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My Words, My Life, My Story

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Cherokee Bank Robbers!

Dad's family is in town, and I learned quite a lot about his side of the family. You see he doesn't have much living relatives left just his sister and her two daughters, both of which i saw today for the first time in about 10 years. It was a good get together, filled with lots of old memories and interesting facts about my family history.   Guess what, Apparently I'm 1/6 Cherokee, and the only one stuck with brown eyes, (Darn you mom!)   I always wished I had my dads blue eyes, ever since



My ass hurts!

The title says it all, my ass f**ken hurts. I went to a club and actually danced for the majority of the 5 hours we were there, mostly with girls, but on occassion some guys? hahaha.   I blame it on those damn free patron shots...   Bed... Where Are you... Stop moving dang it!   *falls* Ahhh floor, so comfyyy *Snuggles the floor* Nighty night. Or should I say morning since it is now like 4am? =(



We Have A problem...

I started randomly dancing at work the other day, which can only mean one thing.   LET THE SUMMER FUN BEGIN!         If you somehow ended up in the situation where you had a child, and were single, what would be your top priority, raising your child, and spending all of your free time with him/her, OR dedicating your life to finding your life long partner, and putting that before your child?   Lets just say I know this girl, who was in a situation like this, spent all of her time on on




So I went into work, and my boss Jo was all Ugh I don't feel good, and gonig on about how bloated she felt. So me and my other boss shared a smile and I turned back towards Jo and said, "Is it a boy or girl?" She gained a little weight, and she knows it, so we were having a little fun with her.   So she gives me this Look and goes, "Michael..." like she's ready to smack me.   So I'm all "okay okay, but if it's a boy your naming him Michael right?" and then i ducked because she threw a pen at




My Computer is fixed.   Me and Glenn and doing great.   I'm writing again.   It's almost summer.   I stayed out till 5am.   I got a lot of free shots (Drinks).   I got paid.   I went jogging for an hour.   My brother almost went to jail.   Lifes good.




My desktop computer just decided it was time to stop working and just shut off. I try turning it back on and just get three beeps. So I'm on my labtop now =(   Did I mention all of my stories and just about everything was on that computer and that computer only?   I'm having the worst f**ken week.



I'm A Brat, But how can you stay mad at this face?

Currently obsessed with the song:   Remembering Sunday, By All Time Low, FT Juliet Simms           So firstly let me say sorry to all my readers out there, I've been busy with work, and getting sick twice within the past month, one that I'm still dealing with, and lets face it it's just not fun.   I should post more, but it's late and I'm hurting, so I'll leave you with this story from last night.   ***   WARNING THE FOLLOWING IS A TRUE STORY, BASED ON A SPOILED, EMOTIONALLY CHALE



Higher, I Want To Go Higher...

Todays adventure, in the world of Michael...       "Higher, Mr. Michael, Higher!" J said in between pushes.   "Okay, but tell me to stop if you go too high alright buddy?"   "I want to go all the way above that tree!" He said pointing to the old big tree shading him from the sun.   "That's too high! You might fall off and land in the tree!" I said with a chuckle   "Stop too high!" he screamed, when I started to push him with two hands instead of just one because my arm was getting so



It's "Me" Time

A lot has happened this week and I mean ALOT   Yes I finally finished LG chapter 6 and almost chapter 7, 6 should be out sometimes this week, and then hopefully go back to weekly chapters, if all goes according to plan.   In other news, I found out tonight for sure...   In a week I'll be on a plane...   Not going anywhere fancy, just to one of the other islands of Hawaii, of which I will spend 8 days, of basic training.   No I did not join the National Guard, or the military, or anythi



Anthem Of Our Dying Day

The stars will cry The blackest tears tonight And this is the moment that I live for I can smell the ocean air And here I am Pouring my heart onto these rooftops Just a ghost to the world That's exactly Exactly what I need   From up here the city lights burn Like a thousand miles of fire And I'm here to sing this anthem Of our dying day   Being sick is very overrated. LG is going to be late in posting this week. I just haven't had the time to write, with Tiff visiting and work bei



My Open Book

So I was at work today, because its registration day, woohooo.   So after going in early with Jamba Juice for everyone, I helped setup and then ended up outside, with my boss, and one of the other directors Cass. So Cass was outside smoking, so me and the boss was out there just chit chatting and watching as the line for registration grew and grew. So out of nowhere something slams into me, and wraps its arms around me. And he looks up at me like any six year old would with this, "I missed you



Shut Your f**ken Mouth!

