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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Out Of The Closet - 11. Chapter 11: Rebellious

Tension rises between Oliver and his parents while Oliver struggles to find the right school for him after graduation.

October 11 2019

I sat in the band hall to eat lunch with Toby, as usual for Fridays for the past month. Cody was having lunch with his football friends, and frankly, that was annoying. I, of course, am an introvert, but I still like having friends around to talk to, even if I only really have a few real friends in school. However, I wasn’t fond of all the flirting freshmen band girls who mobbed me every time I was in the band hall.

“Remind me again why you always have to eat lunch here, bro?” I took a bite of my sandwich as a couple freshman girls were staring at and drooling over me.

“As drum major, I have to help out the struggling students. Besides, I like hanging out with the other band people.” Toby explained with a smile. “Grace, Kylie, if you don’t need any help with your music, then please sit somewhere else...” Toby sighed. “You’re bugging my brother...” I nodded with a blush.

“But he’s like the hottest guy in school...” one of the girls exclaimed. “Do you want to hear my flute playing? And then go get milkshakes after school at the diner?”

I blushed. “Sorry, girls. I’m gay...” I tilted my head to the side. “But a milkshake does sound nice.”

“Never mind,” she huffed and walked away, sticking her tongue out at me.

“Dude... you are a girl magnet...” a nerdy looking freshman band guy came up. “I wish I was cool like you.”

“Hey, Marshall...” Toby smiled. “You’re not here to flirt with Oliver, right?”

“Uh... no...” he blinked twice. “I wanted to show you how well I’ve practiced on my violin!”

Suddenly, Cody entered the room. I blushed. My boyfriend is looking hot in his away football jersey and tight pants. They have an away game in La Junta this evening.

“Yo, Toby,” Cody said, interrupting Marshall’s violin playing. “You got all the band people ready?”

“Yes,” Toby nodded. “We’ll have to get on the buses after lunch is finished.”

“Sweet,” Cody turned around to leave.

“Just gonna ignore me?” I asked.

“Oh, hey, Oliver, didn’t see you there.” Cody knelt down and kissed my cheek.

“Hey, babe...” I mumbled, stuffing my hands in the pockets of my jeans.

“What’s wrong? You sound depressed.” Cody asked, resting his hands on my thighs.

“Gee, I don’t know…” I rolled my eyes sarcastically. “My parents have imprisoned me at home. I can only come out for school or work. And I can only talk to you at this lame ass school.”

“I’m sorry, Oliver,” he ruffled my hair. “We can hang out tonight after the game.”

“How?! I’m imprisoned. I’m SO BORED there. Dad is even trying to get me a Korean wife.”

“Woah, seriously?!” Cody’s green eyes went wide. “They really want you to be straight, huh?”

“YES I hate it soooo much….” I whined. “You gotta save me, Cody.”

“I will. I’ll come by after the game.”

“Promise?” I asked with puppy dog eyes.

Cody nodded. “Yeah, babe...” He winked before leaving. I sighed and smiled before finishing my lunch.

That night, Toby and I ate dinner at the table with our parents. “I’ll do the dishes, boys,” mom smiled. “Thanks for eating with us.”

“No problem, mom,” I smiled.

“Oliver and I are going upstairs to work on homework,” Toby announced.

“On a Friday night?”

“Well, I am banned from doing LITERALLY ANYTHING fun so I kinda have no other choice, mom,” I said passive-aggressively.

I followed Toby upstairs. “Thanks for covering for me, bro,” I whispered as we entered Toby’s room.

“No prob, Ollie. Cody texted me and he’ll be here in a few minutes. And he wants you to put on jeans.”

“What? Why?”

“He said it’s a surprise. Just change into some jeans bro…” Toby pointed to my room.

I grumbled as I walked to my room and pulled off my comfy basketball shorts and put on the jeans I wore to school earlier. I also grabbed a sweatshirt and I popped a couple tic-tacs in my mouth to make my breath minty fresh and returned to Toby’s room. I saw Cody’s Jeep out the window. Toby helped me open the window and I climbed out onto the roof. I carefully jumped down from the roof to the soft grass below.and ran to Cody’s Jeep before my parents would have a chance to see me escape.

“Hey, cutie,” Cody smiled and kissed me. “Ready to go?” I nodded. Cody drove down the road to its end where his house was. After passing his house, Cody opened the gate with the combination. Cody’s house looks average, but it’s on a large plot of land as Cody’s dad was pretty wealthy. They own horses and have some fun trails for riding or off-roading. After the gate, the road became gravel and led to the stables.

“The stables?” I asked, getting out.

“Yup,” Cody locked his Jeep and walked over to the stables. “We’re going for a little ride if that’s ok.”

