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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Out Of The Closet - 9. Chapter 9: Welcome to Senior Year!

The boys start their senior year at Jasper County High School! School continues to be a struggle for Oliver as he gains more responsibilities and matures. Cody and Oliver go on more meaningful dates that takes their relationship farther. Also, Oliver struggles with his post-high school plans.
Content warning: Contains brief homophobic and transphobic references.

August 26 2019

I walked into the kitchen with a yawn as I absently scratched my bare chest. “Mornin’ mom, dad.” I opened the fridge for some juice.

“Oliver, you aren’t dressed yet?!” Mom asked.

“Uh, no?” I shrugged, pouring some cranberry juice into a cup. “I’ll throw on a t-shirt before I leave.”

Mom gave me a death glare. “You and your brother are going to need to dress nicely for pictures. It’s your last first day of school and I need to get cute pictures for the scrapbook!”

I rolled my eyes. “Fine.” Toby entered the kitchen as well, in nothing but a baggy pair of basketball shorts, just like I was.

“I have to get dressed nicely? UGH…” Toby whined. “It’s gonna be 103 degrees today.”

“I don’t care. You boys are 17, you need to dress your age.”

I finished my juice and ran back to my room, putting on a dark green polo shirt with short sleeves and a pair of American Eagle jeans. I put on some socks and my favorite converse. I also gelled my hair to keep it from getting messy.

Both Toby and I left our rooms at the same time. We were matching, except in the shoes. We both laughed. “You boys look so cute. Matching like twins.” Mom smiled, Toby and I blushed, looking at each other. I finished eating breakfast, eating a couple hard boiled eggs and some toast while Toby ate some oatmeal.

“Oliver,” dad said, sitting next to me at the table.

“Yo, dad. What’s up?” I asked, immediately cringing at my word choice.

You remember my uncle who died a couple years ago?” He began in Korean.

Uncle Lee? Yeah.

Well, I inherited his car. It finally got transferred from South Korea. No idea why it took so long. it’s a ship ride across the Pacific Ocean not a ride from Mars,” he sighed. I chuckled. “Anyways, it is arriving later today, and I will be using that car from now on. Korean cars are way better than this American junk. Son, I want to give you this. It is the key to my old car” Dad handed me his set of car keys.

“Woah! No way! OMG thank you dad!” I hugged the middle aged man.

“You got a job this summer, and got your license. You’re growing up, Oliver. So I am trusting you with some responsibility. You’ll have to share with Toby when he gets his license. Only drive to school, work, or tell me or your mother where you are going. And no slipping grades. And I swear to God if there’s any scratches, you’ll pay to have the metal replaced.

“Thank you thankyouTHANKYOUUU dad!” I hugged him, slightly lifting him from the ground.

“You can put me down, son.”

Sorry,” I apologized in Korean and blushed.

“Hey, Oliver,” Cody joined me and Toby sitting in the hallway before classes began.

“Cody!” I hugged him.

“So, what’s your schedule?” Cody asked, patting the thighs of his jeans with his hands.

“First period I have Pre-Cal, second period I have ELA, third period is art. I still have to get my arts credit,” I giggled. “Fourth period is study hall. Then lunch. Fifth period is Aquatic Science, and Sixth is Government. And then I have athletics for seventh period when I’d have baseball and basketball.”

“You’re taking aquatic science?” Toby laughed. Cody reached over and playfully smacked my twin. “What... he whined. I’m just surprised...”

“Well, what science are you in?” Cody asked.

“Honors Astronomy,” Toby smirked smugly.

“I’m taking Meteorology as my science class,” Cody smiled. “Clouds and rain are cool.” I giggled. Toby stood up to walk away.

“Any news on how football tryouts went?” I asked. “Did you make the team?”

“Yeah,” Cody blushed and smiled. “I’m actually on varsity...”

“So that means...”

“No basketball... at least until after the fall semester ends.”

“Well, shoot...” I sighed. “Well, I’m happy for you. I’ll miss you for the first couple months of basketball though… But, hey I get to drive my dad’s old car around.”

“That’s so cool!” Cody smiled.

“Yeah, I drove Tobes and Logan to school today.”

“Where is Logan?”

“Hanging out with his golf buddies.”

“I’m glad he has new friends to hang out with after turning on us.”

“He and I have started making amends,” I shrugged. And then I blushed, not wanting to reveal my (very platonic) kiss with Logan. “I think we’ll have to sit down with him and discuss all that.”

“True. I miss hanging out with him. Bless Toby for trying to keep the friend group together over the last several months.”

