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Got To Draw The Line Somewhere...

She told me I couldn't take a shower this morning because I was just going to go out in the sun get all sweaty, come home and shower again... And then proceed to tell me that I'm wasting all of her mom's money, when she's the one sleeping with the a/c on all night long...


Way to make me feel like shit...


So Fine I say I'll go shower at my own house, but no that won't work for you either...


I don't mind spending all my time with you because I know you're only here for a week.

I don't mind driving you around all over the place because your on vacation, and only here for a week.

I don't mind sleeping on the floor of MY room because you're scared of the geckos, and your only here for one week.


When when you tell me I can't take a f**ken shower... A SHOWER I will lose it and all of the issues I had with you, but had the decency to bite my tongue and just deal with it because you're only here for a week, will take over and all the rage and stress will get the upper hand and cause me to yell and scream and say "f**k This" really loudly and then storm off to my own house, where I rant to my dad and tell my Dad to shove it when all he says to me is how I look like a hobo cuz my shirt don't match my shorts...


In other words I got a phone call from a job I applied at this past week.


I go in on Wednesday after Summer Fun, for what? Who knows, I'm guessing an interveiw, and I'm hoping they don't mind if I'm not properly dressed, I mean they are making me go straight down there once I get off work from Summer Fun, so no shower, nadda.


Maybe I'll bring a change of clothes. Maybe.


Hmmm what else...


Summer Flings are good. Then again I wouldn't call me drooling over my co worker from last year a fling, but a boy can dream right?

Lalalalalalalalalalalalala dadadadadadadadadadada mamamamamamamamamamamamama mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.


Here's a picture I think you'll all enjoy. (ESP YOU GOAT!)








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<_< Is your Aunt back???


Cousin =/



Sharks are so helpful when it comes to removing bodies. 0:)

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