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    R. Eric
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  • 7,337 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Ark II - 36. Gaeaworld

More developments for the Ark and her residents and my Muse is still talking. I going as fast as I can! Typing the next chapter now..

Athena came up to Joel. “I created that which you saw last, using the plans I have in memory and what you and everyone has said about what you were doing.” She began quietly, “I hope I did alright.”

Joel hugged her, “That was beautiful!”

“There were some palm trees I should have added...” Athena began.

Sara Beth nodded holding Ian who had fallen asleep. These longer days were going to take time to get used to. “It was a projection about a future we are building. It was beautiful.” She looked at Robbie who came over quietly as he could. “Robbie, Joel and I need to put Ian to bed. I know he’ll be fine with you there. I need to check on Larisa.”

“I will watch him, Mom Sara Beth,” Robbie said. “I could carry him.”

Sara Beth smiled at him, “Don’t be offended, but I generate the warmth he will be more comforted by.”

“That’s how it should be,” Robbie said as his lights blinked a little faster.

Joel was concerned with Larisa, but also the mother of his child, “I know what you’ve said in the past. I know you’ll tell me again.” Then he voiced his concern. “You’re not sick, you’re pregnant.” He held his empty arms out. “I’m carrying nothing,” he smiled. “I can carry our son. You’re carrying our son and daughter. Let me take him.” He reached for Ian.

Sara Beth smiled and nodded letting Joel pull their sleeping son away and held him. She caressed Joel’s face, “Who needs an interface? You know me so well. That’s exactly what I’d say. Thank you.” She kissed Joel, then Ian’s cheek, who never even budged. Sara Beth touched her growing swell, “It’s easier without anything extra.” She looked at Joel more. “This is a good sign.”

“What is?” Joel asked.

“Ian’s content with everything,” Sara Beth said. “Us, the Ark, what we’re doing out here. A year ago he couldn’t sleep well without me, or you, especially not without Robbie. He’s content and feeling secure.”

“That’s what every parent wants,” Joel agreed. “He’s one of the many reasons we’re out here.”

Hank came up with Rita, quietly, which was odd for Hank. He pointed at Ian, “Tell him he was wonderful tonight....when he wakes up.”

“He only started taking piano a few weeks ago,” Rita marveled in a loud whisper. “He plays so well!”

“He’s a duck,” Joel smiled. “A newly hatched duckling can swim if you toss it in the water. He’s a duckling with music and has just taken off.”

Jim walked up, “What’s wrong with Aunt Larisa?”

Sara Beth touched her son’s head. The whole Ark knew, at least the adults did. There would be no breech of patient confidentiality. “She went into labor too early. We’re trying to stop it.”

Hank’s grinned, “You’ve heard, she’s got a bun in the oven?”

Jim grinned back and nodded.

“Her bun is coming out!” Hank shook his head, “Her bun isn’t done yet. They’re trying to keep her bun in the oven to finish baking.” He said simply.

“Oh,” Jim nodded but showed a new concern. “Daylia’s okay, right? She won’t come early.”

Sara Beth pulled Jim to her and assured him, “Daylia is fine. She’s healthy.” She muttered, “Sometimes, I wish it was all over, but she will stay where she is until done. There are more than a few doctors on the Ark to see that she does.”

Joel shifted Ian slightly, “Damn. He’s getting heavy. We better get him to bed before I drop him.”

Sara Beth’s eyes twinkled, “There’s the proof men can’t handle the pain of childbirth.”

“He’s not a baby,” Joel grimaced. “He’s a small man! Home. Now!”

Medika came up quickly, also a newly expecting mother, “Come by our lab sometime tomorrow. You need to see and approve something.”

Joel nodded, “I’ll be there at 04:00.” He grinned at her confused face. Medika looked at the new clock and then nodded. “Is that too early?” Joel asked.

Medika smiled, “No, ten o’clock in the morning is fine.”

“Will it be ten o’clock?” Hank asked. “I mean really ten o’clock anywhere in the universe?”

Joel shrugged, “I’m sure it will be somewhere. It’s a language. To learn a language, you have to use it.” He looked at Medika, “I’ll be there at 04:00.” He shifted Ian again. “Perhaps Ian should skip a meal.”

They got back to their quarters, got Ian in his pajamas and put him to bed. Robbie took his position and would be there until Ian woke up. They checked on Jim and Kevin. Jim was asleep already...he’d had an unusually busy day. Kevin was getting in bed. Joel noticed Kevin was at the age he began going to bed wearing only his underwear. Pajamas were good if you had guests who weren’t sexual partners. Joel also preferred sleeping in his underwear. He’d tried and has slept nude. Sara Beth as his wife would, too. She even dressed for bed, but not for slumber but for sex. The sometimes sheer lingerie were designed to arouse the sex partner, not to cause women to sleep better. Sara Beth didn’t need lingerie, but it helped! Joel! They told Kevin what they were doing and said Rob and Robbie would be with them while gone.

