Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Stockroom Secrets - 3. Chapter 3
The following day was Friday and that morning, as we were breaking up another load of stock that we had received, Mike asked me if I had any plans for the night.
'Not really. Why do you ask?’
'Animal will be making a delivery this afternoon and will be staying over in town for the night,' he answered. 'And he was asking about you.'
Immediately I felt my face flush. Their fresh meat comment from a few days ago came back to me, scrambling any coherent thoughts that I may have had into a jumbled hot mess.
'Do you know what a spit roast is?' he asked.
What the fuck? Was he now talking about food? Were we going to a barbeque or something? I think my face must have showed my confusion.
'You'll learn soon enough,' Mike said, before wheeling a trolley of stock away, laughing as he went.
It sounded very much like the two of them had plans, and those plans included me. Should I be excited about that, or should I be scared shitless? Maybe I should just run? That was what I was asking myself.
Fuck, what a week this was turning into. Up until this week my sexual experiences had been somewhat limited, I had to admit. There was a girlfriend back in my mid-teens, Margaret, with whom I fooled around for a while, which usually only amounted to some kissing and feeling each other up. We did try to fuck once, getting naked in one of the sheds on their family farm, kissing and playing with each other before finally trying to do the deed. I managed to get the tip of my cock inside her, only to be pushed away and be told that I was too big for her, so we never finished what we started.
Talk about going home with a major case of blue balls!
We split up not long after that, and for the most part, other than a couple of accidental jack-off hook-ups at the local shopping mall with fellow desperate souls, I have been flying solo ever since. Five times a day, man!
My fascination with cock started about the time I split up with Margaret, and I know exactly how it began. It started when one of the guys at school literally jacked off in the showers after football, egged on by the rabid mass of teenage delinquents we were. When a couple of other guys joined in, stroking their members to an explosive climax, the seed had definitely been sown.
That memory was all I needed to have stored in my spank bank to be able to satisfy myself any time I needed it. But now I had some other memories to add to that first one, and with the promise of still more to come if I was correctly reading the messages from Mike, Animal and Hoppy.
As that Friday wore on I was becoming increasingly jittery at the thought of meeting up with Animal and what might happen that night. What did they have planned? Was I ready for this? Should I go? Should I just wimp out?
Animal had been due to make a delivery that afternoon but had apparently phoned through to say he was running late thanks to a flat tyre, so I wasn't going to get the chance to talk to him beforehand. What I really wanted was some more details and I figured I would need to quiz Mike some more, but I just didn't get the opportunity that afternoon to talk to him alone, at least not until we were almost done.
'Mike,' I said as we started packing up. 'What's happening tonight? What are you and Animal planning?'
I was getting anxious, and when he looked at me I think he could see that in my expression and actions, because his own expression quickly changed.
'Gray, you don't have anything to worry about, okay? He's a mate of mine and we enjoy catching up. We'll just be going to the pub, having a few drinks and grabbing a meal, then it'll be back to his room for some fun. I know you're new to this, so if you don't want to join us that's okay too,' he said. 'No pressure, okay?'
'You do this often?' I asked.
'Depends when he's coming through and what his schedule is. He's a cool dude, really.'
'And he wants to get to know you. I think he likes the look of you.'
'Fresh meat, huh?'
Mike grinned at me. 'Yeah, something like that. But like I said, no pressure. Absolutely nothing will happen unless you want it to. You can trust me on that.'
'Right,' I said once more.
'I'll wait here until Animal arrives with the delivery and we'll unload it, then after that we'll head for the pub. You go home, have a shower and think about it, alright? If you show up, you show up. Then we'll see what happens after that.'
'Okay. That sounds like a plan,' I replied.
After that I left him and went to sign off for the day, before then heading for home. My mind was still a mess. Should I? Shouldn't I? But in the end I decided the chance of having some great sex was too good an opportunity to pass up. I was new to this, just like Mike had said, but I felt as if I really needed to make up for lost time. I wanted to experience it all, and if Mike was to be taken at his word and nothing would happen unless I want it to, then what better mentor could I ask for.
