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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Out Of The Closet - 15. Chapter 15: For The Future

The boys go to prom and graduate from high school and start preparing for their futures in college!
Content warning: Contains a detailed sex scene and some underage drinking.

That Afternoon

Toby came out of the Band Hall having changed into a polo shirt and khakis. “Why’re you all dressed up, bro?” I asked. He actually got tired of being called Trevor and went back to wanting to be called the nickname he’s used since we were little.

“I told you. I gotta head over to Newton for Morgan’s appointment. That’s the nearest OB/GYN office.”

I brushed my unruly dark bangs out of my face. “But what does that have to do with dressing up?”

“I gotta look nice for Morgan’s parents cause they want to kill my ass,” Toby tucked his shirt in over his flat tummy. I tossed him the car keys and I left to meet up with Cody. It was still my birthday and he wanted to hang with me at his house.

We met up in the parking lot and kissed before I got into his Jeep. The air had gotten chilly during the day and I wish I had a hoodie. Cody handed me an extra hoodie from the back seat. It was one from our freshman year so it was a bit small on me but it was better than wearing a t-shirt. It was a comfortable silence on the 5 minute ride to Cody’s home. We walked inside into the warmth. As we left our sneakers by the door, I could smell something familiar cooking in the kitchen. Something vaguely Filipino. “Let’s go to my room, babe,” Cody dragged me down to the basement where his room was.

“What’s for dinner? It smells amazing.”

“That won’t be ready for a bit,” Cody smiled, showing off his gorgeous teeth as we pulled off our hoodies in his warm room. Those braces he wore in freshman and sophomore year really gave him a perfect smile. In his room, we played some Nintendo Switch, exploring Cody’s island in Animal Crossing and goofing around in Mario Odyssey. Cody pulled off his shirt after a bit, since it was warm in his room, and I blushed seeing his bare chest and toned tummy. I pulled off my shirt as well, and Cody tugged my socks off as we began kissing. Soon, our jeans came off and Cody was laying on his back on the bed in nothing but his boxers. I was straddling over him with my hands on his chest propping myself up, The mood was killed when a knock came from the door.

“Cody, Ollie, dinner’s ready,” Iris said, opening the door. “OH GOD” she quickly turned around and left. I rolled off Cody and we both laughed before getting dressed.

Upstairs, Toby and Logan were there. “What’s this?” I asked.

“We’re having a little surprise gathering,” Cody pecked my cheek.

“How’d you get him here?” I pointed at Toby. He got his phone taken away once mom and dad found out about the baby along with a very in depth lecture about using condoms when having sex.

“Before we left for school, mom told me to come here after the appointment. Logan totally ruined the surprise for me at school though,” Toby shot Logan a glare.

“Sorry…” Logan blushed. “I was just too excited.”

We sat around the table and mom came out of the kitchen with pork adobo. I knew I smelled Filipino food earlier! “Woah… mom!” Toby smiled. “Smells amazing!”

“Was the surprise party your idea?” I whispered to Cody.

“Yup,” he smiled and nodded. “Though the dinner bit was your mom’s doing.”

“And she agreed?” I asked, a bit surprised.

“Yeah,” Cody shrugged. I really wanted to kiss his cute face but mom was in the room. Anyways, dinner was nice. Toby primarily talked to Logan and I chatted with Cody. Dad was away at work, finishing up some engineering projects that I guess are more important than the 18th birthday of his twin boys.

After dinner, there was cake and Toby and I blew out the candles. Toby got the first slice and offered me one. “Uh, no thanks,” I blushed. “I need to watch what I eat for my college coach.”

“Bro… it’s our birthday. You can have a piece of cake,” Toby laughed as Cody cut a small slice for me.

“Fine,” I took the slice from Cody and he booped my nose with some frosting.

I definitely overate a bit, but the food was all very good. Cody and I set up a fire in the firepit out in the backyard which Logan and Toby joined as well. It was a chilly night but so many stars were out. I pulled his hoodie back on and kissed Cody, to thank him for a great evening.

April 17, 2020

It was “Decision Day” at Jasper County High School. Seniors who were going to college wore clothes or colors of their university. A solid third of seniors weren’t going to college though. Some of them weren’t passing enough to graduate, or are going into work at the small stores or farms in the area. Nothing wrong with that, but I’m glad I have plans outside of this small rural town. Not that the University of Eastern Colorado is in a big city. It’s in Ravenwood, a couple counties north of here and has 20 thousand people. Not big, but much bigger than Aragon which only has about one thousand people. Toby ended up picking the Colorado Institute of Fine Arts, which is the same city as the school I’m going to. He had passed his audition to get in there. I know I don’t talk about him too much, but he’s a really talented musician and I was always in his shadow growing up. He wanted to go to some fancy New York music school but he didn’t get in there but this school will probably be a good fit for him and he’ll only be 5 blocks away from me! Today was also a ceremonial “signing day” for athletes going into sports at a university. I was one of the few who were signing. The other 2 were star football players. One was gonna play for the Rams at Colorado State University in Fort Collins and the other was going out of state to the University of Kansas. We were sharing Signing Day with Newton County High School as well, and my friend Chase from there is signing to play baseball at UEC. Logan and I took our seats for the assembly/ceremony at the table designated for UEC students. Chase was already there in the maroon, silver, and black colors of the university.

