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I went through with it

I've been contemplating this move for a few months now, and after a long, thought out process, I've decided to go through with a major purchase that may or may not have a HUGE impact on my life.         There's a flap that opens in the back for maximum comfort.



Caution: Reading this blog entry causes eyeball cancer

Disclaimer:   This blog entry is not directed at any member, forum moderator or administrator on this site, or any other site. The views expressed by me do not represent the views of this site, or any other site. The views expressed by me are 100% correct 100% of the time.   Lately there's been a lot of discussion about reproductive rights, and whether they exist or not. Some people suggest that there are no such rights for individuals. For the record, I'd like to say that while I vehemently



Africa...what can they do?

Warning: Rant Ahead   I know I probably could have started this discussion in the Soapbox, but my feelings are too strong to take what I'm about to say there. I feel a real anger when I think about the people of Africa, and what they're subjected to on a daily basis. Not just by outsiders, but their own people.   If you've been following the Global Warming thread in the Soapbox, you can see where I addressed the issue, but I really held back. I don't understand how someone can be against glo



Here's what Obama has to do

So it's pretty obvious that Barack Obama is the Democratic nominee. Unless there's some underhanded deal in a back alley abortion clinic somewhere that gives Hillary the nomination, that is. So, now it's Obama vs. McCain, and the attacks will no doubt start flying his way from the repukes. So what's an extreme leftist piece of crap like Obama to do?   Give the Iraqi's a real date to have control over the violence in their own country Offer incentives to American companies to research a




Well, I finally pounded out a new chapter of If By Chance. Hopefully, if I get it back soon enough, I can send it in and have it posted by this weekend. I really apologize to my readers for the delay, but I



If you really oppose the war in Iraq

I've found that over the last couple of years, my view on the war in Iraq has evolved. Most of it has to do with my growing knowledge about the constitution, the most important and the most at risk document in our nation. I understand that times have changed since the framers signed their names to the constitution, but I truly believe that if we did as the they had intended instead of what the politicians in Washington, we'd be in a much stronger position as a nation. Before I go any further, l



I love my grandma

I know this sounds really random, but I love my grandma. She's pretty much someone I can talk to about anything, although there are some things I won't talk to her about....   We had to brave traffic this afternoon from the South Side to the peninsula, which meant waiting in a 7 mile backup at the tunnel. I have a certain set of CD's I play when she's riding in my car, and to be honest, I kinda like listening to them. Groups like the Bee Gees and Culture Club aren't that bad, and as long as I




I wanted to bring this to my blog, because what I'm about to say isn't going to be allowed in the forums. Remember, before proceeding, that this is my blog, and I am not obligated to respect your position or opinion on any manner. There's a good chance that I probably will, though.   I want to take this opportunity to respond to a certain number of posts in the Soap Box without starting a flame war or taking the thread off topic. You see, when the conversation starts to veer away from the ori



A bean bag for my Garmin

So I'm thinking about getting one of those bean bag thingy's to hold my Garmin in place on top of my dashboard. I was actually determined to buy one last night, but I left my check card on my dresser and didn't have enough cash on me to do that and be able to buy gas so I could drive to Smithfield and back, so I had to wait. Then I thought about how important it is that I have one. Actually, it's really important, because right now, using my Garmin is a pain in the ass. I place it in my cup ho



An unusual request

Ok, so I'm at a crossroad. I've been working on a short story, and I'm about 2900 words into it, but I'm stuck. It's been a month since I started writing the joker, and I hate to let it go to waste. On the other hand, I think I made a mistake with it, but I can't know for sure. What I'd like is for another author, efiction, promising, shared hosted or hosted, it doesn't matter to me, to take what I've written and continue the story. Do whatever you want with it, change the names of the charact



No clean silverwear

I get the feeling I'm going to hear a lot of yelling when my dad and stepmom get home. I may or may not have opened the drawer to get a spoon and accidentaly pulled the whole drawer out. All of the silverwear hit the floor, and when my parents find it there they're gonna be pissed. The good news is that Family Guy's on right now, so that pretty much cancels out the ass chewing I'll get later on     BTW, check this site out     http://www.bigfeetpjs.com/Merchant2/index.html   Also, I ha



La Warning De Tornado

So there's a tornado warning until 11 this morning, which, combined with the lukewarm temperature and dark sky, is making me a little nervous. Knowing my luck, the bastard will touch down in the driveway and mash my car up...lol. I turn 17 on Thursday....I know, big f***ing deal, right? That's how I feel in a way, but I also feel kinda weird about it. It's my last year as a minor, and I feel like I can't wait to get the hell out of my dad's house. Not that we aren't getting along better, becaus



Please Vote

I just want to urge anyone who lives in Maryland, DC or Virginia to remember to go vote today. This election is too important not to go do something. No matter who you support, or what your views are, go cast a vote. The polls open at 6AM and don't close until 7PM in Virginia. In Maryland and DC the polls are open from 7AM to 8PM.



Ikaria Here I Come

whoo hoo!!!   I just got off the phone with my grandpa and he told me that he wanted to do something special for me this summer since it's going to be my last summer vacation in high school. I halfway jokingly mentioned that I wanted to go to Greece and visit the island of Ikaria (that's where our family's from) and he was all, "Okay!" So I talked to my dad and he said it was okay, so it looks like I'll be Greece bound this summer. :icon1:   The only thing that I need to worry about now is




Maybe it's a side effect of heavy THC exposure, or maybe my bf Taylor is just a moron, but just when I think he can't say anything stupider than he already has, he proves me wrong. Here's what happened.....   We have a friend Suzie who got pregnant last year and had a baby over the summer. We didn't really like the guy that got her pregnant, but nobody ever said anything bad about him to her. I think he was kinda controlling, but no one else seemed to pick up on that. For the most part, we jus



Goal Setting:::: 2008

Lately I've been thinking a lot about what I want to accomplish as a writer in the year 2008, and I'm pretty sure I have it all figured out. In no particular order, here are my priorities: Re-write Bodega Bay and remove all of the graphic sex scenes Write a second volume of Time In A Bottle, from a different point of view Clean up all of my stories as far as spelling, grammer and pucuation goes Release a new series of short stories with one central theme Finish my work on If



Sausage Mc Griddles

After three miserable days of having the flu, all I can say is this:   Sausage Mc Griddles are a dollar and I have ten dollars. If I include sales tax, I think I can afford at least 9 of them....hmmm, I wonder if I have any loose change in my car.



Randomness keeping me up

So it's after 3 in the morning and I'm supposed to be asleep but I feel like I just woke up or something. I have too many thoughts swirling around in my head, mainly random crap that I've been stewing over. None of it's relevant, but what the hell??   I think I'm gonna try to stop smoking weed again. I've tried so many times before, but everytime I stop, I get crazy and blow up at people around me. I went all day Saturday without getting high, but I was past irritated with everyone for no reas



Sex In My Stories? Why Hell Yes!

Ok, so maybe not in all of them. But to be truthful, I'm not uptight about it either way. If I'm working on something that doesn't need a sex scene, I'm not going to throw one in. On the other hand, if I'm working on a chapter and I stop and think to myself, You know, these two characters need to get laid, then it's on. The only limit I have is that I'll never, and I do mean never, include scenes between men or women and boys or girls. I'm not judging anyone that wants to read something like t



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