“He’s literally the best bro ever!” I smiled and paused, placing my hand on his leg.. “Hey, uh, Cody. I didn’t say this Friday because I didn’t want to kill the mood, but I was really worried about you. No contact with you for 2 months made me think something happened. Your mom was worried sick too. I know you lost your phone, but you didn’t want to try any other method to talk?”

“I’m sorry, Ollie,” he kissed me. “Mom lectured me about this all day when I got back. I couldn’t email cause my grandparents don’t have internet, or cell phones, or any phones for that matter. They communicate with the outside world with a radio. And I doubt you have a radio caller or receiver. I guess Mom at least knew that much about their place.”

“What time period do they live in, 1895?” I joked.

“Basically. I was only able to get a cell signal on the mountain pass trail when I could get signal from the town nearby.” He leaned on my shoulder. “I’m sorry for scaring you. But, hey, I got the new waterproof model Pear Phone YQ, so if I drop it in a creek again, it won’t get fried!”

“Hehehe! Nice!” I giggled.

September 2 2019

It was Labor Day and I walked downstairs in a t-shirt and swim trunks. It was the last weekend of desert heat before Colorado weather started going wonky again with sudden cold bursts. I had invited Cody over to hang out in the pool and i planned on surprising him with swimming lessons! Cody’s always wanted to learn how to swim but was too embarrassed to do it in front of other people. Dad was off golfing with Logan and Bruno (Logan’s dad) and mom was off at work at the pharmacy. And Toby, well, I can trust him to leave us alone in the pool!

“Yo,” Toby came downstairs.

“Hey, bro,” I stretched my arms.

“I'm gonna head over to Dustin and Morgan’s house for a Labor Day barbecue. You wanna come? You’re in a swimsuit? Their house doesn’t have a pool.”

“I’m not going. I have a date with Cody here soon. And then I have work from 2 to 8PM.”

“Oh, right,” my brother blushed. “I’m glad Cody isn’t too upset with you about your freakout over the summer.”

“He’s not upset at all. We talked about it.”

“Uh-huh…” Toby muttered. “Did you guys snoodle in your bed after the pool party?”

“TOBY!” My face turned red. “We didn’t! We were too exhausted after a long day!”

“Did you even ask him if you guys are still boyfriends?”

“No. The fact that we made out makes that obvious.” I shook my head. “Why am I even getting relationship advice from you?”

“Because I’ve had 5 girlfriends and you’re on your first boyfriend.”

“And you’ve never had a girlfriend for longer than 4 months while I’ve been with Cody for over 9. Seriously, why can’t you keep a girlfriend? You went from Madison to Morgan real quick.”

“Whatever. Enjoy your pool date, bro. I’m gonna go hang out with my girlfriend.”

“Thanks Tobes,” I fist-bumped him. “Use protection.”

“DUDE! I can’t snoodle with Morgan. Dustin will kill my ass. She’s just a sophomore.”

Toby put on his slides and went to the garage to ride his bike. A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. It was Cody!

“Hey there,” I smiled and kissed him. He had on a t-shirt and swim trunks.

“I’m in my swim trunks like you asked.”

“Yay! I’m gonna teach you how to swim today! I know you always wanted to learn.”

“No way?!” Cody gasped. I nodded. “Ollie, you’re the best!”

“Yup. We have the place to ourselves.”

Pretty soon, we were in the backyard pool. We didn’t have to worry about Cody drowning cause he’s over 6 feet tall now. I have grown a bit as well since I first started dating Cody, and I’m now a half inch shy of 6 feet myself. I hope I get there before I stop growing!

It was pretty funny and cute watching Cody doggy-paddle. I’m no swimming expert and I don’t swim laps, but I got him to tread water, float, and kick properly.

Cody was happy when we got out of the pool, satisfied that he can swim like a human now and not a canine,

“Thanks for the swimming lesson,” Cody planted a kiss on my cheek when we dried off.

“No problem,” I smiled. “It’s an important skill to learn. And this weekend was the last chance to do it before it gets too cold to swim in the fall and winter.”

“I’m hungry. Can we eat now?”

“Yup. There’s some sandwiches I made earlier in the fridge. Help yourself to one. I need to put the pool cover on.” It would already be a matter of time before our town’s trees would be changing and the first snow of fall would be here. The pool wasn’t too large, so it was easy to cover it with a tarp. I quickly went inside to eat with Cody before I had to get ready for work. Cody was bummed I couldn’t spend the whole day with him but I’d see him the next day at school. The store was pretty busy today, being a holiday. I was talking to Tanner Volk from high school. “Dude, we were just giving Logan a hard time, we didn’t mean to upset him about his—”

Suddenly an older man walked in with his middle school aged grandson. “Hi, sir, how can I help you?” I offered a smile and nodded at Tanner, acknowledging his final comments.

