Kelshen, decided it was safe for Adam to return to the planet. Adam had been informed that a ceremony would be taking place in the main hall and had been given clearance to attend. Unfortunately, since Adam had been stuck on a ship for two days, Castro had been sent off to Life School once more and had not seen his lover since before his operation, something he found strange. But they had spoken via intercom, and both had promised to talk in-depth when he returned later that day.
Adam ran into the hall and wrestled his way to the front just as a high ranking council officer walked on to the main circular plinth where Telstrek's chair sat empty.
"My Lords, Governors of Glorious and Palestina, Noblemen… please be seated."
There was a rumble of noise as shifting Puritans took their seats in the large hall and silently waited. Then, finally, the Councilman stood until the room was once again silent and began to speak again.
"We come here today to remember our fallen comrades. To stand here and remember the sacrifices they made in the protection of our humble planet. On Purity, as it's always been, we strive for peace but stand ready to defend ourselves in the face of our enemies. The council business today will discuss various matters as usual. Still, we must remember those who cannot be here today so that we can be. I would like to pay special homage to two outstanding servants of our world, and they are Lord Relshek of Purity and Lord Commander Skada of Palestina. Although their passing should not be deemed more important than the rest of our brave people who took the fight against the evil Silga just recently and lost their lives. However, the two individuals I mention are known all around the planet."
"What about my son!" A Puritan shouted from the crowd.
"And my brother," another yell came.
"My Lords, please, let us show some respect at this time of grief," Lord Kelshen cried, raising his hand up. The Councilman nodded as if to thank Kelshen and carried on.
"I mention Lord Relshek in one respect because he was the one who found our saviour and the boy you see in this hall today. As we speak, we are just a moon or so away from being able to cure the suffering of the terrible affliction that has plagued our planet. A cure that will bring those Puritans back to our communities and into the bright sunshine once more. For this, our child, Lord Relshek, we honour your name. And second, to Lord Commander Skada, who stayed on his bridge till the very end, along with his crew, to protect the young earthling from imminent destruction… Yes, we all know… the Council knows, but it doesn't matter, Adam of Earth is safe, and his mission has been a success."
Adam looked nervous as he stood there listening. He eyed Lord Kelshen in the distance, wondering how the High Council had found out he had been on Skada's ship. The consequences of this had yet to be said in public, and Adam wondered if that was supposed to be the case.
"As we lay our dead to rest, we thank each and every one of them, and I announce three moons of mourning for our fallen."
Puritans banged their boots on the floor as was the custom when something was said they agreed with. Adam stood still, not really knowing what was happening.
"My Lords, please come to order," the Councilman shouted, banging his staff three times on the marble floor. The room quickly went silent. "Other business of priority can now be discussed, and I pass the first item on the agenda to head of Space Operations, Deputy Lord Commander Tristometh."
A confident-looking Puritan in full dress uniform walked briskly to the centre plinth and bowed to the crowd. "My Lords, after a full debrief, I am now at liberty to publish my report of the Silga battle to you all in this room. As is the Puritan way, the information can be made public to your constituents once this meeting is over. I begin with the losses. At relatively short notice, we were able to recall fifteen operational ships and press into service six obsolete vessels for the battle. Entire ship crew, including officers and crewmen, stood at two thousand four hundred and seventy-nine. It is with regret that one thousand three hundred and twenty-seven lost their lives. Of the ship numbers, I can report that all six Obsolete ships were lost, in addition to seven operational vessels. Damaged beyond repair was the Hydra, the Kushu, the Semeton and, bitterly, one of our two flagships, the Selsha. These will be scrapped at the Planitia Fleetyards on Palestina."
"NOOO!" Adam screamed, running out to the centre of the hall. You must fix the Selsha, you must!" he cried as tears streamed down his face. "Send her to dock. Commit yourselves to repair her."
Commander Tristometh looked at the boy with contempt. "Earth boy, it is not appropriate to interrupt a council meeting with protests. It is un-Puritan!"
"And you, Sir, are a dishonourable Puritan," Adam shot back, full of emotion, pointing his finger sharply at the officer. The crowd stayed silent, stunned. They had never witnessed an ordinary person of no rank question a member of the High Council before."
