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    Laura S. Fox
  • Author
  • 3,045 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Liar vs. Liar - 21. Caught in the Act

Chapter Twenty-One – Caught in the Act

Jamie couldn’t recall the last guy he had been with so reluctant about being on the receiving end of a blowjob. “Is my technique bothering you or something?” he asked, as he slowly stroked Cottontail’s cock.

Even behind the mask, he could see what looked like a strained expression. “It’s not that. If you touch me too much, I’ll come. That’s the problem.”

“Ah, I see. Then let’s get the pressure off first. Can I finger your butt?”


“Come on, you heard me. Are you going to let me play with your ass?”

“Go ahead. That’ll surely speed things up.”

“I’m counting on it, because I want you to be able to enjoy my superior blowjob technique.”

A grunt followed, signaling him that he could continue. Jamie maneuvered Cottontail so he could easily sneak one hand between the guy’s butt cheeks. He used plenty of lube and began poking gently at the backdoor that seemed to squeeze his just one finger way too hard.

“I’m definitely glad that we chose to go for blowjobs this time around. It looks to me like you’re able to break bones with this.”

“Boners, not bones,” came the breathless retort.

“I’m glad that you still have it in you to joke while I’m working hard here.”

Cottontail laughed, surprising Jamie. Although his guest seemed perfectly ready to smile, that was a sound he hadn’t heard often coming from him.

“Why did you stop?” the bunny boy asked, seemingly disappointed that he was no longer at the receiving end of that poking torment.

“I realized that I’ve never heard you laughing like this.”

“Like this, how?”

“I dunno. Carefree, I’d call it. Now, lie on your back and let me work you. Remember that I had no trouble not long ago doing the same for you. My one and only ground rule is this: you do me, I do you. Sounds good?”

“Perfect,” Cottontail replied.

The asshole he was trying to penetrate slowly gave in, and Jamie let out a sound of satisfaction as he managed to put two fingers inside the tight heat. He was doing it at a leisurely pace, while taking his time to observe his partner’s every reaction, no matter how small. It looked like he was doing the right things because Cottontail threw one arm over his eyes and began moaning softly.

That was his cue that he could continue. He had done this many times before, but somehow, right at this moment, it felt as if what he was doing surpassed in importance every other occasion, and even all of them combined.

He was starting to have weird thoughts. Was he getting old or what? He wasn’t even twenty-six. Surely, it was time for him to move on and get a proper life, according to some, but he still wanted to make the life he wanted, free of the usual crap that made grownups feel so miserable all the time.

Cottontail’s dick would surely make him think of something pleasant. He eagerly took it in his mouth, enjoying how easy it was to gulp it all down.

“Is my dick too small for you?” the bunny boy whined in a muffled voice.

“I’m just practiced,” Jamie said. “I told you before. You have nothing to complain about. Just let me work my magic on you.”

“Magic,” Cottontail repeated, immediately letting out a moan as Jamie increased the pressure. “It’s going to be fast, Jamie, please!”

Since his partner was already so pent-up, that came as no surprise. Jamie released him to let him spurt all that energy he must have stored in his balls for a while everywhere, enjoying the view.

“I should call you the Jumping Fountain,” he teased, as the Cottontail’s release ebbed and died down.

“Not fair,” his bunny boy complained, breathing heavily. “You do it even harder.”

“It could be our inside joke,” Jamie promised. “Are you ready for the real deal now?”

“What? Again? But I don’t think I can… Wow, it looks like… I can…”

Jamie knew that a person’s rebound time couldn’t be so short even for a beginner like Cottontail, but he wanted to prove himself. He played slowly with his partner’s cock, teasing it with kisses and tiny licks.

“How did I get so lucky?”

“What?” he asked, lifting his head.

“You heard me. I’m lucky if you’re giving me this sort of royal treatment.”

“Where do you get these ideas? Wait, have you been talking to other guys I’ve been hooking up with?”

“No.” The answer came a bit too quickly.

Jamie grinned. Was it possible to tease the truth out of a sex partner by keeping him on the edge? “You know, with your penchant for dressing up, I have a feeling that you’re a pretty good actor.”

“And?” Cottontail squirmed as Jamie played around the head of his cock with his tongue, but without taking it in his mouth completely. The teasing worked.

“So, how can I be sure you’re not Xpress in disguise bent on ruining my reputation or something?” Jamie continued his not-so-subtle interrogation.

“Xpress can’t do that. You own up to your reputation, Jamie.”

That was true. It was nice of his bunny boy to have noticed that, too. Jamie had no reason to complain so far. However, since they had broached the topic of the campus’s famous gossip rag, and the night was young, he could try his hand at this interrogation thing.

“You seem sure of yourself. If I recall correctly, Xpress is good at making stuff up. My friend Rusty and others had to deal with that sort of shit in the past. Don’t tell me you have a good opinion of that piece of crap.”

Cottontail squirmed some more. Jamie took advantage of his partner’s discomfort to show him just how considerate he could be. He manhandled his partner enough to make him lie in a comfier position and then returned to the task at hand.

