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Eager Puppy | Howling Wolf - Story Statistics

  1. Eager Puppy | Howling Wolf Complete

    By Sasha Distan, in FanFiction. 02/22/2021 (Updated: 02/22/2021)

    Fandoms: Voltron
    Genres: Romance
    Sub-genres: General Romance
    • were-creatures
    • gay
    • anal
    • fetish
    • oral
    • light-hearted
    • love

    Keith is still discovering fun new things to do - both in bed and out of it - with his boyfriend. They're in love, and it's awesome. Shiro has met his family, Keith had met Shiro's family, they've found a place together, Keith knows he wants to marry the guy one day.

    But, Keith has a secret... and he doesn't want to keep on keeping it.

    • 1 Chapters
    • 13,789 Words
    • 1 Recommendation
    • Mature
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  1. 1. Eager Puppy | Howling Wolf
    • 13,789 Words
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