There was nobody home when I got there, so I went straight to my room to find some clean clothes for my upcoming night out, then I hit the shower. I scrubbed away the day’s sweat and grime before then sprucing myself up as best I could, and by the time I was done the guy staring back at me from the mirror was a definite step up on the guy that had been standing there just fifteen minutes beforehand. I looked good, even if I do say so myself, and after spraying on some smelly stuff (as my kid brother calls it), I thought I smelled pretty good too.
When I was finally ready I ventured out of my bedroom and down the hallway. I could hear some activity in the kitchen, so I figured someone must be home, and soon found my mother and ten-year-old brother, Oliver, unpacking groceries.
'My, my, don't you look good!' my mother said. 'Got a hot date or something?'
'No, just going out with some friends from work,' I replied, while picking up a few of the items for the refrigerator and packing them away for her.
'Urrgghh . . . you sprayed some smelly stuff on again,' Olly said, turning up his nose as he did so.
'Don't let it worry you, kiddo. It won't be long and you'll be doing it too,' I teased.
'So, you don't want dinner then?' mum asked.
'No, I'm all good, thanks.'
'Great,' Olly chirped. 'More pizza for me!'
I ruffled his hair and left them to it, returning to my room to find some supplies for the night. I had a box of condoms that I hid in the cavity beneath the bottom drawer of my dresser, along with some small tubes of lube (you can never be too sure when you might need these things), so thinking I should be prepared I quickly retrieved them. I pulled a strip of condoms from the box and two small tubes of lube, then stashed the boxes back in my hidey-hole, just as I heard footsteps coming down the hall. I only just managed to shove the items in my hand underneath the pillow on my bed just before Olly came bursting into the room.
'Nunyabusiness,' I replied. Got to just love how Aussies play with words!
'You must like someone if you're getting all spiffied up. You got a girlfriend or something?'
'You think I would tell you if I did?'
'Mum thinks you've got a girlfriend,' he said, with some confidence, as he sat down on the edge of my bed.
'Well, that's for me to know and you to find out,' I replied, as I sat down beside him. 'And you're not going to find out!'
'Spoil sport!'
He looked up at me and grinned, then jumped up and left the room. Aarrgghh! Kids!
I retrieved my supplies from beneath my pillow and stashed them in my pockets, then headed back out to the kitchen. It was time I hit the road and went to the pub to meet up with the others.
I found my mother starting to put together the pizza for their dinner. Pinching a clump of shredded cheese from the pack on the counter I gave her a peck on the cheek then popped the cheese into my mouth.
'Don't wait up,' I mumbled, as I headed for the door.
'You have a good time with your friends,' mum said.
'Thanks, I'm sure I will,' I replied, then I was gone.
Driving around past the loading bay of the store, I half expected to see Animal's semi-trailer there still, but the place was empty and the doors were all closed. Turning the corner I slowed to check the car park where the staff all parked their vehicles, looking for Mike's old Valiant, but that was empty too. Maybe Animal had already been and gone, and the two of them were now at the pub and chugging down their first beers, waiting for me?
I sped up and headed for the pub, which was a few blocks away, then found a parking space where I had a view of most of the car park, as well as the car park at the rear of the motel next door. There was a semi-trailer parked at the bottom end of that car park, so it looked like Animal had arrived, but there was no sign of Mike's Valiant as yet, so I decided to wait.
Mike arrived a few minutes later, parking just a few spots away from me, so I got out of my car and walked over to him.
'Ready for a fun night?' he asked me.
This was all new to me and I have to admit that I was nervous, yet at the same time I was also excited by the prospect. For a newbie to this game, the chance to have sex with two hot guys was too good an opportunity to pass up, no matter how apprehensive I might be.
'Maybe,' I answered. 'Just make sure you keep your end of the bargain, eh? I've never done anything like this before.'
'Trust me. I'm sure this is something you'll be wanting a lot more of.'
'I hope so!'
We found Animal in the bar, already holding onto his first schooner of beer. He'd obviously managed to have a shower and was dressed in casual clothes, rather than the grubby shorts and singlet I usually saw him wearing, and he looked pretty hot.
He was about five feet six and had a muscular build, which was accentuated by the tight t-shirt he was wearing. His nipples were noticeable, as was the bulge in his trousers. He looked powerful, and that scared me just a little.
'You must be Gray,' he said to me as he thrust out a hand. 'You can call me Animal.'