“Uh, yes, miss. I’m lookin fer…” the elderly man began. Tanner erupted into laughter.

“Future Fantasy XV” The grandson finished.

“We have that on the shelves over there,” I stood up pointing to the back.

“Oh, I’m sorry, young man,” the old dude corrected himself once he saw my height.

“No problem, sir,” I giggled. Tanner caught his breath.

“Ollie, you wanna be my girlfriend?” Tanner asked jokingly.

I blushed a deep red. “You wish I was a trans girl, you goofball!”

“So you is a girl?” The old man placed some cash on the desk for the game, which the boy seemed eager to play. “Never know these days who’s one of them transgenders and who ain’t. “

“No sir,” I shook my head. “I’m a boy and I’ve always been one. Have a good day.” I giggled.

“Weirdo faggots…” he muttered as he left and the door bell chimed. I made sure he wasn’t looking before I flipped a middle finger in his direction.

“Hey! I saw that!” Nathaniel, my manager, scolded me as he came out of the back room.

“Sorry,” I blushed. Being bold always came back to bite me in the ass. “He was being a homophobe.”

“I don’t care, Oliver. He’s a paying customer.” I nodded. “Don’t let me catch you doing it again. You’re a great employee and I really don’t want to have to fire you. Tanner, hey, dude, what’s up?”

I tuned out their conversation as Nathaniel stocked the shelves and I continued greeting customers and helping them find stuff and check out.

September 23 2019

I walked into school with Toby. I hadn’t heard from Cody when I texted him this morning when I woke up. I hope he’s okay. In my 4th period study hall, Cody, Toby, Logan, and I usually hang out and do homework, but Cody still hadn’t arrived at school. I texted him again. No response. He hasn’t read any of my messages.

“Have either of you heard from Cody?” I asked quietly.

“Nope,” Logan responded. Toby shook his head as well. “Today is an important day for him, though. I’m not surprised he’s absent.”

“Oh right, yeah. Today is September 23,” Toby scribbled down some nonsense equations on his calculus homework. My mind was drawing a blank as to what was important about today.

“Um, what’s special about today?” I asked.

“Bro, today’s the anniversary of his dad’s death…. It’s been four years.” Toby said.

“Oh shit…” I swore. I’m an awful boyfriend for not remembering! 😧 “I can’t believe I didn’t remember. I was with him when it happened. Cody was a mess, and I was there for him.”

“You guys became inseparable after that,” Logan smirked.

I figured I’d sneak out during lunch next period, and that’s what happened when the bell rang, I went out the side exit to the parking lot, and hopped in the car. My parents would soon learn I skipped the later half of the day, but I need to be there for Cody again when he’s hurting. I texted Cody’s mom to let her know I was coming over. She replied letting me know Cody was at the graveyard. I drove out of town to the old graveyard. It was on a gravel road a mile from town in the open plains. I parked the car outside the graveyard and walked in past the gate with the broken and rusted lock. I saw Cody sitting under the single walnut tree in the area. The tree was huge and provided shade in the middle of the graveyard. “Cody!” I ran up to him.

“Oliver, hey,” he sniffled. “Thanks for coming.”

“I figured you wouldn’t want to be alone out here,” I kissed him. I pulled my lunchbox out of my backpack. “I’m pretty hungry though. I can share if you–”

Cody shook his head. “I brought some food. Pulled pork. It was dad’s favorite.”

Cody and I sat and ate in silence. I saw Chris’s grave a few plots away. Cody had left some flowers for him. So sweet of him. “How’s your mom?”

“She’s coming later after work with Iris. They miss him so much, too. He was a great dad. Why did he have to die? He was only 45 years old.” He leaned his head on my shoulder.

“I don’l know,” I replied honestly. “Life is strange. But I’m here for you, okay.” I kissed his hair. Cody nodded silently.

September 28 2019

I quickly got changed into a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt and some converse shoes for my date with Cody. It was a sunny Saturday, but the chill of fall had definitely come back with a strong north wind and the few trees around were now starting to turn yellow and orange in the sudden cold. I draped a hoodie over my shoulders because once the sun sets, it gets cold fast.

The doorbell rang, and I quickly ran down to answer it. Cody was there lookin’ real cute in that cowboy attire and definitely was arousing me and giving me a boner. I invited Cody in. “Mom, dad, I’m about to head out with Cody!” I announced. Cody took off his cowboy hat and put it on my head. I giggled.