Joel and Sara Beth went to the Delivery Room and saw Larisa was asleep. Ansh was also asleep on a bed that had been brought over next to his wife’s bed. Dana was awake working on a computer consol. She rose when she saw Sara Beth and Joel. She gave a measured smile telling them things were perhaps better, but she was still concerned. She waved them to an area they could speak quietly.

“She’s doing pretty well,” Dana said. “Her contractions were at every fifteen to twenty minutes.” She sighed. “The contractions have lessened, but not totally stopped.”

“Will they stop?” Joel asked. “We can put the baby in stasis, can’t we?”

“Yes,” Dana nodded. “I’ve begun the steroid therapy to speed up the babies lung development if I have to take the child. I know I can deliver a live, healthy baby.” She grudgingly nodded. “I’ve delivered some way younger than this one. I just want to give their baby more time to mature.”

Sara Beth touched Dana’s arm, “I know and I totally agree. The safest place is here.” She rubbed her swell.

Dana looked at Larisa compassionately, “I don’t want to put her through that much, but any time I can give her baby is better. She’s comfortable now. I could put her on bedrest and see.” She looked at them again. “Her water broke. It is possible the break in her seal may seal back. I’m monitoring her from now until she delivers. Infection is one of the worries. So far her amniotic fluid is regenerating. I’ll try for five more weeks...” she looked at Larisa. “Hell, two more weeks will help.”

“The babies weight?” Sara Beth asked.

“That’s fine,” Dana answered. “She just needs as much time as she can get.”

“She?” Joel grinned. “You weren’t talking about Larisa.”

Dana smiled and her head slumped a little, “Yes, it’s a girl. Please don’t tell Larisa or Ansh. I’m just tired.”

Joel did the twisting movement with his fingers to his lips locking what in was secured. He tossed the invisible key over his shoulder. “I never will.” He swore. Joel looked at his wife. “A mother and infant can go into stasis together, can’t they? I read there was a death.”

“There was a death,” Sara Beth nodded. “Not because of stasis. The baby was born, also prematurely, but that baby died because of the premature birth, not because of being in stasis.”

“We could put them into stasis now or whenever,” Joel said as he looked at Dana. “And give you more time.”

Dana laughed, “To do what?” She waved at Larisa, Sara Beth and patted her still flat stomach, “Babies are why I’m here! I now have fifty-one babies coming. Rita is having two. One, I will let her tell, is carrying triplets.”

“Triplets!?” Joel balked. “Really?” He grinned.

Dana shook her head, “I shouldn’t really have told you that!”

“I command a vessel that I am responsible for many lives,” Joel defended. “I think I should be informed like Larisa’s condition.”

Dana nodded laughing, “You have been informed.” She waved at Larisa. “She will have a baby. The baby will be born and will do well. Both of them!” She promised. “If there is trouble, I will perform the C-section.”

Sara Beth nodded, “Just keep me informed.”


On the way back to their quarters, Joel noticed some changes on the Habitat Ring. Yes, the lights were turned down to simulate night conditions on Earth. There were the ever present night insects making their chirping noises. Crickets and even a nightingale! The soft croak of a frog. The air was soft and just on the warm side of cool. A Summer night in Charleston. Joel and Sara Beth didn’t hurry as they strolled leisurely with clasped hands. Their boys were fine and safe. Things were working for them to get things started.

“I hope Larisa will pul through this alright,” Joel said still a little worried.

Sara Beth smiled understandingly at Joel, “Why wouldn’t she?” She waved at their surroundings, “She’s in the best hospital, lab, best equipped medical facility in the galaxy. She should be fine.” She saw Joel’s look that said, how could she say that? “Joel, the woman that has no complications is very rare.”

“You had complications!?” Joel asked.

She nodded instantly, “Sure.” He looked back at where they’d come from. “Not like she did that threatened her or her baby, but yes. If not dealt with it could have killed me, or Kevin, or, Jimmy, or Ian.”

“When? Where was I?” Joel asked startled.

“You were there!” Sara Beth chuckled arguing, she began recalling. “I had bouts with high blood pressure, I wasn’t taking in enough oxygen for our children...”

“Oh,” Joel nodded, “That.”

Sara Beth bumped into him lightly, “You say oh that for conditions so common now which left unchecked gave women strokes, heart attacks or still births before we learned to treat them. It’s giving birth is hard.” She leaned against him as they strolled. “You’ve become used to the troubles and don’t see the complications. Infant and the mother mortality was so much more only a few centuries ago.”

Joel nodded, “I suppose.”