'Yeah, that's me. Grayson Porter, but my friends call me Gray. What's your real name?' I replied.
'It's Shane. Shane Williams.'
'Good to officially meet you,' I said, as I shook his hand.
Mike ordered a couple of drinks for the two of us, then we all headed for a table in the corner, where I sat with my back to the corner and with one of them on either side of me.
'My mate Mike here, he says you're keen for some fun,' Animal said, while studying me intently.
'Well, I'm interested in finding out about . . . well, what it's like. I haven't ever done anything like this before.'
'That's okay. We like virgins.'
I could feel myself blushing, so quickly took a sip from my glass.
'He also says you're packing.'
'Oh . . . I . . . wouldn't exactly say that,' I managed to stammer, but before I could even finish saying that I felt a hand clamp down on my thigh under the table, before sliding higher. My cock responded, of course, while Animal rubbed his hand back and forth. Anxiously I looked around to see if anyone might have noticed, but it didn't look like it.
'Feels pretty healthy to me,' Animal said, offering a smirk as he did so.
'You can find out later,' Mike interjected.
'Oh, I intend to,' Animal replied.
My head was buzzing with all this talk about sex while sitting in a bar that was half filled with people. The thought of anyone eavesdropping or finding out what was going to be happening tonight, or what I was going to be doing, was terrifying.
Thankfully Mike managed to change the topic, bringing it around to work and how far Animal had to go to make it home, and when he would next be coming back through, so that took a little pressure off.
After we'd had a couple of drinks we moved through to the restaurant, where we each ordered a meal, continuing to talk about almost anything other than what was going to happen tonight, which suited me just fine. We did see a few people who Mike and I knew from work, but other than a couple of curious expressions there were no weird moments.
When we had eventually finished our meals it was Animal who made the first move, not surprisingly, and suggested it was time we got down to business. We all knew what was in store for tonight, or at least I thought I knew, and as I walked with them, firstly to the drive through bottle shop attached to the pub and then across the carpark towards the motel I was a bundle of nerves; excited, a little scared, a whole lot nervous. I was also feeling a little buzzed from the alcohol I had consumed earlier so despite my nerves I was just going with the flow.
Animal pulled a key from his pocket and opened the door to the room and stepped aside. I felt Mike's hand on my shoulder as he guided me through the doorway into the darkness. In my mind there was a moment of apprehension, a flash of impending danger, but as I heard the door close behind me Mike's hand ran up and down my back a few times, as if he was trying to reassure me that all would be okay.
The light came on and I turned around to see Animal place the carton of beer on the nearby table before he tore it open and handed both Mike and me a can each.
'Here's to a good time,' he said as he ripped the tab off the top of his own can. Mike and I did the same thing and we all touched our cans together as if it were some solemn toast we were making.
Animal's eyes were on me the whole time, looking me up and down. He was mentally undressing the fresh meat he was about to get his hands on. I had to look away.
The motel room was nothing fancy. A double bed. A table with two chairs. A red vinyl two-seater lounge. A painting on the wall depicting trees and mountains and a stream. There was a doorway into what I assumed was a bathroom, but the lights weren't on in there so I couldn't be certain.
Animal placed his can of beer on the table, then also took mine. As he did this I reached into my pocket and pulled out the condoms and lube I had brought with me, making sure they both saw me place them on the table beside the beer cans. Animal gave a brief nod, then he took my hand and motioned for me to follow him to the lounge, where we sat down. He draped one arm behind my shoulders, while placing his other hand on my thigh and started rubbing gently, before then starting to move his hand higher.
As he was doing this Mike was pulling the curtains closed. They sure as hell weren't wasting any time.
When Animal's hand reached the zipper in my trousers I felt myself stir. He rubbed a little and the bulge began to expand, then he leaned in and kissed me, forcing his tongue into my mouth, while the arm behind my shoulders pulled me in closer.
Out of the corner of one eye I saw Mike moving, coming over and sitting on the arm of the lounge, then leaning in and kissing me as Animal pulled away. All I could think was, So this is how it starts!
I felt someone tugging at my trousers and pulled my head away from Mike, glancing down to see Animal working at undoing my belt and then the fastener of my trousers, then sliding down the zipper. My cock was soon pulled from the confines of my underwear and Animal's hand began stroking it, his fingers clasped around its length with his thumb circling the head each time his hand reached the tip.
