Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Fidel - 11. The Inspection
The following day, wrought iron gates with palm-print locking were erected, isolating the women’s floor from both the reception lounge and the men’s gymnasium. Hylas explained to the women it was for added security. To his relief they were pleased and didn’t press the matter.
Shortly before the evening session on the following day, a phone call informed Arnold that a helicopter would be landing on the roof in a few minutes, so it must remain empty of humans. The inspectors would meet Arnold in the office shortly after landing.
With Arnold occupied and the other six trainers away, the four remaining had their work cut out. After telling the women they would be inspected by officers from JECHIS, Hylas and Robert remained with them, calming fears and telling them to act normally. Upstairs, Fidel and Bart explained the situation to the men, convinced them to speak only when spoken to, always agree, and carry on as normal.
At that moment the helicopter landed on the roof, causing windows to rattle and hearts to beat faster. A few minutes later, three men in grey jumpsuits and canvass boat shoes without socks entered the office. A swarthy, athletic and aggressive male with dark eyes, hollow cheeks, neatly trimmed black beard, thin lips and an interestingly hooked nose, offered his right hand as if expecting to have it kissed.
Arnold shook it. ‘Welcome, I’m Arnold.’
‘I know who you are. I’m Tom. That’s Dick.’ He indicated a sallow, scrawny fellow with a broad nose, thick lips, hooded eyes and bushy black beard. ‘And that’s Harry.’ Harry was blessed with sparse light brown hair and beard, porcine nose and fleshy lips. He wasn’t fat, but didn’t look as lean and hard as his companions. Neither Dick nor Harry offered to shake hands.
Arnold guessed they were nearer forty than thirty. ‘How did you find your way here from the roof so quickly?’ he asked in genuine surprise.
‘You have an excellent wireless video security system that is connected to your computers, which are connected to the Internet. We know everything about this building and it’s layout, you, your clients, your program and finances.’
‘I’m impressed.’
‘You should be worried,’ he responded with a sneer, walking up to the video monitor consoles and shutting the entire system down. ‘While we check to see if this place will be useful to JECHIS, and conforms to its standards of decency, you will return to your duties. We will meet you and your trainers here after the session.’
‘Yes, sir.’
‘We’ll visit the females first,’ Dick announced, pulling the zip of his jumpsuit down to expose a lean, hard, hairy ribcage that reinforced the cold hardness of his eyes and face. A face no sane person would consider crossing swords with.
Arnold unlocked the gate and watched them descend. In the gym, the women all stopped and looked up, but catching the predatory glint in the inspectors’ eyes they returned nervously to their tasks, reminded that these men belonged to a group that wanted women covered and cowering, servile and dependent on their males.
God’s emissaries looked into every room and cupboard, watched the exercises, and then silently entered the shower room where two women were soaping themselves.
‘We’ll join you,’ Harry announced, kicking off his shoes and stepping out of his jumpsuit. The small blond woman he had chosen froze in horror as the aggressive, swarthy creature pressed himself against her back and began soaping her breasts and groin. Dick joined a taller brunette. Both women attempted to push their aggressors away, but were slapped into silence. In despair they pleaded to Tom, who had remained dressed, but he laughed unpleasantly, kicked the door shut and planted himself in front of it.
The blonde’s scream never arrived. Harry slammed his fist into her mouth then gripped her neck painfully, forced her to bend over, then rammed his erection as deep as he could, preventing her escape from his brutal pounding by squeezing her breasts, eliciting anguished whimpers of agony. Foolishly, she tore herself from his slippery grasp and fell, slamming her head against a tap. Blood splashed onto the tiles.
Dick’s young lady had been to rape school and knew to bow to the inevitable. ‘You're going to get fucked anyway,’ the tutor had reminded them, ‘so you might as well make it as painless as possible by appearing unwilling while not actually resisting. Relax, arch your back if he’s coming from behind, open your legs as wide as possible if it’s from the front. You won’t enjoy it and mustn't look as if you do—they want to see you suffer. It’s an invasion, but it isn't the end of the world. Keep telling yourself it’s just another fuck and the easier you make it for him the sooner it'll be over. Afterwards, don’t complain to him. Don’t appear angry. Never, ever say you're going to report him, just act as if you’ve stubbed your toe… regrettable, but not fatal. Later when you're safe you can have hysterics.’