"WHAT! This is preposterous. Remove this boy at once," Tristometh demanded.
Nobody did anything. Instead, there began a gentle, quiet chant from a few Puritans in the crowd, which slowly got louder as more joined in.
"Earth boy, Earth Boy Earth Boy," came the calls. Louder and louder. Feet started to bang on the floor as Commander Tristometh darted his eyes around the room before looking back at the High Councilman as if asking him to intervene.
Intervene he did not. Instead, he stepped forward amid the now deafening noise and ushered the Space Operations commander off the stage and then raised his hand. The room came back to order.
"I was going to leave the next item I will announce until last, but it seems only natural now to bring it forward. In light of recent events, I am hereby informing the council members that Grand Master Telstrek has been removed from power on a vote of Nineteen to Four. There will now be preparations for a World Vote! Other business will be postponed for two moons. Please inform your constituents and make ready for your candidates. Lords dismissed!"
Then, with three bangs of the Councilman's staff, the crowd cheered and filed out in jubilation. Adam, frozen to the spot, suddenly aware of what this could mean, caught a glimpse of Commander Moorabak looking at him. Then without saying a word, he nodded to the Earth boy before walking out of the chamber, leaving Adam alone in the great hall.
Adam got back to his apartment and slumped into one of his chairs, exhausted, both mentally and physically. It had been a surreal couple of days, and it was really the first time in a while he felt that life had briefly returned to something of normality, whatever that was on Purity.
As his eyes grew heavy, he had flashbacks of the images on the Selsha that would make him crease his forehead. The bloodied bodies and mangled limbs filtered through in super high definition before fading and making way for what had happened in the great council hall.
Just as he finally began to drift off, he heard the hatch open on his front door and sprang up.
"BABY!" He cried, running towards Castro. Castro dropped his small white case on the floor and buried his tongue into Adam's mouth passionately. "I'm… so… glad… to… see you!" Adam said, breaking the kiss in stages to talk.
"I have missed you Adam, welcome home!"
"Oh my god, it's been so long, how are you, are you okay, do you need anything, how was life school? I'm sorry I wasn't here."
Castro chuckled and led Adam over to a seat and sat down. "Life school was very good, I did feel apprehensive going, but I was informed by Lord Kelshen that there was little point in me staying until you could get back down to the planet."
"Yeah, it's been a rough couple of days, but I'm here now." Castro took off his mask and revealed a face of sorrow. "Hey, baby, what's wrong?"
"I was informed about Lord Relshek. I am sad for both him and you, Adam."
"Yeah, he got a raw deal, but you know what?"
"He got done what he needed to, and I know he would be made up that he did. It worked Castro, the operation was a success, Christian got what he needed, and now they have it in some lab."
"I'm so pleased, Adam."
"Yeah, you sound it," Adam replied, smirking at Castro's conservative response.
"Yes, babe?"
"Can I ask you something?"
"People are talking. They are saying that there will be a world vote, and you may be Grand Master."
"Is it true?"
Adam sighed and fell backwards onto the headrest of the chair. "I don't know what's going on right now, Castro. I mean, yeah, I have been told by a Commander that could be the case, but as far as I understand it, there will be other candidates, so it might not happen."
"I have learned that the role of Grand Master is the most important on the planet, Adam."
"It is yes."
"Are you ready for that if you are chosen?"
"No, the whole thing scares me so much I want to vomit."
"What will you do with me if you are proclaimed Grand Master?"
"Do with… Baby, what do you mean?" Adam asked, wearing a concerned expression.
"Will we still be together?"
"What are you talk… of course we will. You are my life partner; where I go, you go."
"I'm glad, Adam. I am very fond of you, and I want to stay with you until my life ends."
Adam got up and knelt down in front of his lover, looking at him in his beautiful big brown eyes. "You got it!"
"I'm glad. Oh, while I was at life school, I have been able to learn a few of your earth words, though I must admit some of them are confusing."
"They teaching you about little old Earth in that place?"