Mike began fumbling with the buttons on my shirt and it wasn't long before I was totally naked, being kissed and wanked and having hungry hands roaming my body.
When one of them stopped for a moment, they stood up and stripped, first Mike and then Animal. I marvelled at their fit, muscular bodies, each different in shape and form, but both worthy of being worshipped, and as I was soon to find out, that was exactly what I was here for.
'I want you on your knees,' Animal commanded of me. I glanced at Mike and he gave a slight nod, so I complied.
Animal shoved his long, thick and veiny cock in my face, placing the tip of it at my lips and forcing me to open my mouth. He wasn't rough but was forceful enough to ensure that I obeyed. Mike came and stood beside him, also pointing his cock my way. I glanced up and saw them both leering down at me.
I went to work on Animal's shaft, the musty scent of which was intoxicating. I was doing as best I could, even though I hadn't exactly had much experience at this.
'Watch the teeth!' he hissed before moments later pulling his cock out. It was quickly replaced by Mike's long and thin member, which I found much easier to handle. When Mike moaned a few times I knew I must be doing something right at least.
They swapped places a few times, usually just as I felt the tension start to build in their bodies and the moans and groans got a little louder, which was when I realised that they were using me to edge, building up the tension, then relaxing for a bit, before starting again. Between their turns they were still swigging on beer.
My jaw was beginning to ache, but at that moment I was truly loving the worshipping of these two cocks. I just wished that one of them would blow, so I could suck down all they could offer.
My prayers were soon answered when I heard Mike's breathing start to change. Even a newbie like me could recognise that.
I doubled down and sucked a little harder, allowed his cock in a little deeper, until it was entering the back of my throat, almost forcing me to gag. I played with his balls with one hand, pulling his sack down, then grasping one testicle and pulling, then the other.
Just as Hoppy had done a few days earlier I could feel his body starting to tremble. He placed a hand on my shoulder to steady himself, just as I heard Animal, who was jacking himself steadily, say, 'Go on, feed it to him! Make him swallow it all! Then I want my turn!'
Glancing up I could see Animal tweaking Mike's nipples, squeezing and pulling and rubbing on them. If my mouth hadn't been so busy I would have grinned.
Just then I felt Mike's cock twitch once, then again, and before I could even ready myself, he erupted in my mouth, his cum flooding over my tongue, rope after rope of tart and salty and perfect cum. I swallowed as fast as I could, but it kept on coming, as Mike was on his tiptoes, balancing himself with one hand on my shoulder. Eventually he dropped back onto his heels and pulled his sensitive member from my mouth, a long strand of cum stretching out between us as he stepped back before it dropped to the floor.
'Damn boy, where'd you learn to suck like that?' he managed to mumble between gasps for breath.
'Must be a natural born cock sucker,' Animal sniggered. 'Now it's my turn!'
As Mike stepped back, Animal stepped up and once again, he pressed the tip of his cock to my lips. Once again I opened wide and took as much of him in as I could, trying to remember to keep my teeth covered as I did so. My jaw was stretched wide, my throat was getting pounded. There was nothing gentle about how Animal did things. Suddenly this was no longer a few guys having a bit of fun, this was animalistic, raw, and unforgiving, verging on abuse. It wasn't difficult to see where his nickname came from.
I continued working on Animal's cock, working my mouth up and down his shaft, cupping his balls in my hands and sucking on those, wanking his shaft with my hand as I sucked on his glistening red knob, all the while trying to service his as best I could. A couple of times I was warned again about the teeth, one time he even hit me by flicking his hand up the side of my head, but with a rod this thick I was finding it extremely difficult keeping them covered with my lips.
Finally, I began to sense that the pressure was building up inside him, as his breathing changed and his action of thrusting his cock in and out of my mouth became both faster and shorter in stroke length. It wouldn't be long now, I knew, and within a few seconds I felt him erupt also, flooding my mouth with cum that was sweet and tart and different to any other I had tasted up until now.
I sucked his knob for all I was worth, wanting to drain every last drop, until finally I let him go and rocked back on my haunches, looking up at him and hoping to see something that resembled thanks in his expression, only to be disappointed as he leered down at me.