So the tall brunette demonstrated her remarkable lordosis, relaxed, realised she was unimpressed by the size and stamina of her rapist, and suddenly it was over. He pulled out, took a shower, dressed and was joined by his grinning friend who left the blonde sobbing on the pinkish tiles, unable to be consoled by the wise brunette.
Dick turned at the door. ‘One word of complaint to anyone from either of you, and you are both dead.’
In the men’s gym they were accepted without comment or apparent interest, wandering from room to room, inspecting everything, stopping to watch individuals exercise, or listen to a trainer offer advice and instruction. Occasionally they congratulated someone for his manliness, or asked a trainer the purpose of an exercise. As there was no hint of criticism in their manner the clients relaxed, enjoying the chance to show off to an apparently appreciative audience.
Afterwards in the office, the three inspectors perched side by side on the edge of the table while Arnold, Bart, Robert, Fidel and Hylas were instructed to stand in a line about a metre in front of them with their hands behind their backs.
After declaring themselves impressed by the cleanliness and order, the lack of ostentation in the office, and the clients’ obvious respect for the trainers whose conduct and manly appearance were exemplary, the three men sat in silence, staring at their victims like predatory raptors, close enough to reach out and claw them if they moved.
After a very long minute, Harry spoke. ‘The separation of men and women is good, however, JECHIS considers it unnecessary for women to train as if they were men, because they are not! Their roles are different. Therefore we will use the second floor for something else and tomorrow will be their last day. I leave it to you to refund whatever is owed. I want you to use my exact words to tell them why it is closing. The sooner females accept their new role, the easier it will be for them. JECHIS will also take over the first floor, which will also close its doors tomorrow. By monitoring your security cameras we have learned that the function rooms are frequently used for mixed male and female gatherings where the waitresses dress immodestly, alcohol is served, drunkenness is common, and both male and female strippers perform regularly. It will become a combination tea and coffee house and clubrooms for senior JECHIS executives, where they can relax and be entertained in the traditional manner by dancing boys.’ He looked at each of his audience in turn as if expecting at least a raised eyebrow, but everyone nodded calmly in assent.
‘The smaller rooms will be used for private activities and smaller groups.’
Five men nodded as one.
‘The female gym will be converted into a school for boys between the ages of eight and fifteen, who will memorise religious texts in preparation for a life of service to JECHIS, paying for their education by dancing for the coffee shop patrons, and servicing the needs of executives in the private rooms.’ He again gazed expressionlessly at his audience as if expecting a response.
Robert raised his hand.
The pale man nodded permission.
‘When you say, servicing the needs, do you mean having sex with them?’
‘Among other things. Does it concern you?’
‘Of course not. I was just wondering if you were planning to make it less traumatic for your boys than it is at the moment for children forced to service the priests and ministers of religious organisations.’
‘Through education we will ensure that the boys are willing, well-trained participants, proud of their role in servicing god.’ He pointed to Bart. ‘The rooms used for your 3Vs nonsense, will become the boys’ home while they're with us.’ He sat back and folded his arms, clearly satisfied with his performance.
Tom then leaned forward and pointed to Arnold and Hylas. ‘Both of you are flexible and graceful in movement, so you will be in charge of teaching the boys to dance.’
They nodded acquiescence.
With a sly grin, Tom continued, ‘And to satisfy the concerns of your friend, you will also instruct them in the art of sexually pleasing men. If they suffer physically or mentally after your tuition in the arts of fellatio, frottage, anal intercourse and so on, then you will be to blame.’
‘That is a heavy responsibility.’
‘But you will do it successfully.’
They nodded calm acceptance.
Tom then reached forward, grasped Hylas’s penis and roughly pulled him closer till he was held firmly between his thighs.
‘How old are you?’
‘You are tall and strong, yet your body looks young and your face is beardless.’ He stroked Hylas’s cheeks and chin. After sliding his hand down his captive’s chest and over his belly he grasped a handful of pubic hair and turned to his companions. ‘I reckon we should shave this young man so he will look like a tall, well developed, pre-pubescent boy, and have him perform at the opening.’