“No, I don’t have any opinion of it,” the bunny boy eventually replied, while he stretched and adjusted his position, like a pet finding the best spot of sunlight in the house. Jamie could see himself owning that piece of tail, because it definitely seemed like that would be a lot of fun.

“That can’t be true,” Jamie drawled playfully, while enjoying the little shivers of pleasure coursing through his partner’s body under his skillful ministrations. “Everyone and their mom on campus seems to have had a beef with Xpress. That guy is good at pissing people off. Too bad such determination has been dedicated to the service of evil.”

“Evil? Jamie, I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but can you please suck my dick properly? You’re tormenting me, and I feel like I’m dying here.”

“You are so dramatic, I swear,” Jamie teased. “Fine, if you don’t want to tell me what you know about Xpress--”

“That is not what you asked. And I don’t know anything about Xpress, anyway.” Cottontail was talking quickly, while reaching for Jamie with both hands to make him get back to work on his cock already. “Why are you so interested in him?”

“So, it’s a guy,” Jamie said with satisfaction, still resisting the temptation to take the bunny boy’s tasty dick in his mouth and give the guy a break.

“I don’t know,” Cottontail retorted as if Jamie had just accused him of high treason. “You talk like that about whoever is behind Xpress, so I’m just playing along.”

“Okay, okay, you have a point. Well, to answer your question,” Jamie said while teasing the leaking head with his tongue for a bit, “it’s not me who’s the obsessed one. Xpress is obsessed with me. I don’t like it much when people get all up in my business.”

“Do you mean that’s why you don’t like it when I ask you questions about yourself?”

“That’s not the same thing,” Jamie corrected his naked guest. “I have nothing to hide, so it’s annoying when someone tries to make it seem as if I do have something to be ashamed of.”

“Everyone does if they’ve lived long enough.”

“Cottontail the philosopher,” Jamie said with a sigh. “I’m the sort of guy where what you see is what you get. There’s nothing to dig for, I’m telling you. Any day now, Xpress will come up with some shitty scenario about how I got to be the way I am and so on.”

“How are you?”

“Fine, thank you.”

“Jamie, come on,” Cottontail begged him. “That’s not what I meant.”

“I’m good, man, for real. My life’s good, and it’s only getting better. Anyone trying to paint me in some unflattering colors is just doing his worst to mess with me. And I don’t like it when people do that.”

“You punch them in the face,” Cottontail concluded while he kept a hand in Jamie’s hair, still struggling to get him to suck his cock.

That seemed to be as much as he was going to get out of that conversation. There would be other times when he’d get the chance to probe his little bunny boy again. For now, he needed to get to work. Whenever he went down on a guy, he took extra care to pay attention to all the cues; it was his way of showing how good he was not only at the sex thing, but also at treating his partner right.

Focusing on just that was a difficult thing to achieve right now, because Cottontail kept praising him in a low voice, while his bony fingers traced pathways across Jamie’s scalp, giving him pleasure too. Without realizing it, he was having fun doing this, more than he had ever had.

Could it be that this strange guy was sweeping him off his feet? It wasn’t impossible, and Jamie refused to give it anymore thought as he abandoned himself to the pleasure of hearing his partner moan so prettily while shooting another load.


Spent as he was after coming twice, Cottontail was dozing off in Jamie’s bed. That gave him the perfect opportunity to pry, something he’d been waiting for. Tiptoeing to the bathroom without waking up his guest proved to be a piece of cake. Now, it was time to put on his sleuth’s cap, even if he was nothing like that weird inspector who wasn’t Sherlock Holmes.

The pink rabbit suit must have suffered through an attempt of being folded neatly, but in the end it was hanging in a corner like a wino on a bad night. Jamie ran his hands over the thing, trying to figure out the way in, anything that would allow him to get inside and search it. The huge head’s empty eyes were observing him with unhidden reproach.

“Come on,” he whispered, “the ends justify the means and all that. Don’t give me that look.”

Why didn’t Cottontail get horribly hot in that thing? It had enough padding to make a mattress out of it, and on the inside, it didn’t appear to have any pockets whatsoever. That was weird. The bunny boy surely had his phone with him; no one in the twentieth-first century ever left home without theirs. Jamie pulled the rabbit costume up by its armpits and weighed it in his arms to gauge where such a thing could be hidden. It looked like he was in luck, because he noticed the extra weight on one side. He most likely wouldn’t be able to get into Cottontail’s phone, and he wouldn’t go that far anyway, not if he could help it, but he still hoped to find a student ID or anything that could help him.

He felt the shape of the phone through the padding, somewhere around the waist area, but it looked like getting to it still eluded him. With an annoyed tsk, he continued to examine the pink suit, when a knock on the door startled him.

“Jamie, are you in there? I really need to piss.”

He quickly arranged the pink suit in the same corner, trying to get it right. The head leaned to the left… right? Or to the right?

“Just a minute,” he shouted loudly so the other could hear him.

There would be other opportunities, he told himself as he opened the door to face a bunny boy with a suspicious glint in his eyes.

“Were you searching my rabbit costume for clues?” Cottontail asked him directly.

