Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Stockroom Secrets - 19. Chapter 19
There was another chair in the office and Mr Webster sat down and looked at me. His expression was not unlike that of a caring parent, kind and understanding, and for some reason I couldn't explain I began to feel more at ease.
'I want you to know, Grayson, that as far as I am aware, you have not done anything wrong, so you have nothing to fear. Okay?'
I think I managed to give them a nod.
'From what I have been told, you were reacting to someone from outside the company today, someone who was creating a disturbance. I will reiterate what has been said previously; if something takes place outside of this company, outside of work hours, then that is between those individuals, unless of course that reflects badly on the company. But, if something happens at work and during working hours, such as a person being caught doing something wrong, or a staff member has been threatened in any way while here, whether by another staff member or by someone from outside, then we are obliged to take the appropriate action. It's as simple as that. And you have already seen this with what happened yesterday.'
I looked up at him, then at Mrs Mack, with relief washing over me. I'm sure they would have seen that on my face.
'Obviously there is some history between you and this truck driver, the one they refer to as Animal, correct?'
'Would you care to elaborate on that?'
Shit! What should I do? How much should I tell them?
'It's . . . kind of personal,' I ended up saying.
'Understood. I know that what has happened recently is a very delicate matter, and we are sensitive to that, so we will not be asking you to divulge anything that you are hesitant to share. So, what happened today? Did this man harass you or try to assault you in any way?'
'I . . . errr . . . when I saw him there, after opening the roller door, I think I panicked. He said something to me and made some suggestions that I . . . ummm . . . was offended by. It freaked me out, to be honest. Then he tried to climb up the ladder and I told him to stay there and not come into the loading bay, at least until Mike came back.'
'And he reacted to this?'
'Yes. Then I told him I would talk to the police about . . .'
'About what happened previously,' Mrs Mack suggested.
'Yeah. And that's when he started getting a bit aggro, and when Claire came out of her office to see what was happening, that's when I asked her to page Mike.'
The two of them looked at each other and I noticed them nodding to each other.
'And how long was it before Mike returned to the loading bay?' asked Mrs Mack.
'Not long. Maybe a minute or so.'
'And then?'
'He spoke to both Animal and me to find out what was happening. I think Animal settled down a bit after that and then Mike told him to wait there, and that we would do the unloading, which we did. Mike then asked me to go and deliver stock into the store, while he signed off on the paperwork.'
'I see.'
So far I think I had managed to hold myself together pretty well, but I could feel my whole body trembling as we sat there. The room felt like an icebox to me, but I'm sure that wasn't really the case.
'Mrs Brady said that the two of you, Animal and yourself, had words while you were waiting for Mike to return. Was that when you mentioned the police?'
Shit, I thought! He was still digging into what happened previously! What the fuck should I do? Should I even say anything at all?
After thinking for a moment, while the two of them looked at me expectantly, I figured there was no way that I could tell them everything, but they clearly wanted more information.
'Is this just between us? And it won't leave this room?' I asked.
'Absolutely,' Mr Webster replied.
'Okay . . .'
I took a moment to gather my thoughts before talking again.
'That was a reference to what had happened a few weeks ago, as Mrs Mack suggested,' I replied. 'I wouldn't be comfortable going into the details, but yes, it was something Animal did when he joined Mike and me at the pub one night after work, because he happened to be in town.'
Mr Webster nodded, but his expression was grave.
'And do you think you should actually talk to the police about this?' asked Mrs Mack.
'At this stage I'm not prepared to do that. What's done is done, but I wouldn't say never.'
'And Mike was there?' he asked.
I could see that they were both hanging on every word.
'What happened, had absolutely nothing to do with Mike, so please don't think that! Later on, from someone else, I found out that Animal had some history of doing what he did, so today I told him that I would take it to the police if I had to, but I was mainly saying that just as a way of getting him to back off.'
'I see,' said Mr Webster.
'And that's as far as you'll go?' Mrs Mack asked.
'I . . . ummm . . . yeah. I think so. I hope that's enough for you?'
'Yes, it is. Thank you, Grayson. And rest assured whatever has been said here is just between us, and it's not going to affect your prospects for a traineeship, if that is something you might be worried about. I appreciate your honesty and your quick thinking when you were confronted.'
'Thank you.'