“Midwives in the past were often accused of witchcraft because of their knowledge.” Sara Beth smiled.

Joel shrugged, “Matt and Mark has found a way to bring an infant anything to life...no woman involved.”

Sara Beth nodded with a slight frown, “I know. What they achieved is nothing short of miraculous, but...” she ran her hand again over her protruding abdomen, “There’s nothing like natural mothering. Being a mother is scary...it’s odd when you realize there’s a whole other life inside you.” She smiled at Joel. “I wouldn’t trade it for almost anything.”

Joel kissed her gently and put his hand on Sara Beth’s swell, “As long as you two are healthy. I don’t care how it’s done.” He almost jumped when he felt the baby kick. “Hi, Daylia!”


Yes, the longer day had it’s good parts and bad. The day awake and working seemed to never end. That was not good. The night seemed to last and last. Sleeping late was great the first nights, but most Human evolution had the day and night in twenty-four-hour segments. They would adapt. Joel had read that men and women on submarines that wouldn’t surface for weeks or months would naturally shift to a six-hour schedule of six in bed, or the rack, six at work, and last six off to do whatever they chose of reading or play. Don’t forget about time to work out which was done in that window of time off. Stasis had done away with that or it would have happened on the long space journeys. Joel woke and rolled so he could see the clock displayed dimly. It was 10:00. Two more hours until their day began. No, that wasn’t true. He’d normally have to set an alarm to wake up to get going. He’d wake up and usually go exercise. He’d then shower and shave to get to work on time. He always prided himself on being on time for anything. A lesson passed to him from his grandfather. He told Joel to always be prompt, otherwise you will look unreliable. If you were to be at work at a certain time, you got there before that time, got what you needed like coffee or anything else and at the time when you began working. His military training had honed that promptness.

He wondered about the surface of Gaea, mostly New Charleston. New Charleston was positioned near the shores on the East and the West. There would be great sunrises and sunsets. New Charleston was large enough to cover several kilometers of flat land, edged to the north by mountains. He remembered Athena’s creation of what would happen in a century or more. Digital creations for the screen had been around a couple of centuries and just improved. Digital actors were hard to tell from their real Human costars.

He was still getting used to commanding Athena to do things. He wanted to see New Charleston. In his mind he saw the planet below. New Charleston was still dark...or was it? His mind went to night vision and he saw the robots below working tirelessly. They didn’t get tired and they worked if Ran was out or not. He saw the robots were working on the housing structures and tilling the ground for the crops and trees. There were over a hundred robots now working. The Space Elevator worked nonstop bringing supplies and compost to the surface. Other robots got the supplies, and it was a sort of choreographed dance of efficiency. He smiled as the walls for the housing were going up. The town center was beginning. Foundations were being laid out. The large planter for the Angel Oak was being built. If Human labor had been used it would have taken months or even years. It might be done here by robots before they went into stasis. The trees and other plants would be what took time. Mature trees a century old? Joel was looking forward to a world that was ready to move to.

He heard Sara Beth blow an exasperated breath and threw the covers off,

“Are You alright?” Joel asked

“Yes,” Sara Beth growled lightly and went into their bathroom. When she came out she sighed. “So it starts.” She touched Daylia. “This isn’t one of the wonderful parts of having a baby. Having to pee so often.”

Joel tried to sound sincere, but failed. Which Sara Beth knew by his slight smile, “I’m so sorry.”

Sara Beth pointed at him, “Don’t start with me.”

Joel held his arms out helplessly in surrender and shrugged, “I wish I could do it for you.”

Sar Beth nodded, “Go do what you need to.” She ordered. “I’ll make breakfast. What do you feel like eating?”

Joel grinned, “I love your omelets...” he snapped his finger, “ooh, your fish and cheese crepes! I really love those!”

Sara Beth nodded, “Fine. I’ll make enough to fill you up.”

“Robbie or Rob could...” Joel began.

“No!” Sara Beth said sharply. “My job! I feed my family!” She conceded a nod, “I will need their help when our bundle of joy arrives.” She rubbed Daylia. “I’m the wife and mother...” her eyes twinkled, “Or you could cook your Shrimp and Grits again if you really want to help.”

Joel nodded, “I’d be glad to.”

They saw their bedroom door open and Kevin’s head came in. He saw his parents and brightened, “Good, you’re up.”

“Do you need something?” Sara Beth asked.

“Yeah,” Kevin entered more. He looked at his father. “Can I borrow your razor this morning?”

Sara Beth’s eyes widened, and she covered her mouth in...shock? Surprise?

Kevin was only twelve! He didn’t have a moustache or beard. Joel nodded, “Sure, son. You don’t really need it yet.”

