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My Words, My Life, My Story

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Have you ever had a dream you would give anything for, to never end? A dream that's so powerful you remember it for days, weeks, one that bothers you so much all you can do is think about it non stop. :wacko:   What about a song, that has so much meaning, a lot of people wouldn't understand, but to you it's like a light bulb just lit up! A song that you must have listened to for the past 24 hours straight, and no matter how much you listen to it you just can't seem to get sick of it, because



How safe is your job?

So after a long conversation with Rayna about an incident at my working place I started thinking... (I know, I know it's a miracle right?)   I guess I should start off by explaining what happened then?   So If you didn't already know, one of my jobs involves working with kids, teaching classes etc doing the afternoon. Well during the evenings we have groups who come in and use our facilities, so I pretty much hang out in the office and do some fileing/paperwork and make sure that everyon



Things To Know When Going To Hawaii!

You Know You're From Hawaii When...   You can understand and speak PIDGIN english.   You go to dinner and "make one plate" with all the extra food leftover.   You automatically take off your shoes in people's homes.   You wear rubber slippers to the beach.   You eat rice every single day.   It's "shave ice" not"snow cones".   When you know NEVER to turn your back facing the ocean.   You know what ukus are and have had them at least once before when you was one little keiki.   Y



I Write Sins Not Tragedies.

Panic At The Disco's, That Green Gentleman (Things Have Changed) Things are shaping up to be pretty odd. Little deaths in musical beds. So it seems I'm someone I've never met.   You will only hear these elegant crimes, Fall on your ears from criminal dimes. They spill unfound from a pretty mouth.   everybody gets there and everybody gets their way. I never said I missed her when everybody kissed her, Now I'm the only one to blame.   Things have changed for me, and that's okay. I fe




Fair warning to all those who live around hawaii.   I am now A Licensed Driver!!!   So for those of you who don't understand...   STAY OFF THE SIDEWALKS AND IN YOUR HOMES RWAR!!!   <--- Thrilled to finially have total and utter FREEDOM!   Will blog more after I'm done joy riding thru North Shore =P   -Mike



Thought I'd Share!

*note* I'm easily amused when im stressed out and tired... Proof? Read below! Warning use of bad wors below, all Jack's fault!     Me: Now go finish writing your story asshole   Me: I demand more Me: DEMAND Me: Pretty please Jack : hehe its on my desktop Jack: waiting...   Me : I'll bake you cookies Me : yummy yummy cookies..... Jack : buy me a car   Me : Buy me a house Jack : buy me a cock   Me : Love to Me : size? Me : Cut or uncut?   Me : hmm color? Jack : hmmm   Jac



A Sad But Happy Story!

So i was checking my email and got this from work, it was sooo touching that i want to share it with you guys <3 Just remember the below is not my work at all. And is a true story...     We all know or knew someone like this!!   One day, when I was a freshman in high school,   I saw a kid from my class was walking home from school.   His name was Kyle.   It looked like he was carrying all of his books.   I thought to myself, "Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday



Cats Really Do Have 9 Lives.....

So the saying really is true, how do i know? We'll i'll gladly tell you.     So i woke up this morning and did my daily routine, check the common areas clean up etc. So as i make my way to the penthouse (Office) Upstairs. I overhear one of my bosses talking on the phone about a cat. Later on a find out that a cat fell onto a car, so i figure ohh no big deal right?   WRONG   Turns out the cat fell from the 10th floor lani right into this ladys car. Pretty much the cat slamed hard into t



Thank You

To all the guys I ever liked or went out with thank you.   Thank you for ignoring me. Thank you for using me. Thank you for all the pain you caused. Thank you for the lies.   But most importantly...   Thank you for everything you taught me, Thank you for teaching me how to be a better person, and thank you for showing me my wrongs so I can turn them into rights....   Thank you for showing me how to be ...... Me   -Mike



Yay Me!

Hey Guys   So im over him, i guess he decided he just wanted to play the ignore Michael game, which is fine. Idk really im not even looking anymore. If some guy wants to come up to me for once he can but other than that im done looking ><     So a co worker sent me this and i thought it was pretty cool..   So all you have to do is repost this and fill in the blanks!!!   Have fun -Mike   Dear__________,   I__ you. You have a pretty ______ . You make me _______ . You should____



Car Accident And A Date?

Confusion seems to be the one word to sum up my life lately.   So about my life, it has been okay as always. Working a lot more dealing with the life of being a resident manger, is not all its cracked up to be. But it's what I have to do to have my own place right? So I will keep it.   So i got into a Car Accident the other day. Branden and i went to work to teach our class as always and i always work Friday nights after the class, so Branden wanted to go out afterwards, so he decided to k



Birthday Rant!

Hey All   So I would like to start this blog by thanking all of you who have wished me a happy birthday, it really mean's allot.   So I started today as i would start any other normal day, get up look at the time, go back to sleep rinse and repeat 5 times haha. Anyway, i finally got up and took a shower. I got dressed and headed out the door to start my day. I went around and did the basic cleaning things that are required of me to do for the job.   However, today I noticed one of the li



Tis The Job

Hey All   So I thought I would stop by and update you all on a little that's been going on. So last week Monday, I started my new job, got everything packed and unpacked in a matter of hours, which is a very good thing. So let me just start off by saying I love my new place. I mean I feel so free, so alive, and for once so happy!!! I got a place all to myself and I don't have to share with anyone!   So now moving on to the job, I must say it isn't what I thought it would be



Shades Of Blue

TEN EMOTIONS. 1. are you missing someone right now?: no 2. are you happy? Somewhat yes. 3. are you talking to anyone right now?: Ashlee!! 4. are you bored?: Nope 5. are you German?: Nope, tho i have been to germany ^^ 6. are you Irish?: Half 7. are you French?: No 8. are you Italian?: No 9. are your parents still married?: Yes they are >< 10. do you like someone right now?: Define like =P   TEN FAVORITES. 1. store: Hmm I guess AE or T&C. 2. flowers: ??? 3. color: Blue!



My Drunk Life!

So this past week has already started off to being a great one.   One thing I noticed this year was how close I and my co workers Brandon and Ashlee became over the school year. See we all met each other for the first time last year during the summer, and so how we just really clicked. Even after the summer was over, we would still see each other at least twice a week. And it's weird because we are each so different yet we get a long so well.   So this year when we all worked together for




Have you ever listened to a song's lyric, and were able to relate to most of what the lyrics say?   I know most people base there music on themselves or something that has happened to them, so sure a lot of people would be able to relate right? I know on many occasions i've listened to a song and thought "Hey, thats just how i'm feeling."   But this one song really got to me. :wacko:       Hey dad look at me Think back and talk to me Did I grow up according to plan? And do you think



A Long Day!

So it has been a while since I have posted a blog, and a lot has been happening since then.   Yesterday I came home from a 3 day camp trip with 100 teens, ages 12-17 and it was a good trip. (If any of you are wondering it was for work and yes I was forced to go!)   Though it was funny, on the last day of camp my co workers and I decided to play a pretty mean prank on our teens, and well..... Ever heard the saying "Boy's don't cry?" it's totally true, first they scream and run around all cra




So Hello i am Lost Cause or you could just call me LC, either or works. I decided to start up a blog and get into bloging, it's a way for me to share things with you wonderful people out there, and also to kind of get things thats been bothering me off my chest without hurting anyone's feelings. (As much fun as it is, i have to play nice too!!)   So about a week ago, i started to feel depressed :wacko: like i have off and on these days, and while in my *depressed Mood* I began to listen to th



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