“Where are you boys going?” my mom asked.

“It’s a surprise,” Cody said with a smile.

“He’s taking me on a date,” I said, emphasizing it was a date. My parents still weren’t too fond of me being gay. They really weren’t trying to support me like they promised. “I’ll be riding in Cody’s Jeep so you don’t need to worry about my car.”

My car that I am letting you borrow…” dad sighed.

“Anyways, bye,” I smiled and gave Cody’s hat back to him.

“Have fun boys. Not too much fun. Oliver, you know homosexual sex is a sin,” mom warned.

“MOM!!” I whined and blushed. Cody turned beet red too.

“Don’t worry, Melissa, we won’t be too long,” Cody chuckled and led me outside. “Your parents still haven’t come around?”

“Nope. They’re very traditional,” I shrugged. “Knowing my dad, he’d rather have me in an arranged marriage with some Korean or Filipino girl when I’m 18 then let me marry you.”

“That sucks, I’m sorry, babe…” Cody and I climbed into the Jeep. “Anyways, I have a nice date planned. One part of it won’t happen because it’s gonna be too cold tonight. But since you taught me how to swim, I’m gonna take you to do something you’ve always wanted.”

“Which is?”

“It’s a surprise…” Cody giggled before starting up the vehicle.

“Ugh… You’re killing me Codyyyyyy!”

“You’ll like it, I promise,” Cody kissed my nose. “Your parents might not though.”

Cody drove north out of town and into the wide open plains and rolling hills. I watched the scenery pass by appreciating the comfortable silence in the car. Eventually, Cody got into a left turn lane onto a narrow road that was rather bumpy. Entering Jackalope Springs Reservation, Apache Nation, a sign told me. Jackalope Springs was a small Native American town in Jasper County. Mom buys jewelry from here sometimes and they have some nice scenic trails and campsites. A few students from our school live out here as well. The town here is super tiny even compared to Aragon, where Cody and I live. I think only, like, 80 people live here. Cody parked in front of a small building labeled “Tattoos & Piercings”.

“What are we doing here? Getting matching tattoos?” I gulped as we exited the red jeep. I don’t like tattoos and they’re painful.

“No, Oliver. You’re getting your ears pierced. I remember you told me you wanted to get them pierced so I found the one piercing studio in the county.”

“OMG! Thanks, Cody!!” I gave him a hug and a kiss before we entered.

A shorter man at the desk had dark skin and long dark hair. “How can I help you guys?” The indigenous man asked.

“We’re here for a 7PM appointment for Oliver,” Cody said. I waved my hand.

“Ok, Oliver. Pick out some earrings you’d like and I’ll pierce your ears for you.” There was a pretty big selection of different earrings. I went with some dark silver studs and took a seat while Edward, the employee, cleaned my earlobes. “Now you’re gonna feel a little pinch while I pierce your ears with this.” He showed me his tool that looked like a gun but had a sharp needle to pierce my ears. My eyes widened.

“Is it gonna hurt?” I asked, a little nervous.

“You’ll feel a little pinch but it’s only about as bad as getting a shot at the doctor’s office.”

“I’ll hold your hand,” Cody’s hands grabbed my left hand and I closed my eyes.

“Ok, I’m ready.” I let Edward know to get started. The process was over super quick for the right ear and I kept my eyes open for the left. My studs were in and I got some instructions on how to keep the lobes clean to prevent infections. Cody went to pay for the service and I went to the restroom to pee and check myself out in the mirror. “Dang, I look good,” I smiled. I snapped a few pics and texted them to Toby.

As I washed up at the sink he replied. Dude, those studs look great on you. Cody took you to get your ears pierced?!

I responded with a quick yup before Toby replied again.

You know mom’s gonna freak when she sees that

I know XD

You little rebel, bro. Have a nice date lol…

Thanks Tobes :P

Cody led me back to the Jeep and instead of heading back to Aragon we continued through the reservation town into a region where I stopped getting service. The road’s pavement went away and we were soon driving on loose gravel. “Where are we going, Cody?”

“You’ll see. Edward told me to take you here.”

Cody made a right turn a few minutes later at a sign that said “scenic lookout” and this path was much narrower than the previous. Tall grass and sunflowers grew on either side and the road was going uphill. The path soon cleared at the top of a mesa and the view was amazing.

“We’re here. This is apparently Cactus Mesa,” Cody explained. “I brought along some food so we could have a picnic but I wasn’t sure where. I also planned on camping out somewhere but ditched that idea when I saw that it was going to be 37 degrees tonight.”