Kevin shook his head. He ran his finger over his upper lip, “I do. I have this...peach fuzz. I want to get rid of it.”

Joel smiled, “Absolutely.” If they used a bladed razor he’d be more concerned. The laser-razor couldn’t really cut Kevin. “You know to use the...”

“That cream,” Kevin nodded. “I’ve seen you use it hundreds of times. I know.”

“We’ll have one made for you,” Joel promised. “Until then, use mine.”

Sara Beth went to Kevin and hugged him, “Slow down,” she said as her voice cracked a bit. “You’re growing up too fast.”

Kevin looked at his father as Sara Beth hugged her eldest son at a loss of what to do.

Joel chuckled, “He’s got some more milestones ahead. Are you going to be teary eyed for each one?”

Sara Beth nodded, “I will.”

Joel sat up and threw his feet to the floor. “Okay.” He smiled at his son. “Let’s get our morning started with a good workout! Then I’ll make shrimp and grits! Would you prefer the Creole version or the Charleston version?” He knew what the answer would be.

“Creole!” Kevin answered quickly.


His sons and Joel did workout for about an hour and a half. Gaean time. They showered. Jim watched as Kevin used the cream and laser-razer on his peach fuzz.

“I’ve heard if you shave,” Jim began rubbing his face, “it grows back thicker and faster.”

Joel looked at his middle son, “It grows.” He shrugged. “I don’t need a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old son with a moustache. Often we grow one as early as we can to show how mature we are. Then we shave our beards to show how young we still are. I have no proof that shaving makes it grow thicker or faster. As my sons,” he sighed and looked at them, “you’ll inherit my hairline and beard features. You will also inherit your grandfather’s, or your mother’s father’s hairline and features.” He rubbed the hair on his scalp. “My hair is still thick. I will probably get a little thinner on top as did my grandfather.” He shrugged. “My other grandfather had thick hair late in his life. It’s a toss of the dice.” Joel chuckled, “I grew a moustache in my twenties.” He saw his son’s shocked expressions. “Yes, but it was irritating. Your mother hated it. It itched. I gave it up in six months and never grew one again.”

“There’s no man on the Ark that is bald,” Kevin thought to think of one.

“Uncle Anthony,” Jim grinned. “He says he would be nearly completely bald if he hadn’t gotten the treatments.”

Joel remembered the blond man who had thick blond hair and nodded, “I can see that.” He waved at his sons. “Dress! I need to start breakfast!”


It wasn’t fair perhaps, but the supplies on the Ark were plentiful even as they were now eating the supplies. He loved the ingredients he had to use. He had the Creole seasonings, the smoked paprika, small grape sized tomatoes, but he also had truffles and saffron! Gourmet spices that just made it taste better. Kosher salt! He wondered if Gaea had volcanic salt. Be it like black salt from the Himalayan salt, Indian Black salt...some salt! That added a great taste. He knew there were volcanoes, therefore volcanic salt. They’d just had to get some. Rachel was the future chef and would no doubt come up with amazing dishes.

It was 03:00 when Joel got to the Control Room. He noticed there were now a greater number of the A2s moving around. The noncombat androids were now in almost every families’ quarters. The adult Humans were very busy! They were not needed to get groceries, but probably to bring something to the other members of the family. Couriers. To get something they forgot. There were several reasons. Why not? They ate no supplies and breathed no air! They consumed energy which Ran lost more than they could ever use. That made what Medika’s request to show him something puzzling. What was it?

“In an hour Medika wants me to see something in the lab,” Joel announced. “She didn’t say me alone, wanta come?”

Hank nodded, “Sure. That’s a Gaean hour.” He shrugged. “We’ve got plenty of time.”

“How’s Rita’s cravings going?” Joel grinned.

Hank grudged a nod, “Better. She and I got the spicy orange chicken, not from Beijing Wok, but pretty close!”

“Who cooked it for you?” Joel asked.

“Rachel!” Hank said proudly, “I’m telling you, she’s a prodigy where cooking is concerned!”

Joel laughed, “She’ll have to have us over one night!”:


They went to the lab for the robots and androids. Entering Joel and Hank saw the various Human shaped parts scattered about. Arms, legs, torsos male and female, legs, even eyes displayed ready to be inserted. Another movie came to Joel’s mind. Westworld. The movie with James Brolin and the series...there was the remake in 2049. The scene where the parts were arranged like this.

“If I see the gunslinger,” Hank muttered. “I’m outta here!”

Joel chuckled and nodded, “I was just thinking along those lines.”

Medika looked up from a sheet covered headless body she was working on. Kind of female version of Dr. Frankenstein. Beside her was Anthony doing the same thing. They both smiled at them.

“It’s alive!” Anthony said in a manic tone like in the movie Frankenstein!

“Is it?” Joel asked with raised eyebrows.