'I will talk to Mike about what happened on the loading dock today, but nothing more than that, because as we've said, what happens between our employees outside of work is of no real concern to us, unless it has an impact on the company. Assuming Mike confirms what you've said about today's events we will then consider our options regarding this, Animal, fellow.'
'What does that mean?' I asked.
'We're not really sure. Possibly, we may just contact the trucking company and ask that he be taken off this delivery route,' he added. 'I can't see that anything more than that can be done unless an official complaint is made about his previous actions, which would explain today’s events.'
With that, Mr Webster stood up and reached for the door handle. As he opened the door he placed a hand on my shoulder and said, 'Thank you, son. That can't have been easy, but we appreciate your honesty. Now I think Mrs Mack has something she wants to discuss with you.'
* * *
By the time I made it back to the loading dock the morning was almost over. Mike was flat out with deliveries and I helped him load some trolleys and move some pallets to make room for another delivery that was due. As we were working I could tell that something was on his mind, but I didn't want to pre-empt anything by asking what was up.
Once we had finished what we were doing, however, he stopped and turned to me. We were standing on the edge of the loading dock, looking out through the open roller door towards one of the car parks.
'So, just what the fuck did you say to Webster?'
'What? They promised it wasn't going to leave the room!' I exclaimed.
'He just came to see me while you were with Mrs Mack. You can relax, kid. It's okay. But I just hope you didn't go telling them anything about that Friday night?'
'He only wanted to know what happened here with Animal today, and he said that was all he was going to ask you about.'
'Yeah, he did ask about that, and I told him exactly what I saw and heard. I guess you and Claire filled him in with the rest. He also mentioned that he knew about you threatening Animal with the cops and that it stemmed from that night. So how much do you think they know about that?'
'I'm pretty sure that they already had some idea from what they've heard with all the scuttlebutt that's been floating around. Mrs Mack has been really cool and supportive about it, to me at least. All I told them today was that we went out and Animal had joined us. I stressed that you weren’t involved in anything that Animal did that night. And I made sure they understood that.'
'And I haven't said anything about what we've actually done together . . . I promise,' I stressed.
'I believe you. And thanks for that.'
'They don’t care what we do outside work hours, or at least that's what I keep getting told.'
'No, but it can be a bit of a grey area, with management interacting with staff that work for them, if you know what I mean. They're pretty good about it, but it wouldn't take much for it to all go to shit if they thought someone was using their position to coerce or force someone younger into doing something, if you catch my drift.'
I nodded.
'Anyhow, what's done is done. We’ll just have to see how things play out now.'
'I guess.'
'So, what else have you got to tell me?'
'Webster mentioned something about a job . . .'
'Oh, that. Yeah, I've been offered a traineeship in the store.'
'And it just slipped your mind to tell me?'
I grinned at him. 'I've been a bit distracted.'
'Obviously,' he replied, before putting out his hand towards me. 'Congratulations. You'll do okay, kid. Just remember to keep your dick in your pants!'
'Where's the fun in that?' I said, as we shook.
* * *
Before I headed off to lunch I mentioned to Mike that I had an appointment and I wasn't sure how long it might take. He said not to worry about it, so that was something I was grateful for.
I soon found Raffa waiting by the front doors for me and we grabbed a sandwich from one of the nearby shops before heading up to my car. The hospital was a few blocks away and he knew where to park so that we were close to the clinic he was taking me to, which proved easier than expected. Apparently it was a quiet day.
'You really don't have anything to worry about,' he said to me before we got out of the car.
'Apart from being told I've caught something!'
'If I came up clean after my encounter with those two, then I'm sure you'll be fine.'
'Yeah, but you didn't let Animal fuck you, did you?'
'Yeah, I guess you're right. Still, even if you did have something, there's nothing that they can't treat these days. Even the Big A is treatable.'
'Fuck, just the thought of having that . . .'
'Yeah, I know, mate,' he said, as he placed a hand on my thigh and gave a gentle squeeze. Just that brief touch had my cock on edge. I hoped that there wouldn't be too much of that happening inside. 'Come on then, I'll introduce you to Chase. You're going to love him.'
After locking the car I followed Raffa through the hospital garden, before we found a path that led to an old brick building with a verandah wrapped around it. The building was separated from the main hospital buildings. There was a sign out the front that said Community Health, then when we reached the main entrance we found further signs telling us that the Sexual Health Clinic was to the right. I just followed Raffa and at the end of the verandah we found another door with a sign that told us we were in the right place.