“That sounds nice,” I smiled. It’s been a couple years since I’ve ridden on the horses. The Matthews own two of them: Cinnamon and Snowball. Cody had me ride Cinnamon and he rode Snowball. We went for a light trot along the trail. The view was amazing of the fiery orange setting sun and the open fields that stretched out for miles. Town was visible in the distance as well, as Cody’s ranch was in the hills. Along the trail were cacti, a few pine trees, and a few deciduous trees that were bright yellow and orange for fall, but mainly just a bunch of high grasses. As we rode, it began to get chilly, and I put on my hoodie, pulling it up over my head. The grass was swaying in the wind, and Cody had to hold his cowboy hat down to keep it from blowing away.

Cody halted the horses when we reached a grove of trees along a creek. We dismounted from the horses and Cody tied them up to one of the trees. Some light strings were tied up to the trees and there were a couple folding chairs set up for us to sit. We sat down and hung out and chatted with our sparkling waters from the cooler. It had been a long day, and Cody and I fell asleep after a couple hours.

I woke up feeling very cold and I nudged Cody awake. “Mmm… What time is it, Ollie?”

“I dunno,” I shrugged. “I don’t have a phone. But it’s cold and dark.” The string lights had even turned off. I guess they were on a timer or somethin’.

“It’s almost midnight. I should get you home.” Cody ruffled my hair and I frowned. Cody turned on his phone flashlight so we could see the horses.

We rode on the horses back to the stable as a light rain began falling mixed with some icy sleet pellets. “Cody, I don’t want to go home,” I told him.

“Well, if you want, you can spend the night with me. I don’t want you to get in more trouble with your parents though. They already hate me.” Cody parked on the driveway and we had to run inside to avoid getting too cold and wet. Cody and I took a warm shower together. I didn’t have a change of clothes so I borrowed a pair of his boxers and basketball shorts. I fell asleep curled up with Cody listening to the cold rain outside.

October 12 2019

I woke up with my head resting on Cody’s chest. His tank top had ridden up a bit, showing me his cute navel and washboard abs. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Cody was still sleeping and I didn’t want to wake him up. Outside, the sky looked gray and cold. The ground was lightly covered in last night’s snow, sleet, and ice. I went to Cody’s dresser, and grabbed a pair of white socks to put on over my cold bare feet. I wandered upstairs to the kitchen where I was not alone.

“Mornin’,” I lazily waved to Cody’s mom, who was making french toast for breakfast.

“Oh, Oliver, hey. I didn’t realize you spent the night. Do your parents know you’re here?”

“Uh, no. I snuck out last night to hang with Cody. Spending the night here was a sudden decision when the ice came.”

“I heard about your parents, by the way. Cody was upset about it last Sunday.”

“Yeah, my parents are pissed at both of us for having oral sex in my bed after homecoming…” I poured myself a glass of juice and blushed. Why did I tell my boyfriend’s MOM about that? Ugh get some brain cells, Oliver!

“A little too much information there, hun…” she rolled her eyes. “But, you’re going to either have to change their minds, or live with their rules.” Samantha put a few slices of french toast on a plate for me. “As much as we support you here, I can’t afford a third teenager living under my roof.”

“I know,” I sighed, taking a bite of my food after drizzling some syrup. “I wouldn’t want to burden you at all.” I fidgeted with my lucky shark tooth necklace. “I just have to figure out what to do.”

“Hiiii,” Iris entered the kitchen. I haven’t seen her in a while. She’s grown up quite a bit, being 13 years old now. “Woah, Ollie when did you get here?”

“Hey, Iris,” I smiled and took another bite of food. “Cody invited me to spend the night.”

“Cool cool. Doing anything fun today?”

“Um, well I am hanging out with some friends later to play basketball and…”

“Ugh that’s so boring… and you got EARRINGS… lucky. Mom hasn’t let me get my ears pierced yet…”

“Iris, sweetie. Leave Oliver alone. He’s got a lot going on.”

Iris rolled her eyes. Cody came into the kitchen a bit later, still in his pajamas. He had a couple cuts on his face because he tried shaving his cute blond peach fuzz facial hair lol. We spent a bit in the morning playing video games in the living room. The sun came out and started melting the ice outside. I had made plans with some guys from school to meet up in the park at noon and shoot some hoops to get some practice in for basketball tryouts next month. I’m meeting with Tanner, Landon, Forrest, and Keller. We’ll have 6 guys total in practice with Cody even if he isn’t trying out for basketball this year :’(...

Cody grabbed his basketball from the garage and we walked to the park in town a few blocks away.We put our hoodies on before leaving the house, but kept our shorts even though it’s a bit chilly today. I had put my dirty clothes from yesterday in a bag because I’m unfortunately going back home after basketball practice.

