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How do you even begin to prepare yourself for the possibility that your father may be diagnosed with Alzheimer


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Mike, I'm sorry to hear that. It's most unfortunate, but some Alzheimer's patients are not "old". There is a rarer form that attacks people as young as their 20's. I hope that's not the case, but if it is, I'm sure you'll take care of him. It certainly isn't fair, but that's the way life goes sometimes. I never thought I would lose my own father by age 23, but it happened. :(

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Life isn't fair, and that sucks. Its what you do with what you get that counts.





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I agree with Mike

But during the times he's like a different person who does not know you.

Well time to be his new best friend every time. Bring joy and happiness to a new friend.

Make best of the situation.

Who knows one of those different persons might remember you - that best friend.

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The first moments when you realize your parents aren't immortal is always one of those landmarks of growing up and maturing. Realizing that your father won't be around forever is hard enough, but realizing that you might have to take care of him instead of vice versa--that's one of the rare-gift moments when you will realize eventually that nurturing can be a two-way street. The reversal won't be a sudden instance, but a long gradual process. Look inward, and believe it or not, I'm confident you will find the resources to deal with this emotionally. And then look outward (as MikeL suggests) and find real-life resources to help you deal with it logistically.



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