Just as soon as we entered we were greeted with, 'Well if it isn't Rafael Nadal! Welcome back handsome!'
Raffa turned to me and grinned. 'He always calls me that!' he said, just before being wrapped up in a bear hug by a six-foot-four, solidly built guy, about thirty years old and wearing a blue nurse’s uniform. With a shaggy mop of multi-coloured hair that couldn't decide if it wanted to be purple, green, pink or yellow, he was quite a sight.
'So good to see you again, honey!' the man gushed, once he had let go of my boyfriend. He then turned to me and looked me up and down and smiled. 'And just who do we have here?'
'Chase Evans, this is my boyfriend, Grayson,' Raffa replied.
'Well, well, well. Isn't he a cutie,' Chase cooed. For a moment I thought he was going to squeeze my cheeks just like grandma used to do.
I put out a hand for him to shake, but he just grabbed it and pulled me to him, then wrapped me up in a hug as well.
'Any friend of Raffa's and all that jazz,' he said. 'Now, what can I do you for?'
'He needs the same treatment you gave me,' Raffa said. 'He played with the same characters and got burned.'
'Oh, sweetie, you have come to the right place! And it's your lucky day, there are no other customers, so we can squeeze you right in.'
He ducked behind the reception counter and found a clip board and some forms, as Raffa and I exchanged amused looks, then came back around and pointed us to the waiting room chairs.
'Just need some details first,' Chase said as the three of us sat down. 'Can you fill this out for me, just your name and details and stuff. Do you have your Medicare card? Just need the number from it.'
I knew that my name was on my mother's card and thankfully she liked to be organised and had given me a laminated photocopy of it, just in case of emergencies. I soon pulled that from my wallet and handed it to Chase, who wrote the number down on the form before handing it back to me. He then gave me the clipboard and asked me to fill out the details form.
'I'll just go and get things ready while you are doing that for me, then we'll check you out, okay?' he said. As he went to get to his feet he placed a hand on my thigh and gave me a gentle squeeze, just as Raffa had done in the car. Again I felt my cock bounce, which only seemed to bring on some feelings of anxiety.
'Are you okay?' Raffa asked.
'I'm so pent up that if I have someone squeeze my leg again like that again, I'm liable to blow a load.'
'Oh, Chase won't mind.'
'What the fuck?'
'Just relax, okay. He'll put you at ease, do what he needs to do, and we'll be out of here.'
'Will I have to, you know, strip or anything?'
'Probably. You want me to come hold your hand?' Raffa replied, while sporting a cheeky grin.
I finished filling out what I could on the form, then moments later Chase re-appeared.
'All set?'
'I . . . I guess.'
'Follow me then.'
I left Raffa there and followed Chase down a hallway and into a sterile examination room. It was painted in very pale tones, grey I thought, and there was a desk, two chairs and an examination bed, along with some cabinets on one wall and a stainless steel trolley on wheels.
Chase sat down at the desk and pointed towards the chair, so I sat down also.
'So, you and Raffa been together long?' he asked.
'No. We work together. We only became friends after he found out about what happened to me . . . he has been really supportive.'
'And I guess one thing led to another, eh?'
'Well, kind of. All we've done so far is make out. I think he wants to do more, but until I know I'm . . . I mean until I get checked out, it's too risky, isn't it?'
'Yeah, it might be. If you practice safe sex you’ll be okay, but if you’re uncertain then maybe it’s best to wait. So, down to business, do you want to tell me what happened exactly?'
'Ummm . . .'
'Honey, there's no judgement here, okay? I've seen and heard all there is to see and hear. I'm here to help, but it also helps me if I know the facts.'
'Fair enough.'
I briefly told him what had happened, without going into too much detail, and he patiently listened.
'And these are the same guys that Raffa had a run-in with?'
'Yeah. We work with one of them, and the other guy is a delivery driver.'
'Okay. And have either of you thought of making a formal complaint?'
'To the cops, you mean?'
'Yeah. Or to your employer.'
'Not really.'
'Maybe you should think about that. But anyhow, that's a discussion for another day. Right now I need to discuss what we are going to do today, is that okay?'
'Sure. I think.'
'Well, what happens is that we will do an examination of your private areas. Firstly to look for any outward signs of infection, like pimples or scabs or redness. Hopefully you have none of those symptoms?'
'No, I don't think so.'
'Okay. Next will be some swabs. Your mouth and your genitals. Then we'll need some samples, blood and urine, and possibly semen.'