“Yeah, that’s a little chilly for camping,” I giggled, helping Cody with the picnic blanket. The winds had died down with the nightfall, but we secured the blanket with some rocks.

Cody opened the cooler with the food. There was brisket, potato salad, some regular salad, corn on the cob, and peach cobbler for dessert. The food was soooo good. Cody’s moms made the stuff earlier in the week for Samantha’s 50th birthday and Cody took some of the leftovers for our date.

After eating, I laid back on the blanket and rested my hands on my full belly. I had my hoodie on because it got pretty cold after the sunset. I looked up at the thousands of stars that were in the dark night sky. “It’s a beautiful night,” I held Cody’s hand.

“Mhmm,” Cody hummed as he laid next to me. “Hey, uh, I just wanted to let you know I got out my college applications this week.”

“Oh, nice,” I smiled, but also feeling sad on the inside. The colleges Cody could get into are WAY above the kinds of colleges I could get into, if I could even get accepted by one at all. “Where’d you apply?”

“Uh, like Colorado State, Brigham Young, Utah Tech, Utah State, and University of Colorado Boulder.”

Fuck… I grimaced. All smart people schools. At the rate I’m going, I’d be lucky to get into anything much above a community college. Cody’s gonna leave me all alone again and ugh… I sniffled. “Can we not talk about this?” I felt my eyes water up. Stupid emotions.

“You haven’t applied anywhere yet, have you?”

“Cody, I said stop… I don’t wanna talk about this tonight.”

“Um, sorry…” Cody blushed, and we were in awkward silence. I stayed quiet the rest of the evening, only really kissing Cody goodbye when he dropped me off at home.

Copyright © 2024 RichardWrites; All Rights Reserved.
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Oliver is despondent about the schools Cody has applied to.  It’s just the beginning of their senior year so there’s still time for him to apply too, but he doesn’t think he has the academic background to get into the same schools….

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Oliver, you know homosexual sex is a sin,” mom warned.

Wow, bitch much?

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On 5/27/2024 at 3:20 PM, VBlew said:

Oliver is despondent about the schools Cody has applied to.  It’s just the beginning of their senior year so there’s still time for him to apply too, but he doesn’t think he has the academic background to get into the same schools….

Oliver isn’t as academically strong as Cody and Toby so his chances at getting to go to college with his boyfriend are limited.

On 5/27/2024 at 10:49 PM, Lee Wilson said:

Wow, bitch much?

Yeah, Oliver’s parents aren’t really trying to grow and accept him yet. Hopefully that changes in later chapters.

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Asian parents are all the same, all they care about his having grandchildren, my husband was promised to a cousin when they were little, well that never happened he got me and she married someone else. One of his aunts is married to her first cousin and their son married a first cousin. Sam’s mother sees herself as a failure as she has 2 unmarried children and can’t hold her head up in the Indian community, his parents don’t know that we are married, they don’t want to know about that part of his life so he hasn’t told them that we are married, I have never met them. Damn religion 🤬

Brigham Young is a morman uni, I am not sure why Cody would want to go there, another university run by a cult. The sooner people stop believing in religion the better off the world will be 

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1 hour ago, Bft said:

Asian parents are all the same, all they care about his having grandchildren, my husband was promised to a cousin when they were little, well that never happened he got me and she married someone else. One of his aunts is married to her first cousin and their son married a first cousin. Sam’s mother sees herself as a failure as she has 2 unmarried children and can’t hold her head up in the Indian community, his parents don’t know that we are married, they don’t want to know about that part of his life so he hasn’t told them that we are married, I have never met them. Damn religion 🤬

Brigham Young is a morman uni, I am not sure why Cody would want to go there, another university run by a cult. The sooner people stop believing in religion the better off the world will be 

Cody is a Mormon in the story but he isn't super religious so he isn't into the cult-y side of things. And his parents went to the university as well. The American political/religious landscape in my stories is a bit different than it is in real life if that makes sense lol

And, yeah, Oliver's parents do want to be grandparents. Thankfully their other son is straight and Oliver and Cody would be able to adopt kids if they get married.

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15 minutes ago, RichardWrites said:

Cody is a Mormon in the story but he isn't super religious so he isn't into the cult-y side of things. And his parents went to the university as well. The American political/religious landscape in my stories is a bit different than it is in real life if that makes sense lol

And, yeah, Oliver's parents do want to be grandparents. Thankfully their other son is straight and Oliver and Cody would be able to adopt kids if they get married.

Have you read the book This Body of Water by Weston Smith? It’s about coming out gay in the Mormon church. It’s a good book and available on Kindle 

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