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Dogs are Evil



I was at work on Friday, brought my laptop in to write and everything. Halfway though the night it was time for me to get out of my nice cozy little office and walk around the park, make sure everything's still intact, no one got stabbed in the parking lot again, that all our buildings were still locked and unharmed. So I got to the playground, when I noticed a dog, just sitting there. So long story short, it seemed like it was a lost/stray dog, and every time I walked towards it it walked away! (Smart Dog) but it looked hurt, limping and all so I went back in my office, took some of my dinner and used it to get next to the dog. We'll after taking my dinner, I guess he didn't like it because he then proceeded to bite me and then run away...


And then this five year old boy is looking between me and the dog, and he's all "are you okay Mr?" because I'm just standing there making pouty faces at the dog. So then I went home and told my Dad what had happened and he just laughed at me, and told me I deserved it, sometimes I really wonder why I even go over there...


Hurricane Felicia or w/e it's called is headed my way! though I guess it's not really a hurricane anymore and now a tropical depression? Whatever it is can frankly kiss my ass. I'm going jogging and this rain won't stop me! The wind might pick me up and toss me around a little, but the rain won't stop me dammit!


School starts in two weeks, cheeehooooo.


Side Note: I have normal sized ears! *pouts*


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pats the racoon and stay away from lacey's home..


Getting clawed by a cat blows to btw my dog wasn't evil :P



Serves you right for eating his dog food, silly Meeko. :P



Well Mike, stray dogs aren't always friendly, but you probably did something to provoke it. Thus, you got what you deserve. Dogs respond with touch, and their teeth sometimes touch your skin (and even break it). The dog isn't evil. It's reacting with natural instincts.



Tim - I have 4 dogs of my own, I think I know more or less if I did something to make it bite me. It ran into the street a few times and almost got hit by a car, I was only trying to help and get it away from the road, maybe even take it to the Humane Society.


Your right, I guess me trying to help it provoked it to bite me, and I totally deserved it, just like you deserve everything bad that has ever happened to you or will happen to you for being a total jackass.


I was joking when I said dogs are evil, well most of them anyways.


Have a nice day.

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