'Thanks, bitch,' was all he said.
Initially I was shocked by that, but I shouldn't have been surprised really. If Animal was wanting some sort of response from me he wasn't going to get one. It was Mike who broke the tension when he handed me another beer. I got to my feet and stretched before sitting down on the edge of the bed.
* * *
This all took place a number of years ago, of course, and when I think back about that night now, I probably should have left right there and then. But as a horny and impressionable eighteen-year-old, keen to experience everything that was on offer in the way of sex, I wasn't going anywhere.
* * *
After we had each finished off a couple more beers it looked like they were ready for the next round. I wasn't sure what that was going to entail exactly, but I was hooked on these two cocks, even if the personalities they belonged to left something to be desired.
Turning to Mike I heard Animal say, 'You first mate. You can open him up for me.'
Mike gave a nod, then stood and put his hand out for me. I took it and was dragged to my feet. He pulled me to him and kissed me deeply.
'So, you've never done this, have you?' he asked.
I shook my head.
'I'll go as gently as I can,' he whispered.
He positioned me so that I was kneeling on the lounge, my arse in the air. Animal stepped around in front of me and waved his cock at me, while Mike began playing with my hole. Animal placed his hand behind my head and forced me down to where my mouth was just inches away from his cock. As he stepped closer and I opened my mouth I felt something wet being applied to my hole. I jerked my head around to see that Mike's face was buried between my butt cheeks. It must have been his tongue that was now working on my rosebud, and it was wonderful.
I turned back to Animal and opened wide. His cock was quickly inserted and I went to work on him once more, just as I felt something cold being poured onto my crack, then Mike's hands running up and down the length of it, then teasing my hole gently.
He inserted a finger and began probing. Then after a minute or so he inserted another. He was stretching me, and I have to admit that it felt fantastic.
'God, I love a good spit roast,' I heard Animal say, with a note of excitement in his voice.
Okay! So now I knew what that was!
Animal was pounding away in my throat. Mike was stretching me out, then all of a sudden he removed his fingers. I felt something firm and round get pressed against my hole. This was it! I was about to get fucked for the first time.
I braced myself as I felt him push against me. There was some resistance, then with another push I opened up and the head of his cock slipped inside me. The pain was intense. I wanted to scream, but with a massive cock down my throat that wasn't possible.
As Mike began to slowly work in and out of me the initial pain began to ease. He was taking it slow and what had begun as intense pain now seemed to be turning to pleasure. He was filling me up, but as I became used to his invasion the pain was subsiding and I now wanted more, I wanted him going faster, deeper, harder.
The feeling was incredible. I never thought that being fucked could feel like this. I could feel my own erection twitching and jumping with each thrust from Mike. Incredibly I could feel my balls tighten as my cock continuously hit my stomach. I was going to cum, and without laying a hand on myself.
'You getting close?' I heard Animal ask Mike. I knew I was.
Mike's breath was ragged, but I heard him say, 'Yeah, he's so fuckin' tight!'
'I'm almost there,' Animal added.
'Yeah, al---al---most,' Mike said. 'Urrgghh . . . urgghh . . .'
And then it happened. The three of us blew our loads at the same time . . . Mike deep inside me, Animal down my throat, then I splattered my seed all over the red vinyl lounge in what felt to me like the biggest load I have ever released.
'Holy shit, the little bitch blew his load too!' I heard Animal say, as the three of us separated.
I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand after swallowing the last of Animal's cum, while I noticed Mike wiping off his cock with a towel. The two of them were grinning, but it was all I could do just to stand.
A can of beer was thrust into my hand and I sat on the lounge, as Mike quickly wiped down the side where my cum was stuck to the vinyl.
'Nice job, mate,' he said to me. I just couldn't respond to that as my brain felt scrambled and I wasn't sure what he was even talking about.
We all drank our beers.
'Can't wait to get my turn at that tight arse,' I thought I heard Animal eventually say.
I wasn't sure if I heard that right. It might have been the beer or the adrenaline or something else entirely, but was it going to happen again?
I looked at Mike, but he looked to be passed out on the bed. Looking at Animal I could see him looking me up and down and licking his lips.