“Hey, Oliver,” he smiled. I noticed Logan blush. Someone’s got a crush! XD

“Hi, Chase,” I offered my friend a smile. We added Logan to a group chat with me, Chase, Logan, and Chase’s cousin Mason, from Denver, to get a dorm suite together since freshmen get first pick on dorms.

Anyways, when I was called up to commit to UEC for basketball, I got some cheers from my classmates, but I also got some boos from the homophobes. I haven’t talked about them much for several chapters, but they do very much exist here in this small rural town. The principal found them and immediately gave them detention slips. Good to know that most of the school has my back though. Chase apparently didn’t know I was gay. He’s cool with it though. Same with Logan as well.

Mom and dad attended the signing ceremony. It was a big deal in our town. I was apparently the first basketball player to sign since the class of 1995 which was sooo long ago. I think that’s when my parents were in high school.

After the ceremony, seniors got to go home early. At home, I was making a snack of some peanut butter crackers when my dad approached me.

“Oliver. Can you come to my office please?” he asked me.

“Um, sure,” I stood up, a little puzzled. I swooped my shaggy bangs from my face and followed dad to his office. Mom was in there sitting, and she looked like she’d been crying. “Mom, are you okay?” I asked. She nodded and wiped her eyes with a tissue.

I sat down in the empty chair. “Oliver, we need to apologize to you. Formally.” My eyes widened. “We’ve been terrible parents to you.”

“No guys… you know that isn’t true.”

“No. We shoved you aside and punished you when you needed us most,” mom said, tears returning to her voice.

“Mom, it’s ok, don’t cry… please…” I said, feeling tears in my own eyes. “You guys have been great to me and Toby.”

“Until you chose to be vulnerable and tell us the truth about yourself. We ignored your needs and tried to shove our interests onto you.”

And I never should have forced an arranged marriage onto you,” my dad apologized in Korean.

Oh… THAT… yeah that was kinda fucked up.

“Anyways, Oliver, you are now a man. You’re going to college for web design. And you’re going to be an athlete in college. You’re pursuing your interests and you’re very talented in those interests. And that’s all your mother and I can ask out of you and your brother.”

GREAT NOW I’M CRYING. Mom hugged me.

Mom pulled out a small box. Inside it were two necklaces. “Your gran-gran gave me these when we visited the Philippines in December,” mom explained. “She wanted me to give them to you and Trevor to propose to your spouses.”

“Woah… mom…” I blushed. “I love Cody so so sooo much but I’m not ready to propose to him! We’re going to different colleges.”

“I know, baby. But, it’s here if you ever need it,” she kissed my cheek.

May 16 2020

I stepped into the Jasper County Country Club holding Cody’s hand. We were in dress shirts, slacks, ties, and dressy shoes.

“Well, we made it,” Cody smiled. “Our high school prom.”

“Yeah. I’m glad I have an awesome date…” I reached up to kiss Cody’s soft pink lips.

“You wanna get some fondue?” Cody asked.

“Duh!” I walked over to the fondue table where Toby was with Taylor, his new girlfriend. I wonder if she knows about Morgan and Toby’s baby.

“Bro! You made it!” Toby fist bumped me. “You look awesome tonight.”

“Toby!” my cheeks blushed, while Taylor laughed. “But, thanks… it took me forty minutes to figure out this stupid bow tie!”

“Seriously?” Toby’s eyes widened. My bro finally had a weekend to relax after taking two AP tests. One for government and another for calculus. He also took a US history AP test during junior year. Sometimes I envy him for getting all the smart genes, but AP tests just sound EXHAUSTING. No thanks!

I put a strawberry on a stick and dipped it into the chocolate fondue and popped it into Cody’s mouth.

“WOAH that’s good,” Cody’s lime green eyes widened.

“Oliver! Cody! You made it!” Logan came over and hugged us. “How was your dinner date at that Korean restaurant?”

“Yup. So freaking good,” I patted my stomach. “It was worth the extra hour of driving time.”

“Matt took me to his parents’ restaurant. That barbeque joint on the road to Bass Lake.”