Medika gave a nod, “With the Neural Interface and you come into here. It will be!” She pointed at Hank.

“Me?” Hank asked.

Anthony smiled and pointed at the prone figure on the table, “This one, yes.” He pulled the sheet back. The robots and androids of the past had gears, pullies and metallic insides. This one had none of that. The legs were sculpted legs of a man. There were these bluish, plush muscles-like that wrapped a skeletal inside they couldn’t see. Down to feet that was shaped like Human feet with the ankle and toes. “This is your leg, Hank!” He slapped the left leg which made a flesh-like “slap” sound.

“My leg?” Hank balked.

“It could be,” Medika said. She looked up at Hank and Joel cautiously, “I’ll show you more, if you like.”

Joel waved at her, “Please.”

“Maybe we should show them Joel first,” Anthony suggested.

“Sure,” Medika nodded and held her finger, “Remember, these aren’t finished.” She said going to another table. Even covered with a sheet you saw there was no head. Where the head was supposed to be was flattened sheet. That was wrong. The feet were covered all the way up past the shoulders. It was a man sleeping...without a head! She pulled the sheet away and a man’s body laid there, but some of the muscles were covered in Human looking skin! The muscles that did show was that bluish-white material they’d seen on the other body. The left ribcage was covered with skin and the left side had the male nipple as did every man.

Joel put his hand over his left coverall covered nipple. Every man recognized his own, “Is that my...” he left it unfinished. It was his...almost. The shape was right but the hair around it was gone.

“Yes,” Anthony nodded. “It’s your nipple!”

“We modeled it after the many photos of you without your shirt!” Medika nodded.

Hank went to the body they said was his, and looked at the headless one of him. He pulled the sheet up to peer between the legs. His eyebrows rose, “I think you missed something.” He pointed at the crotch.

Medika laughed sand shook her head, “No, we didn’t. We didn’t attach the sexual organs until you approved.”

“You were okay with using the A2 and A1 androids,’ Anthony explained. “You wanted to show strength while hiding. It just makes sense that in the hundred or more years...should they find us...you will have communicated with them by video-digital images. They will want to see you.”

“And they will!” Medika said happily waving at the body of Joel’s...whatever. “Here!” She went to another area with another sheet covered thing. This thing looked like a head covered. A dummy’s head or something. “This I need you ready for.” She looked at Joel. “Are you ready?” When Joel nodded, Medika pulled the cover off. It was Joel’s bald skin covered head, his face with the ears, eyes that were closed, nose, mouth again with no hair. “Does this bother you?”

Joel was a little unsettled, but not really bothered, “Not really. It’s not my head.” He chuckled. “I recognize it’s my head, but not my head. Do you know what I’m saying?”

Medika nodded, “I do. When Anthony showed the head he did of me, I felt odd about it.” She touched the head’s neck and lifted the skin showing him the throat with the “not” muscles. “We will make an exact copy of your body down to the freckles, blemishes and hair follicles.” She looked at Joel. “Smile.”

Joel smiled.

Medika hit some keys on a keyboard and the head smiled! It was almost his smile. “We have some fine tuning to do. We want a fully functional version of you to move around.” She hit another set of keys. The head grinned showing his white pearly teeth, the slightly chipped one right in the front. She pulled the sheet up showing his leg...his android body’s leg. Another couple of keystrokes and the leg went up, bent at the knee, then curled it’s toes, then wiggled them. It was his leg! “Just visually this will be you!” She reluctantly nodded. “A detailed scan by anyone will show this is an android version of you.”

“Why?” Hank asked.

“Because,” Anthony began. “Even though they seem nice. They might not be. If they shoot or even try to kill you with other means, they won’t. They may shoot a leg off or a leg, but you will be left unhurt.”

“Or,” Medika added. “You take a journey back to Earth, Mars or Tau Ceti, you won’t need life support or food.”

Joel nodded, “That makes sense.”

“You will need to socialize and eat, which you can do when there,” Anthony said smiling. “You will appear Human. If you are injured or killed while there, the fact you are androids will be found out, but you will be safe here!”

Hank was nodding as he understood, “You’re doing this for everyone?”

“Everyone that finished growing,” Medika answered.

“You’re giving everyone everything they could use?” Hank asked pointing at the body that was to be his with the missing part, other than skin and head.

Anthony laughed and nodded, “Yes, and it will work!”

“Really?” Hank asked.

“You can’t father any children when in here,” Anthony pointed out. “You can have sex...with whomever.”

“Noo!” Hank said in disbelief, unsure.