Something didn't feel right, yet when he stood up and walked over to me, standing in front of me and stroking my cheek with the back of his hand I felt powerless to resist. He placed a hand under my chin and motioned for me to stand, which I did without question, yet knowing full well that I should be questioning his actions. Then he turned me around and ran his hands down my back, using his thumbs to prize apart my arse cheeks as he stepped in closer. I heard him spit on his hand and managed to see him spread that over the tip of his cock, then he used one hand to bend me over.
'No . . . no . . .' I tried to say in protest, but he just laughed. He forced my head down onto Mike's cock (who was now wide awake once more) and instinctively I opened wide, while at the same time I felt the monstrous tip of Animal's cock push at my entrance.
I tried again to say no, but that wasn't possible. It was going to happen again. I was powerless. All I could do was take it from both ends.
When it was all over I remember crawling onto the bed. I was barely able to move. Every fibre of my being was numb, apart from my arse, which felt as if it had been torn open, the most incredible pain centred there. Someone crawled onto the bed behind me and I jumped at their touch.
'Ssshhhhh . . .' I heard Mike whisper. 'It'll pass.'
I closed my eyes as his arm reached over and pulled me towards him. It was only Mike, so I gave in and before long I passed out.
To his credit, Mike had taken it easy when I was fucked for the first time by him, but Animal didn't know how to do that! I had really been hammered by Animal, despite my protests. What was really burning me up, however, was that I had been led to believe nothing like this was going to happen, that Mike was going to watch out for me, but as I recalled the events all I could see in my mind was the glazed over expression on his face as Animal went to work.
Animal had forced his cock inside me and immediately my body cried out in pain. There was nothing gentle about how he had gone about it. He slammed into me like there was no tomorrow. I wanted to scream, but as my mouth was filled by Mike's long weapon and he had now started pumping in an out, hitting the back of my throat each time, while holding my head in place, there was nothing I could do.
Sometime later I woke up, listening to their snores while trying not to cry from the pain I was experiencing. I don't know for how long I laid there but the lights were out, and Animal was also lying on the bed, with me between the two of them.
I remember thinking that this was not how I had wanted to lose my virginity.
Now, lying between the two of them, I was beginning to sober up, and beginning to remember things, I was seething. I needed to get out of there. I needed to escape, before Animal woke and started all over again.
As carefully as I could I eased myself down the bed between them, until I could place my feet on the floor, then I stood up and staggered to the bathroom picking up my clothes as I went. Glancing at the table as I passed it I could see the used tubes of lubricant there, as well as the unused condoms.
'Fuck. That's just great,' I mumbled to myself, but then I realized I had swallowed a bucket load of cum from these two men, so what difference did it make?
As quietly as I could I closed the bathroom door, locked it and switched on the light, then sat on the toilet, hugging my clothes to me and rocking back and forth. I was on the verge of tears now, but I was trying to stay strong. I needed to stay strong.
Very carefully I reached between my legs and touched the burning skin around my hole. I felt wetness there, and when I brought my hand back out I could see blood on my finger tips, though I suspect that there was also some cum mixed with that.
'Oh my god!'
I quickly ripped some toilet paper from the roll and folded it carefully, then once more reached beneath me. When I pulled my hand out there was a considerable amount of blood there. I dropped the paper in the bowl and then did the same again. Still blood there, but not quite as much, so maybe it wasn't as bad as I first thought.
I was feeling dirty. Used. Ashamed. I wanted to run, but I just knew that anyone who saw me like this would know exactly what had happened. They would be able to smell it on me. That was when I decided to have a shower, to wash the filth away, so I did just that, being careful not to make too much sound, but pleased that I was able to soap up and clean myself off.
I dried myself and then dressed in my clothes, feeling so much better for it. Carefully I flicked the switch to shut off the light, then unlocked the door, cautiously opening it to find that neither Mike or Animal had moved.
Picking up my unused condoms I shoved them into my pocket, found my shoes and headed for the door.
Before opening it I took one last look at the two of them sleeping there together, then I opened the door and stepped out into the cold, dark night, walking swiftly across the car park to my Toyota. As I fumbled with the keys and tried to unlock it, I found my hands shaking. Was that from the cold, or from something else, I wondered?
My eyes were also stinging in the cold night air, as tears began to fill them. Fuck! What a night!
To be continued.....
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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