‘Fuck yes! That'll bring in the punters.’
‘Does that mean the boys will dance naked?’ Fidel asked politely.
‘The whore Salome usurped the role of boys in her plot to kill the prophet John,’ Tom snarled. ‘Our boys will reclaim that dance and others, but in the service of good, not evil.’
Fidel nodded and smiled slightly, as if pleased.
‘Will Hylas also be required to service the executives?’ Bart asked rather more sharply than intended.
‘You are thinking of the holy Book of Leviticus, I suppose,’ Tom sneered. ‘Like all ignorant pagans you’ve completely misunderstood the man.’
‘In what way, sir?’ Bart replied in what he hoped was a respectful tone. ‘I thought one of the laws in the Book of Leviticus said a man may not lie with man as with woman.’
With visibly increasing annoyance, Tom snarled, ‘Pre-pubescent boys are not yet men, and certainly not women! So men may fuck them as and when they please! The men who are damned are those who dress, behave and act like women. It is an offence for a real man like you, to lie with one of those effeminate creatures, but it can never be an offence to god if a real man has sex with another real man. If you fucked him, for example,’ he pointed at Fidel, ‘you would find favour in god’s eyes, because you are both obviously real men. His endorsement of the love between David and Jonathon proves this to be the case.’
‘That is most interesting, sir. Thank you.’
Tom’s lips drew back exposing strong, yellowing teeth and hissed, ‘I don’t like your tone of voice; it suggests you doubt my word.’ He paused as if to consider his options, then continued in a voice low and venomous. ‘Doubting the word of god’s messenger is doubting god and invites death by stoning.’ He sat back to observe the effect of his words.
Bart hung his head in apparent mortification.
‘I warn you never to doubt that I, a messenger appointed by god, will glorify him by fucking any man or boy I please! Look at me!’
Bart’s head jerked upright. Eyes betraying his alarm. What was the mad bastard intending?
With a sickening leer Tom unzipped his jumpsuit to extract a very dark, very erect, very ordinary penis. After forcing Hylas to bend over the table, he spat a wad of saliva onto his hand, smeared it over his erection, thrust a finger into the innocent anus, smelt it, then turned the boy slightly to ensure his audience had the best possible view. The smile was cruelty distilled as he slowly inserted his organ, not stopping until hips were pressed firmly against buttocks. Pulling Hylas vertical, he stared at each of his audience in turn.
Fidel looked down, sickened and worried.
‘Look at me!’ Tom shouted hysterically. ‘I am teaching you a valuable lesson! Anyone who takes his eyes off what I am doing is in contempt of god and will suffer!’ He pulled Hylas's head back roughly. ‘Tell them you are happy to be glorifying god, boy!’
Hylas turned, smiled nervously at his friends and said softly, ‘Sir is right. I’m enjoying glorifying god by servicing his messenger.’ A declaration not evidenced by his shrunken manhood.
With a suspicious grunt, Tom began thrusting, grunting and panting until, on the point of orgasm he grabbed the boy’s head, twisted it around and kissed him briefly on the lips before arching his back in a rigid quivering spasm that forced his load deep into his victim’s bowels.
The grotesque performance over, he pulled out roughly, causing Hylas to wince, closed his zip, slapped Hylas on the bum and sent him back to stand between Fidel and Arnold.
His friends, who had been watching the performance with what looked like bored abstraction, appeared to be silently assessing the response of their five captives.
‘May I ask what your plans are for the men’s gymnasium?’ Arnold asked quickly, to avoid discussion about the incident.
‘Your aims are in accord with JECHIS,’ Dick replied. ‘Health, fitness and respect for natural, unadorned masculine bodies like yours created in the image of god—not the shaved, drug assisted monstrosities of muscle competitions. However, before granting permission for you to continue with this enterprise and take over the fitness training of JECHIS employees, we would like to hear a reason that will convince our superiors to allow you to continue unclothed.’
Bart cleared his throat and frowned slightly as if unprepared for the question. ‘The Lord of Creation made Adam in his own image—naked—and declared him to be good. So to say nudity is evil, is to say the creator is evil. The sin of Adam was not eating the fruit of knowledge; it was his subsequent rejection of nudity and with it the childlike simplicity adored by god. It is noteworthy that god did not tell him to cover himself, but ordered him out of paradise.’