"Oh no, this is something I did in my spare time. But apparently, now we have visited your world a few times, I understand that we now have more data picked up partly by old-style radio waves. This has now been made available on the Multicoms."
"So, what have you learned?"
Castro got to the edge of his seat and twisted to face Adam, looking a little pleased with himself. "Okay, so I learned that cool means good?"
Adam cracked up. "It sure does."
"But the word cool means no heat, right?"
"Yes, that is its real meaning."
"This is why I am confused."
"Yeah, we saw some pretty strange stuff. So was that it?"
"No, I have also been intrigued why you call me baby, and I now understand this is an affectionate term given to someone you feel deeply for, yes?"
"That's right. Well done."
"I also heard this on one section. So yeah, like you wanna get me some fried chicken, you dig?"
Adam dove up and pissed himself laughing. "Wow, that was great; you even got the accent right!"
"Accent. Like dialect Castro, In my world, there are many different languages, and each language will have its own dialect depending on where you are living."
"Hmm, Strange, people on Purity all sound the same."
"Well, I think that is because you are all conceived the same way here."
"Perhaps. Anyway, let us talk about you."
"Yes, like what you intend to do if you get selected as Grand Master."
"I was trying not to think about it."
"I am here, Adam. Although I cannot offer you much in the way of support, I am here to help if I can."
"Baby, just you being by my side is all I need. I just wish you didn't have to go to life school."
"It is mandatory, Adam."
"Yeah, don't remind me."
"So, will you please excuse me while I get dressed into my apartment garments?" Castro got up and began walking towards the bedroom quarters when Adam reached out and grabbed his arm.
"Hey? Every time you come back from that place, you seem a little more submissive. I don't want you to be like that and starts with getting one thing straight."
"You never have to ask permission for anything, do you understand?"
"Have I offended you?" Castro asked, blinking his big brown eyes, almost making Adam melt into the floor.
"No, of course not, just try to be a little more, uh… well relaxed. You and I are equal. Sometimes you make me feel like I own you."
"In some ways, you do, Adam. After all, you created me."
Adam's face grew dark. "I never wanna hear you describe our relationship like that again."
"But it is a fact, Adam, and I am not ashamed of that fact."
"Yes, but it doesn't sound right."
"Very well, I will not speak of it again."
"See, there you go again, don't back down so easily. If you believe in something, argue with me."
"Yeah, fight back."
"You want me to hit you?"
"I mean verbally fight back, not physically."
"Look, I'll show you." Adam walked over to the small table, picked up a flexipad, then returned again and stood in front of Castro. "This FlexiPad is black."
"But it is white."
"Not BUT, Castro. Is it white or not?"
"Yes, it is white."
"No, it's not; it is black," Adam retorted, making out he was being arrogant to judge Castro's handling of the statement.
"Adam, I assure you the FlexiPad is white."
"It's black. Do you believe it's white?"
"It is white, Adam."
"Then argue it is."
"I am!" Castro replied, a hint of frustration.
"Good," Adam remarked. "But it's black in my eyes."
"The Pad is white Adam, okay?"
"Excellent, but I still think it's black."
"The fucking Pad is white; now be quiet!" Castro snapped.
"Success! Hey, wait a minute, what did you say?"
"I said the pad is white and be quiet."
"You said fucking, that's not a Puritan word."
"It's an earth word, I am well aware. But I thought I would use it so you would understand that I meant what I was saying. I heard this was a forceful word to drive home a point?"
"Meh, the main thing is, you argued for what you believed in. The trouble with you Puritans, unless you hold a position on the high council, no one thinks for themselves. You are what we call sheep on my planet."
"It is our way, Adam. It has been for thousands of doons. But I do strive to be more… how would you say it? On your level?"
"And I yours in some ways. Anyway, thanks, baby, you took my mind off the last couple of days, and it's helped me to clear my mind a little."
"I am pleased I was able to help."
Adam, positioned on all fours being pumped from behind by Castro, could see the intercom flashing on the wall as he moaned in pleasure from his lover's act of penetration. Noticing Castro had begun to build considerable speed, he was inclined to ignore it, giving Castro the time to enjoy his orgasm when he finally came. It was also apparent that he was lasting longer, evidenced by the fact that it was Adam this time that had to keep his hand away from his dick, feeling he would climax at any moment from the waves of pleasure he was experiencing each time Castro impaled him.