'What?' I almost squealed. 'Raffa didn't mention that!'
'We're all grown-ups here, Grayson. You're in safe hands. For the blood test we'll need you to go to pathology, so I'll give you a referral to get that done. You'll also need to pee in a bottle for me and take that with you when you go. After we take all the samples we then send those off to pathology and test for any traces of venereal and other diseases.'
'And regardless of the results of these tests, we'll need to do the same thing in a couple of months, just to make sure you're in the clear.'
'Now, do you want to strip for me please and lay on the table, then we can get started. I promise it won't take long.'
‘What? Totally?’
‘Don’t be embarrassed. You’ve been naked with the guys in the school showers, haven’t you?’
‘Yeah . . . but . . .’
‘Oh, honey. Remember what I said about having seen and heard it all? You ain’t got nothin’ I haven’t already seen. Just imagine you’re in those school showers again.’
‘So, you really do want me to pop a boner?’
‘It’s one of the very few perks of this job, babe!’
Somewhat reluctantly I stood up, then kicked off my shoes. For a moment I looked at the closed door and wondered if I shouldn’t just make a run for it, but then I thought about those who care about me. About Uncle Bryan, who had insisted I do this. And about Raffa, and how much I liked him, and about what might happen between us if I didn't go through with this.
The thought of not being able to take our friendship, or our relationship, any further scared the hell out of me, so in the end I pulled off my t-shirt, then in one motion I dropped my trousers and jocks. I had turned away from Chase as I did so, but I ended up facing him when I placed my clothes on the chair.
He looked me up and down and smiled.
'No wonder Rafael is smitten with you,' he said quietly as he stared down at my chubbed-up cock, which seemed to be reacting to a cool breeze that was coming from the air-conditioning duct.
‘So, first up, how about we get started with a mouth swab, to make sure you don’t have any nasties in there.’
He pulled on some plastic gloves, then he tore open a packet he had sitting on a stainless steel trolley, from which came a stick with a cotton swab on the end of it.
‘Open wide,’ he said, before running the swab around the inside of my mouth a few times. After pulling it out he snapped off the end of it and sealed it inside a plastic container with a screw top lid.
‘Right. Now can I get you up on the bed please? Just lay back down and relax.’
I did as he asked, then he opened another swab packet. This time he gently took hold of my cock, his fingers wrapping around the shaft and giving a couple of firm squeezes, which quickly responded by growing to almost full size.
‘Impressive,’ he said.
With the swab in one hand and while still holding me with the other he ran the cotton tip around under my foreskin a few times. It felt soft and drove me wild. I’d never felt anything like that before.
‘How are you going so far?’
'If you play with that for much longer, you’re going to cop an eyeful,’ I replied. Quickly he broke the swab and inserted it into another plastic container, before retrieving yet another container.
‘Then how about we try for the money shot?’ he asked.
‘The what?’
‘I would usually let you do this in private, but if you’re ready to go, I want you to blow your load for me,’ he whispered, his voice now sounding somewhat hoarse.
‘You enjoy your job, don’t you?’ I gently teased him.
'Only some days,’ he replied with a chuckle, before wrapping a hand around my cock once more and working my foreskin back and forth.
‘God, that feels good,’ I whispered.
‘Always better when you have a helping hand,’ he replied. ‘Especially when that hand belongs to another gay guy.’
He worked his hand back and forth as I felt the pressure increasing in my balls, while his other hand was resting on my thigh, just gently squeezing. That seemed to be having a strange effect on me as with each squeeze I felt like I was almost ready. When he started to speed up his stroking a bead of pre-cum appeared on the tip, which he deftly spread around the head with his thumb.
‘Oh, god,’ I uttered through clenched teeth.
‘Tell me when you’re ready,’ he said, as the stroking continued.
'You better get that container ready,' I said, my breathing rapidly growing ragged, then just as he put it in place near the end of my cock it erupted with squirt after squirt of my creamy white juices, as I grabbed hold of each side of the bed. As my breathing began to slow, Chase held up the container and I could see my semen coating the insides of the container and half filling it.
'There, that feels better, doesn't it?' he asked, while still trying to milk every last drop from me.
'Fuck. That was intense!'
'Indeed. So now, how about you roll over and I check out your back end, then take a swab. After that you'll be good to go.'
'Maybe,’ I replied. ‘If my legs will stop shaking.'
To be continued . . .
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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