The guys were happy to see us and we played a 3v3 game. The basketball court here in the park was a bit aged and the goals didn’t even have netting, but it was functional for our games. I scored some 3-pointers and earned some free throws when Forrest, another senior, fouled me. Cody was on the opposing team and I think he might have been going easy on me. Either that or he’s just mid, which isn’t true cuz he was literally on varsity basketball last year. After the game, Cody gave me one of his gatorade bottles to rehydrate. The afternoon sun was getting warm so I pulled off my hoodie and Cody whistled at my sweaty bare chest. Tanner laughed at that one. Cody removed his sweatshirt, too, leaving him in his tank top (which he should totally take offfffff). Forrest and Keller also removed their shirts, and well, they looked pretty nice, too.

“So, who do y’all think is gonna be the captain for varsity this year?” Landon asked, dribbling the ball and swishing a free throw into the hoop. Landon was the skinniest of the seniors in basketball, but he’s really tall at 6’5. Tyler’s built the same way but he’s a year behind us.

“Definitely Oliver,” Keller said. “He straight up smoked us and he had Tanner on his team.”

“Hey!!” Tanner whined and tried stealing the ball from the older teens. It was a bit fun to watch the guys pick on him for being the youngest and shortest person here.

“Dude it’s totally going to be me,” Forrest pointed his thumbs at himself. “Look at these guns,” he flexed his arms.

“Those got nothin’ on Cody’s guns,” I laughed. Cody flexed his arms.

“Dude that ain’t fair,” Keller, a junior, ran a hand through his shaggy ginger hair. “Cody plays football.”

“I gotta head home, guys. My parents are gonna be pissed with me for sneaking out,” I explained and grabbed my stuff.

“Alright, dude, have fun,” Forrest said, with his younger brother Tanner in a playful headlock.

I walked in, and was glad to warm up inside. “Oliver, there you are. Where have you been?!” Mom scolded me. “And why don’t you have a shirt on?! You’ll catch a cold!”

“Gee, mom,” I rolled my eyes, “Thanks for caring. I was playing basketball with the guys.” I crossed my arms. “Can I go up to my room now?”

“You were gone this morning.”

“Yeah, I spent the night at Cody’s. He and his family accept me unlike you and dad.”

“I’m just glad you’re home safely. I was so worried,” mom pulled me in for a hug. I felt kinda bad now for ditching out. Mom does care about me deep down, even if she can’t accept my orientation.

“Sorry, mom,” I flipped my bangs out of my face. “I’m hungry, can I eat lunch please?”

“Yes, but you’re still under house arrest. No leaving without permission. No sneaking out. Do you understand?”

“Yes, mom,” I rolled my eyes and made my way to the kitchen, where I quickly made a sandwich to eat. Mom entered the kitchen as well and set down some opened envelopes, a couple of which were addressed to me. “You opened my mail?” I asked, a little ticked off.

“One of them was your report card for quarter 1. You had all Bs and Cs in your core classes. One of your better report cards.”

“Well, I gotta try my best to get into college, right? I CAN’T join the military.”

“Unfortunately, the other two were rejection letters from a couple universities.” I looked into the envelopes. I skimmed over both letters. “We regret to inform you

“Fuck…” I swore and threw the letters into the recycling bin and buried my face in my arms. Why am I so stupid? Why does everything come so easy to Toby? He’s gotten SEVEN acceptance letters already!! I can’t even get ONE and time is running out.

“Oliver, it’s ok,” mom tried to comfort me in my frustration. “There is an Air Force and Marines recruiter coming to your school next week. Your father would be thrilled if you at least talked to them.”

“The military isn’t for me, mom. Too many rules. Too strict.”

“That can be good for you to have discipline in your life.”

“Like I don’t have that already?” I rolled my eyes.

“Your father also has set up a video date with Su Lee. He and her father want you two to get to know each other before a proposal…”

I HAD to interrupt. “Arranged marriage, mom? Seriously?? It’s almost 2020, not 1820!! I’m with Cody, and that’s final.” I stood up and shoved my chair in and stormed up to my room.

October 31 2019

On Halloween, I was staying late at school to get a college application submitted. I sat at a library computer to upload my transcripts to finalize my application to the University of Eastern Colorado, a nearby small college with a web development program and a basketball program that I hoped to join. Logan also applied there as well so I wonder if he will go there too. I had to finish my application at school because my parents still won’t let me have my laptop, especially after they found my search history and saved images. I was wearing a sweatshirt, jeans, red converse, and a beanie. My shaggy dark bangs came down out of the beanie and swooped on my forehead. I really might need a haircut soon, it’s getting long, lol. Toby was sitting at the computer next to me, playing Poptropica online while I finished up. “You almost done?” Toby asked, trying to platform his character up a building. I nodded in response and licked my lips. I prayed and made the Sign of the Cross, Father, Son, Holy Ghost, on myself before clicking “Submit Application”. Hopefully my shitty high school GPA can get me in here.