“Awesome...” I nodded while glancing over at Cody, who was eating a few more strawberries covered in fondue.

The night went by without major issues. I was quite clumsy and couldn’t dance well, but my God, Cody had some moves. I didn’t know Cody could dance! My jaw dropped when I saw my boyfriend do a nearly perfect moonwalk like Michael Jackson.

Cody had fun teaching me how to tango when a slow song came on. He even had the rose stem in his mouth, which gave my stomach more than a few butterflies. I stumbled a bit from being dizzy when Cody spun me around, but I enjoyed dancing with my talented boyfriend.

At midnight, the King and Queen were announced. The king was Garrett, the school’s favorite football jock, and the queen was Toby’s friend Clara.

After that, Prom finished, and I went back home with Cody while Toby and Logan took their dates home. “You packed your overnight clothes and swim trunks, right?” I asked, climbing into the passenger seat. Cody nodded, indicating his backpack on the back seat. At home, Cody and I changed into our swimsuits for a late night swim. Toby and Logan would be joining us when they returned as well. “Gawd the water’s cold!” I yelped when I jumped into the pool. The pool hadn’t been used since September and it’s just now starting to really warm up in springtime.

“Maybe I shouldn’t get in...” Cody looked down at his bare feet on the pool’s edge.

“Nah you should get in, babe. You’ll get used to it.” I smiled. Cody reluctantly took a few steps back and jumped into the water. I shielded my face from the water displaced by my 180 pound boyfriend.

“This isn’t cold, Oliver!” Cody playfully splashed me. “You just have zero cold tolerance!” he laughed.

“Well, half of my genes come from a tropical island, so whatever,” I dipped my head underwater and shook the water out of my shaggy black hair.

“Hey hey hey!” Toby and Logan entered the backyard a few minutes later. Logan brought over a few beers from his house next door. “Dad let me take a few beers over since we’re now, as he says, men,” Logan giggled.

“Nice!” I climbed out of the water to grab a can of beer. “Cody, you want one?”

“Nah,” Cody responded. “I’ll take a soda though.”

“I got’chu, Codes,” Toby gave two thumbs up before running inside to grab Cody a can of Sprite and sat it on the edge of the pool in front of my boyfriend.

The four of us hung out for a while until Cody and I decided to go to bed at 2 AM. Toby and Logan stayed up a while longer.

“I’m so tired...” I said to Cody.

“Me too,” he rubbed his eyes and yawned.

“Well, there’s plenty of room in my bed for the two of us!” I smiled as Cody went out to his jeep to get his backpack where he kept his night clothes and a change of clothes for tomorrow.

Cody and I walked into my room, where Cody set down his backpack as I removed my swim shorts. I watched as Cody removed his swim shorts too. I noticed Cody had a bit of an erection. A pink blush exploded on my cheeks as my eyes went wide and my nose bled a little. Cody looked down and blushed a little too. “Um, I…” Cody stammered before he met me in a kiss. My cock became stimulated from kissing Cody while naked. My fingers got tangled in Cody’s dirty blond hair while Cody’s hands rested near my waist. We got on my bed while making out. My kisses went down Cody’s neck and chest where my tongue met Cody’s soft pink nipples. “I love you so much…” Cody murmured. I felt Cody’s hard cock and precum on my abs while Cody’s legs had tangled into mine. My face went red when Cody’s thigh met my cock, sending a shiver up my body and a little precum onto Cody’s thigh.

I nodded. “I love you too.” My kisses went down to Cody’s abs. “Can we?” I breathed heavily and rolled over onto my other side, facing away from Cody. “Please,” I whispered. Cody blushed as he realized what I wanted. I wanted him to penetrate me so badly right now. Don’t say no to this…. Next thing, I felt Cody’s hard member in my ass, and Cody’s arms wrapped around me with his hands on my cock. Both of us fell into bliss. I felt euphoria as he thrust into me and I was probably a bit too tipsy from beer to feel pain there. Only the pleasure in my prostate. Cody loudly moaned before cuming in me and I soon followed. Cody pulled his eggplant out and the adrenaline of the last fifteen minutes finally wore off and we fell asleep with him spooning me.

June 1 2020

June first, a Monday, was the graduation day from Jasper County High School. Toby and I put on our robes in the gym. Toby, ahem, Trevor, had a few extra cords with his, being the valedictorian of our small graduating class of 50 students. Meanwhile, I placed 37th. Toby finished getting his robe on over his jeans and polo shirt, and sat down on the first row of bleachers, taking a deep breath and pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Bro, what’s wrong?” I sat down next to him to tie my Vans shoes. A couple tears dripped down Toby’s cheeks.

“I’m just... really gonna miss this place.”