“Nah, why would I do that?” Jamie riposted. “If I wanted to know who you are, I could’ve taken off your mask while you were asleep.” Damn, why hadn’t he thought of sneaking a peek? Too late now.

“That’s it, I’ll never fall asleep in your bed again,” the bunny boy declared. “You are trying to figure out who I am, right?”

“And? What’s wrong with that? I have every intention of getting to know you, the real you.”

“This is the real me,” the bunny boy raised his voice. “You have no idea how real I am when I’m with you.”

“Whoa there, where is that coming from?”

“Never mind. I’m going home.” The bunny boy moved past him and grabbed his huge pink suit.

“Are you mad? For real? And weren’t you going to take a leak or something?”

“I’ll hold it,” Cottontail replied with way too much wounded dignity for the sort of conversation they were having.

“Hey.” Jamie barred the way with one arm to prevent his guest from fleeing the scene, all mad like that. “I’m sorry, okay? I mean it when I say that I want us to get to know each other.”

“Then how about you start first? You must be more honest than you have been so far, Jamie Vayne.”

“I’m at a loss for words. I have no idea what you mean.”

He no longer put up any resistance when Cottontail wrestled his way out of Jamie’s bathroom.

“You know, that mask belongs to me, though,” he pointed out as he realized that his guest had no intention of removing the piece of fabric covering his face and was now putting his big head on.

“I’ll keep it. No, I’ll return it.”

“Does that mean that you’ll come see me again?”

“Yes, only to return the mask, though.”

“You promised that you’d help me with the reality show gig,” Jamie reminded him.

Cottontail stopped his frantic movements to consider those words. “I did. Okay, I’m mad at you right now, but I won’t be tomorrow. I will help you. But no more prying, okay? And how come you didn’t deny that you were doing it when I knocked? You could have said anything?”

“And risk getting caught with my pants down? Nah, I’d rather be upfront about it.”

Underneath the thick padding, Cottontail could very well be fuming. “Don’t do it again. Let’s continue to be friends, Jamie Vayne.”

“We’ve never stopped being that, so don’t be so dramatic.”

“Very well. Then I will take my leave.”

Jamie snickered. “You should have said ‘I shall take my leave’ just to sound more annoying. You missed your chance.”

A huff followed and nothing more. It looked like Cottontail intended to leave the premises with his head high.


That had been close. He didn’t like being caught off guard like that. The thing that surprised him the most was Jamie’s attitude. That guy had no shame. It was true that it was better to brazen it out now than to get caught later, but Jamie’s logic only made him more infuriating.

He was going to have to keep Jamie at bay for as long he could manage. As flattered as he was by having a guy like Jamie wanting to get to know him, he didn’t want to risk it. What he needed was a plan; on the one hand, he couldn’t allow his brother to get up in his business anymore. It grated on him, and it made things dangerous as far as Jamie was concerned. On the other hand… well, there was also that.

Xpress wouldn’t expose Jamie, not because there was nothing to expose, but because he just didn’t want the world to find things out he intended to keep to himself, once he got to know them.

And the reality show gig was only going to complicate things. How could Jamie not see that he would be played and for all his weaknesses to be exploited? Good people didn’t make good reality TV. Jamie, as much as he seemed to be acquainted with the ways of the world, didn’t seem able to figure out that a gig like that could make or break him, the latter being more likely. He appeared unnaturally naïve, or maybe he was way too sure of himself, which meant the same thing given the circumstances.

Jamie would expose himself to dangers he knew nothing about. He was way too trusting of whoever had caused that gig to land on his doorstep. Who was it? As much as he had gotten annoyed tonight by Jamie trying to find out who he was, he needed to swallow his pride and go back to him. Jamie had to receive his informal training on what a reality show was, and how to deal with the many challenges that he would encounter along the way.

Also, his detective skills needed to be put to good use. Whoever was getting Jamie into that sort of business didn’t exactly have the guy’s best interests at heart. Once that bit of information was in his hands, he’d start digging for real.

His brother was wrong. He did have the potential to be a good journalist, or he could become one. But he needed a topic worthy of being explored. Defending Jamie from unknown people who wanted him on reality TV to expose his bad side and weak spots and whatnot was worthy of pursuing.

Then Jamie would see who his real friends were. He liked to believe that he would be at the top of that list. Sure, it was a dream, but it was a nice one. They’d start there.


Jamie wasn't sneaky enough... But I hope you will be this holiday season and grab as many cookies as you can!
Until next time,
And Merry Christmas!
In case you enjoy my writing and want more of it, most of my books are available at 25% off on Smashwords until the end of the year!
Copyright © 2024 Laura S. Fox; All Rights Reserved.
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  • Fingers Crossed 1
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Also, his detective skills needed to be put to good use. Whoever was getting Jamie into that sort of business didn’t exactly have the guy’s best interests at heart. Once that bit of information was in his hands, he’d start digging for real. I take that bit of info to mean that it will be Cottontail's brother like @Joie J. said.

“Come on,” he whispered, “the ends justify the means and all that. Don’t give me that look.”  If Jamie was witnessed  doing that Xpress could write "And he talks to unoccupied costume Bunny heads."That would make good copy

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