Castro's hands gripped Adam's hips tighter and tighter, to the point where he was making indentations with his nails, and then finally it happened. Castro seemed to stop before drawing back his cock like a snooker cue about to break and ploughed into Adam's bowels with a sharp thrust as he cried out in ecstasy. Adam could feel the unloading of Castro's semen inside him which was enough on its own to complete his own task of coming. 5 or 6 hot jets of seed shot out with such force it left Adam trembling from both his hands and knees, and Castro continued to push with all his might inside his lover's ass.
As per the norm for Puritans, Castro's orgasm was a drawn-out spectacle, and Adam had to rest his hands, choosing to rest his forehead on the bed while Castro continued to unload himself. Then, finally, he felt the pressure release on his hips, and Castro relaxed a little. Adam turned round to see he had tears in his eyes; such was the ferocity of his climax.
"That… That was intense," Adam announced as Castro slowly pulled out of his red raw opening. Moments later, he jumped off the bed and ran to the toilet just in time for the floodgate to open on his wrecked sphincter.
"Would you mind seeing who is on the intercom Cas?" Adam called as Castro's seed oozed from his colon.
"It is Lord Kelshen. He has been waiting outside."
"Shit!" Adam mumbled. "Better let him in."
Adam got off the toilet and wiped himself with a pair of old boxer briefs before throwing on a white robe and appearing in the main apartment. Lord Kelshen came in, looking flustered and walking as fast as his frail elderly body would carry him.
"Master Adam!"
"Kelshen, what's wrong?"
"Nothing is wrong, my child. I have spectacular news." He announced, trying to catch his breath.
"What, tell us."
"We have just tested the first six Puritans with the Solitaryarolous disease, and I am thrilled to say that the incubated gene solution has worked. We were right; Lord Relshek and I were right!"
"Oh… my…GOD! So a cure?"
"It seems so, my son, it seems so."
"So what happened?" Adam asked, almost bouncing around his apartment.
"We took three different subspecies and placed them in a room. As you know, those with Solitaryarolous show no signs of sexual desire even without wearing any inhibitor masks. We then injected them without replacing their masks. Two of the subspecies reacted almost immediately, while the other one took slightly longer. Using a serum, we could permanently alter the gene structure using the cell make-up of what you provided, thus bringing the make-up of the infected Puritans into normal parameters. We noted that uncontrollable sexual desire took over in two subspecies in just under seven heshtons, while the other occurred in eleven. We then replaced the masks which returned their state of emotions back to a normal functioning state and then removed them again after sixty heshtons."
"And what happened?" Adam asked excitedly.
"There was an immediate attraction and hardly any time delay between removing the mask and uncontrollable sexual desire."
"You've cracked it; the cure works?"
"I am almost certain. We will remove the mask just after the next sunrise to see if the effects are permanent. Still, our tests show cells are stable and show no sign of mutating into the variety that causes the affliction.
"Wow, well, it all sounds really complicated, but I think I get the key information. Oh Lord Kelshen, I am SOOO HAPPY!"
"I, too, my son, I can now die peacefully knowing my work is complete."
A tear began to run down Adam's cheek, an emotion that Castro clocked as he stepped forward and hugged his boyfriend. "It's also so sad Relshek could not be here to see the final stage. He would have been so excited." Adam said, his voice croaking with emotion.
"He would. He was a brilliant scientist and one I will miss deeply until I pass over myself soon."
"So… so what happens now?"
"Now, we will replicate what he has so it can be distributed out across the isolation farms, which is where most of the inflicted are now kept. They will then be able to return to their families and lead normal lives."
"That's great!" Castro said, getting a look from Adam at his rather unusual burst of emotion.
"I will leave now. I still have much to do until my body gives up. Thank you, Adam, from me, from the people and from the sufferers. This is a moment in history for our people!"
"Glad I could help," Adam replied modestly.
It would take a few days to really sink in as to what Adam had done. Something that would keep him smiling for a long time.
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