“Well, I’m not,” I said. “Can’t wait to leave high school forever!” I smiled. Toby gave me a look. “Okay fine,” I sighed. “Maybe I’ll miss this place a little... It was fun being involved in sports here, like basketball and baseball. I won’t miss all the homophobes though.”

“Me neither. You didn’t deserve any bullying,” Toby sighed. “You made it, though. And we graduate and move forward together.”

I began tearing up too. “Oh man... Now you got me all sentimental. I need to save my tears for after the ceremony!”

A half hour later, the graduation ceremony had begun on the football field. The fifty graduating students sat in chairs set up on the Football field in front of the stage, while everyone else sat in the bleachers. It was a warm morning, but not too hot for the students in gowns. “And, now,” the principal said, “a speech from our valedictorian for the class of 2020, Trevor Yuji Jeong.”

Toby walked up to the stage that had been placed on the field for the ceremony. The crowd and the other students clapped for him. “Hello, fellow students and their friends, families, and the staff. We are here today to celebrate the achievements of the Class of 2020. We’ve spent a lot of time studying and participating in activities and getting part time jobs. We worked very hard these past four years and now we’re at the end of that long road. We, of course, didn’t make it here alone. We had our parents, teachers, coaches, and administrators work tirelessly with us for four years to help us along the way and inspire us to reach our potential. We also had each other. Our friends and classmates who helped us in hard times. I personally have to thank the band director, Mr. Williams, for being a big influence on my music the past four years. I also thank my parents. They’ve always supported me and my twin brother at home. And they’ve always taught me the value of working hard and perservering even when being challenged. My family has also had to put up with me practicing all of my musical instruments over the years! Finally, I have to thank my twin brother, Oliver. He’s graduating today as well, and I don’t know how either of us could have made it this far without each other's support. He’s been there for me for, geez, nearly nineteen years now, from when we were tiny embryos. Oliver always knows how to make me laugh even if I am feeling down. And he is so incredibly gifted with sports. He’s also had to persevere for the last few years, having to deal with bullying for his orientation, and I commend him for his strength in dealing with that. And, now we move on to the future, whether that is to a college or university, or entering the workforce. My hope is that we all use our high school experiences to help us going forward. We learned a lot about ourselves and learned many important skills in high school that are invaluable in adult life. We may be from a small town. Our graduating class is only fifty people! But that only means we have a closer relationship with our peers and can rely on the friends we made here for a long time going forward. Anyways, I’m honored to be your valedictorian this year. Thank you.” Toby stepped off the stage as everyone clapped for him. My brother’s speech was great I didn’t know he could do that!

The graduating students were called up in alphabetical order to get diplomas. Awards were presented afterwards as well, with me getting the student-athlete award for my “excellent participation in school sports since seventh grade”. Toby, Cody, and Logan received honor roll for being in the 15% of graduating students, with Toby also getting a music award and a valedictorian award. Cody received a student-athlete award as well and Logan got an award for his theater participation. Afterwards, everyone threw up their caps in celebration.

“We did it, bro!!” I hugged my brother.

“Oliver!” Cody and Logan rushed over. “Congrats!” Cody kissed me.

“You too, baby!” I kissed him back.

“So, bro, what do you think about the end of high school?” I asked, my forearm resting on my bare, flat stomach. We had spent the evening in the pool after the graduation party at Logan’s house.

“To be honest,” Toby blushed, brushing his shaggy bangs out of his face and his narrow brown eyes. “I’m nervous for college” Toby sighed and leaned back.

“Hey, dude, it’ll be ok,” I comforted him. “If you need anything while there, you can call me. I’ll be on the other side of town. I’m your brother, so I’ll always stick with you.” I paused. “Just like what you said this morning in your speech. I’m a little anxious too, given my shitty grades in high school. I don’t know if I’ll be any good at college.”

“You’ll do great, Oliver,” Toby smiled weakly.

“Anyways,” I sighed. “I’m tired and it’s getting late, so I’mma go shower and go to sleep.”

“Alright, goodnight, bro,” Toby ran some fingers through his hair.

I grabbed my t-shirt and hung it over my shoulders and went upstairs and got in the shower in my bathroom, cleaning off the sticky chlorine on my skin and in my shaggy hair. I laid in bed, satisfied with myself. I survived high school and graduated on time! The only thing left is to sort things out with Cody since we’re going to be apart for a long time. We’ve been putting off that talk because I’m definitely not ready to confront that reality. :’(

Copyright © 2024 RichardWrites; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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I had to reread chapter 14, I didn’t remember where we were. Do they’ve “done it” both ways now. Yep, definitely grown up. I hope college is a good experience for them. Curious how the Morgan situation is going to unfold.

Good job @RichardWrites.

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