Joel chuckled, “I’ve tried the virtual reality shops online. I’ve even tried one of those shops that have the robotic partners to choose from.” He shook his head. “They were attractive...sort of, but they didn’t seem quite real.” He looked at the eyes that were regarding him in surprise, “Oh, come on, I’m Human. You can’t tell me you’ve never had sex with something other than a real Human! I prefer a living Human partner.”

Anthony was grinning and nodded as he turned a little pink. Hank avoided looking at Joel. Medika was smiling but not surprised.

“I’m telling you,” Anthony insisted. “When you are in here.” He touched Joel’s android leg. “The nerves will respond to you, and you will feel it. You will ejaculate.”

Hank grudged a nod, “As a younger man, it didn’t take much to make me cum...when aroused, which was most of the time.”

Joel threw his arm around Hank and did the one armed man hug to show he knew what Hank was saying from personal experience.

Medika suddenly shook her head and slapped Anthony in the side lightly, “Enough with the sex discussion!” She looked at Joel. “There are many reasons for doing this. Increased strength! You’ll be five to ten times stronger than a Human male. You won’t get hungry, but you can eat...to be sociable. You can drink, also to be sociable and the real you won’t get drunk! It won’t effect you mind and body...your real body, but you can taste everything.”

“This body will feel everything, eat, piss, poop...” Anthony said.

Hank moved back to peer at the prone form that was to be his body and looked to see if he could see the butthole. “It can.” He said again to confirm what he understood.

“It’s a basic law,” Joel stated amused. “As much as you take in, you’ll let out. I learned that in Grade School Science Class.”

Hank nodded quickly and motioned to the body that was to be his again, “Yes, but this isn’t quite biology, is it?”

“And!” Medika continued in excited happiness, “You will be linked to Athena! You will be able to analyze anything you see, hear, taste and feel. Your senses will be finely tuned...”

“You’ll be a walking computer lab!” Anthony interrupted. “You remember all those superhero movies and shows.” He waved at them, “You’ll be them!”

Joel nodded but his mind worked on a new problem, “Don’t make it more attractive than being Human. People may want to be in one all the time.”

“And?” Anthony asked, not understanding.

Hank nodded as he got it, “I can think of several movies and shows that explored that. Avatar, Surrogates...”

Medika looked confused, “Tell me about Surrogates. Avatar I know but...”

“Surrogates was about people wandering about in these artificial bodies,” Joel began. “They were always perfect looking, hair combed, bodies toned, eating and drinking, even having sex and the real person was secluded, shut off and afraid to face the world as themselves. They were losing their Humanity.”

Medika got it, “I can guarantee there will be some of that.” She shrugged. “Human Beings will always want to present their best selves that’s strong and confident.” She looked at the android bodies. “These will do that.”

“You’ll do it with Rita and Sara Beth?” Hank asked.

“Of course,” Medika answered.

“And never grow old?” Hank smiled. “Rita will love that, but...”

Joel pointed at the android body of him, “Only in this form.” He looked at Medika and Anthony. “These seem more involved and more sophisticated than Rob and Apollo.”

Medika smiled, “Because they are.”

“We are...” Anthony eyes lowered, “I hate to say it, but...we are gods to the robots and androids. We gave them life!”

Hank smirked, “Some would argue about us giving life. Artificial life, yes, but not real sentient life.”

“How do you know?” Medika argued. “Something that is self-aware is sentient. Is Athena self-aware? Who can answer that?”

“Does she have a soul?” Joel stated the question not really as a question.

“Ooh,” Hank nodded. “There are many shows and movies that ask that question.”

“Which was always left to the viewer,” Joel shrugged and pointe at his android body, “Which he will have if I’m in there. Assuming I have a soul.”

“I can restrict anyone from using the interlink to get in here,” Medika said. “Never without your permission. You can give permission to Hank, Sara Beth...” she shrugged, “Whoever needs to be you for a moment.”

Joel grudged consent, “Okay, fine.” He looked at the clock they had up. “How long until you test this?”

“A week to finish and ready to show,” Anthony admitted. “Another week to fine tune.”

“We are updating Rob and Apollo,” Medika said. “Their systems will always be improved.”

Hank grinned, “The Borg.”

Joel just rolled his eyes at that.

“Admit it!” Hank challenged. “They were scary, especially after that movie in 2164!”

Joel had to admit they were. They had done the whole movie digitally. No sets and the first totally digital actors. They even had Jonathan Frakes, Patrick Stewart and all the actors playing the parts...digitally and you couldn’t tell! The controversy was the question of authorization to use the actors. The movie makers hadn’t reshot the scenes but recreated the scenes and enhanced them. The Borg were scarier! They didn’t go bump in the night, they went bump day and night and were true amoral sadists! They only wanted to assimilate everyone and everything. They showed the horrible assemblage of people without regard to the pain or any feelings. They removed arms and replaced them with artificial arms of the Borg. Eyes removed and replaced. In graphic images! So horrible they raised an age to see it to twenty-five! That brought new terror to hearing “We are Borg. Resistance is futile!” The unison voices of countless millions speaking in one voice. Joel shivered at the memory. Humans knew how to scare other Humans and found new and better ways to do it! They wanted to give that Patrick Stewert an Oscar. Another controversy!