So it's been a while huh? Let's see.   The first thing I did on my trip to California was head out to Lake Tahoe with the family. With lots of situations trying to keep us away. Like the car rental place that my cousin rented the car from 2 months ahead of time, and guess what? They rented us the wrong car; we asked for a 4 wheel drive, we got this mini van... So after a 2mile walk which took us about 45 mins in about 40? Degree weather we got back home, did more research and got a Toyota high



Flower Girl?

I'll be on a plane in 8 hours. God I finally get to see snow, this is by far the most important thing on my list of things to do, play in the snow... Maybe throw some snowballs at some random people. Mom's doing okay for now, her surgery's been put off till the 8th of Jan so I guess we'll worry about that when it happens.   In other news, do you think I'm pretty? I only ask because a few days ago a bunch of my friends and I were talking about our other friends wedding that's coming up. So we



A Massive Wall Of Text, Caution, Your eyes may begin to bleed...

So the working 40 hours + a week for the past four weeks even though I was only getting paid for about 10 of them has now come to a complete end. The Community Christmas celebration is over, the exam is over, meaning only one thing...   10 more days   10 more days until I find myself on a plane, awaiting what lies for me there.   10 more days till I can sit back and enjoy some time without work, school nothing.   10 more days until one of my long life dreams becomes a reality and I get t



Just another day in the land of Michael!

I don't do it for the money.   I don't do it for the benefits.   I don't do it because I'm forced too.   I do it because it's something I love.   I do it because it's something I'm good at.   I do it because even though I'm not working that day I still seem to be there just hanging out, because I love the place.   I do it because I can wake up every morning and say I love my job, even at the hardest times, because it's me doing something I love. How many of you can say you do that? I



That's Life, get over it!

So for the record if you go to a restaurant and order a Buffalo chicken wing sandwich and it's very spicy/sour to the point where you




How do you even begin to prepare yourself for the possibility that your father may be diagnosed with Alzheimer



I Can't Call It A Nightmare Because I Can't f**ken Sleep.

Cousin's in town for two weeks....   I'm sleeping on the floor agian because the cousin kicked me out of my room.   It's hot as hell,. no fan or a/c, doors and windows all shut....   She's pissing me the f*** off.   I'm going f***** crazy.   I keep getting headaches because it's so f***** hot.   I can't sleep at all.   People step on me while I'm trying to sleep...   And I still have another week to go with her.   The BF hardly text's/calls me and I don't think this relationshi



A Boy

I met a boy, Am I gonna screw this up too?



The Day I've Been Waiting For....

This past few weeks have been very crazy... So Today was our famous Family Night we do every year for the parent's. Each of our groups do a dance for their parent's, then as an entire group we all dance together. Let's just say the thing takes a LOT more time to prepare and get everything ready, then it lasts itself. We spent the last two weeks, teaching our kids their dances, having them practice hard, then we had to figure out a little skit, make our 7x10 ft posters for each group, and still b



Dance Dance Dance!

Mike dances???   Holy shit...   Someone is breaking my shell and I don't know who it is but I'm angry...   The shell I've worked 20 LONG AND HARD years to form. The shell that no man or woman could ever break. The shell that kept me in my comfort zone no matter how much deep down inside I wanted to branch out. The shell that held me back all these years from the things I enjoy, for the things I keep hidden for the things that make me, well me. and just like that BROKEN!   I go to work



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