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Nightmares Of The Mind

I was lying on my bed with him, staring at the ceiling thinking how great thinks were going, and how this was going to be the best 4th Of July I've ever had, and then the clock strikes 12:00 making it officially 4th Of July, and everything slowly starts to go black, I can feel my body shaking but I can no longer feel him next to me. I keep blinking my eyes and I start to see green gas floating around me, I feel my body shutting down, I hear him screaming besides me and I try screaming out for him but nothing comes out, I keep trying, and I feel something hurting me, and that's when the thought that N. Korea must have fired a nuclear missile and that it was now killing us slowly. Pain's shooting throughout my entire body, and then everything shuts down, and I'm lying in my bed, dead.


That was more or less my dream last night just as i went to sleep. I'm sure everyone heard about N. Korea supposedly attacking Hawaii on 4th Of July right? we'll it's something that bothered me slightly, I mean I'm 100 percent aware that anything could happen at any second and that I won't be alive forever, but it never stops you from wondering just when that day will finally come and how. Does anyone know exactly how painful it could be to die in your sleep? I don't but I only hope it's nothing like what it is in my dream. I never let things like this bother me, or scare me for that matter, but this dream made me realize how scared I really am, even if I don't admit it, I really am terrified. Which is why I slept with my TV and the lights on, don't ask but having the TV on helps me sleep when I'm scared.


I still have a bruise on my face, but it's slowly fading, *sigh* the things I do for woman.


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Hold up there! Better that the subconscious fears have risen and you can face them in, well, the face. :)



I like having the TV on when I'm scared at night, too. Funny how that helps...

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