Joel and Hank stayed and looked at the different “parts” to be assembled.


“Can you come to the Space Ship Yard?” Alejandro asked Joel in his head. Alejandro loved his new neural interface and link.

“Can I bring Hank?” Joel asked.

“Can you two travel alone now?” Alejandro asked back.

“I’m choosing to ignore that,” Hank said.

Joel realized Alejandro had sent the message to both of them. They needed a way of telling if a message was sent to more than one. “We’ll be right there.” Joel replied to both.

“We have a Space Ship Yard!?” Hank asked.

“Space Ship and Assembly Yard,” Joel replied simply. “Whatever you want to call it. You know where he meant.”

This was one lab or whatever that rotated with the Habitat Ring. It had a large window that looked not into space beyond the Ark, but into the now almost empty waiting area where the various ships waited to move to the bay that would open to space to leave the Ark. This was on the first level of the Habitat Ring. Where the quarters were was on the bottom two of four rotating rings. There was only the slightest difference in centrifugal gravity.

They entered the lab and was greeted by Alejandro, Angus, Joder, Toby Kirks and Scott Fleming. They saw a robot was welding something on one of the Harpy Buses. You saw the sparks float away in zero gravity.

“Is that the new bus?” Hank asked pointing through the window.

“No,” Angus replied. “It’s one of the two buses we’ve used before, only now it will have the antigravity field.”

“Whatever,” Hank nearly growled.

Angus laughed, “It’s having those antigravity generaters and pads installed. We’ll have them both done before we all go down to Gaea for the birthdays and dedication.”

“They just tested it yesterday!” Joel said in disbelief.

“We aren’t suffering from the lack of funding or resources,” Joder shrugged.

“We have plenty of ores and time,” Toby explained. “We have plenty of all that, plus an endless labor force. Athena is working nonstop!”

Angus nodded and held up his “I’ve got a point” finger, “We need to make sure the controls will be handled by the pilot.” He looked at Joel. “That’s you...” he looked at Hank, “and you.” Angus smiled. “Of course, Joel will pilot one and you, Hank will want co-pilots. Your choice.”

“Sure,” Joel nodded.

“We have a simulator and mockup to start,” Angus waved them toward another door in the lab. “If you have time.”

Time they had. It was 06:40 hours, not quite lunchtime.


Joel sat in the cockpit and looked at the controls which were pretty well standard. Nose up, nose down, thrust, pitch, yaw...all there and so was the control stick to bank turns. Controls for the wings’ flaps on the four wings both low and mid wings. The control of air flow was in atmospheres were key in aviation. Joel knew them. There were additional foot controls and a lighted panel that turned on the Gravity Field.

“Now,” Angus began explaining. “You pressing the pedal down will increase the Antigravity Field, meaning you will slow down when you descend. It will slow you down with the added power. You will have to control the landing judging the speed and distance.” He grinned. “You will know this. I know you will.” He slapped Joel on the shoulder. “Here we go!”

Joel knew weight and load were very important. He was used to vertical take-offs and landings. The rolling landing and take-off. Jets were used for those. The odd feel of the push against the Harpy Bus...he’d have to get used to it. He could and use the link for the controls when he got used to the manual controls. Athena could pilot the crafts now, but God forbid there was a problem, and a Human was needed to pilot. It had to become second nature. It would be. Right now Hank was showing himself to be a good pilot. He had flown smaller aircraft but would have to have the skill in his long-term skill. Right now it was in his short-term memory. He was a mechanical engineer first! Then a pilot. The danger was Joel. He needed to leave these new controls so they would become second nature. The he would try the controls by link.

It was almost 08:00 when they knew they needed to eat lunch. It would be a late lunch even by Earth time. It was the eight hour after sunrise in New Charleston. Joel had a barbeque sandwich with pulled pork and huge onion rings. He had to. What else were they saving the Earth for? If he didn’t, it was a waste of what they’d brought!

He went to the Delivery Room. Hank went off to do Hank things. It was a different scene there now. Ansh was not there. Dana wasn’t there. There was a single person looking over a very restless Larisa.

“How are we?” Joel asked them both.

The nurse or doctor was watching Larisa and monitoring her readings. The male doctor, Rendo, Italian, was his name. Joel knew he was a pharmacologist. He was also a medical doctor. He was the one to take all of those flowers and plants Sara Beth was going to grow on the surface of Gaea and make all those future medications.