“Ok, I finished,” I sighed.

“You sound upset...” Toby asked, not taking his focus off the game he was playing.

“It’s probably just another one that will reject me.”

“Oliver, don’t think of it that way. You’ll find the right school. I know you will,” Toby encouraged sincerely. He might be a genius and a musical prodigy, but he’s not arrogant about it. “Ready to go?” Toby logged off, and I did the same. We picked up our backpacks and thanked the librarian before leaving.

“Can I drive on the way home pleaaaassseeee?” I pleaded to Toby.

“Sure,” Toby tossed the keys to me. “Only if you take off that hat. You look like a hipster.”

“A very cute hipster,” I giggled. “And I like this beanie. It’s perfect for cool rainy fall days.”

We exited the school towards the student parking lot. Most of the teenaged students had already gone home. The sky was grey with low clouds and a cool breeze. There were puddles on the wet pavement from on and off rain showers through the day. Thankfully, tonight would be clear, though, because Toby is (hopefully) taking me to join some friends for a trip to a local haunted farmhouse near town. At home, I finished my math homework after a snack, a short nap, and before going to practice shooting hoops on the driveway. After that, we had dinner, and Toby announced that he would be taking me out for the evening. My parents were hesitant to let me leave the house for a few hours for fun activities, especially after the stunt I pulled sneaking out to be with Cody. But they agreed to let me go since Toby would keep an eye on me and Cody wouldn’t be there. Yeah, Toby invited Cody to come, but he’s going to some family-only halloween gathering at Laura’s place. After dinner, I changed out of my basketball shorts and into jeans, since it would be a chilly night.

In our car, Toby drove and picked up a couple of his friends like Dustin and Richard. Also Morgan tagged along. Toby made me squeeze into the back seat between Dustin and Richard so his girlfriend can sit in the shotgun seat. The middle seat in the back is definitely too narrow for me cuz I’mma big boy. We got out of the car at the trailhead at the edge of town. There was a gravel path that led to the abandoned ranch. There were no fences keeping us out or any signs warning us to not enter. The silence at this ranch was a bit unsettling. Only the sound of our footsteps and the wind. The inside of the ranch house was a bit strange, but nothing scary. I heard footsteps behind me. “Toby? Dustin?!” I turned around and jumped when I saw a blond figure.

“Woah, Oliver, it’s just me,” Cody chuckled.

“Hey!” I hugged him. “I thought you were at some halloween party?”

“Nah, that was canceled because Laura got sick.”

Cody and I returned to Cody’s Jeep because the ranch was BORING and totally not haunted. Also, Toby forgot to tell me that Cody had texted him about the change in plans. Thanks a lot, bro…

At the Jeep, Cody opened the back, where we’d have more room to do stuff. It was too cold to strip naked and do anything naughty, so we made out after I updated him on my latest college application. “Is that a college you might also want to apply to? We could go together…” I smiled.

Cody shook his head. “Nah, babe. I looked into it earlier, but they don’t have my major, and, well,” Cody blushed. “No offense, but the bar to enter was too low. UEC is like a D3 low level college that’s basically just a step up from community college. And I kind of want a challenge.”

“What’s your major again?” I asked, embarrassed.

“Environmental Science,” Cody sighed. “I’m still waiting on acceptance letters from most of the places I’ve applied to. But BYU already accepted me. That’s where my mom and dad went.”

“I wish I could go to BYU, but I’m not a Mormon.”

“We’re trying to call it LDS now, but, yeah, it’s a private religious school. I can get a nice scholarship since both my parents went and my honor roll grades.”

I sighed and laid down in his lap. “I’m such a dumb bunny… Toby’s a musical prodigy and got himself into a bunch of music schools”

“Hey, stop that. You’re not dumb.” Cody comforted me. “And don’t compare yourself to Toby. You just have different talents than him.”

We ended up talking for hours and I fell asleep in his arms in the back of the Jeep, not caring that I’d be grounded for LIFE for not coming home.

Copyright © 2024 RichardWrites; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Lee Wilson

Posted (edited)

Oliver is taking risks and I’m surprised his mom didn’t blow a gasket after staying out all night and the next morning.

He should go along with the arranged marriage, convince Su Lee he’s gay and the marriage will not go anywhere. Then he can divorce her and be with Cody with his parents off his back because he followed their wishes, but ‘it just didn’t work out mom and dad.’ Hehehe

Edited by Lee Wilson
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