‘An interesting interpretation. Any other reasons?’
‘Yes, sir. We are inspired by the prophets Moses, Saul, Isaiah and Mohamed. When Moses went to a different part of the river to avoid bathing naked with others, they started a rumour that he was deformed. To quell the rumours, god caused Moses’ clothes to move, so when he ran naked to retrieve them he was seen by his critics to be perfect, and was revered from that day.’ Bart paused as if to think. ‘If I remember correctly, Saul was required to be naked when prophesying before Samuel, because a naked man reflects his creator’s desire for men to be simple and honest, concealing nothing. Only then will he be taken seriously. For the same reason, Isaiah was instructed by god to walk naked and barefoot for three years, as a prophetic warning to the Egyptians. He became one of the greatest prophets. Muhammad, may his name be praised, once used his loin wrap to protect his shoulder while carrying bricks, so he walked naked before the people—a perfect example of the man god intended. Everyone was so impressed he became the mouthpiece of Allah, who, if he really thought nudity to be wrong, would never have let his favourite prophet expose himself like that. Also, David danced naked before god; Saint Francis appeared naked in public and preached while naked in church; Peter worked naked as a fisherman; and in the gospel of Thomas, Jesus said he would be revealed to his disciples only when they could be naked without shame. Several renowned philosophers have stated that if you want to know a man’s true character, then see him naked, for the body is the temple of the soul and reveals everything.’
Dick smiled darkly. ‘Do you consider yourselves prophets?’
‘Definitely not. We are naked without shame in an attempt to teach our clients that a healthy, fit, naked body is not sinful, and does not arouse sexual desire or curiosity because it is an open book. It is when genitals are concealed unnecessarily with provocative clothing that sexual curiosity and desire are aroused. Also, it is pleasurably liberating to be naked when active. The Greek word gymnasium means a place to be naked for exercise. You have spoken to our clients, do they consider us wrong?’
‘On the contrary, they look on you as quasi saints.’ The three messengers of god shared a soft laugh, then Tom cleared his throat and scratched his genitals, causing Hylas to wonder about lice, nodded at the others, and in an oddly conciliatory tone asked for a written copy of what Bart had just said.
‘We three will be in charge of this place once the renovations are complete, and we want to make it profitable. I’m hoping your take on the traditional interpretation of nakedness has enough merit to convince the regulatory council to allow us not only to keep you guys running the gym in the same way, but allow something similar in the coffee house.’
‘I’ll have it ready for you next time you come.’
‘And if we’re successful, then you can also dance at the opening,’ he said pointing at Arnold as if conferring a state honour.’
‘Our accountants and lawyers will contact you to arrange the purchase and ownership transfer of this building, and the builders will start tomorrow,’ Dick announced gracelessly as if to make up for Tom’s almost pleasant manner. ‘We have the plans ready and expect to be installed in exactly three week’s time. The shed on the roof will be demolished, so have it cleared before they arrive. You and the other trainers will continue keeping the gym in excellent condition, but accept no new enrolments because eventually we intend to use it exclusively for JECHIS personnel.’
With no further acknowledgement of their hosts, they marched out and up the fire escape to the roof, climbed into their waiting helicopter and flew off into the darkness.’
‘I hope they crash,’ Hylas whispered.
The others gathered round with concerned faces.
Fidel's arm wrapped protectively around his lover. ‘How are you?’
‘Are you all right?’
‘That must have been terrible.’
‘He raped you, the bastard.’
Hylas frowned. ‘Stop talking as if I'm an invalid. I'm fine. But I don’t know about the girls. When they left they seemed strange, didn’t they Robert?’
‘Yeah. We asked what the trouble was, but they shook their heads as if too nervous to say.’
‘Did those creeps somehow manage to abuse them?’
‘They could have. We couldn’t watch constantly.’
‘I’ll ask in the morning. The important thing now is to clear our stuff off the roof.’
‘And then you're coming to live with me. Come on.’
‘You’re a true gentleman, Arnold.’
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