“We are doing well,” Rendo said smiling. “The medication has stopped the contractions.”

Larisa frowned, “I am so bored!”

“Dana said once you pass the twenty-four hours,” Rendo said happily. “You may get up...” he raised his caution finger, “limited movements such as going to the bathroom.”

Larisa nodded and rubbed her stomach, “But it’s worth it if the baby waits.”

“I know Sara Beth has been by to check on you,” Joel said.

“Twice,” Larisa nodded. “That’s a busy woman.” She brightened, “I’ve watched the whole show from last night.” She wavered her head in disbelief. “That youngest son of yours, he’s about to turn six!? I can’t imagine what he’ll be at ten! Brice was so wonderful! I saw the Phantom of the Opera when it came to Paris. He was that haunted figure. That talent! I’d love to see the whole Phantom of the Opera done here on Gaea.” She held up the finger for her point, “If Adel plays Christine. My God, the range she has! That last sung note for Le Jazz Hot, just before the dramatic snap! She must have gone three whole octaves without a single break, just one long note. No falsetto! Just one long continuous note!”

“This is known,” Joel began. “Adel had gone through puberty and in her early teens her voice began changing.” He grinned. “Even with the hormones taken and the reassignment in her late teens, her voice changed but never lost range.” Joel smiled at her enthusiasm, “We should suggest she do those shows. We should have many of the classical Broadway shows done.” He nodded, “I know Lunga Friend will be doing concerts. He’s doing that already. Ian probably will, too.” He smiled. “To him, it’s not a performance, it’s just fun.”

Larisa looked directly at Joel, “I know he will be great.” She touched the swell if her baby. “I hope he’ll have another playmate.”

“I know he will,” Joel reassured her. He looked at Rendo, “Now, who is having the triplets?”

Rendo looked surprised and grinned, “I’m not Obstetrics and even if I knew...”

“Yea, yea,” Joel waved him off, “I know patient and doctor confidentiality and all that.” He glared at the man with a smiled, “I bet you know.”

Rendo shrugged and waved at Larisa, “You know which of the ladies it isn’t...Sara Beth, Rita....”

“That leaves hundreds of ladies it could be,” Joel practically growled. “That isn’t a lot of help.”

“You’ll know soon enough,” Rendo chuckled.


Joel loved that almost everyone on the Ark met at least one time of the day on the Ark. They all met in the Communal Dining Area and seemed all were enjoying it. The droning sound of many conversations and laughter filled the dining area. This was a small community...a kind of small town in space. There were the occasional family and couples who wanted seclusion in the evening and remained in their quarters. The fact everyone knew all the members of the Ark even if they didn’t work together. Humans were social creatures, but the conflicts did happen and you saw the napkin thrown down in a huff, or you saw the posturing of a man and spouse told you there was an argument. Children being children occasionally fought. Normally it was a fight with words shouted rarely coming to blows. It would happen, but that was dealt with immediately. Joel suspected the infidelity with some members of the Ark. That was universal with Humans. That possibility never occurred to Joel to cheat. He trusted Sara Beth. The Ark members closest to Joel could cheat, but he saw nothing about them that said they were.

The Nesmiths were together again and the laughter at the table was so reassuring and comfortable to Joel.

The Cavills came over as the meal ended and they would return to their quarters. It was when the MacQueens walked toward them...Angus, Davina and Flora. Seven-year-old Flora was a beautiful little girl with blonde hair like her mother. It was the smile on the little girl’s face that told them they had a secret she was dying to let out.

Joel, Hank and their wives guessed what the secret was.

“No,” Hank shook his head, “You just had to one up Rita and I.”

Davina touched Angus, “The fault is mine,” She chuckled. “Mother to mother for generations back had had multiple births. My mother had a fraternal twin sister, their mother had siblings that were triplets, their mother had siblings that were twins and a set of triplets!”

Rita slumped slightly, “Oh, your poor grandmother!”

Davina laughed and nodded, “Who was raised in a family of eleven children! They weren’t even Catholic!”

Hank grudged a shrug, “At least the multiple births cut down on the number of pregnancies!”

Sara Beth nodded, “There are some women in a family history of multiple ovulations.”

“No fertilization drugs were used!” Joel stated.

“There weren’t, right?” Hank asked to confirm.

“Nope,” Angus answered happily.

Joel waved at them, “Three more reasons to get down to Gaea!”

Copyright © 2022 R. Eric; All Rights Reserved.
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Androids interacting instead of humans in dangerous or threatening situations is a good idea as is traveling without the need of life support or supplies. The possibilities are endless!

There is much to consider as Ark II continues to find ways to improve and protect their colony. They really are the saviors of mankind and the example of what we could become!

Thanks for another chapter and a peek into what could be! 

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